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RE Brooks, Realtors

2518 Old Ashworth Ln NW, Concord, North Carolina, United States, 28027-6514

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I rented an apartment for myself, my wife and young son in May, 2019. At the time we executed the lease, the front door lock was known to be not fully functional. *** B, the realtor said he would have the matter resolved asap and contact me. Well, 3 months went by and the lock still hadn't been functioning correctly. I made periodic calls and sent emails to him to remind him but despite endless promises, the situation remained unresolved. I eventually replaced the lock and deducted it from the rent after giving written notice of my intention to do so in 5 days if not resolved.
After that, *** B has continued to harass me and my family. He has lied about having to schedule an "8 month warranty inspection" so he could bring a bunch of people to inspect the home. We have nothing to hide but there is no such thing as an "8 month warranty inspection." The home is only 6 months old.
He doesn't appear to know how to deal with *** so he resorts to lies and attempts at manipulation. We have paid our rent every month without fail and maintained the home flawlessly. But we have NEVER had the opportunity to feel at peace since the realtor has been a constant annoyance in one way or another. We feel this is discriminatory and harassing. At 54 years old, I can recognize *** and *** behavior when I encounter it. We did nothing wrong. We rented a home in good faith and have done all that one can ask of tenants. Unfortunately, *** B does not see the need to abide by good business practices to all.

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) If we are to continue with the lease, we simply ask that the landlord/tenant relationship be adhered to. We have a lease and we have and will honor it fully. It stipulates that all repairs that are requested of the landlord be done in a timing manner. 3 months without a secure door lock is not timely. The home is in good condition and will remain as such while we occupy it. We gave the requisite security deposit so there should be no need for excessive concern.

RE Brooks, Realtors Response • Aug 28, 2019

in response to the clients complaint, we agree with the client that the combination part of the front door lock was not available for their use when the home was rented to them. The front door also had a key lock which was fine and has been used by the client. Getting the information we needed to correct the situation from the owner and others just took too long and it is our fault. the client did go ahead and buy a combination lock to replace the one not being used and we paid for the new lock. The owner has told us that he wanted to do an 8th month walk-though to have any needed items repaired under warranty. I did my own investigation of the warranty cycle today and determined that it is 30 days and one year. therefore, we will resend the 8th month request and re-schedule at the end of the year of ownership. We take our role as a real estate company and property management company very seriously. However in this case we didn't get the lock fixed in a timely manner and had incorrect information on the need for the walk-through. For this we apologize as we have previously to the client both verbally and in writing. We will be contacting the client to express our desire for his continued relationship with our firm.

Customer Response • Sep 03, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Customer Response • Jan 28, 2020

Continued harrassing, discrimatory, and retaliatory conduct by the property manager.
Unfortunately, this is the 2nd complaint that we are filing against *** Realty. We have had non stop issues with this property manager since day one. We have paid the rent every month so why should we have to deal with such obtrusive behavior from a property management company.
We waited over 3 months for our front door lock to be rectified after we moved into the property. This was the responsibility of the owner and property manager, not ours.
When we were forced to rectify the situation to secure our home and family, *** then found other reasons to continue to disturb our peace of mind. Smart property managers know that when you have good tenants that pay every month and maintain the peace and condition of the property; it's wise to leave them alone and reap the benefits of having good tenants. *** doesn't seem to understand this.
My wife no longer enjoys our home. My son has to be picked up from school instead of taking the school bus home because we would see persons lurking around the property, apparently watching it, or us.
We moved into this property with the intention of renting for 2 years and then purchasing another home of our own. We now have decided that we can not continue here beyond our current lease term that end in 4 months.
My wife and I have been in mortgage financing for over 20 years. We have served as both tenant and landlord. We understand what is standard operating procedure and what's above and beyond. We have both bought properties and sold them. Never have we encountered such inappropriate, discriminatory and illegal conduct from a property manager.
I have refused to have RE *** realtors conduct an alleged warranty inspection since originally it was a 6 month mandatory inspection. Then when I obtained the property information and advised him that the property sold in Feb. 2019 he changed it to an 8 month mandatory warranty inspection. The he changed it to 1 year mandatory warranty. None of these exist in actuality. I verified it with the builder. NO BUILDER HAS A REQUIRED WARRANTY INSPECTION. EVER.
A property owner may request one if they feel they have any issue that needs to be addressed but there is no such thing as a "Mandatory Warranty Inspection" from the builder. This is retaliatory behavior and as such; illegal.
Not coincidentally, this was never put in the lease, not was it ever mentioned UNTIL I forced his hand by making the repair to the front door lock that I gave him 3 MONTHS TO RECTIFY. Using "rent as repairs" is within my legal right and I gave more than enough time to have the situation resolved. Once I took the matter into own hands, it was resolved in a matter of hours. There have been other issues that also still haven't been resolved but at this point, we do not feel safe or comfortable with the erratic behavior of ***.
Again, this is just the recent series of events. We have had to endure the lies and attempts at manipulation from *** since the day we signed the lease. It should be noted that of the items that he promised to address when we first moved in, NONE of them were ever addressed. He knows what they are so I won't add them here and they are inconsequential at his point.
We want no further, unnecessary contact from RE *** Realtors.
We have given the requisite security deposit and understand our reponsibility to maintain and upkeep the property as per the lease agreement that was signed.
The property remains in pristine condition and in some cases, better condition than we obtained it in.
We have stated our intention to depart at the end of our lease in May and have requested that *** and any associates abstain from any harrassing, or unneccessary conduct or contact. We have affirmed our responsibility and right to contact RE *** Realtors in the event of any emergency or any matter that requires the attention of the property manager. We have also incurred the expense of installing cameras to monitor and record activities on the property.
We should not have to incur these expenses or be affected in our lives by a person who refuses to conduct himself in a professional, ethical manner.

I should also mention that I am a cancer patient and this continue harrassment is not only unhealthy to me but rather stressing. The happiness and comfort of our family in the home we are paying to live in has been adversely affected and this must end now.

Thank You.

RE Brooks, Realtors Response • Jan 30, 2020

in response to the Tenants compliant on January 28,2020, we refer to our last response listed below. Since that time, we have talked and emailed with the tenant regarding the one year warranty inspection to be performed by a DR Horton representative. We did ask for an inspection by them for today (01/30/2020). We did say that this was required by the builder which was in error. It is offered by the builder and the owner asked that it be done. Since we are having this "standoff" we have asked the owner to get involved as the inspection must be done by February 8, 2020, the anniversary of the home purchase by the owner. or he will lose his warranty rights. The owner and the Tenant have talked but I don't have any resolution yet. We want to do what is right for the owner and the tenant. I asked the tenant yesterday if we can just sit down and talk, but he wasn't willing at that time. The only thing I can do at this point is wait to see if the owner and the tenant can work things out. in almost 14 years of doing the property management side of our real estate business I have never had an issue like this. I am willing to do whatever is fair and just and want to treat everyone the way we want to be treated .
in response to the clients complaint, we agree with the client that the combination part of the front door lock was not available for their use when the home was rented to them. The front door also had a key lock which was fine and has been used by the client. Getting the information we needed to correct the situation from the owner and others just took too long and it is our fault. the client did go ahead and buy a combination lock to replace the one not being used and we paid for the new lock. The owner has told us that he wanted to do an 8th month walk-though to have any needed items repaired under warranty. I did my own investigation of the warranty cycle today and determined that it is 30 days and one year. therefore, we will resend the 8th month request and re-schedule at the end of the year of ownership. We take our role as a real estate company and property management company very seriously. However in this case we didn't get the lock fixed in a timely manner and had incorrect information on the need for the walk-through. For this we apologize as we have previously to the client both verbally and in writing. We will be contacting the client to express our desire for his continued relationship with our firm.

Customer Response • Feb 10, 2020

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The response from the property manager states that the current issue is regarding some warranty inspection that has been pending. Incorrect.
The issue is that we have had CONSTANT annoyances from the property manager since we first signed the lease in May. I repeat, constant! We are literally paying to be annoyed. We will deal with this outside of this writing at this point.
The length of time they have been in business is no concern of ours. We know what we have dealt with.
The bottom line is the property was not made habitable prior to our taking possession. I will not reiterate the details again here but suffice it to say, many inept and apparently incompetent mistake's and/or oversights were made during this rental situation, We have dealt with numerous property manager's in the past and this stuff isn't rocket science, It just requires a small amount of due diligence. That was not performed here.
*** admitted he knew the door lock was a problem when we took possession. He said he would have it rectified immediately. 3.5 months later, I was forced to rectify the situation myself using 'rent as repairs' as the basis of my actions. He did not pay for it. I debited it from the rent after giving him a 5 day notice of my intention to do so. Which still didn't result in a remedy. He never even came by the property to check it out for himself because he knew the problem existed already.
There are obviously other concerns that can be listed here but it's inconsequential at this point. The bottom line is none of the concerns that were to be handled prior to our securing the lease, and then asap once we had secured it; were ever addressed by ***. None of them. I asked him directly to name just one thing that he did that he said he was going to handle. He came up with nothing but just offered more apologies.

In September, I advised *** that I did not intend to have these continuous interactions with him. I had already rectified what needed to be done at that point, 4 months after moving in and since *** never addressed them. I advised him that he was to just collect the rent on behalf of the client and leave us alone. I stipulated that I would maintain my right to contact *** Realty at any time in case of an emergency regarding the property. That is well within my right and precisely how a tenancy should be conducted. He offered to sit down and grab a bite to eat. For what? I have a family and a life and he clearly doesn't understand his role as property manager.
Once I notified him that he is to cease the constant annoyances, the mystical and ever morphing mandatory warranty inspection was presented. I immediately told *** that he was lying and I called the warranty company to prove it. Then *** proceeded to change the story several times. At this point I have spoken directly to the owner. I told *** that he should probably have the owner contact me directly because he was making a mess of this situation. It turns out that *** was not communicating much of what was going on to the owner.
When I communicated with the owner myself, I brought him up to speed on what had transpired since the very day we signed the lease. He agreed that everything that was a concern of mine and my family was a mishandled by them. I advised him on the inept work done by the property manager in handling what should be a cut and dry situation. He had good, clean, decent tenants who pay the rent and maintain the property well. That is a landlords dream situation. The only thing to do then is not annoy them unnecessarily.
During my talks with the owner, I referred him to errors and ineptitudes even within the lease agreement. I advised him that a property manager's chief function is to broker an enforceable and equitable lease agreement. There are elements within our lease that lead one to believe that the property manager isn't very competent.
Rule #1 of being a landlord/property manager is don't pass *** problems to your new tenants. Everything we have dealt with since initially singing the lease was the responsibility of the owner/property manager. Not the tenant.

I have all the information I need regarding the warranty situation. I have communicated it to the owner directly. I offered the owner the opportunity to have the builder contact me to schedule the unnecessary inspection, he did not accept the offer. He wanted then to have a series of inspections done which again, is more infringement into our lives and peace.

At no point has the owner or property manager offered any recompense as a small gesture to say that they understand and are responsible for our discomforts. We even offered the owner the opportunity to break the lease so they can then find tenants who don't mind being annoyed.
They seem to think that we will continue to be inconvenienced and disturbed as though it's acceptable.
It should be noted that the owner is new to the investor game. He relied on the services of a property manager that was referred to him by someone involved in the purchase. (mistake)
We have 3 months remaining on the lease and unfortunately, are planning to move. Again.
We have determined that we have endured enough and this situation will likely end up in court when they refuse to return the full security deposit.
We have maintained the home flawlessly so we will return it in actually better condition then it was in when we rented it.
No tenant should ever have to endure such constant disruptions to their lives by a service provider that didn't perform their basic function. There are actually two clients that the property manager has to service. *** seemed to think there was only one.
I have heard all the apologies but a real apology is changed behavior they say.
*** can make this about some useless warranty inspection if he likes. The property was just inspected right before we moved in and the owner chose to rent it out instead of continuing to live in it. That's his right. We realize that the home may be insured as owner occupied and not as tenant occupied which may cause the owner some discomfort. Again, the property manager should have required the owner to convert his insurance to tenant occupied as a condition of their contract. I wonder if that was done. We were required to carry renters insurance as a condition of the lease but in truth, we always carry it when renting.
We have gone as far as we are prepared to go with this complaint. We do NOT accept the response given by *** Realty, as most of it is incorrect and non contextual.

RE Brooks, Realtors Response • Feb 14, 2020

As we have stated before, we have only contacted the tenant since the last correspondence to try and schedule the Builders one year warranty inspections. this allows the owner to have any warranty repairs completed by the builder in conjunction with the one year anniversary. the tenant has not approved that visit as of yesterday. The owner and I talked last night and have decided to not pursue the warranty visit any more until the tenant's lease is up. At that time, which will be 05/14/2020, any repairs that would have been warranty related will be charged to the tenant.

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Address: 2518 Old Ashworth Ln NW, Concord, North Carolina, United States, 28027-6514


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