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Arizona Public Service

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Reviews Arizona Public Service

Arizona Public Service Reviews (282)

Review: I cancelled service on June 20th, 2014. The Company said that my refund from initial deposit was to be mailed to my new address in Mesa. The owe me a refund of 161.58. I was told initially it would take 7-10 business days to be sent to my house. I called in July 4th and spoke to a rep that said it was mailed on June 26th. After another week went by I spoke to another rep who had told me that he would stop the check since it wasn't cashed and have another check issued that same day. I called in again July 12th to ask where the check was again and said that the check hadn't even been issued but would be sent that same day. I called in July 19th to find out why I still haven't received my refund check and had finally spoke to a supervisor named [redacted] who assured me the check was mailed that friday and that I should receive it Saturday or worse case Monday the 21st. I have called and have not gotten anywhere with them. I have asked and asked and keep getting the run around.Desired Settlement: I would like my money back. Its simple but I would also like it for them to not over promise and under deliver and to stop lying to their customers. They record the conversations for quality control but yet they can't do what's right by me. I don't feel my money should be held hostage for well over a month.



I have received your letter dated July 22, 2014 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. I have investigated Mr. [redacted]’s concerns and have found that he established electric service at [redacted] on October 18, 2013. Mr. [redacted] paid a security deposit of $300.00 prior to connection of service. The service remained on in Mr. [redacted]’s name until he requested the service be disconnected on June 2, 2014. The security deposit applied towards the final balance and a credit of $161.86 remained on Mr. [redacted]’s account. A refund check in the amount of $161.86 was mailed to Mr. [redacted]’s forwarding mailing address of [redacted] on June 26, 2014. Mr. [redacted] called APS on July 7, 2014 and requested another refund check be issued as he had not received the original check mailed to him. APS agreed to reissue another refund check to Mr. [redacted]. The second refund check was mailed to Mr. [redacted]’s forwarding address on July 11, 2014. I spoke with Mr. [redacted] on July 28, 2014 and he advised me he had received the refund check from APS a few days prior. Mr. [redacted] was happy to have received the refund check but stated he was not pleased with the level of customer service he received from APS. Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####. Sincerely,[redacted]APS Consumer Advocate

Review: My complaint is about the Smart Meters APS put all around my home and the ensuing illness I have experienced. As it turns out My property has become a war zone for EMF and RF to criss-cross, and not only am I very ill, but I have witnessed changes in my animals and plants as well.

Here is my day-by day log:

Prior to my personal experience herewith documented following the April 9, 2014 installation of 6 intermittent pulse Microwave radiation Smart Meters around my property at 2600 Melody Lane, Sedona, 86336, I had no knowledge of EFL or any other sort of microwave technology. Due to my extreme sensitivity / awareness of, and life-changing response to the Smart Meters once installed, I began an intense research.

Unable to function clearly cognitively, and diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, I was forced to leave Sedona on April 24, after only two weeks of exposure to these deadly energy beams.

Below is the thumbnail version of my experience April 9, 2014 to April 24 when I left town. I can submit a long version. I have also been gathering back -up information which I would be happy to supply.

Everything I am reporting is for me out of the ordinary. I am sending this because there are things one simply can not not report. And, just because I have become symptomatic, this does not mean that all humans, all life in Sedona is not affected deleteriously by these so-called Smart Meters. Please have them removed immediately.

Please read carefully.

Yes, I may be more aware than most; yes, I am known to be a Canary; yes I may pay attention to detail more than most; yes it is possible I am making a mountain out of a molehill, but I do not think so. And although I was feeling significantly disoriented while I remained in town and had wild swings of emotion, I do not believe I am crazy. While I remained in Sedona I felt alternately: fiercely wide awake, or kind of dazed/drugged and unable to focus my attention. I experienced short term memory interruptions and neuro-muscular disco-ordinations, especially in my fingers -- as a musician this was of great concern to me. I have felt suicidal despair and an unexplained sense of panic. I have pictures to document the story on Day 6.

I cannot prove anything. All I can do is say all these changes were coincident with my home having been surrounded at 9:30 am on April 9 by 6 Smart Meters. I did not know this until after the bee attack, the sneezing and noticing the thick feeling in my head.

Here is my journaling of my experience.

Day 1.: Wednesday April 9, 2014:

• 10:30 am, I was suddenly en mass dive-bombed and attacked by my bees — bees that are known to be very docile. Either they did not recognize me, thought I was a part of the problem, or were simply so upset and disoriented that they went for the nearest thing.

• I had unexpected sneezing attacks through out the day — not sick or allergic to pollen.

• My head felt thick, pressure from inside, bar between the temples.

• Later afternoon 4/9/14: strange visual effects: a weak area in my retina had blown and torn, the retina detached.

Day 2: 4/10/14 3:19 am, I woke up bolt awake, my head was throbbing a deep slow throbbing through the temples with pressure from the inside; the night was not silent, rather there was a steady, barely perceptible hum/buzzing in the air. Very hard time getting back to sleep, when did awake at 7 am, felt drugged, hung over, not rested. My nasal passage was burning deep up inside, very dry (and has continued to burn on and off throughout the week). [Apparently the Smart Meters mass transfer information between 3-4 am, piggy-backing from house to house — it is this upped activity that wakes everyone up].

Day 3 was spent in Phoenix trying to get retinal tear repaired, and next two days spent mostly trying to rest. Had to cancel two playing engagements (lost income).

• Sudden huge increase in number of eggs laid [hens lay according to stimulation of their third eye/pineal gland]. The RF’s from the Smart meters do that — just as they wake us up and interrupt the melatonin production during our sleep.

Night 5: a guest from Slovinia slept in my RV in the yard (or tried to sleep) and was visibly shaken the next morning — had been woken every hour or so all night. Discovered the next day that the aluminum shield on the front windows of the RV captured and amplified (and spun?) the RF’s from Smart Meters behind my house.

Day 6: This is when I began to really pay attention:

• From my brown-egg laying hen, I pulled out a mal-formed white egg, with a very nubly shell. 40 years of raising hens, never seen anything like it. These hens are fed human grade organic grains and greens. They are yearlings. This is a mutation, or at best an interruption in the normal calcium production of an egg, which takes 4-5 days in process. Coincidence that the meters arrived within the week before? I wonder.

• Same afternoon I was waiting for an appointment and my head began to throb and feel as if it would split open, and my ears started to snap, crackle and pop. I got curious, walked around the building I was waiting in front of and found two Smart meters — then got more curious and walked around the other way and found two more. I was sitting in line of fire between these four meters about 100 feet apart. My body did not like it.

Day 7: realized that my dogs have been randomly warning me that someone is coming (by barking — and they only bark for visitors), but when I look noone is there. This has been happening randomly ever since the meters came in – many times a day. My little girl has been vomiting and gobs of hair are falling off her body (noticed this day 12).

Day 8 (4/16)

• Picked up my viola for the first time since the SM’s came in. My playing muscle coordination is all wacky. My arms are shaky, and I cannot get the fingers and the bow to work in coordination.

• I realize now that in the past days I have had to pay much more attention as I type, watching the keyboard with my eyes and moving more slowly with my fingers to type accurately. There have been many more typos that need correcting; some of my fingers seem to just add letters on their own.

• When harvesting greens for lunch today, I noticed an aberrant flower formation on one of my broccoli plants – genetic mutations within a week of introducing Smart Meters, this is scary stuff.

• I am also noticing that my Mac computer is not taking little cues like formatting cues as it is want to do, and seems quite happy to reorganize them randomly at will. Margins in my Microsoft. There is a smart meter about 40 feet from my office space.

Day 10, 4/18/14: This morning discovered dead bees all over the ground. There were a few dead bees yesterday, but this number has now quadrupled. In all my years of bee-keeping I have never seen this.

[redacted] and [redacted] (the one from Phoenix who spoke up at the City Council meeting about his experience) came here with some very fancy measuring equipment. I got to hear first hand through their equipment what was happening in my space. I learned more than I ever wanted to know about RF’s and EMF’s from them, among other things that the frequencies from the Smart Meters will find any available metal wires to travel along, and in the process, they scatter the energy and it becomes chaotic dirty electricity. The wires in our houses, our bed springs if you have them, hand held phone sets, cell phones, are particularly adept at zapping you that way. With the constant pulsing noise in my cranium, it occurred to me that my brain and skull have become an antenna for these microwave frequencies from the Smart Meters.

If anyone wants it, I am happy to send the long version of my journal unedited; I do not have energy to engage in long conversations. Am trying to heal — feels like there may be no place I can do that here.

Here, below, is the pre-appointment letter I wrote to Dr. Devin Mikles before my annual appointment with him on April 21:

Dr. Mikles Update 4/21/14

Hard to put this together clearly for you – my brain simply is not tracking as it should be. Will order as best I can after I jot down everything I can remember.

Many symptoms come and go, like this am: slight nausea, dizziness, sense of weakness, like I might fall down. This has happened intermittently, briefly, then is gone. Have periodic full body sweats during the day (not at night).

Now routinely (since April 9 & advent of SM’s) get woken up with pain in L knee.

Eye: retina tore and separated 4 ½ hours after SM’s came around my house (4/9); (Could be co-incidence.) Got it lasered 4/11, Dr. Quinlan in Phoenix.

There is a steady buzz, very high, very shrill inside my head now 24/7. It is not tinnitus in my ears, rather the sound seems to be reverberating in and through my skull, as if perhaps my skull is an antenna for the RF waves – same sound as you hear in recordings of the waves coming off the meters.

Pronounced weakness hiking two days ago: I was moving like a snail, and tired doing that; prior to 4/9/ when I got assaulted by the Smart Meters around my property I was bouncing and moving right along – could do miles with ease.

Neurological interference with coordination between my two hands (playing viola); fingers while typing on computer. To type accurately I have to pay much more attention than previously and it takes longer.

Hunger and water markers in my body are haywire: mostly feel neither hunger nor thirst. Have to force myself to drink water, and then only take a few gulps at a time. Or, when I was waiting for the eye doc and found, after the fact, that I was caught between four SM’s about 100 feet apart, I drank 2 ½ 32 ounce bottles of water – as if I could not get enough water into my body (that was 4/14); last few days thirstlessness prevails

Was really happy with my weight-loss process and progress (down 25 pounds since Xmas), no cravings, steady energy, good brain, refreshing sleep, happy, optimistic, creative, clear, ..

Now (since meters arrival) hard to get my bearings and assess what is happening.

Went for short walk last week out in the boonies in Cottonwood, and suddenly felt all the cells in my body let go when I came into a hollow where no RF could reach – I had not realized how taught my body had become, how very much ‘on alert’ I am.

UTI’s have been threatening for about a week now (first time in 9 months): a certain very acrid smell of the urine has sometimes returned (warning sign for me), there is a slight burning – can control this by forcing myself to drink more water. Was drinking regularly about 90 ounces of water before meters went in – it’s all I can do now to get ½ that amount into my body. [Was diagnosed at medical exam with active UTI.] Urinary urgency plus inability to arrive at the toilet on time has begun since SM’s went in – worse with increasing days of exposure.

My immune system feels compromised in a way it has not now for months.

Sleep pattern interrupted: 4-5 pees – max 2-3 hour sleep bouts. Also regularly wide awake now daily between 3-4 am. If I do get back to sleep, wake groggy.

I went into a yo-yo of emotional swings in the first week of the SM’s, all one way or another anxiety-based. The joy and flow I had been feeling prior wiped out. I became hyper alert. Felt unexplained Panic. There were two separate days of suicidal despair. Even after my house fire I did not touch that depth. Swings are less deep this (second week); exhaustion is more marked. Have not been able to be outside in my yard – my erstwhile sacred haven. That is huge.Desired Settlement: Removal of all Smart Meters from Sedona and the Verde Valley

This is an S.O.S Plea.

There are a few times in one’s life where one must shout to the rooftops. For me, this is one. Please read all that I have sent.

I have had a significantly bizarre and for me unsettling few weeks. I literally ran away and out of Sedona on April 24 to see if I could regain equilibrium and sanity. Four days later, away from all EMF and RF, I am coming back to balance and wellness. It has been a shocking wake up call for me.

If this cannot be reversed, I am facing losing everything I have built and considered beautiful and important in my life over the 20 years I have lived in the Verde Valley. I contribute in many ways to the community and am a contract member of the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra and the Verde Valley Sinfonietta. I have been on the steering committee of [redacted] for the past two years. I am intelligent, educated (Ph.D.), and was well of body and mind until April 9, 2014 when my whole life changed over night.

My plea is that you immediately request APS remove all Smart Meters from Sedona. I will not be the only sensitive aware citizen. Someone asked me to put a dollar sign on the loss -- how does one put a dollar sign on loss of safety within and around one's home. I have had to cancel work commitments. I left town out of desperation two weeks after the meters went in to see if I could regain equilibrium and wellness. I am writing to you from a place that is free of microwave emitting Smart Meters. My brain has come back and the UTI that I got seems to have gone in remission.*

* May 9, 3 days after my return to Sedona after a two week absence and remission of all Smart-Meter related symptoms, all symptoms have returned – exacerbated: ten minutes in my back yard and I am dizzy and nauseous. This is not a way to live my life. Thank you



May 16, 2014

4428 N. 12th Street

Phoenix, AZ 85014-4585

Attn: Alexandria Mosley

Re: Complaint ID No. [redacted] / [redacted]

Dear Ms. Mosley:

I have received your letter dated May 12, 2014 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond.

At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it.

In March 2013, APS filed a proposal with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to accommodate our customers who do not wish to have an automated meter installed at their home. Until the ACC has ruled on our proposal, we are happy to note each customer’s account regarding their wishes not to have an automated meter installed at their home. Once the ACC has ruled on this issue, APS will contact its customers to provide information about the ruling and what it means for those who still do not want an automated meter.

I spoke with Ms. [redacted] on April 16, 2014 and discussed her health concerns regarding automated meters and assured her that her account has been noted since May 2012 and APS will not install an automated meter at her home.

Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted] concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at (602) 250-2280.


APS Sr. Consumer Advocate

Cc: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

I have reviewed the response made by the

business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this

proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference,

details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

What APS responds is essentially true.

Their response, however, does not address my complaint.

I have not had a Smart meter put on my house. APS was good about honoring

that request. Their comment about the AZCC is irrelevant to my request*

-- and only has to do with how they hope to penalize me at a later date by

charging a fee, for my having refused to have a Smart Meter put on my house.

* FYI re the AZCC request by APS: my

current electric bill averages about $15.00 a month. As is obvious, I am very careful in my electric usage. Their proposed $30./ penalty for my

keeping a non injurious meter on my house, would more than double my current

bill. I am a senior on a very

limited budget. It is

inappropriate for them to wage war on seniors who are barely able to subsist

financially right now as it is.

Not to mention all my travel to Phoenix for doctors (Monday will be visit # 3),

extra associated fees, lost work, housing for while I must stay in the Phoenix area

after my surgery. I could go on

and on. This is plain wrong and

something needs to be done about it.

My complaint is related to the multiple illnesses in my body, the genetic

modification I have seen in the eggs on my property and the genetic aberration

in broccoli flowers on my property

since my home was surrounded by Smart Meters. My bees are in a state

of disaster.

These meters are not compatible with life -- mine or anyone else's.

My complaint is that APS has made my property

unlivable for me. This coming Monday I have to go to Phoenix for

retinal surgery -- the tear and detachment happened 5-6 hours after the meters

were installed around my home. The laser repair that was done April 11 (two

days after the meters went in) has not held. No surprise. I am not

living in an environment conducive to healing since the meters were put in -- my

erstwhile very healthy home and property which I have permacultured and cared

for diligently. Three are few places in town any more that are safe for me to


I did leave town week three and four after the meters were put in to a place

where there were no microwave radiating meters -- and all my symptoms,

including the horrible headaches and constant pounding in my head, the UTI

contracted shortly after the meters, the interrupted sleep, the incontinence --

all went into remission -- until I returned to Sedona. Within 12 hours of

my return the dizziness and nausea were there and the other symptoms, plus new

symptoms followed suit.

I now need surgery -- but have no place to heal from the surgery. This is no fun

and certainly does not demonstrate APS’s stated desire of care, and value, and

desire to resolve the problem: “At APS, we care about our customers and we value our

relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our

goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it.”

The health (rather I should say illness) effects of microwave radiation have been

known since the 1970's and well documented. There is no way APS can

legally claim ignorance.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. It is far from resolved.




May 21, 2014

4428 N. 12th Street

Phoenix, AZ 85014-4585

Attn: Alexandria Mosley

Re: Complaint ID No. [redacted] / [redacted]

Dear Ms. Mosley:

I have received your most recent letter dated May 16, 2014 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond.

I was troubled to read that Ms. [redacted] felt her concerns were not fully addressed. At APS, we do not take customer concerns lightly especially when it comes to the health of our customers and we value Ms. [redacted]’s feedback.

I have continued to investigate Ms. [redacted]’s concerns with the health impacts of automated meters and found wireless automated meters produce much smaller levels of radio frequency (RF) than many existing common household electronic appliances, such as cell phones, baby monitors, and microwave ovens. Significant research on the thermal effects of radio frequency has been done over the last 30 years and the World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that no known adverse health effects can be attributed to low level radio frequency.

In regards to Ms. [redacted]’s concern with APS’s proposal in front of the Arizona Corporation Commission, the ACC has not ruled on the issue so in the interim APS is happy to comply with a customer’s request not to have an automated meter installed on their home at no cost to the customer. However, the decision to decline the installation of an automated meter is currently an option available to all APS customers and is also a personal choice. Therefore, APS must hear directly from the customer of record when choosing to decline the installation of an automated meter installed at their home.

That said, I would like to commend Ms. [redacted] for her efficient electric usage as her home uses very little energy.

Ms. [redacted] is a valued customer and we appreciate her business. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####.


APS Sr. Consumer Advocate

Cc: [redacted]

Review: Account number [redacted] has several properties under the account. The property I am disputing is the address [redacted]. This was an investment property that was foreclosed back in 2008. APS had this property on a Landlord account and according to APS, I had to submit in writing a landlord disconnection letter and fax it to their office. I was not aware of this process until last month when I received the July 2013 APS bill (5 years later) that showed a balance of $61.87 on this property. I called the office and asked for clarification on why they are NOW just billing me on a property I lost back in 2008. They said I have not followed the correct procedure in disconnecting the Landlord agreement by sending the Disconnect form to their office. I told them I was not aware of any procedure of filing a disconnect letter on a landlord agreement especially to a property I no longer own. The argument went back and forth fighting for the balance to be removed since I no longer own the property. It went to deaf ears and I decided in the interest of closing this frustrating issue, I agreed to pay them the amount of $61.87 (mailed on 7/30/13; Ck #[redacted]). Along with the payment, I had APS walk me through the process of disconnecting the landlord agreement assisting me on how to fill out the form and fax it to their office.

I did as instructed and two days later, I called to make sure they received it and to my surprise they did NOT receive any letter from me. I attempted the second time and they told me they could not check until the end of the day when the system purges all faxes to the appropriate departments. I called the next day and they still did not receive it. I felt this was a normal process of losing important faxes so that the agreement will never be removed, and APS can continue to go after previous owners for service even if they do not own the property anymore. I now wonder if maybe I filled this form out four years ago and APS purposely lost it and that is why today, I am still on their records as owners.

I waited on the next following day and the third attempt was finally successful and I received a call from the APS employee on receiving the document and closing the agreement. A few days later, I received an official letter from APS on the disconnection of Landlord agreement for the property on [redacted]. I thought it was over.

Today, I received the August 2013 bill and sure enough there was another balance of $16.13 to the same address. Again, I called them to remove this charge since I have filled out the correct form. With arrogance, the CS rep said to me that this charge was for a day service and that I am still responsible for the amount. I rebuked his comment and referred him back to the disconnection form that was approved last month and he refused to listen to my claim. I expressed my frustration for charging me on a second bill from a home that is no longer my property (since 2008). Furthermore, I already filled out the correct documents to cancel the agreement. It went to deaf ears.Desired Settlement: My desired outcome is to remove the charge of $16.13 from the bill.



August 30, 2013

4428 N. 12th Street

Phoenix, AZ 85014-4585

Attn: Alexandria Nock

Re: Complaint ID No. [redacted] / [redacted]

Dear Ms. Nock:

I have received your letter dated August 24, 2013 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond.

At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it.

I have investigated Mr. [redacted] concerns regarding the Landlord Transfer of Service Agreement for the property address of [redacted]. APS records indicate APS received Mr. [redacted] completed Landlord Transfer of Service Agreement on April 2, 2008. The Landlord Transfer of Service Agreement is a legal contract established between the customer and APS which provides continuous service to the landlord between tenants without incurring a service establishment charge to the landlord.

To alleviate any misunderstandings, APS includes the Landlord Transfer of Service Terms and Conditions on the Landlord Transfer of Service Agreement form. This includes notifying the customer that a request to cancel the Landlord Agreement must be done in writing and submitted to APS. The customer will continue to be billed for all electric services used at the property in accordance with the Landlord Transfer of Service Terms and Conditions until written notification is received.

Although APS does not have record of receiving Mr. [redacted] written request to cancel the Landlord Agreement until July 30, 2013, I have removed the final balance of $16.13 from his account in the spirit of customer service. I have also confirmed the Landlord Agreement has been cancelled.

I spoke with Mr. [redacted] on August 29, 2013 and I explained to him I was willing to remove the final balance from his account. This pleased Mr. [redacted].

Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####.


APS Consumer Advocate

Cc: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.


Review: APS has been calling my home on numerous occasions before 8:00 a.m. asking for [redacted]. A Mr. [redacted] that works for APS has been doing the harrasing. There is no reason for this person to be calling so early in the morning asking for the wrong person. He said he would delete my number but I do not believe he will. They tell you that and then a couple of months later they call again. Please help.Desired Settlement: I want APS to stop calling my home.



January 2, 2015[redacted]Phoenix, AZ [redacted] Re: Complaint ID No. [redacted] / [redacted] Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant: I have received your letter dated December 29, 2014 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. I spoke with Ms. [redacted] on January 2, 2015 and she explained to me that a gentleman by the name of [redacted] from “APS” would contact her by telephone requesting to speak with a [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] stated she found this frustrating as this individual would contact her prior to 8:00 AM at times. I asked Ms. [redacted] if this individual would provide any other information other than that he was calling on behalf of “APS”. Ms. [redacted] stated he would attempt to provide her a telephone number to contact him at but he would say the telephone number so quickly that she was unable to write it down. However, she stated she knows it was a toll free number that began with [redacted]. I advised Ms. [redacted] that I investigated her telephone number and found that it is not associated with any of our customers. Furthermore, I explained to her that APS does not have a toll free number that begins with [redacted]. Therefore, I stated my belief that the individual calling her is not affiliated with Arizona Public Service (APS) and may be with another company that utilizes the acronym “APS”. I encouraged Ms. [redacted] to ask additional questions should that individual contact her again to determine which company he is calling on behalf of. Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]APS Consumer Advocate Cc: [redacted]

Review: Aps has several commercials on TV which stress and lead one to believe that they are actively in support of Solar energy. Yet when we have installed solar through [redacted], and are now waiting for the change over, they drag there feet. We have had it installed and inspected by [redacted]. They say it will be another 6 weeks before they turn our system on, we had the system installed so we could save money durring the height of cooling season and at the height solar production. I believe Aps should be a little more proactive since they are incouraging it so much in their commercialsDesired Settlement: I just want aps to do and support what they advertize



August 15, 2014[redacted] Attn: [redacted] Re: Complaint ID No. [redacted] Dear [redacted]: I have received your letter dated August 8, 2014 regarding the concerns from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. I have investigated [redacted] concerns regarding the activation of his solar photovoltaic (PV) system. My investigation found that APS received a reservation application to install a PV system at [redacted] residence on July 31, 2014. Typically, it takes approximately two weeks for APS to review the reservation application which includes multiple documents for approval. APS approved [redacted] reservation application on August 12, 2014. Upon approval, it can take up to two weeks for APS to perform an inspection of a PV system; though APS works hard to perform these prior to the two week timeframe if possible. A customer’s PV system may be activated once it has passed the APS inspection. I spoke with [redacted] on August 15, 2014 and advised him of the approval of his reservation application. I explained to [redacted] that APS expects to perform the inspection of his PV system by August 22, 2014 which is within three weeks from the time his reservation application was received. [redacted] was pleased to hear his system will be inspected by APS sooner than he thought. However, ideally he would like to have had all parties work together so that the municipality and APS could have performed their inspections at the same time. I advised [redacted] that APS shares the same goal and works hard to build strong relationships with solar installers and municipalities to create a partnership among the parties. APS encourages customers and solar installers to submit the reservation application prior to installing the PV system at a property. This is in an effort to prevent installers having to make changes to an already installed PV system and it expedites the process for all parties involved.Again, thank you for the opportunity to address [redacted] concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at [redacted]. Sincerely, [redacted]APS Consumer Advocate Cc: [redacted]

Review: When I called up APS to find out how much the average bill was for the apartment unit I was going to rent they told me they couldnt tell me until I was fully signed up. So now im signed up with APS an they say I have a $200.00 deposit. And then they give me the average power bill for the month. It's about $100.00. I tell the man I cant pay the full $200.00. he hangs up on me I call back and get the same man and he hangs up on me again. So on the 3 time calling back I get a different man who is rude but dosnt hang up on me. I set up payment arrangements with APS to pay in 4 increments. I called on july 17, 2015 and talk to a guy and told him I couldnt pay on july 24 but I could pay on july 31 2015 and he said he would put in notes that I was going to pay on the july 31st. So on july 29th my power gets turned off. I got no notice no nothing not even mail from APS. The mail I did receive from them was stating due to my credit rating I need a deposit. I call up and I told them what was going on and they tell me they dont need to notify me about turning off my power do to none payment on deposit. I explained that I called in and was going to pay on Friday july 31st 2015. Then they made an excuse of it was because of they supposedly got returned mail from me. So finaly after arguing for 2 hrs and bagging him to turn on my power he finally agrees to turn it on. On july 30 2015 I go APS on bell rd and I tell the lady I need a copy of my bill and she says sorry we cant print your bill. Then I said I need it so I can pay it. Then she was oh o ok. Well then I get in my car and start looking at the my bill and noticed I have 2 of them. I see from july 10 to the 20th I have supposedly used 446kwh and my bill is 107.14 costing me $71.14 with a $27.86 service turn on fee. Then they are saying in another bill from july 20 to the 29th we have used 427kwh $68.59 and a so called feild call charge of $16.71 coasting us $93.44 total bill. We have not even been in this apartment for 1 month. We have no w/d and we never use our stove but 1 time a day because we are gone. Also the a/c we only use it at night when we go to bed. We leave all lights off and only use the tv a couple of hrs a day. Why is are power do so high? They cant explain it to me other then the meter dosnt lie. I live in a small 2 bedroom aparment with 2 small kids. APS has done nothing but be unprofessional, dishonest and rude. They are not really willing to work with you. So in total I owe then with the reconnection fee and deposit I owe about $450.00 and when I asked thw lady at APS to show all charges including the turn off fee and so on so I can show the agency that might help us pay the bill and she could not do that either and that its not her problem either.Desired Settlement: I need them to to fix my bill and stop over charging me.



Attn: Dispute Resolution ConsultantRe: Complaint ID No. [redacted] / [redacted] Dear Sir or Madam: I have received your letter dated July 31, 2015 regarding the concerns from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. APS is a regulated utility and is bound by rules and regulations set forth by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). Through these rules and regulations, we have established security deposit guidelines, which are uniform and fair to all customers. These regulations state that APS may require a security deposit prior to the customer establishing electric service. I have investigated Ms. [redacted] concerns and have found that Ms. [redacted] established electric service solely in her name at [redacted] in Phoenix on July 10, 2015. APS required a security deposit of $205.00 be paid prior to connection of service. Although it is not our practice to make payment arrangements on security deposits, APS established a made payment arrangement with Ms. [redacted] on July 9, 2015. APS agreed to accept an initial payment of $67.00 to establish electric service to the residence and split the remaining deposit into two monthly installments. A letter confirming the payment arrangement was mailed to Ms. [redacted] residence on July 15, 2015. The payment arrangement was not kept and the electric service was disconnected for non- payment on July 29, 2015 leaving an account balance of $200.29 in addition to the $138.00 remaining deposit. APS agreed to reconnect service for the payment of the security deposit. The electric service was reconnected that same day upon Ms. [redacted] request. I spoke with Ms. [redacted] on August 5, 2015 and discussed her concerns. She expressed her belief that APS was not willing to work with her in regards to her security deposit. She also expressed her belief that she should not have to pay a service establishment charge if she has to pay a security deposit. I explained to Ms. [redacted] that APS established a payment arrangement on the deposit to assist her in establishing her electric service although it is not a practice to do as such. I further explained that the service establishment charge will be assessed each time APS is requested to establish, reconnect or re-establish electric service to the customer’s residence. Ms. [redacted] went on to question the cost of the July 20, 2015 and July 29, 2015 bill. I explained to Ms. [redacted] that the July 20, 2015 bill her from her for the energy consumption from the day of connect, which included her service establishment charge. The final bill that produced on July 29, 2015 was generated due to the electric service being disconnected for non-payment of the deposit. I reviewed Ms. [redacted] rate with her and provided her some additional tips to assist her in reducing her monthly bills. I also took this opportunity to recommend Ms. [redacted] to participate in APS’s Energy Support Program. This program offers APS customers who meet income requirements up to a 65% discount on their monthly electric bill. Ms. [redacted] advised me based on the income requirements she believes she will qualify. I advised Ms. [redacted] that this program also promotes energy conservation and will provide a higher discount to customers who use less energy. Ms. [redacted] was pleased to know she may qualify for the program. Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted] concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]APS Consumer Advocate Cc: [redacted]

Review: I had paid my monthly bill and they charged it twice, called them to try to fix the issue they advice me they could not return the money just credit it to my next bill. I advise I was going to be over drafted and they told me they could not do anything besides the credit to my account.Desired Settlement: I would like to have gotten the amount of money returned, had to file a fraud claim with my bank



June 23, 2015 Revdex.com4428 N. 12th StreetPhoenix, AZ 85014-4585 Attn: Dispute Resolution Consultant Re: Complaint ID No. [redacted] / [redacted] Dear Sir or Madam: I have received your letter dated June 18, 2015 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At [redacted], we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. I have investigated Mr. [redacted] concerns and have found that on June 13, 2015, two payments of $175.00 each were submitted via the [redacted] website towards Mr. [redacted] account. As June 13, 2015 was a Saturday, the two payments posted to Mr. [redacted] account on Monday the 15th. On June 17, 2015, Mr. [redacted] daughter contacted [redacted] and stated she was calling on behalf of her father due to the duplicate payment that was debited from their bank account. Mr. [redacted] daughter requested [redacted] electronically refund the additional payment of $175.00 directly into their bank account. [redacted] did not provide her any of her father’s account information as she is not listed on the [redacted] account as a joint account holder. However, [redacted] advised her that an electronic refund could not be made but that a refund check could be issued and mailed to her father. Mr. [redacted] daughter responded by stating she will contact their bank and have them not authorize the second payment. On June 22, 2015, [redacted] received a notification from Mr. [redacted] financial institution stating that the bank did not authorize one of the payments in the amount of $175.00. I called Mr. [redacted] on June 23, 2015 to discuss his concerns and left a message for him. At this time, he has not returned my call. I will be happy to discuss his concerns if he would like to contact me at ###-###-####. Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted] concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at the telephone number listed above. Sincerely, [redacted]APS Consumer Advocate Cc: [redacted]

Review: December 24th, 2014 I went in to pay my electric bill. I was the only one on the account for my electric bill. I had my exgirlfriend [redacted] for inquiries only because I am deaf and unable to hear on the phone. They tried to add her ex-husband [redacted] bill of 350.00 at [redacted] E. Roosevelt. I told them that my exgirlfriend doesn't live with me or she is not even on my account. Anyways they made me pay for it, however I didn't pay that dad because I wanted to speak to a manager and they told me there was no manager on site at the Tatum and Bell rd location. They told me I had to call. I told them I was deaf and they told me that it was my problem and they wouldn't help me under the ADA rules. I asked them, so you are going to break the law and they just laughed and said yeah deal with it. I told them ok, no problem. I will log a complaint with the [redacted],, or any other government alphabet soup. I left. In retaliation for this, they called the police and told them I had trespassed when I was simply trying to pay my bill. Not only that, they have filed a restraining order on me, therefore I cannot call or visit at any sites to either pay my bill or ask a question about any of my bills. I have logged a complaint with the [redacted]. however they made me pay for [redacted] account of 350.00 before they would turn my power back on at [redacted] E. Garden Dr.Desired Settlement: I want APS to refund me the 350.00 that they made me pay for a bill that wasn't even mine to begin with. the name of the account they made me pay for was [redacted] of [redacted] E. Roosevelt. Phoenix, AZ. I also want them to retract the restraining order they placed on me because their employees were afraid they would get in troublke with, [redacted], or maybe their employers. I forgot the 2 female employees that were cashiers at the APS location off Bell Rd and Tatum location... Thank you.



October 26, 2015

4428 N. 12th Street

Phoenix, AZ 85014-4585

Attn: Dispute Resolution Consultant


Complaint ID No. [redacted]


Sir or Madam:


have received your letter dated October 20, 2015 regarding the concerns from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity

to respond.

At APS, we care

about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to

resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we

work hard to resolve it.


have investigated Mr. [redacted] concerns and have found that on December 24,

2014, he visited a local APS office to

establish electric service at his residence located at [redacted] E. Garden Drive in

Phoenix. He advised APS that his girlfriend, [redacted], would be

residing at the residence also. APS informed Mr. [redacted] that Ms. [redacted] owed an outstanding balance from

a previous service. APS advised Mr.

[redacted] that her outstanding balance would need to be paid in full to establish

electric service to the residence. As an alternative, APS offered to add her to

his account as a joint account holder. APS stated that if he added Ms. [redacted] to the account then APS would be

able to establish a payment arrangement on the outstanding balance. At this

point, Mr. [redacted] became very loud and threatening in the APS customer lobby. Therefore,

APS security was called in to handle the

situation. Mr. [redacted] did not pay his security deposit nor was Ms. [redacted]’

outstanding balance paid at that time so

the service was not placed in his name.


December 30, 2014, Mr. [redacted] was served with a lawful order not to trespass onto the APS office located at [redacted] E. Bell

Road in Phoenix. This order was in effect for one year from the date it was



February 5, 2015, Mr. [redacted] visited the APS office located in Glendale to

establish service. Again, Mr. [redacted] became loud and irate, however he paid

the security deposit and Ms. [redacted]’ outstanding balance to establish the electric service in his name.

APS Security was notified that Mr. [redacted] had been in the office and of his



investigation also found that Mr. [redacted] electric service was disconnected

for non-payment of a delinquent balance on October 5, 2015. At this time, he

has not made a payment towards his account and the service remains off.


called Mr. [redacted] on October 23, 2015 to discuss his concerns and left a

message for him. At this time, he has not returned my call. I will be happy to

discuss Mr. [redacted] concerns if he would like to contact me directly at ###-###-####.

Again, thank you

for the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted] concerns. Should you have any

questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me

at the telephone number listed above.


APS Consumer


Cc: [redacted]



I'm unable to hear on the phone please let APS know if they want to contact me they need to email or text message me. I've told them this before over and over and over. Like I saidI've already contacted the [redacted] disability's department and filed a complaint over there as well. However, any communication must be thru email or text messaging only, thank you[redacted]



November 4, 2015

4428 N. 12th


Phoenix, AZ


Re: Complaint ID

No. [redacted] / [redacted]

Dear Sir or


I have received

your letter dated November 2, 2015 regarding the complaint from [redacted]

and appreciate the opportunity to respond.

As a result of

my original response to Mr. [redacted] complaint, I received correspondence

directly from him via the US Postal Service. Therefore and per his request, I

will communicate directly with him in writing to further address his concerns.

Thank you for

the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted] concerns.


APS Consumer


Cc: [redacted]

Review: On Aug 3rd I was contacted by my 16 year old son that the electric had been shut off all day and it was getting very hot in the apt. He also babysits my 10m old as well. My electric bill was not even due til the 5th and no prior money was owed. My sons sat in a apt that was reaching 95 degrees and it was 110 outside in the Az heat. My 10m old has asthma and can not be in the heat for long peroids of time. Aps said that they put shut off notice on the door because an amount was owed for activation. No amount is owed and deposits are paid in full proir to service being turned on in the first place. They shut off my electric without notice or reason with children in the house!!!! They wanted 100$ to turn it back on plus I still had to wait and when another hour passed I called irate because I wanted it on now! Children die in cars in this heat, to sit in an apt that his getting near 100 degrees. I have the paper billing statement showing no amount was owed and they shut the electric off anyway.Desired Settlement: I want that money credited back to my account! the groceries that went bad due to not having electric for the refridgerator and to prevent this to happening to anyone else!



I have received your letter dated August 4, 2015 regarding the concerns from Mike [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond.At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it.APS is a regulated utility and is bound by rules and regulations set forth by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). Through these rules and regulations, we haveestablished security deposit guidelines, which are uniform and fair to all customers. These regulations state that APS may require a security deposit prior to the customerestablishing electric service.I have investigated Mr. [redacted]' concerns and have found that he established electric service solely in his name at [redacted] in Phoenix on July 13, 2015. APS required a security deposit of $190.00 be paid prior to connection of service. Although it is not our practice to make payment arrangements on security deposits, APS agreed to accept an initial payment of $95.00 to establish electric service to the residence and advised Mr. [redacted] the remaining deposit will be required in approximately two weeks. APS advised him that a letter would be mailed to confirm the due date of the remaining deposit. On July 13, 2015, APS mailed Mr. [redacted] a letter advising him the remaining deposit was due on July 27, 2015.Mr. [redacted] failed to pay the remaining security deposit due so APS delivered a door hanger to the residence on July 29, 2015. The door hanger notice stated APS's intent to disconnect service for non-payment if the remaining security deposit was not immediately paid. Once again, no payment was received so APS disconnected the service for non-payment on August 3, 2015. Mr. [redacted] paid the remaining security deposit of $95.00 on August 3, 2015 and APS reconnected the service on that same day.As a result of Mr. [redacted]' compliant to the ( on August 4, 2015 regarding the electric service being disconnected for non-payment, I spoke with Mr. [redacted] on August 7, 2015 to discuss his concerns. Mr. [redacted] provided verbal permission for me to speak with his wife, [redacted], regarding their concerns. Mrs. [redacted] advised me that she was under the impression her husband had paid the deposit in full at the time he requested electric service. I explained to her that it was not a practice of APS to accept a partial payment on the deposit however, it was agreed with the understanding that the remaining deposit would be paid in two weeks of the initial payment. I advised Mrs. [redacted] that APS mailed a letter on July 13, 2015 confirming the deposit amount owing as well as the due date to avoid an interruption of service. Mrs. [redacted] advised me she was unaware Mr. [redacted] had made a partial payment and would discuss the circumstances surrounding the event with him. Mrs. [redacted] advised me has no further concerns with APS and was appreciative of the information I provided. Again thank you for the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]' concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at the telephone number ###-###-####

Review: I opened an [redacted]ount with APS last August to set up the electricity for the laundry room of the apartment complex we just purchased. I was requested to put down $350 deposit for this [redacted]ount.

Then I opened another [redacted]ount with APS to set up electricity for 10 units within the same apartment complex. And I was requested to put down $250 deposit for each unit with total amount of $2500.

Both [redacted]ounts are under the same business entity which helds the apartment complex.

In early April, I called APS and requested to close the [redacted]ount for the 10 units and asked to have my $2500 deposit back. Then I was told they will transfer my $2500 deposit to my laundry room [redacted]ount. I asked why they need to do that because the laundry room [redacted]ount has its own $350 deposit. I was told that as long as I have an active business [redacted]ount with them, they will hold all my deposits even if I close all the rest. They called this reducing the business exposure.

When I set up [redacted]ount with them, I was never told nor being disclosed this information. They sort of only inform you when you ask for your deposit back, which is very unethical.

After my hard negotiation with them and pointed out that what they are doing is not right. The customer representative finally agree to refund me the deposit after I guarantee that I would not open a new [redacted]ount again. Then two weeks later, I received a refund check of $250.21, which is the $2500 deposit I made.

So I called again and heard the same policy about business exposure. When I requested to speak to their supervisor, I was put on hold for 30 minutes...Desired Settlement: Refund all my $2500 deposit back and stop conducting business in such unethical way!



April 24, 2014[redacted] Attn: [redacted] Re: Complaint ID No. [redacted] / [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: I have received your letter dated April 18, 2014 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond.At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it.As you know, APS is a regulated utility and is bound by the rules and regulations set forth by the [redacted]). Through these rules and regulations, we have established deposit guidelines which are uniform and fair to all customers. These rules state that all non-residential applicants will be required to place a deposit to secure payment of bills and the deposits will be held for a minimum of 24 months. My investigation found that [redacted] established electric service in her name as a sole proprietorship at [redacted] in [redacted] on January 31, 2012. APS required a security deposit of $250.00. The following month, Ms. [redacted] established additional electric service at [redacted] on February 16, 2012 and at [redacted] on February 22, 2012. APS required a security deposit of $245.00 for the laundry room and a reduced deposit of $110.00 for [redacted] because these units were going to be connected for a short period of time. The total deposit on file with APS was $605.00.Company records indicate on March 1, 2012, APS applied $110.00 from Ms. [redacted]’s security deposit towards her account because she requested [redacted] be disconnected. However, Ms. [redacted] later requested to reestablish electric service to [redacted] on March 9, 2012 so APS required a security deposit of $200.00 which was later applied to her [redacted]ount on June 1, 2012. The remaining deposit was applied towards Ms. [redacted]’s account on September 10, 2013. Therefore, Ms. [redacted] currently does not have any deposit on file under her sole proprietorship’s name.Furthermore, my investigation found Ms. [redacted] requested electric service in the entity name of [redacted] in [redacted] on February 19, 2013. Ms. [redacted] is a Managing Member of [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] established a landlord agreement for the house panel and eighteen units. Therefore, APS required a reduced security deposit of $945.00. Company records indicate on November 13, 2013, APS applied $630.00 from [redacted]’s security deposit towards their account, leaving a remaining deposit on file of $315.00.I contacted [redacted] on April 23, 2014 and offered to discuss her concerns. However, Ms. [redacted] indicated she was in a meeting and will have to return my call at a later time. I provided Ms. [redacted] my contact information to reach me directly. Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at [redacted]. Sincerely, [redacted] APS Consumer Advocate Cc: [redacted]

I live I and have been a loyal customer with the aps company.last year I purchased a house in phoenix az and it has been a nightmare dealing with this company.the customer service people are no help I just recently got a letter in the mail saying I had to pay a security for aps of a hugh amount or they will shut off my ellectric.this was in oct.of this year so I went into the office on bell rd and talked with someone and she told me I was on the wronge plan for a house.noone explained to me that I needed to do that so she felt sorry for me and swiched it to a plan for a house and told me she would wave the security deposit and to just pat what I owned on my aps for the month of on the equilizer plan so I payed a little on that too and she said my next bill wuold be nov.I went home thinking I was ok.and than a couple of days later I got a call saying I owed 128.00 for the same month of oct.I called aps and the had no idear what I was talking about and my account still owed for my regular oct bill and no ajustments were made to my account so I payed anouther 128.00 for oct...than a week passed by and aps said I owed anouther amount for oct cause I didnt pay all of my security deposit...I am so stressed out with this compamy everyone needs to get on the same page and pay attention to what they are doing.I know this is a big company but stop ripping off your loyal customers.I am a single mom and I have a disabled daughter that I take care off and no one helps me I do it on my own.I dont ask for carity just a little compasion.

Review: I set up a payment plan and then power was shut off after I paid the past due amount of $228.22. Proof of payment Payment Request Confirmation [redacted]

We received the following payment information Nov 10, 2015 at 10:49am. Bank approval and funds transfer will occur within 4 business days of the payment date.

Customer Name:

APS Account #:

[redacted]payment Type:

Electronic Funds Transfer

Payment Amount:


Payment Date:

Nov 10, 2015

Confirmation Code:

To review, cancel or modify this or any other scheduled payment, log on to Payments may be modified or canceled before the scheduled payment date.

Thanks for using

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This email was sent to [[redacted] because you are subscribed to receive messages from APS. | [redacted] / [redacted] outside metro-PhoenixDesired Settlement: To not allow APS to erroneously bill customers approve a payment plan then shut off service. This has not been expressed to me why they have agreed to a payment plan and yet shut off service.



November 30, 2015 4428 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ 85014-4585 Attn: Dispute Resolution Consultant Re: Complaint ID No. [redacted] / [redacted] Dear Sir or Madam: I have received your letter dated November 23, 2015 regarding the concerns from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. As you know, APS is a regulated utility and is bound by the rules and regulations approved by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). Through these rules and regulations, we have established security deposit guidelines, which are uniform and fair to all customers. These regulations state that APS may require a customer to establish or re-establish a security deposit if the account becomes delinquent in the payment of two or more bills within a 12 month period. It is important to note that residential security deposits are calculated based on two times the average bill in the previous 12 months. I have investigated Mr. [redacted] concerns and have found that he established electric service to his home located at [redacted] May 1, 2015. My investigation found that in August 2015, Mr. [redacted] had two late payments in the previous three months. Therefore, on August 21, 2015 APS mailed a security deposit warning letter to Mr. [redacted] residence. The letter advised him that his account had two or more delinquencies and if another occurred then he would be subject to pay a security deposit. Unfortunately, APS received another delinquent payment on the account in October 22, 2015. As such, a letter was mailed to Mr. [redacted] residence on October 22, 2015 informing him that due to another delinquency on his account, a security deposit of $250.00 was required and due on November 5, 2015.Additionally, APS mailed a shut off warning notice to Mr. [redacted] residence on October 29, 2015. The notice advised him that the delinquent balance of $228.22 needed to be paid by November 9, 2015 or the electricity would be disconnected for non-payment.

Review: I have had APS for over 6 years and always had problems with their billing malfunctions which they like to pass the blame off on the customers even though it's clearly a flaw in what I call an outdated computer program. They have customers pay usually by connecting to Auto Pay which calls for the customer to have his or her checking account hooked up to their system for the monthy withdraw. I have had my account placed on auto pay for the entire 6 years and run into problems with APS still on a continuous basis in which I receive calls and text messages from collections and then placed on manual payment in cash due to bad payment history and being charged late fees etc......This last time in particular was due to me going online and making an early payment for the month of November so I can easily budget for the Holidays throughout December and know all my bills were paid. Unfortunately APS billing still goes into my account and even though my balance is ZERO they charge me a late fee or return check fee from my bank and my bank in turn charges me NSF 35 for a total of 51.00 and change due to a program issue with APS system not being able to tell my balance is paid and autopay unable to recognize this payment was applied already. To add insult to injury when I call into APS i'm informed that although they will waive the return check fee (AS a Courtesy)? I have exceeded my 2 return checks per year and will be placed on poor payment history with them and for now on (next year) I will have to make payments manually at a location in cash,. This is the biggest inconvenience and improper business practice I have ever seen and if it weren't for the Monopoly on Power companies would have left APS a long time ago. There customer service representative just repeated the same robotic jargon over when I tried to work out a remedy over the phone and even appeared to be placing me on hold and laughing when I would request a supervisor or manager help me. Customer Service rep would not give me her name (only first) and would not pass me onto a supervisor or give me her direct supervisors name to resolve this issue. Now I have a 16.76 charge for something that I should be given props for (paying early) and instead I'm penalized for it. This way of business has got to be brought to someones attention who can do something about it or atleast bring it to the programers at ApS attention so they can fix it and keep from upsetting half the population in Phoenix and giving them bad credit for a system flaw with APS.Desired Settlement: I wish to have this charge removed and full credit review of the past year made right and brought back to good standing with the ability to still pay through autopay or at least make my own payments using APs Online payments system each month myself (which they claim they don't offer).

Review: APS charged what seemed like an outrageous price for monthly usage for the amount of energy used during the month of July. When I received my vill and called to inquire, customer service was helpful in explaining the charges and explaining how I could reduce the monthly price by by reducing the amount of energy and using it during off peak hours as much as possible. I immediately did just that, raised the temperature in my home 4 degrees for the entire month, using water/energy only during off peak times as much as possible, which was significantly more than the previous month, and overall used less power in an attempt to consume less power and lessen my monthly bill. I logically assumed my bill for that month would be reduced, or at the very least the same price as the month prior, however, that was not the case. My bill was over $70 more than the precious month's bill. I called to inquire again and was told by a customer service agent not to pay my bill until someone was sent out to check the meter attached to my home. I was told I would receive both a phone call and an email describing the results of the meter check. I received neither. I did, however, receive an email threatening power shut off due to non payment. I immediately responded with an email and phone call. After being transferred to a manager, I was told a remote investigation was completed by the billing department, indicating there was nothing wrong with the meter and my account balance would remain as is. At this point, my balance was now $580 and I would need to pay at least $350 within 8 days or my power would be shut off. They would not accept responsibility for lack of communication or follow through on the in-person investigation promised. They would not reduce the amount due with the exception of a removal of a $5.00 late charge. APS is the only power company supplying power to my area so I have no option to move to another company. I am sorely disappointed by the actions (or lack thereof) by this accredited company and find it hard to believe there is nothing that can be done to rectify this problem.Desired Settlement: I expect that an in-person check of the meter be completed, as promised. I expect company-to-customer communication, as promised, and I expect a reduction in balance. This company did not hold up their end of the bargain. As consumers, we are heavily fined for this type of behavior. Large companies making millions should be held to the same standard. I don't want free service, but when there is a problem, I expect that it be resolved, as discussed.

Review: APS has charged me for eleven days of electrical service (from August 8-August 18) in one apartment while I had already moved in and turned on electrical power in another apartment on August 8. APS withdrew from my bank account $194.46 on September 2, 2014 for an electric bill that covered the period of July 23, 2014 to August 18, 2014. Essentially APS charged me for electrical service for two apartments between August 8, 2014 to August 18, 2014 and they charged me for electrical service in an apartment that I had already moved out of and that I was no longer using.Desired Settlement: I would like APS to send me a check for the amount that they charged me between August 8, 2014 to August 18, 2014 in the apartment that I had just moved out of. According to the bill that APS sent me for the period between July 23, 2014 to August 18, 2014, the average daily cost was $7.49 and so those eleven days between August 8, 2014 to August 18, 2014 cost me $82.39. This is the apartment that I had originally opened my APS account for approximately August 2013. I would prefer to receive a check from APS, however I am amendable to receiving a credit applied towards my current account with APS.



Dear Sir or Madam: I have received your letter dated February 17, 2015 regarding the concerns from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. I have investigated Mr. [redacted] concerns and have found that he established electric service at [redacted] in [redacted] on August 22, 2013. On August 8, 2014, APS received an online request from Mr. [redacted] to establish service at [redacted]. As requested, APS established the service in Mr. [redacted] name that same day and sent him an email confirming the electric service in [redacted] had been placed in his name. On August 18, 2014, APS removed the service at [redacted] from Mr. [redacted] name as a new customer had placed the electric service in their name. APS mailed Mr. [redacted] a final bill in the amount of $194.46 on August 18, 2014. Mr. [redacted] contacted APS beginning in September 2014 to dispute the energy charges for [redacted] beyond August 8, 2014. APS researched Mr. [redacted] account and found that he did not contact APS by telephone or online to request the service at [redacted] be disconnected. Therefore, APS advised Mr. [redacted] that he was responsible for the energy charges at [redacted] until August 18, 2014 when the service was taken out of his name. I called Mr. [redacted] on February 20, 2015 to discuss his concerns and left a message for him. At this time, he has not returned my call. I will be happy to discuss his concerns if he would like to contact me at ###-###-####. Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted] concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at the telephone number listed above. Sincerely, [redacted]APS Consumer Advocate Cc: [redacted]

Review: I lived at [redacted] from december 5, 2011 until April 4, 2012. I paid all of my bills to aps. Before I left I called aps and told them I was moving and they gave me my final bill which I paid. I turn off the power on April 4th 2012 at the master switch. I received a bill for $34.76 for energy used from some time in April through May 2112 when the new tenant moved in. APS is holding me responsible for this amount. I paid the amount as they reported me to a credit company which adversely affected my credit rating and I was turned down for a credit card. I am asking for the money back and a letter from aps to the credit company clearing my payment history with aps. [redacted]Desired Settlement: I am asking for the money back and a letter from aps to the credit company clearing my payment history with aps.



July 25, 2013 4428 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ 85014-4585 Attn: [redacted] Re: Complaint ID No.[redacted] / [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: I have received your letter dated July 23, 2013 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. I have investigated Mr. [redacted]’s concerns and found he connected electric service at [redacted] in [redacted] on December 5, 2011. The electric service remained on in his name until a new party connected service on May 14, 2012. APS does not have record of receiving a request from Mr. [redacted] to disconnect the electric service prior to May 14, 2012 when the new party connected service. APS obtained a meter reading on May 14th and issued Mr. [redacted] a final bill in the amount of $34.76. Therefore, APS will continue to hold Mr. [redacted] responsible for the final bill. However, APS is willing to remove the entry from Mr. [redacted]’s credit report once the balance is paid because all notices regarding the final bill were returned to APS by the [redacted] I called Mr. [redacted] today to discuss his concerns and left a message asking that he return my call. Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. If you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at [redacted]. Sincerely, [redacted] APS Sr. Consumer Advocate Cc: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. [Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.] Regards, [redacted] I did inform aps that I was moving and paid the bill in full. the energy usage was after I left, its simply that simple. [redacted]



August 2, 2013 4428 N. 12th Street Phoenix, AZ 85014-4585 Attn: [redacted] Re: Complaint ID No.[redacted] / [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] I have received your most recent letter dated July 31, 2013 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we do not wish to affect our customers’ credit rating unjustly. Company records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s outstanding balance was paid in full on July 26, 2013. Therefore, I am happy to remove the entry from his credit report. APS has contacted [redacted] and asked them to update their records by removing the APS entry from Mr. [redacted]’s credit report. It normally takes 60 to 90 days for the credit bureaus to update their records. APS is committed to providing excellent customer service. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [redacted]. Sincerely, A[redacted]

Review: I had just leased a home at [redacted], so I needed to get my power turned on. Now I owed APS money from a prior account and I got the exact dollar amount from their customer service via phone contact. When I showed up to pay the past due amount and the deposit for the new account, I was informed that they only accept cash. That's all fine and dandy with me. So I walk to my local credit union, get the cash, walk back and pay the fees and they turn on my power remotely. I then return to the home in [redacted], open the door and the whole house is full of black smoke. Turns out the stove was left on and I had stuff stacked on stove and when the power was turned on so was the stove top electric burner. The next ten minutes I spend opening doors and windows and getting my animals out. Smoke damage destroyed the house and I haven't even hardly moved in yet. So the next day I return to APS to cancel account and get my deposit returned to me. Should be simple enough, they only accept cash and I prefer cash as well. But they refuse! they will not give me back my deposit. It's their policy that they must mail me a check. But they will only accept cash! They have tens of thousands of dollars in cash on hand I would wager because people are in and out all day long. So what is the problem. Where are they going to mail it since I'm now homeless? Lucky for me my friend still lives at my old mailing address but thats not the point here. This happened on Tuesday the 4th and with all the postal forwardings I've done I still have not received my deposit refund. Why couldn't they just given me my refund in cash on the 4th when I should up in person. APS needs to re-think their policies about cash. If they only accept cash then they better give me back cash if that's what I desire. That's about it. Today is Wednesday the 12th and I need that money last week.. Thanks APS. [redacted]Desired Settlement: I want them (APS) To refund in cash or I want them to only accept checks since that's all they will refund is a check. I want them to be fair and I don't think they are fair at all.



Attn: Dispute Resolution Consultant Re: Complaint ID No. [redacted] / [redacted] Dear Sir or Madam: I have received your letter dated August 13, 2015 regarding the complaint from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. As you may know, APS is a regulated utility and is bound by the rules and regulations set forth by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). Through these rules and regulations, we have established security deposit guidelines, which are uniform and fair to all customers. These regulations state that APS may require a security deposit from a customer to establish service in their name based on their payment history. Additionally and in accordance with our rules and regulations, residential security deposits are returned to customers after 12 consecutive months of service with no more than two late payments or after they terminate all services with APS. I have investigated Mr. [redacted] concerns and have found that on August 3, 2015, he called APS to establish electric service in his name at [redacted] in [redacted]. APS advised Mr. [redacted] that in order to establish the electric service in his name, a security deposit in the amount of $265.00 was required along with payment of his outstanding balance from a previous residence. Mr. [redacted] visited an APS Office and satisfied the outstanding balance as well as the security deposit. Contrary to Mr. [redacted] complaint, APS did not require these payments to be made in cash. As requested, the electric service was connected at Mr. [redacted] residence on August 3, 2015. APS then received a call from Mr. [redacted] the following day requesting to disconnect the electric service and for his security deposit to be refunded to him immediately. APS disconnected the electric service in Mr. [redacted] name on August 4, 2015 and applied his security deposit towards the final bill. APS then issued a request to have a refund check mailed to Mr. [redacted] which is the standard practice for closed accounts. Mr. [redacted] contacted APS several times to check the status of his refund check. APS advised Mr. [redacted] that the refund check in the amount of $249.04 was mailed to him on August 10, 2015. Mr. [redacted] returned my call and spoke with my colleague, [redacted], on August 18, 2015 to discuss his concerns. Mr. [redacted] advised her that he has yet to receive the refund check. My colleague reviewed Mr. [redacted] concerns and in the spirit of customer service, agreed to adjust off the service establishment charge from his account and arranged for Mr. [redacted] to pick up his refund check in the amount of $277.05 in an APS Office. Mr. [redacted] was appreciative of APS’s offer and pleased to hear that he could pick up the refund check in an office immediately. Again, thank you for the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted] concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]APS Consumer Advocate Cc: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

Regards, First of all, An APS representative did contact me and left a message on my voicemail. When I returned her call she had just stepped out of the office and, I believe it may have been her assistant, did in fact inquire as to whether or not I received the check in the mail yet. When I told her "no I haven't" she took the steps needed to get me the money that very day. For this I am very grateful. I also inquired of this very nice lady, [redacted] I believe, if steps would be made by the corporate heads to re-address APS policies and possibly even take steps to change them. She did not believe so. Also in the response letter I read from the it states that they do except other forms of payment and not JUST cash. If you walk into the APS store in Downtown Glendale and try to pay with anything but cash, they will refuse you. Also I stated in my first complaint about my past due amount which I did pay. And if you look at my payment history will you see that my bill was payed on time for the majority of the time the account was active (power was on). So since I was a good customer I don't appreciate being attacked in the response letter. At least that's how I felt when I read it. Cash only at the Downtown Glendale branch. They do however take other forms of payments on line or over the phone but just try to pay with a check or card in person at that branch. I pay cash so I don't understand why I was put through this bloody nightmare. Just refund me in cash. If I pay with card then put the money back on my card. If I pay with a check then write me a check. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is the way businesses are run. But thank you once more to [redacted]. Just one more detail. I paid $285 deposit, Not $265. I understand $20 was for some kind of one time payment of a turn on fee or something to that nature and [redacted] was kind enough to waive that for me. Just get the corporate heads to re-look at they're policies concerning this matter. And make sure they read my entire first complaint as well as this follow up response both from me and from the company and it won't matter whether or not they change policy, it will be enough to satisfy my complaint just knowing that they looked into it. Thank you for this opportunity to convey my complaint. [redacted]

Review: I was previously added to the account of [redacted]. All they asked was for name basic information. Went to pay my monthly bill, $733!!!

I called in a panic, thinking this had to be a mistake. One month of electric couldn't have been over $700. They told me that when I, [redacted] was added to the account, that my previous account charges had been added to [redacted] account. Ok, yes this makes sense. My complaint is, why didn't they tell me this? I asked the employee this question, and she replied" We do not give out this information'.

Why are they not able to give me THIS INFORMATION?? It is my information. This company is a very money hungry business! I get it is business, but I think this is sneaky of them that they did not tell me that my previous account balance will be added to [redacted] account. A little heads up would have been appreciated. It's sad that they can do that. I HATE APS!!!! Worst customer service ever!!!!Desired Settlement: Give the residents more options to choose for the electric. I have only one option in my area...APS...

Also, give their customers all the information needed, so they are not struggling trying to make a $733 payment.



Dear Sir or Madam: I have received your letter dated July 14, 2015 regarding the concerns from [redacted] and appreciate the opportunity to respond. At APS, we care about our customers and we value our relationship with them. Being able to resolve customer issues amicably is our goal and when any problem arises, we work hard to resolve it. I have investigated Ms. [redacted]’s concerns and have found that Mr. [redacted] established electric service solely in his name at [redacted]in Phoenix on September 27, 2014.On June 20, 2015, Mr. [redacted] called APS to verify his account balance and to provide APS permission to add [redacted] to his account as a joint account holder. APS documented his account with this information and advised him that Ms. [redacted] would need to contact APS and request to be added to his account. APS received a call from Ms. [redacted] on June 22, 2015 requesting to be added to Mr. [redacted] APS account as a joint account holder. APS mailed Mr. [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] a letter on June 23, 2015 confirming that Ms. [redacted] was added to the account as a joint account holder. The letter explained to them that adding Ms. [redacted] to the account makes them both equally responsible for the total amount of the current and future APS bills. APS performed an internal investigation and found that Ms. [redacted] owed an outstanding balance of $453.36 from a previous residence. Therefore, on June 29, 2015, APS mailed Mr. [redacted] and Ms. [redacted]’s a letter advising them Ms. [redacted]’s outstanding balance. The letter further explained that the outstanding balance of $453.36 had been transferred to their current APS account and would appear on the next bill. The letter encouraged the Mr. [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] to call if they had any questions or concerns. APS received a call from Ms. [redacted] on July 13, 2015 to question the reason her outstanding balance was transferred to the new account. APS explained to her that any unpaid balances are transferred to active accounts. Ms. [redacted] requested to establish a payment arrangement and APS agreed allowing her until November 2015 to pay the outstanding balance. An APS Credit Agreement letter was mailed to Ms. [redacted]’s residence on July 14, 2015 confirming the payment arrangement. I spoke with Ms. [redacted] on July 20, 2015 to discuss her concerns. Ms. [redacted] stated that she felt APS should have informed her upfront that she would have to pay her outstanding balance. She stated had she known she was still required to pay the outstanding balance of $$453.36, she would never had agreed to be added to Mr. [redacted] account. I explained to Ms. [redacted] that once she became an APS customer again, her information went through APS’s data base to determine if there are any outstanding balances. If a collectible outstanding balance is found, as in her case, APS mails the customer a letter informing them an outstanding balance has been found and is due for payment. I explained to Ms. [redacted] that I was happy to see that APS worked with her and established a payment arrangement on her outstanding balance. Thank you for the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely,[redacted]APS Consumer AdvocateCc: [redacted]

Review: On December 14th I had contacted APS to have a persons name added to my account for emergency purposes. During this conversation with "James" he asked me if I wanted [redacted] added to my account, I said yes. I received a letter in the mail this week 12/21/2015 stating that [redacted] has an outstanding balance with APS and now I am responsible. If I do not pay her bill then APS will turn off my power on the 28th of December. After reading this letter I contacted APS and talked to three different people for over 2 hours only to be told that they don't care that [redacted] doesn't live with me that I am an associate to her so they are going to hold me and my kids responsible. The lady named "Sonia" at extension 179339 was not caring and straight up told me that I am now responsible because I am friends with someone that owes them money and until "I" contact her and have her pay the bill they are going to make me responsible.

I am a single dad with 3 kids. [redacted] is not a resident of my property. I have never been late on any bills ever. I don't know why I am being held CAPTIVE for someone else's bills? I am currently going through a divorce and travel 2 weeks out of the month. [redacted] is someone that pays my bills and takes the kids to and from school for me. As of last night 12/21/2015 at 7:15 pm I terminated her employment for me because of this issue. I do not have time to deal with her personal issues and be responsible for them.Desired Settlement: I want APS to correct their mess up. I also want a written apology from all of the incompetent employees that ran me through two hours of wasted time for no reason.



Dear Sir or Madam:I apologize for any confusion in regards to my response to Mr. Eades complaint. As I was unable to provide my complete response via this application on January 6, 2016 due to the character limit, I sent a copy of my complete response to Mr. Eades through the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you for the opportunity to address Mr. Eades concerns. Should you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at (602) 250-2280. Sincerely, Traci DeanAPS Consumer Advocate




Review: I recently moved to [redacted] Arizona Oct. 28th to take on a job offered to me in [redacted] I found a nice apartment and signed the lease November 9th, a day before my 52nd birthday. I applied for an acct for electrical services with APS on Nov 12 and a deposit of $250 was asked. I didn't have the total deposit and was told I could use the acct. of anyone that had a prior acct. services with APS and only had to make a down payment of $125 in which I did, with the balance due by Nov 26. I paid the deposit balance on Nov 20 at a kiosk machine. I only knew a friend of my daughter's and her cousin and used the acct. provided me as assistance for the down payment. I received a letter from APS on Nov 23 to have a person I did not know call APS about a past due balance or my service would be discontinued. I returned the letter marked unknown and sent an Registered Warranty Claim Executor letter to the CFO in regards to being torted. My acct which is due Dec 14 for $101.88 with a grace period until Dec 28 as told to me by an agent on Dec 10 when I came home and service was discontinued. I am still without service as of the typing of this complaint. I am being told by APS I have to pay a $3,800 past due bill or locate the entity they are looking for before my service can be restored. My management office has sent my lease agreement indicating I am the only lease holder and occupant at that location, APS called the lease office and still refuse to provide me service. I was told as recently as today that if I find the person that APS is looking for they will turn service back on because they owed this past due balance for the apartment I leased. They are falsifying records, and I am filing a complaint with the Department of Justice. I received a medical discharge from the [redacted]n 1981, but I am still a Veteran regardless being intentionally harmed at this point, with no lights, heat, hot water etc... since December 10 to date! Many people are homeless in Arizona because of this.Desired Settlement: I need to reveal this business practice being perpetrated by APS against the people. I

need light brought to this matter since APS has put me in the dark. I write this for all the

silent voices that had no remedy and recourse to deal with this type of corporate strong arming

and intent to harm good people without any due care whatsoever.



I have emailed APS's response to the following email address of [email protected] as our response could not be submitted through this feature due to the character limit threshold. Please feel free to contact me is you have any questions [redacted]Sincerely,Traci D[redacted]APS Consumer Advocate




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Description: Electric Companies, Energy Management & Conservation Consultant

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