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Velvet Day Spa

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Reviews Velvet Day Spa

Velvet Day Spa Reviews (3)

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I will go through *** *** response with my comments:--Yes, I was coming to the spa frequently for treatments Usually people seek out facials treatments if they're having problems with their skin I don't appreciate her passive aggressive remark about needing to come so often I came based on her recommendations I was pregnant and having trouble with my skin, and I'm shocked that she thinks it is appropriate to mock pregnant women with skin ailments.--Feb 24th--I cancelled the appointment I was pregnant and quite sick with a sinus infection I was charged for the visit.--March 19th--I cancelled over 24h in advance, as required.--April 4th--I cancelled over 24h in advance, as required.--Sept 1st--I forgot I had an appointment, and apologized for missing when they calledAs far as I knew, I was charged for the appointment I had a month old and twins starting school, and I forgot Again, I apologized.--Oct 13th--I came in for a treatment As *** *** points out, I was quite distraught My best friend had passed away unexpectedly on Oct I wanted to cancel the appointment, but as I would've been charged (it was a Tuesday, and because they aren't open on Mondays, I would've had to have called on Friday), my husband encouraged me to go to help relax *** *** seemed quite sympathetic Never, ever did I say she had passed on Sept The funeral was Oct 15th *** *** wanted to do some deeper extractions, but I declined because I didn't want my skin to look bad for the service, as I was reading a eulogy Because of this, *** *** offered me an appointment on Oct She said she would come in early to treat me, which was a nice gesture We planned on me coming in at 9: However, when I arrived that day, no one was there I assumed they had forgotten I called and left a VM, and when *** *** called me back, he said that they had no record of my appointment I said I would reschedule, as I clearly had other things to deal with at that time Her claim that I came in on Oct is a lie We were still hosting friends for the funeral and I was very busy.--March 29--cancelled appointment by Velvet It was cancelled on Saturday, March Her husband told me that their son was on spring break and they didn't have child care In her written response, she says he had pink eyeI'm not sure which is the lie But either way, I was unhappy with the cancellation They couldn't get me back in for 6-weeks Because our schedules clearly weren't matching up, at that point I asked for a refund from her husband I had a 3-pack microderm package that I hadn't used any of, and I simply wanted my money back I had made this appointment 6-weeks prior, and was frustrated that it was cancelled againHe refused, telling me it's non-refundable I never signed any agreement when making the purchase, nor was I directed to their website to read one.What I am most upset about now is her accusations that I lied about my best friend's passing in order to get out of paying for a missed appointment She has posted these accusations on Yelp This accusation is a blatant lie, and incredibly hurtful and spiteful I have never seen a business act in this manner.Most of her response is irrelevant--I never had complaints about the treatments I received Yes, I went frequently and tipped well, which makes this situation all the more bizarre Her comments on Yelp to ** *** include remarks that she'll never let her in to use her package So clearly they use the tactic of taking client's money and then refusing appointments Why she would put that in writing on the internet is beyond me.I still want my $back, but more so, I'd like her to remove her nasty postings on Yelp She is clearly mentally unstable, and complicating my extensive grief with this nonsense is truly despicable
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** *** The response from Velvet Spa is a work of fiction. I love that a so-called professional's first response is that a client signed a waiver that let's them off the hook if something isn't done
right. Just goes to show you her mindset. She might have the credentials to do the work - otherwise I wouldn't have gone there; but she did not do a good job on me. The color is wrong. The right eyebrow is higher than the left and she did the work above or at the top of the brow instead of the middle. During my initial appointment on Oct 4, *** did nothing but compliment me on my brows and never once suggested there was anything wrong or weird or whatever. She said I had a "beautiful arch that most women would die for." I specifically said I did not want black or grey in my brows and wanted a warm light brown color. I explained the reason I wanted the feathering was due to the hair loss after mid-brow and I wanted that filled in. Never once did she bring up that other treatments could change the color or do other things. I did have botox on August 16, but was never asked about this prior to the November nasty meeting. I did not have botox after the eyebrow procedure on Oct 4, nor after the microdermabrasion on Nov (originally scheduled for Oct 28, which she cancelled same day due to an illness), nor after the November eyebrow followup, nor before the last nasty encounter with her on November 29. She is lying when she says she asked me about botox on November 15. I was not excited after we completed the first procedure on Oct and she even questioned me on it, stating, "You don't seem too happy; is there something wrong?" She asked this a few times. I said my eyebrows looked very dark and very curvy and high (I might have used a different word, but I don't remember exactly what). She said the color would lighten and that the "curvy" was just because of the stuff on my eyebrows at the time. I believed her and said ok; how was I to know any differently? She told me about times about her $touchup and how those who didn't do it regretted the choice. Her policy to get the $price was that you had to sign up the day you did the procedure. I didn't know how this worked and took her word that a person needed the touch up in order for the procedure to be done correctly; so I paid the $Regarding the tip, it was the male employee at the front desk who asked if I wanted to tipI said, you normally tip for this and he said yes. I asked how much and he said 20%. Therefore, I tipped herIt had nothing to do with whether I thought she did a good job, but a matter of practice that you tip for this service. I was going along with what I assumed was what you did for this service - pay the extra touch up price, so I wouldn't be charged full price later and tip the spa for the service. *** was telling me about microdermabrasion while doing my eyebrows on Oct 4. She told how much it would help on lines and other things on my face and said they had a special - treatments for $225, if I signed up that day. If anyone out there is noticing a pattern, you'd be right. Sell, sell, and up sell some more while you have an eager client in your grasp - this was ***I believed her and thought it would be good; so I bought the packageI have only used one, and as she said in her response, she will not allow me back in her spa. At the very least, she should return the $for the unused portion on this special. And, just as aside, which I never even bothered to tell her, she made my chest bleed with her microderm procedure. I was just going to ask her not to do my chest the next time, instead of complaining about this procedure, too.Back to the eyebrows. I never once "asked for red" or any other color to be added to my brows. Before the microderm procedure started (Nov 10), she asked to look at my brows and asked me what I thought. I told her the color was ashy and blackish-grey and that this was specifically what I asked it not to be. She said she could add other color (I believed she mentioned gold and possibly red) to tone down the black-grey color when I came in for the touchup on November 15. I wouldn't have the faintest idea what to add or subtract to make the color what it was supposed to be - that was her job to know how to use colors. I also told her they were too pointy at the ends (I specially told her at our first consultation that I didn't want thin ends) and that there seemed to be a spot missed in the middle of my right brow, which made it look like my eyebrow started, then stopped, and the started again. I also said the right was higher than the left, as it seemed she "feathered" at the top and above my browline. She said no problem, she could fix all of the issues. At this time, she started up with, "I don't know why this is happening with you; it's never happened to me before in all my years." "It's so weird; your skin tone seems to be changing the color." The blame was being tossed my way already. On November 15, we re-discussed these issues, and I asked that she feather lower and she said she used some other colors. Also, it should be noted how she told me it was my fault the topical numbing lotion didn't work (making the procedure very painful) and how that hadn't happened to her either. According to her, nothing is her fault.I was in no way hostile when I first walked in on November 29. I wasn't happy as the brows as they did not look very different from before. We went into the room and she got up close and said, "I don't know what else to do. Your skin is not making the color right. Your brows aren't right; etc., etc., etc. I asked if there was anything that could be done and she said no and started in about the botox. First time she ever asked. I said yes, but awhile agoI didn't know the exact date, but said in the summerShe says, oh that explains everything. The botox did this and none of it is my doing. I picked up my purse to leave and she asked why I was leaving. I said because she said there wasn't anything she could do. She said I should stay and talk about it. I asked "Talk about what?" You just keep saying this is my fault and there's nothing you can do. What is there to stay and discuss?" She then cursed at me several times and said no wonder I always look so angry. I should be suing my botox person, and on and on. This is before I cursed at her. She told me to F--off. So goes the she said, she said...... You can even see by the email she sent later that she only wants to blame me and had nothing in the way of fixing the problems: "There is nothing I can do on my end to make your brow muscles relax nor change how your skin pulls pigment." As this is a permanent procedure, the professional she claims to be should have tested my skin the first day to see that the color would be ashy, black-grey before ever doing the procedure. As for the brow muscles, had she not pigmented my skin above the brow line, they would have looked fine.*** isn't going to do anything to make her client satisfied or at least mollified. I've seen and heard the other complaints on her now - guess I should have looked harder at her reviews before going to her. She is not a good cosmetician nor a professional in her field. I would not recommend her spa to anyone

[redacted] With regards to the complaint filed by [redacted] I included a detailed summary of her history with our spa along with attached supporting documentation. [redacted] has been coming to our spa since 2014. Her visits have been consistently 3-4 weeks apart, sometimes even SEVEN DAYS apart. I can...

tell you that is very rare for a client to need to come for appointments that frequently, particularly someone in their 30’s.    She came in on the following dates…please note the frequency of her visits in addition to her own cancellations.   November 22nd 2014 facial   December 6th 2014 (two weeks later) microdermabrasion   January 6th 2015 (four weeks later) facial   She canceled her February 24th appointment (I enclosed a copy of MY schedule for Feb 24th to show I had numerous clients that day, so I was in fact working and was not the one who canceled)   March 13th 2015 microdermabrasion    March 19th 2015 (less than a week later) she canceled. Please note a copy of my enclosed schedule again to prove I was working that day. You can actually see the block I have due to her cancelation we were unable to fill   March 20th 2015 (very next day) I was able to get her in for her canceled appointment the NEXT DAY!   April 4th 2015 She canceled again. I enclosed another copy of my schedule to prove I was working. I remember this vividly because this was my birthday weekend which I was originally going to take off but had decided to work   April 21st  2015 (still within four weeks of her March 21st appointment) facial   May 5th 2015 (two weeks later) facial   September 1st 2015 NO SHOW!  When she received the NO SHOW email notification she immediately called and apologized and booked her October 13th appointment. Please see right hand side of schedule which displays when the appointment was created. The October 13th appointment was created September 1st, the day of her no-show. Point being this was her 3rd cancelation, one of which she hadn’t even bothered to call.    October 13th 2015 microdermabrasion  When she came in that day we let her know she had a No Show from her September appointment on record, which in turn took one of her treatments out of her package. Note, we require a 24 hour notice for cancelations so we can fill that time slot with another client. Since she did not call us to cancel, we reminded her of that policy. She explained to us the her best friend had died so we decided to not have that treatment come out of her package. She was pretty emotional during her appointment that day while discussing the loss of her friend, which I do believe was genuine. However, come to find out, the friend she was referring to was a well known and beloved teacher at a private school minutes from our spa who had actually passed just days before, (not on September 1st). [redacted]. This is a very small community and there was quite a few clients of mine who knew the teacher, as well as a lot of news coverage of her sudden death. It was actually pretty upsetting to us realizing that her friend [redacted] had actually died just four days prior to her appointment at our spa. Not in September when she had no-showed. She simply used that as an excuse so we didn’t take her facial out of her package. Needless to say that was pretty disturbing to us. Even still, we did’t tell her we knew and as a matter of fact, she purchased another package that day. She showed up later that SAME WEEK Saturday morning at 9:30 (please note our spa isn't even open until 10am; see our hours of operation) claiming she had an appointment. Keep in mind her friend passed away on October 9th. She had a facial at our spa on the 13th, the funeral was on Thursday the 15th and she came in again on the 17th claiming she had an appointment. She did not have a scheduled appointment and left very upset and quite emotional.   March 29th Canceled appointment by US for which we gave her 3 days notice on March 26th. My son had pink eye; he’s 5 and was out of pre-kindergarten for several days. It is my understanding she was incredibly upset and was yelling and even using profanity on the phone to our front desk support. That same day, March 26th she and a friend of hers [redacted] (whom I have never met)  both wrote nasty reviews on Yelp. Yelp actually removed her review and ironically her friend's fake review still stands, even though I have never met her and she has NEVER once been canceled on at our spa.     In addition to all of these appointments we enclosed a list of all of the numerous treatments and products she’s purchased repeatedly. I would think someone who frequented our spa this much and purchased products and packages repeatedly would be considered a pretty satisfied client. If you refer to the enclosed receipt she even tipped me $25 which is well over 30% gratuity. We cannot help a client who’s under duress or someone who is confused about when they have or have not scheduled appointments with our spa. We have no record of her booking any appointments or any appointment being canceled other than the ones listed and I have certainly never just “not showed up” as she claims in her report. I am the owner and when my spa is open, I am there. Please also note the system would reflect ANY and ALL appointments booked or canceled and we cannot delete, change or remove them from the system without record. I enclosed that information from the Booker Software program we use for our spa operations and you may verify that yourself with the link I provided in a addition to the captured picture I attached. [redacted].   Beyond all of this nonsense we’ve endured from this client, the fact remains we require a 24 hour cancelation notice and packages are non refundable. This is posted clearly in our policies and procedures on our website: It is also posted by our register and most importantly it is listed on the bottom of every receipt. We’ve enclosed all of those for your review as well. Please let me know how to proceed from here.   Thank you,   [redacted]

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Address: 7600 Landmark Way Ste 106, Greenwood Vlg, Colorado, United States, 80111-1961


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