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Weidner Property Management

Anchorage, Alaska, United States, 99508-2012

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We left the premises on March 16th for apartment *** at ***. The electric company did not close our account as they were suppose to. We found that we were being charged from April to September for the electricity bill. I reached out on multiple occasions to the management office at the location, as the electric company stated that the apartment must reach out to them to take over the balance that was left due to not being cut off. We are now sent to collections for a bill of 165.24 that doesn't belong to us and that the management team at this location stated they would take care of.

Weidner Property Management Response • Mar 13, 2020

To whom it may concern:

Our office was unaware our previous resident was dealing with this. The previous resident was unable to tell us who they had originally spoken to about this concern. It's very possible the original request was missed and if that is the case, we sincerely apologize. The Community Director is currently in contact with the resident to ensure we assist them with their past due electricity bill.

Due to the carelessness and negligence of *** in Anchorage, AK my personal financial property was damaged. Upon learning of their fault, management at *** did absolutely nothing to correct it. Now 7 months have passed and nothing has changed. I've been living with a large balance being reported as a high impact negative rating on my report.

On one occasion they presented me with a payment plan contract. The stipulation with the contract is that I would remain out of collections. They never had my account pulled from collections! I was told they did remove it so I signed the contract. The contract I'm entered into with them is null and void and they won't recognize that either. It is frustrating to be tricked and then be held accountable all the while the company just watches.

The ***, as all companies do with similar powers, must show a reasonable duty of care to their clients because they have the power to cause real lasting effects through their credit reporting practices. In my case they abused their power with wreck-less regard and did nothing to fix it once they accepted fault. I have time and again tried to get them to see this is not fair and needs to be addressed. Their response displayed no accountability. This type of "financial bullying" can not be accepted and companies need to start being held accountable.

It is my hope that some sort of checks and balances still exist in our society. I never used, but when it comes to these sort of things your the place to start. I'm excited to see if this makes a positive impact!

Weidner Property Management Response • Mar 11, 2020

To whom it may concern:Proper protocol was followed at the time of the residents notice to vacate as well as at move out. The resident did not give proper notice and left the community with a large balance due. *** sent the resident a move out statement and final balance due to the provided forwarding address. No contact was made with the office afterwards. It is the residents responsibility to ensure any move-out balance is paid and to effectively communicate with the former landlord if there is going to be an issue with meeting the payment date or any other concerns. The residents account was removed from collections as a customer courtesy after the previous resident informed the *** staff that he had never received his bill. There were some communication difficulties between the *** staff and the collection company that did cause a delay in removing the residents account from collections and also caused the account to be put back in collections. The account has since been removed from collections and the final move out bill has been reduced as a customer service gesture.

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: Proper protocol was not followed upon move out. I gave notice to vacate on 7/31/19. I followed all requests by the office to vacate properly. I set numerous maintenance calls to have Th K’s taken care of and they were always rescheduled for one reason or another. The only time I was able to schedule an appointment with the busy office staff they never showed for it! Stood me up. I called to inquire why and it’s cause they were busy and forgot about me!! Not proper protocol. So I was never able to do a final walk though upon move out. Not proper protocol.

While all the above was going on I was asked to provide a forwarding address that was I could be my final bill and take care of it properly. So I did just that. I wrote it down and took it to the office. When I tried to get Ally’s attention to enter it she said she was busy with another person in the lobby and to just put it on the desk. I did just that. They again said I would receive a final bill to proceed. Perfect, I thought.

I vacated the premises by August 5th. My vacate notice gave til the 13th. So I wasn’t expecting a bill before October with the way the office has done things already. They seem to be slow and unorganized. So I was going to be patient. On September 30th, without any mail notice at all or even a phone call from the ***, I get a cal from the collection agency sayin my account is in collections. That’s when the financial bullying began.

After having a discussion with the *** They realized their possible mistake and carelessness and told me I would be removed from collections and we could enter into a contract for payment. That was in 11/12/19. The *** management never removed me at that time as promised per the contract we were entering. It wasn’t til early November that I got another call from the collection agency and that’s when I found out I was still in collections. Not as promised per the contract.

Turns out, do to the lack of care for the customer, my account was never pulled from collections. That’s a big issue and should not be allowed to go unpunished. *** time and again lied to me regarding my credit report. I don’t believe they sent me a final bill and if they did it was not sent to that right address. They are at fault from the beginning and have admitted it time and again


Weidner Property Management Response • Mar 16, 2020

The residents account was sent to collections when the resident failed to make contact after move out. As a courtesy, *** management removed the account from collections and entered into a payment plan with the resident, with the agreement that payment in full would be made by March 31st, 2020. The residents move out walk through was rescheduled, but an agreement was made to meet at another time that was confirmed and agreed upon by office staff and the resident. Office staff was present for this rescheduled time.A final move-out statement was sent to the provided forwarding address. No mistake was made in sending the resident to collections initially, resident was removed from collections as a courtesy. There were some communication difficulties between the *** staff and the collection company that did cause a delay in removing the residents account from collections and also caused the account to be put back in collections. The account has since been removed from collections and the final move out bill has been reduced as a customer service gesture.

Customer Response • Mar 18, 2020

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: Still just putting up a front for the good of the business. Taking no responsibly for what occurred. Despite acknowledging the issues with the credit reporting you still blame it on a communication error. That’s a very bad excuse and I don’t accept it. I don’t trust your answers, your staff, or your company. This issue I’ll drop, but you got away with being sloppy in business, insensitive to my issue, breaching a contract, and choosing money over all. I do hope your tenants in the future receive better treatment. Peace be the journey


Been complaining for years about the racket upstairs. NOTHING is ever done. I have complained by Email and in person and still NOTHING is ever done. All day, all night something ( A very heavy thing / person) above us is jumping around so hard the dishes rattle in the cupboards, pictures shake on the walls, stuff on the counter rattles, even the ceiling bows at times from all the heavy jumping around. It's been so bad the people below us complained thinking it was us. It's loud to them and they are not even getting the brunt of this racket. Management knows who / what apt the problem is coming from but I have yet to see anything done. Simply by the fact it continues to this day, which is what prompted this review.
I've tried calling to report the racket but in the close to 8 years we have lived here, I have NEVER had somebody answer the phone at the office. You have about a 50 / 50 chance of the front office even being open when you need it. I gave up trying to call or go to the main office.
Note: This site wont allow me to leave the Zero star rating this place deserves.

Weidner Property Management Response • Mar 17, 2020

Hi ***, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I understand the onsite team is actively working with you to resolve your noise concerns. We just recently became aware of your ongoing concerns, as of March 9th. We want to help and appreciate you working directly with the onsite team. We appreciate your feedback regarding our phone answer rate and will do some more research to determine if this is a concern that needs to be addressed. If there is anything else we can do to improve your experience with us, please do not hesitate to reach out. We can be reached onsite and at [email protected].

BEWARE OF THIS CARELESS MANAGEMENT COMPANY!! Since moving in to *** at Main I have had multiple issue with ants in my apartment. I have put in a total of 8 work orders and the exterminators have came and the issue is still happening (I have pictures and videos). Most recently when I came home from traveling for a few weeks, there were ants all over bed. I reached out to the office for the 9th time, but this time to give my 30 day notice to vacate. I let the office know that since my lease is ending in April, the 30 day notice will end my lease in March (30 days prior to my lease expiration). The manager Kristina said that she would reach out to corporate for approval and let me know by Tuesday. Tuesday arrives and she did not call me, the leasing agent Anna reached out to me and she let me know that since I haven't entered any work-orders recently corporate did not approve for me to be let out of my lease sooner without penalty. I asked that she provide Weidner's corporate office information. I reached out to corporate and the woman that I spoke with told me the same thing, that I have to stay/pay until the end of my lease. I let her know that it is against the law for me to live in this infested apartment and since I have let them know about ants in my apartment multiple times and this has not been rectified, I have the right to be let out of my lease without penalty and I will be contacting my attorney. At this point her whole tone changed and she offered to "get more information" and reach out to within 2 business days. She did not call back and had the property manager reach out to me. Once again the property manager let me know that corporate did not approve. These are inhabitable living conditions, I even have an ant bite on me. Quite frankly this is against the law to force me to stay in this infested apartment.

Weidner Property Management Response • Mar 03, 2020

To Whom it May Concern:

This resident reported issues with ants on 06/28 and 07/29- when notified, pest treatment was scheduled. Per the resident's request, preventative treatment was scheduled 08/30. No issues have been reported since until Friday, 02/28. The resident has since refused additional pest treatment. Our onsite teams are empowered to make any sort of decisions as they relate to lease break fees and require no approval from the Home Office. The resident did contact the Home Office, where she was informed that her current concern would not warrant The *** waiving fees to let her out of her lease. We are required to manage the *** Community within a reasonable level of care and address concerns as residents inform us. Each time the resident informed us of an issue, we addressed immediately and were prepared to offer alternative solutions if there was an issue with the completion of her pests treatments. Because we understand our resident is not happy with her current living situation, as a Customer Service gesture, we have offered to let her out of her lease early. We wish her the best in her next home.

This review is for future residents looking to move in. I would like to preface this by saying the staff are nice and they have a bunch of events- more than any of the properties we ever lived in.
However, the way this company operates was below par. We noticed especially because we have been with so much wonderful compassionate property management companies before.
1) The company charged us for replacing a glass stop stove that has a few white cloudy marks. Happy to share photos if anyone wants. In all of the other apartments we lived at, this was considered wear and tear. Also, it works perfectly and is not unpleasant to look at. After many attempts at trying to resolve this issue privately, we were unsuccessful. This review is to warn others that are going to be blindsided as we were. Not only replacing a perfectly functional stovetop is economically irresponsible, it is so environmentally unconscious. Apparently they are known to do this. One of my neighbors told me that when he had his move out inspection, the property manager came in straight to look at the stove top AND ONLY THE STOVE TOP as if he were expecting to replace it (very suspicious). I know a few people who have yet to write their reviews but have had the same experience as we did. Also, when I was moving out, there were a handful of others who moved out as well, if that should tell you something. When the property manager told us to replace it, we tried to disagree. He said that he also would feel the same if he were in our shoes but said that, that is just "how THIS company operates".
2) The apartment was initially unevenly painted from top to bottom. To us, we didn't mind it all that much because we hung pictures around the walls. After our move out inspection, they said they had to charge us to repaint the entire apartment. We thought it was strange because we didn't have any scratches or anything. BUT if that were the case, we said we would paint it ourselves. The property manager didn't like that idea but later said then he would charge us for a 5 gallon paint (so glad we didn't buy it from him because we spent a lot less by using a lot less paint than he said required). We repainted all the little marks that we saw, expecting them to do the rest because our lease says "minus wear and tear". In all of the apartment complexes we lived in, this was THE ONLY place that charged us for painting costs or had a ridiculous standard of "wear and tear.
3) In an effort to first settle this privately, I did email them. In the email, they said they try to be open and honest about the move out charges initially upon move in. I wonder why I never got that conversation about possible move out charges and what to expect.
If you are looking to rent this place, please please make sure to ask the property manager to discuss all of these with you, especially their standards of moveout, before you even sign your lease. They operate very differently than other properties that we lived in and you should be aware!

When vacating my unit, a walk down of the u it was performed with a complex representative. Cleanliness of the apartment was never brought up as an issue. On the contrary, I was praised for how clean the apartment was.
The unit was cleaned following and meeting all the requirements outlined in a complex provided move out guidelines.
During the said walk down, the apartment complex representative stated she saw no reason not to receive a full refund of the deposit.
Three weeks later I received my security deposit back with a deduct of 200 dollars for cleaning fees. Upon request for clarification, the apartment complex management sent me a so called proof of cleaning charges that only reads "move out cleaning" with no detail as to why or what required additional cleaning. The cleaning allegedly took place over three weeks after I vacated the unit.

Weidner Property Management Response • Jan 09, 2020

To Whom it May Concern,

Due to the confusion surrounding our representative's verbiage during the move out walk through, all original cleaning charges ($105) will be refunded to the resident as a customer service gesture. It was found that the aforementioned conversation did occur with a leasing member of our staff. We apologize for any confusion or hardship that this caused our past resident. We appreciate that he took the time to make us aware of this conversation and for the opportunity to address his concern.

Close maintenance request an don’t do the work. Carpet has been in my apartment for the 7 and a half years I have lived there an the years the last tenant was there. Carpets have been flooded in on from neighbors apart twice and the laundry room three times. Pulled carpet an mold was on it. “Cleaned” and laid back down. Same maintenance request has been on going since August for a door. Put in work orders for stove sparking an stove top not working an no outcome. Management is rude. No timely property up keep on snow, lawn or lighting.

Weidner Property Management Response • Jan 10, 2020

To whom it may concern,
We are disappointed to hear that the oast resident felt their experience with us at Strawberry Lane was a negative one. In reviewing the file and work orders placed it has been determined that the Strawberry Lane team handled all concerns appropriately and ensured that the requested were completed and closed out in a timely manner. For the carpets, the resident will not be charged for replacement after move out. There were instances where flooding was experienced (laundry room and a pipe burst) but these issues were swiftly taken care of. The area most affected (the bedroom) had the carpets replaced during their residency. A work order for the stove was placed and closed out within 48 hours - the team has confirmed that the stovetop was replaced with a new one. Additionally, the entry door for the building, unfortunately, was adversely affected by a bad windstorm and misuse from residents. But I am happy to share that the repairs were completed the same day the work order was placed. The Strawberry Lane team also does daily rounds where snow, lawn, and lighting are reviewed as we take these items very seriously. We do wish this resident's experience could have been a better one and appreciate their feedback as we always welcome the opportunity to improve. We wish them well and all the best in their future endeavors.

Customer Response • Jan 13, 2020

Funny how you handled accordingly with work orders, but the issue was still their. I placed a work order in for the outside door back in August. Not only did I place one in and other tenants aswell and tell the office. Guess what moved out December 31 st anthr door still wasn’t fixed.time stamp photos have been taken of snow removal not done or plowed over a course of a few day an emailed to the Alaska management as for the Seattle office. Phone calls place to all management numbers an emails and not one reply back. But it was ok to allow a tenant to live in mold carpets from leak after leak. To just paint over a leak in the bathroom where mold was visible in the dry wall from before. Complain about the same issues with the stove the whole time I was their to just get a temp fix each time. Try an take fire extinguishers from the apartments that where in the apartment when I moved in. Not replace outside security lights over parking lot. Leave a carpet patch missing the whole time I rented. Close out the work order with out even truly fixing anything. Rude to my wife when she came to the office with an issue. Penalize tenants when the online system was down an we had to pay buy money order. The list goes on. All was made aware not only from me but my neighbors. We all
Sent things higher an higher an the bottom line is you only cared about $ and saving a buck. This is the first time I have gotten a response an this is only because I filed a complaint.

I have been living here a few months and this place seemed ok at first. It being a new apartment complex I expected everything to work. But my new place needed carpet repair, sliding door to outside balcony was broken, washing machine leaking, almost all security gates have issues, I over pay for a secured parking spot where the security gate is broken and instead of fixing it, they put a speed bump in and my car along with other sports cars have the bottom of their vehicles ruined. I wouldn't recommend this place. I love Woodinville, but will not stay here in the future.

To whom it may concern,

My apologies for the delay in filing a complaint, only recently did I learn I could file a complaint through

I had just transferred locations within US Army Corps of Engineers. After living at ***, I filed my notice to vacate, paid the associated lease breakage fees, and turned over the apartment at the end of January 2019.

Lions Gate had kindly provided a list of things to do and clean before turning over the apartment back to them. They mentioned cleaning the bathroom as well as cleaning the carpet.

I paid for a carpet cleaning rental, as is common practice, and cleaned the carpet. I also spent time cleaning and bleaching the bathroom. When the deposit was returned, I noticed that $50 was withheld for the bathroom cleaning and $80 for the carpet cleaning.

I have photos of the sufficiently cleaned bathroom and carpet, as well as receipts for the carpet cleaner

It should be clear that $130 are withheld incorrectly as the work had already been done as required. Any work done after was at the expense of the landlord, as I had fulfilled my obligations under the lease.

Thank you

Weidner Property Management Response • Dec 09, 2019

To Whom it may concern, The valid charges equaling $130 were necessary in order to bring the apartment back to the original state in which the past resident received it. It took a total of 2 hours of cleaning for our team - attached is the move in and move out inspection sheet detailing the condition of move in and when possession of the unit was turned back over to the Lion's Gate leasing office. The bathroom was noted as being very dirty per the maintenance technician who completed the turn.The lease agreement further underlines that every apartment must have carpets cleaned to a professional standard - a rented carpet cleaner does not meet this standard. only a professional cleaning service does. Had a professional service been used a receipt could be provided to the office."Resident agrees that soilage is not normal wear and tear and further agrees to clean drapes and carpets to professional standards or request Owner or Agent to do so at Resident’s expense.”Both the Regional and Corporate office are in agreement with the valid move out charges and no adjustments will be made.

The property manager charged my husband and I almost $1000 for damages after living in a one bedroom apartment for 3 months (two of those months my spouse was deployed). We broke our lease early after the apartment manager refused to handle a very dangerous living situation that he enabled by refusing to trespass another residents guest who threatened to kill my husband and myself 3 times and 5 police reports later. The lease states nothing regarding a specific move-out fee, so Joshua charged me $700, on top of keeping my deposit AND charging me an additional $500 for carpet repair. I emailed Josh for a copy of the carpet repair receipt and he sent me a QUOTE FROM A DIFFERENT APARTMENT he got 20 MINUTES after I emailed about it ( almost 2 months after move it). I told him it was ridiculous that he didn’t have a legitimate receipt and that I didn’t feel comfortable paying for something that an inspector didn’t even look at. I emailed the REGIONAL DIRECTOR about this matter and he replied with calling me a completely different name while stating that he would get the file the next day and give me a call. It’s been three weeks and I have not heard a single thing. To top this all off, I recently received a collection notice for the balance due. I am livid because this was not only handled extremely poorly but also very shady on Ptarmigan Meadows staff but also Weidner Properties Senior Area Director.

Weidner Property Management Response • Oct 14, 2019

To whom it may concern,

The Ptarmigan Meadows team followed the correct policy and procedure when addressing the concerns with a guest of the resident. Due to privacy laws, we are unable to disclose personal information regarding the other resident which in turn could cause the perception that correct action is not being taken when it is.

The past residents chose to move forward with lease termination. They were charged for cleaning based on the condition the apartment was left in and for carpet replacement as the carpet was brand new at move-in and was damaged by pet urine during the 3-month residency. Attached is the quote sheet that was provided to Amelia upon request (and before the carpet replacement was completed) and the actual invoice that was received later after the replacement was completed. Also attached is a picture of the carpet with a large/dark stain - the pet urine soaked the pad underneath and while the surface of the carpet does not show the extent of the damage the smell of urine could be detected when the apt was walked.

As a customer service gesture, the Ptarmigan office had waived the $35 pet rent and $300 pet fee due to the residents moving out when those were to be charged. Both the Regional and Corporate office has reviewed the valid charges and they will not be waived or reduced.

They ripped me off for my seciurty deposit, charging frivolous charges and returning $182 out of $500.

Customer Response • Oct 10, 2019,

Also when I was moving out they tried to give me a ticket while I was unloading! When I complained she gave me attitude in the office when I checked out. They are supposed to make moving out smooth not hinder you.

Thank you

Weidner Property Management Response • Oct 16, 2019


I am assisting on a response to a complaint made by *** – I am unable to attached pictures taken of the unit after move out so am doing so in this space in an effort to resolve this complaint.

*** is disputing the move out charges however per the refurbishment sheet, move in/out inspection (which noted the condition of the apt before move in and after) and pictures taken of the unit after move out, the charges are valid and will not be adjusted. Below is a break down of the charges – *** will be getting a refund back of $182.56.

$500 security deposit -$154.44 - apartment cleaning charges -$140.00 - Carpet cleaning & repair charges -$23.00 - 4 drip pans and 1 light bulbs Total charges: $317.44 Amount to be refunded: $182.56 A check in the amount of $182.56 was cut and mailed out from the home office on 9/26. It should take 10-14 business days to reach the recipient. We have pictures of the move-out but are unable to attach as they exceed the limit. We are happy to send them to an alt email address should it be needed.

Jennifer C | Customer Service and Reputation Specialist Weidner Apartment Homes 9757 NE Juanita Dr, Ste 300 Kirkland, WA 98034 D: (425) 250.2961 F: 425.250.3311.

[email protected] | What Matters to You, Matters to Us.™

Customer Response • Oct 19, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:

They have not said anything new. As I said the car photo is irrelevant as I was unloading and I sent my photos showing I was unable to park in my spot because the other tenant was parked in it. As I stated they were giving him a ticket when that photo was taken! Also the carpet was in the same condition as when I moved in. They notice when you move out not when you move in. They probably don't even repair it and pass the same scam onto the new tenant. All of their charges are false and/or frivolous such as the light bulb.


During my year long lease at Ptarmigan Meadows managed by Weidner, Our landlord repeatedly broke our lease agreement, several Alaska state legislature laws, and the Landlord Tenant Act. He has repeatedly ignored me and told me that it was my fault when in fact even his colleagues and mangers stated it was his mistake. He is now with holding over paid rent money and refusing to give it back , or give me any information about our move out and inspection.

Weidner Property Management Response • Sep 26, 2019

To whom it may concern,

As the former resident was not on NTV in the system the full rental balance for September appeared on the portal when thet went to pay instead of the pro-rated amount which would have reflected rent for 9/1-9/13. We will be refunded back rent that was paid for 9/14-9/30. While there was a move-out inspection conducted it was not filled out and signed off on as the CD who was performing the inspection was filling in from a different property. They let *** know that the inspection would be completed once the CD was back on the property. The CD spoke with Daynie and let her know he was still completing the move out paperwork but would have that document to her this week once completed so that she could review. After move out we have 30 days to complete and have this move out statement sent to the resident but the team is making an effort to have it completed well before the 30 days. In review, we do not see any evidence of the Ptarmigan team violating the lease or any other statues. The move out paperwork will be sent out to the past resident this week and a refund for the rent paid for the 17 days will be processed and then a check cut and mailed out from the corporate office in WA State.

Weidner Property Management Response • Oct 02, 2019

The carpet cleaning charge was the standard carpet cleaning charged all residents are charged as the carpets are professionally cleaned before move-in - there was no extra charge for odor. In the move-in inspection sheet the scuffs and marks near where the furniture was and dirt on the walls were not notated on the move-in inspection sheet. Also attached are pictures of the heater - and the filter. Duct tape does not hold the heater together as the filter slides into the slot. The filter from these pictures needs to be changed which is the resident responsibility to notify the office - had we been notified we would have been able to change the filter out.

Per my last email, we sent a revised amount due back - the past resident's DA had not yet been updated as I had just notified them of the balance due adjustment as the paint charges were reduced. A check in the amount of $579.36 was cute and mailed out on 9/27/19 so we are well within the time frame - The resident ledger keeps a running tally of all credits and charges. The over payment on her account was treated as a credit - attached is the resident ledger which shows the most recent transactions from the ledger where you can see there was a credit for 17 days after move out, and after that, the charges are from the DA.

Both the Regional and Corporate office is in agreement with the final balance due back and this will not be adjusted further.

Customer Response • Oct 02, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


I have been living in my apartment for a year now and I have complained to management and maintenance about the smell of the water from the very first week I moved in. It’s in bearable and smells like sewer water. They bleach the tank and the smell comes back again. They promised to change the tank but that never happened either. I have emails of me asking them and them ignoring me. I had a dentist appointment where they extracted a tooth and it got Infected and the doctor told me whatever water I’m using to brush my teeth infected it. At this point I’m okay with them breaking my lease or a changed water tank if not I want to take action.

Weidner Property Management Response • Sep 24, 2019

To whom it may concern,I have verified with the Residence at the COR that this matter has been resolved. A new water heater is scheduled to be installed in the apartment today. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this might have caused the resident. We appreciate being notified of this issue and will be using it as a learning and training opportunity moving forward.

I had recently inquired on an apartment with Weidner Property Management, and this is my first time doing this on my own so I am very apprehensive with this whole process. I had found a possible unit that I wanted to call home but within the week of making the deposit I had a hard time reaching someone within the office to try and move into the unit, as well as make the rest of my deposit. Upon making the rest of my deposit I apparently had insufficient funds which is my fault but I was never called and notified and then charged an extra $50 for the missed deposit. When I decided for a different location I was then told that I had to pay "rent" for the time that I held the apartment. I understand that I showed intent on renting the apartment by making a deposit but I was told that I would be able to get my full refund if I were to change my mind and now thats not the case. I told the manager that I had tried calling and left voicemails but they blamed it on phones that were not working.

Weidner Property Management Response • Sep 13, 2019

To whom it may concern,

*** first applied on 8/15 and upon approval paid a partial deposit of $200 to hold the unit until 8/20. The move-in date was set and confirmed for 9/5/19. The remainder of the deposit was paid on 8/23. The first check of $200 bounced on 8/26.

When *** contacted the driftwood office requesting to move the move-in date up to 9/2 this email was not received as the office is closed Sat/Sun. Due to the holiday, the office was also closed that Monday, 9/2. The office followed up with *** 9/3 by phone and email but was unable to discuss further with *** when she got her on the phone as *** expressed she was with the client. That afternoon a sister property of Driftwood sent a request for an application. The Driftwood associate was again unsuccessful at getting ahold of ***.

The office team attempted to reach out to *** again on 9/6 but did not receive a response back until this past Sunday with a request from *** that her deposit is returned.

Within the application, there is a clause that states the deposit will be forfeit upon approval should the move-in be canceled 24 hours after approval. Because the apartment was held by *** past the 24hr cancellation prior the pro-rated daily value will also be charged for each day of holding the apartment. With a base rent of $875, the daily rate will be $29.17 per day. We will only be charging from 8/23 to 9/3 even though we were not officially notified until the 8th that *** would not be moving forward with the unit. The charge of 11 days rent comes out to $320.83.- as it is the policy in AK State to charge for all days the unit is held off the market after the 24 cancellation policy.

Alpine is the apartment where me and my wife first lived together. The place was exactly what we needed at the time. She goes to school at UAA so its only a 5 minute drive to campus taking Tudor. Going on FT. Richardson base when there is no traffic it goes between 10-15 minutes definitely way less if you to through Boniface gate. For the 1 bedroom it was awesome as the kitchen area and living room were open to each other and it allowed us to stay connected. The bedroom was separate so it helped keep the smell of cooking away if you wanted to. The heating in the building is centralized and boy it worked too well great for the winter. Definitely get an AC though installed or a good fan during the summer which they can assist you with as it can get hot during the day even with the windows open. Never had any problem with people stealing my laundry. Maintenance people are there asap if you have a major emergency like water, gas etc. When the earthquake happened in 2018 their office was open for extended hours for a couple weeks to sort out issues people had. Their facilities are dog friendly, and they have a gym in the main office that has 4 treadmills. They have a security team that roams the premises after 10pm. They’re also pretty quick to handle belligerent neighbors should you file a complaint against them. The neighbor infront of our apartment was good, however his son was loud and obnoxious at times. I didn’t file the complaint per say but they’re really loud so someone else probably did. Anyway they were offered warnings multiple times and eventually got an eviction notice. Besides that incident the neighbors are courteous and give you a sense of community should you be open to it and they also respect privacy if that is what you prefer. It’s literally midtown so walmart, fred myer, rei, food places, drinking spots, uaa and pretty much everything is at arms reach. When we were looking for places to live this was the only place where there was no crime nor gunshots in Anchorage as close as you can get to UAA and Base. Overall highly recommended.

When we moved in (April 1, 2018) the manager walked us through starting at the East side entrance. The manager stated that the bump will be fixed that is located right in front of the outside stair way. On December 3, 2018 my daughter slipped and fractured 4 bones in her foot and broke one bone on that bump. We went right to the ER that same hour and they did x-ray and CAT scan and found these fractions and broken bone. She had surgery the following Friday on her foot and now has a plate and a screw placed in to hold her arch bone in place to heal. She was put on a boot and has crutches and a scooter to help her get around. She still has more Orthopedics appointments and has follow up appointments scheduled with her doctor in the near future. Now we live on the 3rd floor in this building where there are no stairs is and my daughters and I have to walk up and down every day passing over this bump, which gets ice on it during the winter. Also at that time they had not put any sand/rocks on the driveway and it was very slippery. My kids are both full time UAA students and I have a full time job. Now my niece who lived next door to me slipped on the same spot in the beginning of the fall time on the same spot and ended up at ER too. Very Unsafe!

Weidner Property Management Response • Jul 03, 2019

To whom it may concern, We are sorry to hear about such an incident. The Quiet Creek office staff maintains the area full of gravel to level out the area. On the agenda for this summer, the step will be fixed. As of right now, we are looking into getting the area fixed and will know by late 2019 if this will be on the schedule for 2020. Unfortunately, this project was not approved for Summer 2019.

I have been communicating with the apartment managers back and forth. I was away at training for enlisting in the United States Air Force Active Duty servicemember. I did not receive any notice to give notice about my lease agreement. I have a lease that I was supposed to move out on June 8th, 2019. They have received my proper email notice that I have forewarned several times to, and they keep asking for the email for me to forward and I have several times and showed numerous screenshots and they still haven’t accepted it. As an active duty servicemember I cannot afford to pay rent full rent in June due to being ordered to come to Minot, ND. I can afford to pay the $280 or whatever it was for the 8 days of June I was required to pay. I gave proper written notice and I do not want to pay full rent for June. They do not email anyone with notice of lease’s ending, only paper copies on the door and I gave them all of my ordered showing I have been away at training (basic military training, and the I am training) with the dates and showing how unfair it is they are treating me. Please help me, I can not afford this and they just care about money and just won’t cut me some slack with their lack of noticing their residents abut leases expiring and not forgiving their active duty service members.

Weidner Property Management Response • Jun 13, 2019

To whom it may concern:

After this complaint was submitted, the Leasing Office received an email from the resident that designated notice being given on April 30th. This notice was accepted and the resident was charged for rent June 1st-June 8th only.

I'm a resident of Alpine apartment for more than 2 years. Through these 2 years I'm very surprisingly find out how unbelievably horrible the property management could be.
1. Last year I got a notice said I was not paying for the pet fee and our lease was terminated, we would be evacuate soon. It turned out to be someone forgot to charge us the initial pet fee (we were paying the monthly pet fee all the time). We understand that people make mistakes so that's OK.
2. Yesterday when we got home from a short trip we got a notice taped on the door said we did not pay the rent and we would be evacuated. Our rent is deducted automatically from my husband's payroll every month and it is paid on time. Guess what, someone messed up again.
3. This morning they put the yellow windshield block on my car and I had to take a cab and late for work. My parking permit is hanging in my car all the time, if someone cannot see it they have to see their eye doctor, or they just want to charge me the parking violation fee?
4. I'm not mentioning the details like the lobby smells like dog *** all the time, when the contractors painted the wall they triggered the false fire alarm twice, ect.
Conclusion: If you want to live longer (scientific research shows anger makes people die younger), please stay away from this apartment.

Weidner Property Management Response • Sep 17, 2018

Hi ***,

We thank you for bringing these concerns to our attention and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you have been caused. I have verified that the windshield block was removed 09/12/2018 and the office did determine that your parking permit was present and not seen by parking patrol and did apologize for the confusion on 09/12/2018 as well. We always want residents to share any concerns they have with the leasing office, so that we may work towards improvement and we appreciate you taking the time to do so.

I have lived in several apartment buildings in Seattle and this was easily the worst that I've experienced. The community is generally friendly, but wholly unresponsive to any request (polite or otherwise) to keep noise down, and the amount of children present means being prepared for regular screaming in the courtyard (treated as a neighborhood park) from 8-8 most of the spring/summer. This was especially difficult as someone on the autism spectrum with audio sensitivities, but the management staff was beyond unhelpful and disrespectful, and largely focused on rebuking me for bringing the noise to their attention. Avoid Weidner Apartments in the future, they are far removed from their properties and care only about $$$.

Weidner Property Management Response • Jul 30, 2018

To whom it may concern:

During the summertime, the pool area is open and available for residents enjoyment. There are pool policies and rules in place that advises residents to be mindful of neighbors and to keep the noise volume at an appropriate level while at the same time enjoying the amenity that is provided. The complaints that were submitted to management by these residents occurred during office hours - no after-hours complaints were submitted. Being that they were submitted during office hours the office had the opportunity to listen to the noise levels and in listening to the levels, they were not above any normal speaking or laughing volumes - aside from the complaints brought up by these residents the leasing office has not received any additional complaints from other residents in the community regarding the pool and noise. The community director contacted these residents directly and provided several options to them all of which were declined. Options which included transferring to an apartment that did not face the courtyard (where the pool is located) adding a white noise machine or fans to obscure any noises that could be heard.

Customer Response • Aug 04, 2018
Page 4 of the Weidner Handbook states: "Running, screaming, playing loud music or acting in a boisterous manner is prohibited in the pool, spa, and deck areas." This wasn't enforced. Watercrest offered to place a sign or two around the pool reminding residents to be conscious of their neighbors - this didn't happen. Watercrest offered to send out an email to the community with a similar sentiment - this didn't happen.
Management has such poor response time/consistency, many complaints were not filed as these issues occurred literally every single day. I took many measures myself to deal with the noise, like fans, music/headphones, white noise, and still the piercing noise from the pool persisted - only then did I complain, and was met with condescending platitudes about ideas I've already tried, and zero effort to actually do something to help the situation besides a passive "well, you can move with under 2 months on your lease to another apartment if you'd like."
"Being that they were submitted during office hours the office had the opportunity to listen to the noise levels and in listening to the levels, they were not above any normal speaking or laughing volumes." So unless it is a disturbance to management's own ears, it is a not a valid complaint? This is a terrible attitude to bring into any conflict resolution, and sets up a self-fulfilling dynamic of one side not being listened to.
Finally, thank you for the defensive response, you have reaffirmed to me that leaving Watercrest was one of the best decisions I could have made.

I went to *** Apartment for a tour and the leasing manager stated that the unit available was not ready to tour so I toured the one bedroom mo*** instead. The leasing manager also stated that the layout of the mo*** would be exactly the same as the one bedroom that would be rented out. I really liked the way it looked and therefore decided to move forward with applying, which I was accepted immediately. The next step was to pay a $450 holding fee, which took the unit off the market. The holding fee was nonrefundable after 24 hours in which my friend and I did not think would be a problem as we liked what we saw in the mo*** and was expecting to get the same layout. Moving forward we payed the first month rent and signed the lease online. On move-in day, we saw the actual apartment for the first time, which was nothing like the mo***. The leasing manager never mentioned that the unit for rent was a wheelchair accessible apartment. We were very disappointed as there were a lot of cabinet space missing in both the kitchen and bathroom to accommodate the wheelchair. And not having cabinet space would have been a big factor in deciding to move forward with renting in the first place. After discussing with the leasing manager, the only option was to move to a more expensive unit or to terminate the lease. We decided to terminate the lease within the first 24 hours of signing. They refunded everything except the $450 holding fee. However, we did not plan on needing to refund the $450 because we were not expecting a handicapped unit, which they failed to mention.

Weidner Property Management Response • Aug 01, 2018

To whom it may concern,

The *** team went above and beyond in providing quality customer service to the applicants. The team worked with them closely and answered any questions or concerns they had through the process. And while the partial ADA apartment design was relayed to the applicants during the first meeting (they toured the community with the CD a month before returning back to apply) we understand the customer's frustrations in not having this feature of the unit relayed to them, after the initial contact. As a further customer service gesture, the amount of $450 will be reimbursed back to the canceled applicants. A check will be cut and mailed out from the corporate office in Kirkland Wa and should take 7-14 business days to reach its destination. We wish them well in all their future endeavors.

Customer Response • Aug 01, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Please have the reimbursed check of $450.00 made out to *** and sent to ***, Federal Way, WA 98023

Apt ***


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