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Academy Mortgage Corporation

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Reviews Mortgage Lenders, Mortgage Broker, Real Estate Loans Academy Mortgage Corporation

Academy Mortgage Corporation Reviews (854)

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I have a conversation in writing that says: (I'm leaving out all names) Me to my loan officer: I just got an email for another appraisal cost, have you spoken with Realtor? I haven't heard anything from him so I was just curious, and I thought my appraisal fee was refundable I'd the contract didn't go through? My loan officer's response: Appraisal fee is refundable if you are turned down due to anything besides appraisal issues.From what I know of the appraisal issues finding out a complex is under litigation should have been brought to my attention before the appraisal, and apparently know one knew? It took the "condo" department to figure this outThat is not due to any appraisal issues.I am not pleased with this at allThis is not a resolutionI did not decline to give more money, I was simply OUT of money because of all the fees and payments I had to pay because I was never told about them until they needed to be paidOnce again, I leave a conversation upset and still nothing has gotten accomplished except for me to vent on deaf ears Sincerely, [redacted]

If Ms [redacted] will provide me with an email at [redacted], stating she did not authorize Academy to pull her and her husband's credit, Academy will remove the credit pull from the BureausI also need her and her husband's names, addresses and last four digits of their social security numbers in order for the Bureau's to remove their credit pull

Academy Mortgage received a complaint from Mr [redacted] through internal channels in September This current complaint is a restatement of the complaint from Upon receipt of the original complaint in 2016, Academy made every attempt with the information already received to close the loan for Mr [redacted] Unfortunately, Academy was unable to approve the loan At that time Academy responded to Mr [redacted] and apologized Additionally, Academy expedited the process to generate a Statement of Credit Denial at Mr [redacted] 's request Given that Mr [redacted] 's current complaint is a restatement of the prior complaint to which Academy already responded, Academy believes its prior response is adequate in response to this current complaint

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I am corresponding with Branch Manager, and await his responsesHe said he will be looking it coresspondences from LO Sincerely, [redacted] ***

Ms***, The disposition of a loan file is determined by Federal statute, and Academy takes compliance seriously Academy is required to disposition a loan based on the information provided in the loan file, which does not always coincide with what the consumer believes or says should be the final disposition Mr [redacted] ’s loan file was reviewed by two underwriters, as is our standard procedure Both underwriters determined, based on the information in the loan file and per underwriting conditions, that Mr [redacted] did not have sufficient funds to satisfy the program guidelinesTherefore, our ECOA Department provided a Statement of Credit Denial to Mr [redacted] based upon the underwriters’ determinationPlease note that we do not notify the credit bureaus of the credit denial, nor do we send the Statement of Credit Denial to anyone else but the consumer There is no adverse effect to Mr [redacted] We are unable and unwilling to issue a letter to Mr [redacted] that states an alternate disposition of his file It is our position that we appropriately complied with Federal statute, which compels us in this matter Should you require further information, please contact me directly at (801) 233-or at [redacted] .Mike H***General Counsel Tell us why here It was only after I forwarded a copy of my complaint to Academy Mortgage, did they find the payment, apply it to my account and finally contact me to let me know this had happenedUp until that point, no one would respond Thank you for your assistance in getting Academy Mortgage to do their job Sincerely, [redacted]

Ms***, Academy Mortgage Corporation (“Academy”) received the subject complaint from the Servicing Utah (“”) on behalf of MsAntoaneta D [redacted] (“Ms [redacted] ”) on September 2, 2017, regarding an escrow shortage We appreciate the providing Academy with this complaint and allowing time to research this issue We provide our research and response as follows: Academy originated Ms [redacted] ’s loan on August 20, On September 2, 2016, her loan was transferred to Academy’s Servicing Center; Cenlar FSB (“Cenlar”), where it is currently being serviced Prior to the transfer, Academy sent the required RESPA notice of transfer to her mailing address that contained the updated payment related information for Cenlar (See attached transfer notice) Although the transfer notice references Academy, it is actually Cenlar As our sub-servicer, Cenlar services loans in Academy’s name, but the phone number and address are for CenlarMs [redacted] states that she filed a complaint on August 21, and was expecting a phone call from a supervisor However, we do not have any record of receiving her complaint here at Academy Furthermore, there is no Juanita A [redacted] that works at Academy We can only assume Ms [redacted] reached out to Cenlar who did not notify us of her concerns We apologize if they have been unresponsive For this reason we are grateful you have made us aware of Ms [redacted] ’s concerns and provided us the opportunity to respond After receiving the complaint from you, our Loan Servicing Department reached out to Ms [redacted] on Thursday, September 7, to attempt to resolve her concerns regarding her escrow account We were unable to reach her, so we tried again on Friday, September 8, We were told to try back in minutes, but when we called back, we had to leave a voicemail We tried to reach Ms [redacted] again on Monday, September 11, 2017, but our attempt was yet again futile Regarding Ms [redacted] ’s escrow account, we believe the escrow shortage is accurate Our records indicate that two disbursements for hazard insurance from her escrow account in the previous year The first disbursement was on December 20, for $948.00, which was more than the anticipated $ Another disbursement was made for hazard insurance on May 10, for $ However, we have only received an escrow reimbursement for $660.00, which we received on July 27, 2017, resulting in an escrow shortage We have made multiple attempts to reach Ms [redacted] to explain the escrow shortage, but our calls have been ineffective Therefore, if Ms [redacted] believes this is inaccurate or desires to obtain a more detailed explanation regarding the shortage, she may reach our Loan Servicing Department directly at (844) 568-or by email at [email protected] We look forward to her correspondence and assisting her with her concerns Should you require further information, please contact me directly at (801) 233-or by e-mail at mike.h***@academymortgage.comVery truly yours, Mike H***General Counsel

Ms [redacted] called Academy on a Thursday afternoon asking for a prequalification letterShe indicated her lender at a credit union was out of town and she did not plan on using Academy for her loan, but she needed to prequalification letter to make an offer on a houseAcademy loan office Chris M [redacted] indicated he did not want to provide her with a prequalification letter if she had no intention of using Academy's services Academy has confirmed that Ms [redacted] 's credit was only pulled one time, not twiceMs [redacted] provided Academy with her information and requested Academy to pull her creditDue to Federal laws, Academy cannot remove the single credit pull from the credit bureaus Academy will remove Ms [redacted] from its mailing lists and will no longer contact her

Academy Mortgage stands by its prior response sent to the I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11315049, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Sincerely, [redacted] ***

Ms [redacted] quit her full time job in the middle of looking for a home and went to work for a temporary employment agencyShe then typed up her own Verification of Employment Letter stating she was full time (while still at the temporary company) and had someone sign her employers signature on it This was the second loanThe first loan was a condo that was not FHA approvedAcademy also got an appraisal payment waiver on the appraisal, so Ms [redacted] did not have to pay $for the appraisal Academy did all it could to qualify Ms***Once it learned of the improper verification of employment, Academy decided to no longer work with Ms***

Ms [redacted] , I understand the very first property you chose had an issue because the appraisal came in $5,lower than the purchase priceThe seller decided that he did not want to drop the price therefore you would have to come in with the additional fundsYou weren’t willing to do that (understandably so) so you chose to back out of the contractThe second property that you chose to submit an offer became an issue after we found out the property was under litigation and Academy is not able to lend on it per conventional guidelines once our condo approval department reviewed itBoth situations were due to either property issues or the seller not dropping purchase priceRegarding the alleged promises to refund you for the appraisal fees should your home not close, MsM [redacted] and Becker deny every making this promise to youI apologize Academy was not able to get you into a home due to these unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances Mike H [redacted] General Counsel Academy Mortgage Corporation

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:They did not accept my refund that I asked for, which is $Due to their poor experience and bad serviceIf they just would've checked my papers like they were suppose to, none of this would have happenedWasting $on termites inspection, appraisal, and home inspection is a lotHopefully, they will realize this and will not make the commit thie error again to another family
*** ***

Cristina S***, Mr***'s loan officer, provides the following response below:I appreciate the
opportunity to respond to my client's concerns because as a loan originator my
number one priority is to deliver 100%
customer satisfaction and first and foremost I take customer
unhappiness very
seriously and prior to responding to this complaint I have done intensive due
diligence on the subject matter
Mr*** and I set up an appointment for him to
bring me all his paperwork, including his tax returns for the yrsof and which I needed to review before
giving him a prequalification on his loanI have been a loan originator for
almost years and I am aware that I do have the responsibility to verify that
all information provided for loan
qualification is both accurate and complete.
Based on the documentation he provided I was able to give him a
prequalificationFile was going very smooth, until we noticed that the tax
transcripts that were ordered were taking too long to arrive, it was at that
point that we called our vendors and asked to give us status on the order and
realized that the tax returns were not filed into the IRS system by the
CPAThat’s when I called the client and asked him to call his CPA to provide
us with a verification that the tax returns were e-filed as we needed to count
his income to qualify him and this was explained clearly to him, and found
out that the CPA never filed the tax returns causing us to delay the
processCPA then e-filled my clients tax returns and then we re-ordered the
tax transcripts againFurther within the process when we received the tax
transcripts directly from the IRS, the Underwriter noticed Mr*** had
file additional expenses within form 2106,
which was never provided by Mr
*** so I was unaware of its existenceLater on once this was brought up
to my attention I requested that form from him and he brought me a which
did not match at all with transcripts (transcripts showed $*** and
form provided showed $***) and at
that point I did not feel comfortable proceeding with his loan, ultimately
underwriter determined these expenses
caused the loan to be denied due to high debt-to-income ratiosI apologize
that my client had to go through that with his family, but I assure you
everything that was done on our behalf was to ensure that the file remained
compliant with government and Investor guidelines

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Their response is inaccurate and untrue
*** ***

Academy is currently in direct contact with the consumer and working to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of both partiesOnce the matter is resolved, Academy will provide a note regarding the final resolution
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Academy mortgage has contacted me directly to resolve this matterOnce the matter is resolved in full I will resolve the complaint.
*** ***

The purchase agreement between the buyer and seller is a lease option, and MrA*** did ask that the contract be re-worded to better enable the buyer to purchase the homeMrA*** told the buyer and seller to figure out the sales priceAt no time did he tell the seller to raise the sales
price $20,and give the buyer $20,under the tableThe buyer indicated he wanted to bring in as little money as possible, and the buyer expressed that to the seller
Regarding the seller's allegations the buyer's credit is not good and probably wouldn't qualify; they are not accurate
Academy believes the buyer and seller and close to closing and will do all it can to assist it's buyer in obtaining home ownership

Dear Ms***,According to our records, this is the first time this issue was brought to our attention at the corporate office. Upon notification of the issue, we reached out to Ms*** and resolved the issue with her directly. We contacted the credit vendor and requested that they
change any hard pulls to soft pulls on MsHart’s credit report so her credit score would not be adversely affected. She seemed pleased with this resolution. Should you require further information, please contact me directly at (801) 233-3764, ***. Thank you

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Description: Mortgage Brokers

Address: 3412 Center Point Rd NE Ste B, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States, 52402-5529


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