A & E Auto Services Reviews (1)
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Address: 11B Old Portland Rd, Brunswick, Maine, United States, 04011-7203
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Bought a Car from here and said I would pay what asking if they could do a new sticker , was told no problem car is safe and a good car. On way home after giving them $2500.cash for car The ABS light came on called very next day talked to [redacted] who sold me car ~ Said he would fix it brought back next day to be told fixed and was charged $266. and change .Well on way home light came back on took to my Mechanic and on way to his place check engine light came on as well. (which no lights on when I looked or bought it) My guy fixed both front ball joints and said it should have never passed was not safe also emergency brake does not work an other issue. All this within first couple weeks then took back cause it was having issues staying running he found a bolt was broke and some bolt put in where it was broken off, and he said is not even a car bolt and was giving off a charge and sparks coming off it.... Now I Had to do fuel pump ,new battery , and a h20 sensor(with in the month) On way to working an other problem with car cant get it to shift. All I want is my money back for a car that he should not have giving a sticker too Car due to being unsafe now I have over 1000. into this car in repaires and not have even owned it 2 months