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Andrey Polston

1627 G St, Sacramento, California, United States, 95814

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Reviews Real Estate School Andrey Polston

Andrey Polston Reviews (%countItem)

• Dec 17, 2023

I have fought this guy for almost a year trying to get my refund of $6250. When I threatened to get my attorney involved he sent me a check. IT BOUNCED! Then he said he would wire the funds on Dec. 12th. NEVER HAPPENED!
I am going to contact my attorney. Anyone else interested in gonig after this guy!
He is STILL doing webinars and collecting money from the others.
He has to be stopped.
You can contact me at [email protected]

I purchase this same program and he took my $6250 and I never got ANYTHING for my money. So said he got screwed by people he hired and the program went south. However, I didn't get my money back. He tried the 45 day thing, but I didn't get ANYTHING so he owes me the $6250.
I have had multiple conversations with him, emails, texts (all saved) and he always promises to get the money to me. And never does.
So, I would stay far away from this guy. He scams you, steals your money and gives nothing in return... and I mean I got NOTHING, but taken and given a bunch of lies.
He's profile says he is in CA (and his phone # is a CA #), but he told me he was on the east coast... another lie.
It just never stops. But neither am I. I am going after this guy.
PS. This makes me give a rating. But my rating is actually Minus ANY stars.

• Dec 18, 2023

Same here... so email me if you want to join me in getting this guy. He has lied to me for almost a year and when threatened by my attorney wrote me a check AND IT BOUNCED. So, now I have a hot check. So, I am filing charges for the hot check and preparing to sue him. I may not get my money, I am going to shut this guy down... If you want in, let me know.

• Oct 30, 2023

I will report him to FTC. I encourage you to do the same:
Dispute the charge, as well, to get your money back.

• Oct 29, 2023

Let us all work together to get this guy. He has scammed so many realtors. This is wire fraud since it crosses state line.

Andrey Polston is a Ripoff!
I paid for Andrey Polston's Listing Bully program because he seemed knowledgeable and the program was backed with a money back guarantee. During the program he let me know that Facebook had changed how their ad program worked and as a result they had to revamp their program so they would need more time to achieve the results they guaranteed. I agreed to allow him the additional time. Eventually he let me know that because of the changes to Facebook his program was no longer feasible and he would refund my money. The refund never came. Since this occurred after the money back guarantee, my credit card company refused to get involved to get my money back. I have attempted to contact Andrey Polston NUMEROUS times over the last 2 years (today is 11/24/22). His voicemail is always full. He doesn't return my emails or text messages.

My recommendation if you are thinking of purchasing anything from Andrey Polston, is that you instead put your cash in a big pile and burn it. You will save yourself a lot of frustration.


On April 15, 2020 I sat through Andrey's 1 hour seminar by about Social Signaling. Although I was not able to ultimately purchase his two day course he did announce, in front of all those attending, that I had won his "Grand Prize" for attending which included some video gear that works with my iPhone and $500 in Facebook advertising credits. I've provided him all the information he requested and to date I have received nothing. I've sent him 3 emails to which I have yet to receive the pleasure of a reply. No wonder he has a D+ rating and poor reviews elsewhere on the web. What's the deal Andrey Polston??? This is a poor way to do business.


Sorry to hear about your experience. I made an inquiry into his program and he has been bombarding me with texts. When I told him I need more time to review he got aggressive and said that agents that want to go after it don't waste time. Again I'm sorry for your experience but thanks so much for sharing and helping others. I know it's no consulation for losing your money but you've helped someone save theirs so thank you.

I'm sorry that 1 star is the lowest rating you can give. My experience with this person and company has been horrible.
First, they charged my credit card $4,750 based on a 90 "no questions asked" money-back guarantee.
Next when items promised were not delivered on time I asked for my "guaranteed" refund. I'm still listening to the crickets chirping. Voice mailbox is full, texts and phone calls not answered or returned. No response to emails.
I finally had to file a dispute with my credit card company and after 4 months of back and forth, was able to get a full credit issued.
Based on my experience with Mr. Polston and his company I would advise anyone to avoid doing business with him.
Lots of promises but zero delivery and the money-back guarantee he offers is worthless.


I signed up with Andrey Polston of Listing Bully with the knowledge that if I was not satisfied I would receive a refund of all monies paid.
In the small print it said within 45 days it would be refunded. It was not refunded. Now I am out $6250. That is a lot of money for me.

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Address: 1627 G St, Sacramento, California, United States, 95814


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