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Bubbas East Coast Rods & Customs

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Reviews Bubbas East Coast Rods & Customs

Bubbas East Coast Rods & Customs Reviews (5)

[redacted] ,Thank you for forwarding me [redacted] s complaint to you.Since the filing of the initial report we have spoken to [redacted] and addressed his concerns to bring forth his complete satisfaction and he will contacting you to remove the complaint.However, I will also provide you some background on this situation for you.Bubba and I left the Fairfax facility almost years ago to open a second facility in south Florida.To say it's been a TOUGH task is a severe understatement!We left the Fairfax facility in charge with a person whom we thought we could trust and considered him to be a very special part of our family internally.In reality, what has happened since we left that person in charge has caused us several lawsuits, complaints with the (this being one of them), delinquency in all the utility bills, delinquency in rent which we were sued for, large sums of missing money, continued deals being cut for cash instead of all the jobs being done on the books and just about every problem you could possibly imagine.In fact, I have sold the Fairfax business in an asset/liability sale so our names will be removed from the business by the end of this week.In [redacted] s case here are a few facts[redacted] brought in his [redacted] pick up for paint work which our former manager sub contracted out to the [redacted] on [redacted] in Fairfax, VA.Our previous manager charged [redacted] $for body and paint work During an audit we found the sub contractor, [redacted] had not been paid for the paid for the work yet the truck had already been delivered to the clientAdditionally, of the $collected from the client the sub contractor only charged $and a review of our bank statements reveals the cash paid by [redacted] to our former manager never made it into our bank account.I have attached a copy of the invoice from [redacted] showing the invoice that is still open[redacted] is correct that additional paint work needs to be completed behind the bed of the cab of the truck to complete the job properly and we have agreed to do so.There was also work to be done in terms of installing new lighting on the [redacted] s vehicle as well.Since the time of the [redacted] s complaint with you we have addressed the lighting issues and we will be taking his vehicle back in for the completion of the paint work.Regarding the statement that there is no one there who can complete the workThere are very competent and proficient technicians, Darrin H [redacted] and John D [redacted] who are working at the Fairfax facility and my daughter Jessi L [redacted] that [redacted] refers to is the office manager.The allegation that Jessi was in a purported drug overdose during one of [redacted] s visit is completely false.Jessi was extremely tired from the countless hours they had been putting in at the facility and literally fell to sleep at the front desk.This was late on a Saturday afternoonWe are not even open on Saturdays yet the crew was there working.Darrin thought something was wrong with Jessi she was in such a deep state of sleep and called Upon arrival of the emergency personnel they woke her up and found everything to be OK and departedThere was NO drug over dose or usage by Jessi rather just a very tired young lady from working a lot of hours.In closing [redacted] we are in the process of cleaning up a lot of messes left by our previous manager and it's a very slow and arduous task but we will get through it no matter how much work it takes.We will make sure [redacted] is taken care of and ensure his complete satisfactionThanks again for allowing me the opportunity to address this with you and if you have and further questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me at [redacted] ***

[redacted],Thank you for forwarding me [redacted]s complaint to you.Since the filing of the initial report we have spoken to [redacted] and addressed his concerns to bring forth his complete satisfaction and he will contacting you to remove the complaint.However, I will also provide you some...

background on this situation for you.Bubba and I left the Fairfax facility almost 3 years ago to open a second facility in south Florida.To say it's been a TOUGH task is a severe understatement!We left the Fairfax facility in charge with a person whom we thought we could trust and considered him to be a very special part of our family internally.In reality, what has happened since we left that person in charge has caused us several lawsuits, 2 complaints with the (this being one of them), delinquency in all the utility bills, delinquency in rent which we were sued for, large sums of missing money, continued deals being cut for cash instead of all the jobs being done on the books and just about every problem you could possibly imagine.In fact, I have sold the Fairfax business in an asset/liability sale so our names will be removed from the business by the end of this week.In [redacted]s case here are a few facts.[redacted] brought in his 1988 [redacted] pick up for paint work which our former manager sub contracted out to the [redacted] on [redacted] in Fairfax, VA.Our previous manager charged [redacted] $7500 for body and paint work.  During an audit we found the sub contractor, [redacted] had not been paid for the paid for the work yet the truck had already been delivered to the client. Additionally, of the $7500 collected from the client the sub contractor only charged $1017.20 and a review of our bank statements reveals the cash paid by [redacted] to our former manager never made it into our bank account.I have attached a copy of the invoice from [redacted] showing the invoice that is still open.[redacted] is correct that additional paint work needs to be completed behind the bed of the cab of the truck to complete the job properly and we have agreed to do so.There was also work to be done in terms of installing new lighting on the [redacted]s vehicle as well.Since the time of the [redacted]s complaint with you we have addressed the lighting issues and we will be taking his vehicle back in for the completion of the paint work.Regarding the statement that there is no one there who can complete the work. There are 2 very competent and proficient technicians, Darrin H[redacted] and John D[redacted] who are working at the Fairfax facility and my daughter Jessi L[redacted] that [redacted] refers to is the office manager.The allegation that Jessi was in a purported drug overdose during one of [redacted]s visit is completely false.Jessi was extremely tired from the countless hours they had been putting in at the facility and literally fell to sleep at the front desk.This was late on a Saturday afternoon. We are not even open on Saturdays yet the crew was there working.Darrin thought something was wrong with Jessi she was in such a deep state of sleep and called 911. Upon arrival of the emergency personnel they woke her up and found everything to be OK and departed. There was NO drug over dose or usage by Jessi rather just a very tired young lady from working a lot of hours.In closing [redacted] we are in the process of cleaning up a lot of messes left by our previous manager and it's a very slow and arduous task but we will get through it no matter how much work it takes.We will make sure [redacted] is taken care of and ensure his complete satisfaction. Thanks again for allowing me the opportunity to address this with you and if you have and further questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me at [redacted].

CRIMINALS! Google Tom Lloyd Fairfax. These criminals who where found GUILTY of fraud in VA and have now come to Florida to continue the lies and deceptions. Search Palm Beach County Clerk records and read the current law suit complaints. 1 star because you cant give negative.


Review: I hired this company to do work on a 1965 superformance cobra. The work was being partially paid through my insurance. [redacted] the salesman and owner has made repeated promisess that he will not keep. The primary issue is I need copies of all invoices detailing the work provided so I can complete my insurance claim. These requests for backup information have been flat out promised but not provided since November 2012. They have not provided proof that they rebuilt the transmission which is not running correctly and though it was a fraction of the work it was a substantial cost. They commited to a emergency brake repair which was never done but was again paid for. They returned the car with overspray from another vehicles paint job which I am taking care of. They seem hostle and overall uncooperative.Desired Settlement: I need proof of the transmission rebuild and copies of the invoices to send to my insurance company.




How are you?

Thank you for returning my call last week.

I filed a very lengthily response last week regarding this unfounded complaint and when I sent it to you it an error message appeared which said the complaint was removed and deleted my entire response.

And since there is no way to save a draft using the response I lost everything to include my pictures.

My heart sank and I immediately called you to see if it had been removed for some reason.

As such I need to sit down and recreate the entire response and we have been out of town until today.

Can you please afford me until mid next week to get it done again and over to you?

Thank you.

Vice President

Bubbas East Coast Rods & Customs



From: [redacted]

Date: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:44 AM

Subject: complaint number [redacted]

To: [redacted],

This is my second response to you regarding this complaint as the first response returned and error code from the response center losing the entire lengthy response I had prepared.

Additionally, I sent you several e mails and placed as many phone calls to you asking for additional time to prepare the response again as we were out of town on business and I could not do this again until we returned.

So, allow me to begin by saying thank you for affording me the opportunity to respond to [redacted]'s complaint.

[redacted] hired us to perform major mechanical work to his replica kit car 1965 Superformance Cobra .

The extremely SVERE damage caused to [redacted]'s vehicle was caused by very dangerous driving on [redacted]'s part which left him hospitalized.

The irresponsibility of his actions are what cause the extensive damage to the vehicle and himself.

The full extent of the repairs needed were not completely evident until we invoked a modular approach to effecting the repairs.

In other words we had to repair damage in one area then drive the car to determine what other areas of damage had also occurred.

During the entire process I was in constant communication with not only [redacted] but representatives of his insurance company spending a great deal of time interacting with the insurance company and it's representatives to support [redacted]'s claim of damage.

The entire situation was extremely frustrating as I could not get a green light to effect repairs on the car so in every case [redacted] would pay for the work via check and we would perform the pre agreed repairs.

However, on two separate occasions [redacted] stopped payment on his checks causing a cash crisis with our bank account overdrawing it on both occasions even though we had already taken money from our pocket to order his parts.

When I asked [redacted] why he had taken such action his response was that this is the way he conducts normal business.

There was absolutely no remorse on [redacted]'s part for his action much less any attempt on his part to cover the bank related fees associated with his actions.

Our entire relationship with [redacted] was like this. It was littered with extreme highs and lows and we honestly thought it may have had something to do with the medication from the accident.

The nature of [redacted]'s issue was a clutch assembly that grenaded so violently that shrapnel from the clutch and transmission came through the body of the car into the drivers area leaving the flying metal components to penetrate several areas of [redacted]'s leg much like a soldier stepping on a land mine.

Once we had taken steps to repair all the damage to the transmission, clutch and body areas we drove the car and it was found out there was also damage done to the rear differential which is where the rear gears are housed that transmits power to the rear wheels.

The final time [redacted]'s car was in our facility was for an ignition related repair that was not related to the accident in any manner.

During the course of the repairs on **.[redacted]'s car as I mentioned above I was in very close contact with several people at his insurance company and it was expressed to me by the insurance representatives that based on the damage to **.[redacted]'s car they were skeptical about covering the repairs since this type of damage did not happen under normal wear and tear conditions.

I cooperated at every level with the insurance company spending hours of my time for which I was never compensated sending e mails and photographs to the insurance company and taking calls from [redacted] for even MORE of my time at bizarre hours of the day and night.

The requests became so bizarre and frequent that I eventually called Verizon and had them block [redacted]'s phone number from my personal cell phone so I could get some relief from his constant pressure.

After **. [redacted] filed his unwarranted claim with you I called him personally at which time he admitted I had provided him with copies of ALL 3 of his invoices as I personally gave them to him and shook his hand thanking him for his business just as I do with every one of our cherished customers.

So, if he admittedly received his invoices then what did he do with them? I am only obligated to provide one copy of the invoice to each customer which I did.

However, [redacted]'s very bizarre and alarming behavior caused me to cease any further communication between us because I was no longer feeling comfortable since during the course of our very short relationship we had experienced canceled checks and the associated fees which we were not reimbursed for, strange requests and lack of complete payment when an invoices was closed, a very strained relationship because of the CONSTANT financial unexplainable maneuvering with our money by [redacted], the all hours texting and phone calls to my personal cell phone which he clearly abused the privilege of and finally the insurance representatives feeling there was an attempt at fraud on [redacted]'s behalf.

At that point I needed to cease any further communication to protect myself on our company.

Please allow me to cite an example for you.

[redacted] states in his claim to you that he was charged an emergency brake repair yet in reality he was not charged for it and a look at his invoices proves that or that we got over spray on his car.

We don't paint at this facility as we have an offsite paint booth so if [redacted] has over spray on his car then perhaps he should point the finger in the correct direction, one of the other shops he also took his car too.

From personal experience I already know how [redacted] conducts himself and I don't want to be caught up in any illegal activity.

There was certainly no hostility nor uncooperative as [redacted] states in his closing lines.

In fact, we cooperated not only with [redacted] but the insurance company at multiple level s as well and the only level of hostility [redacted] experienced was due to his own bizarre behavior of canceling checks and not paying his invoices in full.

Can a customer walk into a [redacted] and cancel their check after buying food or decide that they will only pay a portion of the bill and walk out? Absolutely not so [redacted] is NOT ENTITLED to conducting himself in this manner at our business.

What business owner would be jovial and happy if they had been through the same experience with [redacted]? None! They would have told [redacted] to pay his balance in full after the first module of repairs and take his car elsewhere.

We told [redacted] we had already printed the invoices for him and that our IT Manager had a death in his family and he would e mail them to [redacted] upon his return yet [redacted] still felt the need to file this unjust complaint with you. No doubt more of his "normal" business practices.

In fact when [redacted] picked up his car from us he took our Facility Manager for a test drive in the car and drove so erratically and unsafely our Facility Manager said he would never get into a car with him again.

If there is and strange behavior that has taken place it is not on our end what so ever.

[redacted] was told he could pick up a second copy of his invoices here at our facility as I wanted him to sign for them proving he had received them since he lost the first series he was provided.

[redacted] chose not to come retrieve them and I fulfilled my obligation providing the first series of invoices. Additionally, I was prepared to have our IT Manager e mail them to [redacted] as a courtesy to him upon his return from his family emergency but I halted that process because of the claim to the from [redacted].

We have been fair at every level with [redacted] and he has been extremely abusive and unfair with us and we have been victims of his so called business practices and enough is enough.

We treated [redacted] with the upmost level of respect and provided him with the highest level of customer service and without a doubt built his car better and safer than the day he purchased it and he took advantage of us at every level.

Thanks for taking the time to read my response [redacted] and if you need anything else from me please feel free to reach out to me.

In kind regards,


[redacted] / Co-Owner

Bubbas East Coast Rods & Customs

Review: In April 2006 I took my 1968 Camaro convertible (VIN #[redacted]) to the aforementioned establishment to have wiring work done to my camaro. The owner, [redacted] saw the work that the previous body shop ([redacted]) had done and they had the car for 5 years; and stated that his placed would do all the work. I agreed and stated that there was no rush (however, I didn't know he would take that to mean over 6 years later). In April I gave [redacted] $2,000 to start the work, and the car was painted by [redacted] for $1,000. On July 24, 2006 I gave them another $1,000. In Decemeber 2007 I gave [redacted] another $5500.00. On March 16, 2011 I was advised that it would take $11,000 -12,000 to be complete (however, they didn't say if that was in addition to what I already paid, or if that was total. In addition, I was also advised that the car now has Corvette Rally Wheels wit trim rings and caps, tires, electrical issues have been resolved and interior parts were purchased); however none of that has been done on the car when I looked at it back in April 2013. At one point they started doing a tv show at fixing cars and I was told they had planned to use my Camaro in the show, but that has yet to happen. In March 2013 I spoke to [redacted] via e-mail and toone of his guys that he has assigned me too because he has run out of excuses to give me and does not really want to see me. I asked if my car would be done by my birthday April 25, I was told it may not be, but the engine should be done, and I can hear the car start up. Of Course my birthday came and went and still no engine. I asked if the engine would be done by the time I came back from the Dominican Republic in June,; again they said it should be. In the meantime, they said they have been busy opening up a new shop in Florida. Meanwhile my Camaro sits on their lot with the engine removed, same old wiring, nothing done with the top or tires or anything. The only story I get is we are on the home stretch and just have to put it together, but nothing has been done. I even offered to take it elsewhere, but [redacted] said they want to finish it. I originally thought [redacted] was excited about doing the work, and he came highly recommended by a Park Police Officer.Desired Settlement: I simply would like the project done when they say it's going to be done. Every deadline they gave, they did not meet. I believe the job should have been done within 7 years. My house was built in shorter time. If they are not going to complete it soon, then just return the vehicle, parts and money paid.




How are you?

I spoke to **. [redacted] yesterday who was unaware of the amount of work that had actually been completed on his Camaro and as such agreed to remove this complaint he filed if we agreed to continue building the car for him which we naturally have every desire to do as we really like **. [redacted] a LOT!

**. [redacted] said he would be reaching out to you to ask you to please remove this from our file and he may already have done so but I wanted to follow up with you on this as well.

If you have any questions please feel free to call me at [redacted].

Thank you!



**. [redacted],

I spoke to [redacted] and we have come to an agreement that if I drop the complaint he will finish the vehicle within the next 60 days. This is all that I want is for the vehicle to be finished. I have left two similar messages on your voice mail

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


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Address: 9494 Fairfax Blvd, Fairfax, Virginia, United States, 22031-2406


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