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Energized Health

1116 W 7th St STE 246, Columbia, Tennessee, United States, 38401-1811

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What A Great Program!
I just finished my 88-day transformation experience with Energized Health and I am really pleased with the results. During this time I did lose 32 pounds and also had 24 inches lost in my measurements. My energy level is really high now and my high blood pressure is now in the normal range without any medication.
Prior to starting this program I was trying to lose weight again. I did loose 8 pounds and then I hit a plateau and could not lose any more weight no matter how hard I tried.
Energized Health was a new approach to fitness and weight loss and fat loss that I had not been aware of before.
Also, the daily videos, the weekly Zoom coaching sessions, and the Facebook Group were all very helpful in staying motivated and on track. My coach Linda also did a great job and was able to answer all of my questions and give me some tips that really helped.
If you are serious about your health and really want to get in good shape in a healthy way, and attain results that are sustainable, then Energized Health is the program for you.
John and Chelsea Jubilee are the best coaches I have ever had. They really put their heart and soul into this program. Thanks John and Chelsea! This program has been such a blessing to me!


More Than I Expected
I was one of the skeptics when I started but was desperate to find something that would be relevant, effective, and something that I could really stick to. So I jumped in. After losing my husband my desire was to get healthy but I didn’t realize how much work I needed to do emotionally and spiritually as well as physically. Even though my first round did result in over 25lbs of fat loss and 25 inches lost, the biggest results were emotional and spiritual healing that needed to take place. I am excited for my next round and to continue my transformation. I am very thankful to the Lord, to John & Chelsea, and to my coach, Dru! I could not have finished this round without each of you.
Don’t pass up this opportunity for total transformation! It is truly life changing!


Absolutely Amazing
Thank you to Energized Health for helping me get healthy. I had no motivation at the start of this program, and it kept me accountable. I can't believe I only have 3 days of my fist round of 88 days. I lost 52.7 pounds and 28.3 inches. WOW that is amazing. I highly recommend this everyone.

Tim Brown - 88 Day Transformation
We have just finished our 88 Day Protocol with Energized Health and are extremely pleased with the results we have achieved. The teaching materials, coaching and support, daily videos and weekly zoom sessions have provided the encouragement and motivation we needed to accomplish what we are so pleased with at this point. It was worth every penny we spent and every bit of effort we put into attaining our goals, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I could not recommend it enough to do it justice.

On My Way to new Me
Upon getting on the Energized Health Transformation Plan, my results were outstanding. Again, like anyy weight loss plan you need to stick with it. I have learned that many of the principals are now my new norm for ever and not that difficult to follow, namely, no sugar, no white flour. With their help in identifying health foods you can eat, the plan is easy to follow and maintain. In the 88 days, I did loose 28#, 14.5", but more importantly water wait gain. The 88 days even occurred over Thanksgiving, Christmas and 23 days of vacations. If those days were not in the mix, losses would have been much improved. I am back in for another 88 day run, by then hopefully closer to my ultimate weight goal.

I have been trying to lose weight for the past 5 years, just could not stick to anything I tried. Energized Health was finally my answer. It’s a program that has limits, but not too restrictive. I am not a prepare ahead all my meals, etc. kind of person. It is too time consuming and I knew I would not prepare everything ahead like some of the programs have as a necessity. Maybe there are people who can do that without a problem, but I am not one of them. So if you’re like me, this program could be what you need.

I lost the weight I wanted and within the 88 day program, of course, including the first 14 days. This is a program designed for you to succeed, and when you follow the plan, you will not fail. You will definitely lose the weight, but most of all you will lose body fat. I have more energy now, I feel better about myself physically and look better, but mentally and emotionally I have changed for the better. More self confidence, more gratefulness, more smiles and love given to others. It just seems to happen as you become more and more aware of your thoughts and living in the now. Energized Health was the catalyst for the changes and I am so grateful.

The videos for the program are always informative, encouraging, spiritually motivated, mentally and emotionally charged and such good sources of keeping one on track. So many times I would find the video for that day was exactly what I needed to hear. Changes have been made in my life because it verified what I knew I needed-then action was taken. Made such a difference in my life.

Kimberly, my coach, was extremely exceptional in all phases of the program. Whatever I needed help with, she was on it. Be it video issues, questions about the program itself or just wanting to know if I could do something I wasn’t sure about. She was very supportive in every way and encouraging when I needed it. If I called her with a question, she always got back to me. Great coach!

Change your health…. Change your life!!!!’
Energized Health and my instructor

I was amazed at how well I did on the Energized Health Program. It was a program that worked well for weight loss, alíviate aches, arthritis and regain energy. My instructor Kimberly was a big help to answer questions and concerns to keep me motivated. The program has great videos and recipes to help with the program. I Highly recommend this program for anyone that is looking to better their health and or loose unwanted weight. It’s a definitely a change your life program!

Transformation Of A Combat Veteran
I came to Energized Health broken in mind, body and soul. I suffered from severe PTSD and depression (100% disabled) from the war, tours, campaigns, conflicts. Suffered from heartburn, acid reflux, migraines, high blood pressure, retro active airway disease, pinched sciatic nerve, severe allergy symptoms, stage 3 kidney disease/failure in which they told me it could never be reversed, nightmares, sleep apnea and suicidal.
1) PTSD & Depression- Didn't stop it but my mindset changed to where it's not debilitating.
2)Heartburn- improved by 90%
3) Acid reflux-improved by 90%
4) Migraines-improved by 70%
5) High Blood pressure- improved by 70%
6) Pinched Sciatic Nerve- GONE
7) Severe Allergy symptoms- GONE
8) Stage 3 Kidney disease/failure- improved by 70%
9) Nightmares- improved by 70%
10) Sleep Apnea- GONE
11) Suicidal- A total mindset change
Energized Health has totally changed my mind, perspective, body and soul. It LITTERLY has saved my life. I STRONGLY encourage anyone and especially my fellow veteran brother and sisters to do this program. It WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER! FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION with ENERGIZED HEALTH!


If you want to be healthy and happier do this program
If you want to be healthy and happier then do this program
This program changed my life in so many ways. I have struggled for years to lose weight without success. I have an under active thyroid and PCOS. These both make it extremely difficult to lose weight. I've never been an over eater. My body just locked onto my weight and wouldn't let go no matter what I did. Trust me when I tell you I did a lot! It was like beating my head against a wall, nothing worked, my body would just adjust and maintain my weight. I started this program at 339, it wasn't like I was close to my goal weight and just couldn't lose that last little bit. This went on for 18 years. Do you know how incredibly hard that is? I'm sure some of you do. Trust me when I tell you nobody believes you when you tell them you're not an over eater when you weigh that much, but it was true.
Then I saw a commercial for Energized Health and thought wow that it was I need! I need to get healthy from the inside out. I need to reset my hypothalamus( definitely had to look that up,
It's the function that tells your body what weight to maintain). I've always been into natural things to allow my body to heal itself and that's what this does. Even then I was still skeptical, it really did sound too good to be true.
Let me just tell you, it has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. My body immediately responded to this protocol. I saw incredible results, not just physically but mentally as well. This program is so encouraging and positive. It really changes your perspective on life and how we choose to treat others and ourselves.
I just finished my 88 days and I've lost 59 lbs. on the scale but I've gained healthy water weight and healthy muscle weight so my overall transformation is over 91 pounds! And 39 inches lost! That is nothing short of miraculous to me. I do give God all the glory!
My whole mindset has changed, I'm positive and so much happier. I've seen so many of my health related issues improved as well. This review is already long enough to go into all of those but there are many. I'm starting my 2nd 88 days but this is already a lifestyle change for me. I just want to see the super encouraging videos everyday again :).
Bottom line if your thinking of doing this program just do it and you will not be sorry. You will be happy and healthier.
This has changed my life so much I decided to become a team member. This is a wonderful company with wonderful people, the most genuine caring people I've ever had the opportunity to meet. This decision was made after I completed my 88 days. You can look at my review on Trustpilot from December 2022. I just want to help as many people as I can discover this wonderful program.


AMAZING program! This isn't just about changing how you look but how you feel. It's not about changing only the outside but the inside at the deepest level – It is a spiritual transformation. I didn't expect how it would affect every area of my life, but it has, and I am forever healthier and happier because of it. I would recommend this program to anyone, however sick or well.

This program works. Period.
If you are truly serious about not only loosing excess fat but gaining long-term health at the cellular level, this program is for you. Follow the program as directed, including the daily videos, it all works together toward success. It's a simple program, but it's not easy, it takes patience, persistence and determination, but it is worth it. "Steady wins the race" as they say.

Why so much?
If you truly wanted to help people, you would not put such a high price tag on this. I can see $500 or so but really, $2500? at a time when people are desperately trying to feed families and keep gas in their cars?


Hey it's a business. Some people would pay much more for the results. This being said from someone who has not used the program, but will because I realize there are too many people experiencing amazing results with a money back guarantee. BTW where did you get THAT price? Should have been $6,000. I'm still doing it even though I don't have the cash on hand.

Undersold, Over Delivered!
I started the journey with John & Chelsea Jubilee after seeing one of their ads on FaceBook. I had spent a small fortune on diet pills, plans, and foods the last 20 years and had watched whatever weight I had lost come back and bring their family fat members with them. After my last doctor visit in June 2022, I weighted in at 440 and knew I had to do something different. I believe prayer is answered, and my finding Energized Health was the answer to mine. I still have 4 days to go on my initial 88 day program, but my results have been amazing. I currently weigh 365 and have lost a total of 43 inches off my entire body. My energy levels are through the roof and I feel 20 years younger. I plan to continue this program until I reach my target weight of 220, whether it takes me a year or six more months, I have complete confidence in the program John and Chelsea have put together. You can too!
Undersold, Over Delivered!


A better life.
The Energized Health program has been a game-changer for me. I have become a healthier, better-balanced person. Not only did I drop weight and inches but my mental acuity and focus have improved. They provide a whole person experience of mind, body, and spirit. My coach, Ashley, was wonderful! She was always there with suggestions to help me achieve my goals.
A better life.


I just completed my first round of 88 days with EH. My blood pressure, cholesterol, and liver enzymes have all normalized through the program. I gained so much more energy and feel much better. I can wear clothes that I wasn’t comfortable in before because I look better. I also feel like I gained confidence through this program. Thank you EH.


Health and Vitality Regained!
Energized Health has changed my life. I had post-covid fatigue and brain-fog and my muscles had atrophied to the point where I was virtually bed-fast. I felt like I was dying. I’m coming to the end of my first 88 days; stronger, thinner and full of energy. I have no more brain fog, my hands and knees don’t hurt and stress-related chest pain never happens anymore! I’m so grateful for John & Chelsea, coach Karen Reeves, and the team. I recommend it to anyone wanting to regain their health and vitality.
Health and Vitality Regained!


Best thing I’ve ever done for my health
I’m on day 50 of 88 and have never felt better. After retiring from the military and having a horrible 2020, I found myself in horrible shape. I had no energy and my knees would not take any exercise and I felt stuck. I’ve tried many diets through the years that always ended up in a yo-yo cycle. I saw a commercial about EH and decided to give it a try. Of course, I was skeptical. But, with a guarantee, what did I have to lose.

So far, I’ve lost over 22 pounds on the scale, 27 total inches, 9 pounds of body fat, and an increase of 6 pounds of muscle. I feel awesome and I’m able to exercise everyday. I no longer have pain in my knees while running or going down stairs. I was also able to beat my 16 year old boy on a 3 mile run a couple weeks ago.

Best thing is that I have so much more energy that allows me to spend more time with my teenage kids. Also… just bought a new pair of pants… went from a size 38 to a 34. I haven’t worn a size 34 since college over 20 years ago!

I couldn’t recommend this program more! Stay steady and you’ll get results.


Seeing changes
I'm only beginning my sixth week and don't have any numbers to report. But...
My Dr. cut my Diabetes medicine in half my first week. My clothes are fitting better & see changes in relationships. Program is easy and amazing how you don't crave anything. Can't wait to see where this takes me.


Fundamentally Transformed My Life
I heard about Energized Health on the radio one day and found out that John was going to be in Dallas the next weekend. I drove 600 miles, met John and learned about this amazing program. I was so impressed (and, honestly, desperate), I signed up on the spot.

It has transformed my life. In addition to losing 50 + pounds of fat and 60 + inches, my self confidence is at a level I never thought possible. I’ve stood up to people at work, in my family and most importantly, in my relationship.

The 88 day program requires discipline (something else I never had), and the weekly calls with John and Chelsea and weekly check ins with my amazing coach, Karen, as well as the daily motivational videos are so powerful and help me keep my eyes on the prize.

I’ve gone from a size 22 to a size 12, my bra size is six inches smaller, my thyroid has stabilized and my labs are phenomenal. As a result of cancer, I have only half a kidney and kidney function is a concern. My creatinine and GFR levels are the same as a healthy person with two kidneys.

I’ve still got fat to lose and my hydration isn’t quite where it should be. I’ll be starting my second 88 day program next week and can’t wait to see and feel the results.

Thank you, Energized Health!


This program is amazing! I have done so many different programs and diets but I will say this is the only one that works. It is definitely a life style change. You will be amazed how your life changes for the good! Your eating habits will change and it won't bother you. The energy level changes, your mood , your aches and pains are a thing of the past. I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking for a health change Watch the reversal of your illness and weight. See the transformation of your confidence levels, joy and happiness.

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Address: 1116 W 7th St STE 246, Columbia, Tennessee, United States, 38401-1811


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