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Greentree & Associates

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Reviews Greentree & Associates

Greentree & Associates Reviews (12) I have reviewed this complaint and attached our supporting documentsThis matter is a subrogation claim that we are handling for our client National Indemnity InsuranceThis file is not and will not be reporting to the credit bureausAs you can see on the attached police report the victim took down Ms [redacted] ' information (license plate etc) and also obtained witness informationWhen our representative reached out to Ms [redacted] she was extremely hostile and threateningI was made aware of the situation myself because she continued contacting our office and swearing at our employeesI actually heard the conversation that my office manager [redacted] had with Ms [redacted] and I assure you that her description of [redacted] 's side of the conversation is simply falseIt is clear that Ms [redacted] is claiming that she was never involved in an accidentThis is an $claim so it does not warrant us taking legal actionWe have closed our file and advised our client of Ms [redacted] ' positionPlease trust that we have no desire to have any dealings with Ms [redacted] moving forward
I have reviewed this complaint and attached our supporting documents. This matter is a subrogation claim that we are handling for our client National Indemnity Insurance. This file is not and will not be reporting to the credit bureaus. As you can see on the attached police...

report the victim took down Ms. [redacted]' information (license plate etc) and also obtained witness information. When our representative reached out to Ms. [redacted] she was extremely hostile and threatening. I was made aware of the situation myself because she continued contacting our office and swearing at our employees. I actually heard the conversation that my office manager [redacted] had with Ms. [redacted] and I assure you that her description of [redacted]'s side of the conversation is simply false. It is clear that Ms. [redacted] is claiming that she was never involved in an accident. This is an $818 claim so it does not warrant us taking legal action. We have closed our file and advised our client of Ms. [redacted]' position. Please trust that we have no desire to have any dealings with Ms. [redacted] moving forward.

In this situation we are handling a collection file for Enterprise Rent A Car. Phillip [redacted] signed a contract when he rented a vehicle and is contractually liable for the damages that he caused to another party in an accident. Enterprise Rent A Car is self insured and paid out on the claim...

and is now seeking reimbursement for those damages, which they are entitled to do per the contract that Mr. [redacted] signed.  Mr. [redacted] was given a copy of the rental contract at the time he rented the vehicle & we have attached a copy of that contract along with the police report for the accident & a copy of a letter forwarded to Mr. [redacted] prior to the file being sent to us. We have never and would never deny a consumer the right to see documentation to back up a client's claim. In fact the documentation was emailed to Mr. [redacted] per his request on November 5th. 2015.  In the process of trying to resolve this file with Mr. [redacted] he became abrasive & beyond what we ask our Account Representatives to deal with. Based on his numerous threats of a lawsuit we have placed this file on "Do Not Contact". We will not be engaging with Mr. [redacted] any further. He has refused to provide insurance or attorney information even though he claims to have both. Mr. [redacted] was treated with nothing but respect and compassion for his situation, it is unfortunate he has not afforded us the same courtesy. This file has not reported to the credit bureau and is currently on hold.
We are simply a third party handling a very sensitive matter & Mr. [redacted] is naturally upset that he is liable for this debt.

After reviewing the consumer's response it is clear that he is still upset, however still insists to not have received a copy of the contract. In our prior response we provided a copy of that documentation again. Unfortunately this is simply a contract issue. Mr. Darrow signed the rental contract with our client and is liable for the damages they were forced to pay by the other party involved in this incident.  At this time there is nothing more that we are able to do to assist him. We have blocked the account from reporting to the credit bureau, we have placed his file on a "DO NOT CONTACT" status, & provided a copy of the contract that he signed on more than one occasion. At this time the matter is considered closed in our office and it is clear that we will not be able to assist our client in resolving this issue with Mr. [redacted]. We would suggest that he contact Enterprise Rent A Car directly if he would like to continue to debate this issue.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I resent the business' response and implication.  I am not upset at all and every email which I able to provide is professional.  An example is below from November 20th and to which I received no reply:Pamela,Please note my for file that I left you a voicemail following up to my previous emails and to which I have yet to receive a response from you.1) Have you spoken to your supervisor regarding an extension before submitting this "claim" to any credit agencies?2) Any and all paperwork that support your "claim".3) Any proof that Enterprise contacted me.I don't know why this should be a delayed process,  you should have all the documentation on hand if you are attempting to collect any debt.  Your supervisor should be able to have a response instantly.Thank you.
[redacted] To date I have not received a copy of the contract despite my multiple requests ( I rented the car well over a year ago and did not retain a copy).    I still have not received any support of the debt alleged which is a clear violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.    Please ask this irreputable company to stop making false claims and provide actual proof.   Also, do not nor I have ever received any documents from Enterprise.   I never threatened anything beyond filing a claim with the (which I obviously have done) and the State Attorney General's office (which I have done).  I never made any claims that were not true and sorry, but do not have any funds for an attorney at this time.  In fact any threats were made by the company.This company continue to lie and slander.  I have not become abrasive in any matter (despite Green Tree's false allegations and lies).  I think their unwilingness to engage even through this channel is indicative of Green Tree's bad practices.  In addition, their response had no signature block.[redacted]

Review: There are a few issues here: I called Greentree & Associates to try and settle a debt that has been in collections for a few months. I initially got a letter from them, and called to talk to them about what options there were available to me. When I called, I spoke to the representative to get an accurate amount from the bill. They advised me that the CEO of the company wrote a note stating that I was refusing to pay them. When in fact, I never called them and never said that. I also noticed on the letter they sent, that they ONLY listed the following: Principal $2831.99, Interest $208.71 and the total balance: $4031.89. I called them to ask where they got this number from, and the representative said "Oh, well we have been asking them to put detailed information on the letters, but you are also required to pay the fees that we charge the company that is sending this account to collections, and that amount is $991.19.

So they FAILED to even state what was being charged and expected us to just know this. After speaking with that representative, I called the CEO of this company and tried to get on a payment plan. I asked him if he would accept a payment plan, and he said NO. I then told him that its not fair to just want the full payment, and not normal for a company trying to collect on something to do that. He then stated "Oh well, thats your opinion". I then replied "You do not have to be so rude about it" And he replied "It's my job description to be an [redacted] and then he hung up the phone on me.

This also goes completely against their "BE NICE" policy they have stated right on their website, and all social networking sites.Desired Settlement: I would like a written apology from all CEO's of this company including Mr. [redacted] stating that he is sorry for his poor actions, and that he will never talk such words to future customers. I would also like the letter to to have a hand signature and not a stamp.

I also believe I should receive in addition to a letter, a phone call directly from [redacted] apologizing about his actions, and a personal phone call from any other CEO apologizing on HIS behalf about his actions and recognizing that his actions are NOT warranted.



To whom it may concern,

I have reviewed this complaint. The person making the complaint is actually not our customer. Our customer is [redacted] College and the person that has contacted you is a debtor that we have been assigned to collect money from. I usually do not speak to the debtors myself however this person’s call was forwarded to me because he refused to deal with anyone else in our office. He did make an offer to make payments on the account however he offered $25 per month on a balance of $2,831.99. I did advise the debtor that was not an acceptable arrangement and that our minimum payment arrangement on a balance of that size is $50 per month. He then began to curse at me and hung up. I reviewed the notes on the file and it appears he has had similar interactions with members of our staff.

Since this phone call this debtor has made untrue statements on our [redacted] & [redacted] profiles online. He has also left me a voice mail message using foul language and boasting about “ruining our name” online.

We are in a tough business and certainly there are times that debtors are not happy with us however I assure you this debtor’s accusation is untrue. We have been in business for 13 years and would never treat a debtor in the way that he has represented. I have attached the “Be Nice” policy that he references in his complaint.

Chief Executive Officer



Please find attached the last letter I received from this company.

Review: Debt is from 20 years ago that I had no knowledge of until this year. Incident involved an accident that sister was involved in while I was in the military. Business had 20 years to report, but did not until this year. No prior knowledge of debt was received. Business is saying that I was paying and that they had contact with me throughout the years, information is fraudulent. I had no knowledge of this debt until this year nor have I had contact with this company. Information was reported to credit bureau just this year after a 20 year period.Desired Settlement: Information removed from credit report due to having no knowledge of debt and the time period of debt (20 years). Information has never been reported to credit bureau for 20 years. I was in the military at the time of this accident that involved my sister ([redacted]




4747 Viewridge Ave #200

San Diego, CA 92123

RE : Your file# [redacted] I [redacted]

Dear Ms. [redacted],

We received this file February 20 2013 from our client [redacted] Insurance. They had

obtained a judgment against [redacted] in 1995 in relation to a motor vehicle accident. After they

obta ined their judgment and requested that her driver's license be suspended she contacted our client

and made a payment arrangement. It appears that she made payments for several years and then

stopped making payments to our client. At that time they forwarded us the file and that is when we

reached out to her in an attempt to resolve the collection issue. She was given 30 days to resolve the

matter before the item was reported to Trans Union.

When we made contact with her she advised that she was unaware of the judgment. Our file

contains copies of payments that she made to our client toward the judgment.


Director of Collections



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

I have never had a judgement from this company or made payments to this company. This company has never been a creditor on my credit report. I have banked with the same bank for over 10 years and never have sent a payment to this company.

The company has removed the information from Trans Union Credit report, but I do not agree with the statement the business submitted because it is false. Regards,[redacted]

Review: This collection agency has harassed my husband and I over the years with phone calls for a [redacted] referencing an account number [redacted]. We have had this number since we moved to the Omaha area in June of 2007. I would think a reputable company could look up our phone number and realize we are not associated with [redacted]. Especially after we have taken the time to let the company know that we are not associated with [redacted]. I have actually found what I think was a business associated with [redacted] at one time through a simple google search, when one collection agency had given me his wife's name and the information that they reside in Council Bluffs, Iowa. I took five seconds to do it and did not record any information. I would think a reputable company could do the same and would have access to more information than I do. Instead, once in awhile we get a call from this company again. When we first received this number, we realized that the previous owner of the number must owe a lot of money and received multiple calls from collection agencies. However, most collection agencies took us off of the list permanently after realizing the number had been transferred. We had contemplated changing our number, but there was a charge and the phone company warned us that there would be no guarantee that the next number would not have the same problem. I have no idea why any collection agency would bother harassing the wrong person. It is a waste of both parties time.Desired Settlement: Would like to be permanently taking off of the calling list and have our number disassociated with [redacted] for good.



May 30, of San Diego4747 Viewridge Ave #200San Diego, CA 92123ID#[redacted]Customer Information[redacted]Omaha, NE 68108Greentree Response to Customer Review:Due to the nature of this complaint I cannot give out specific information. What I can say is that wehave no record in our system of ever having spoken to1 or received a letter from [redacted]. Weare unable to correct misinformation in our system if we are not notified. I have removed phonenumber [redacted] from our system.Thank you,[redacted]760-489-0637



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved. I have told every call center agent that I am [redacted] and specifically asked to be taken off of the list. I am happy it is finally happening.


Review: I received a collections notice from this company. I immediately contacted them to see what this was for. I was told by the woman I was speaking with that this was a claim sent to them for an accident on 10/6/15. I advised this woman that this had to be a mistake as I have a newer 2015 vehicle purchased in March of 2015 & it has not been involved in any type of accident since its purchase. She then went on to verify my information that she had on file. She stated they had been sending notices to an old address of mine & I advised her I had not lived at that address since 8/2015. I also mentioned to her that I was married in July 2015 & had I been in an accident in Oct 2015 then I would have provided my married last name, not my previous last name. I advised her that this has to be some kind of a mistake. I also advised that I have carried auto insurance continuously, so information would have been provided as well. Her response to me was that she would note my file, but that its my problem to resolve. I asked for the contact info of the original creditor & instead of providing it to me, she hung up on me. I immediately called back & asked for the office manager & was told this extremely rude woman who had just hung up on me, was the office manager, [redacted]. I contacted the original creditor who has no record of ever sending any file to Greentree in the first place. I simply want this nightmare resolved. I can prove that I have not had any accident in my vehicle, but its hard to do when the dealing with the company is a total joke & they tell you its your problem when they are the ones accusing you of false information. Please help!!Desired Settlement: Resolution & I would like myself cleared from further liability of this bogus & false claim. Also once resolved I would like and & and all contact from this company to cease.



I have reviewed this complaint and attached our supporting documents. This matter is a subrogation claim that we are handling for our client National Indemnity Insurance. This file is not and will not be reporting to the credit bureaus. As you can see on the attached police report the victim took down Ms. [redacted]' information (license plate etc) and also obtained witness information. When our representative reached out to Ms. [redacted] she was extremely hostile and threatening. I was made aware of the situation myself because she continued contacting our office and swearing at our employees. I actually heard the conversation that my office manager [redacted] had with Ms. [redacted] and I assure you that her description of [redacted]'s side of the conversation is simply false. It is clear that Ms. [redacted] is claiming that she was never involved in an accident. This is an $818 claim so it does not warrant us taking legal action. We have closed our file and advised our client of Ms. [redacted]' position. Please trust that we have no desire to have any dealings with Ms. [redacted] moving forward.

Review: This business is a collection agency and has misrepresented information to the credit bureaus to damage my credit. They report continued activity on this account, when in reality, there has been none. I have disputed this account from the moment I learned of this debt. This debt stems from a short sale of a property that we owned with [redacted]. [redacted] agreed to allow us to sell our home in a short sale and we had a buyer lined up to pur[redacted] the property. At that point, [redacted] rescued [redacted] and would not process or return our calls and eventually foreclosed on our property. We found out that at the point of foreclosure, they then sold our property to the individuals that we had a short sale agreement with. Later we found out that at the time of closing, there was an outstanding debt that was never paid off at the time of sale, which is the debt that Greentree currently has. I filed a dispute about our incident with [redacted] with the State of Illinois and they were found to be in default in the way in which they handled our account. But this debt shows up worse on our account then the [redacted] foreclosure. I have contacted the original debtor; they refused to remove the debt. I have called the previous collection company and explained the situation. And I have called Greentree, too. The property was foreclosed in 2008 and the Greentree account still shows activity in December of 2014.Desired Settlement: I ask that the remove this debt from my account, permanently. I will not pay this account, this should have been paid by [redacted] or the buyer at the time of sale.



To whom it may concern:

We do not have a record of this person in our system and we do not handle collections for any banks. We also do not handle any mortgage collections of any kind. I believe this person may be thinking of "Greentree Servicing" which is a completely different company with a similar name. We ask that this complaint be closed.

Thank You.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

Greentree & Associates is a credit reporting firm from Escondido, California and they are listed as the creditor on my credit report. I have attached a screenshot of my credit report as proof. I ask that they remove this item from my credit report for the same reasons that I had mentioned previously.




To whom it may concern,

We have reviewed the documentation that was provided. It appears that this account is in our office after all however it is not a mortgage debt. This is a file that we received from [redacted] in 2009. The account stems from damage to a rental vehicle. [redacted] personal insurance covered the damages to the rental vehicle minus his deductible (the balance we show owing). With that being said this file is old and will be dropping off of the consumer's credit bureau next year. In the interest of resolving this matter, we will delete the item from [redacted] credit and close our file immediately. Please note that my review of the account reveals that [redacted] has never contacted our office in any manor to dispute, question, or resolve this matter. We will consider this matter closed at this time.

Review: In January 2009 my ex wife and I rented a house from [redacted]. In June 2009 we moved out. . My ex wife was to handle the affairs while I was deployed overseas and I assumed they were, being that I did not receive a final bill from Mr. [redacted]. Without a court judgment (required by California state law), [redacted] (the niece of Mr. [redacted]) hired Greentree to pursue collection for the alleged owed amount. I had not received any notice from the time of the alleged debt. In 2011 I was notified by my Command that my security clearance was under review due to my credit reporting of a collection account. It was Greentree, I immediately prepared documents requesting Greentree validate this debt. They were sent certified mail, I never received a reply. I phoned the company and spoke with a representative who informed me they never received it (although the tracking number for the letter shows they did) and that no longer had contact with [redacted]. I requested they send me a copy of what was submitted and she did. I received them via email, upon review I noticed multiple errors and no court judgment. I disputed the account on my credit report with all three credit agencies. All but one ([redacted]) deleted Greentree due to inaccurate reporting. I've disputed with Transunion three times and all three were reported back "verified". Greentree's reporting of this inaccurate information to the credit agencies is damaging and is causing economic injury to my family and I. With false documentation and a fax Greentree agreed to destroy my credit without regard to the law or good business practice. To be in the collection business since 2001 I would hope this is not common practice.Desired Settlement: Delete all current and cease any future reporting to all three credit agencies of this fraudulent debt immediately.



Hi [redacted]

I reviewed this file. We were assigned this file in June 2009 to collect for our client who is a property manager. We have forwarded 7 letters to [redacted] and have responded on 2 different occasions to his dispute over this debt by providing documentation breaking down the balance owed and providing a copy of the lease he signed with our client.

Chief Executive Officer

Greentree & Associates

Escondido, CA 92046

Review: This company has repeatedly engaged in unethical and fraudulent practices. I have requested multiple times proof of my debt and received no such documentation. The company refuses to communicate in email (only via phone) for obvious reasons. They have threatened me over and over and made false claims. I have also requested the license number of the company and was not provided with this either. All this is in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. I have all of my emails to support my claim.Desired Settlement: I want confirmation that this account is closed.



In this situation we are handling a collection file for Enterprise Rent A Car. Phillip [redacted] signed a contract when he rented a vehicle and is contractually liable for the damages that he caused to another party in an accident. Enterprise Rent A Car is self insured and paid out on the claim and is now seeking reimbursement for those damages, which they are entitled to do per the contract that Mr. [redacted] signed. Mr. [redacted] was given a copy of the rental contract at the time he rented the vehicle & we have attached a copy of that contract along with the police report for the accident & a copy of a letter forwarded to Mr. [redacted] prior to the file being sent to us. We have never and would never deny a consumer the right to see documentation to back up a client's claim. In fact the documentation was emailed to Mr. [redacted] per his request on November 5th. 2015. In the process of trying to resolve this file with Mr. [redacted] he became abrasive & beyond what we ask our Account Representatives to deal with. Based on his numerous threats of a lawsuit we have placed this file on "Do Not Contact". We will not be engaging with Mr. [redacted] any further. He has refused to provide insurance or attorney information even though he claims to have both. Mr. [redacted] was treated with nothing but respect and compassion for his situation, it is unfortunate he has not afforded us the same courtesy. This file has not reported to the credit bureau and is currently on hold.

We are simply a third party handling a very sensitive matter & Mr. [redacted] is naturally upset that he is liable for this debt.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I resent the business' response and implication. I am not upset at all and every email which I able to provide is professional. An example is below from November 20th and to which I received no reply:

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Description: Collection Agencies

Address: 205 W 5th Ave, Escondido, California, United States, 92027


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