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Author Solutions, LLC

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Reviews Author Solutions, LLC

Author Solutions, LLC Reviews (538)

Dear,   Thank you for the opportunity to review the editorial conversations and actions taken to address Ms. [redacted]s concerns with her book.   Ms. [redacted] signed up with Xlibris on October 30, 2015 to publish her book entitled “The Final Foul”. She purchased a Black...

& White Executive publishing package at a promotional rate of $3699 and opting for an auto-charge installment payment plan which added a $30 non-refundable surcharge, making her package total $3729. She made the first payment that day with the remaining two (2) payments set up for auto-charge on the same day of the two following months.   Ms. [redacted] writes that her decision to purchase was influenced by the assurance of her publishing consultant that her package included everything. For reference a comparison of the packages and their services is available on the Xlibris website.  The package she purchased contains all the basic production and marketing services needed to release a book to the public, plus enhancement services for each phase of production, marketing and book sales, including additional copies of the book and participation in the 100% royalty program.   Upon receipt of this complaint, Xlibris conducted a review of the conversations between Ms. [redacted] and her publishing consultant and from the review we were able to confirm that her publishing consultant failed to fully explain the level of editorial service included in her package.   The Executive package includes standard copyediting which identifies errors and suggests specific changes in grammar, punctuation, syntax and spelling prior to the formatting of the manuscript.  Xlibris offers advanced editorial services—line editing, content editing or developmental editing-- as options at an additional cost dependent upon the level chosen and the word count of the manuscript. In our review, we found that these options were not discussed with the author. As each manuscript is different and may or may not require advanced editing services, the decision to add more extensive editorial assistance is solely at the discretion of the author.   Ms. [redacted] contacted Xlibris on April 4, 2016 to advise that the editing she had received was not as extensive as she had expected. A review of the phone conversations she had with her publishing consultant, confirms that she brought up her editing needs prior to her purchase of a publishing package. Xlibris apologizes to her on behalf of her consultant for the absence of clarification and explanation of the editing service of the package she was considering and the other options available.   To address her concerns, she agreed to an editorial assessment service for her manuscript to be performed free of charge. The assessment was conducted on portions of the manuscript to gauge what type and level of editing would benefit the work. The assessment recommended a Developmental edit which combines three editorial services into one—begins with big work evaluation; then Content editing, followed by a Quality Review.  She declined due to cost.   In July 2016, we received a refund request.  The request was reviewed and declined as ineligible. In her filing she requests a partial refund of the payment made for her Executive publishing package. Per Section 8.2 of her signed Self-Publishing Services Agreement, copy attached, refund eligibility has expired. In subsection 8.2.C the timeline for refund eligibility is stated as within six (6) months of the package purchase date.  Her services agreement was signed on November 6, 2015, 6 months is May 6, 2016. Upon receipt of this complaint and after further review of her file, Xlibris through our Author Satisfaction Department contacted Ms. [redacted] to offer Developmental Editing for her manuscript at no cost. Xlibris also agreed to put her project under management guidance and monitoring to ensure future concerns are addressed appropriately. We await Ms. [redacted]s decision on our offer. Xlibris shall allot the necessary resources and priority to complete Ms. [redacted]s project as described in our publishing agreement.   We hope the information provided with this letter illustrates the steps we have taken to address Ms. [redacted]s concerns.   Sincerely,   Elaine H[redacted] Manager of Author Satisfaction

Dear,   Thank you for the opportunity to further clarify what has transpired with Ms. [redacted]’s project. Ms. [redacted] writes “Even then they did not resolve the issue there has been no response to my return email.”  She is correct that the check in coordinator has not responded to her last email dated September 28, 2016, as the issue of concern, the content evaluation, was addressed in the previous response to the  There was no need for the check in coordinator to respond, as Ms. [redacted] has not submitted a revised manuscript since that time. As stated in our previous response, Section 4 of her signed Self-Publishing Services Agreement lists the publishing obligations of the author for the project.  One of the author’s responsibilities is to prepare and submit materials that follow the content guidelines posted on our website.  Our records show that her manuscript was revised, resubmitted and reviewed five (5) times in June 2016, once in August and once in September. Although revisions were made, the presence of libel concerns continued.  Because we want to make sure we’ve done a diligent job of reviewing and catching potential issues with the manuscript, it was reviewed by two tenured content evaluators again after Ms. [redacted]’s latest filing.  The two manuscripts reviewed were the two most recent manuscripts sent by Ms. [redacted]. Attached is a detailed list of the issues that remain in the revised manuscript.  As evidenced in the list, Ms. [redacted]’s real last name still appears in the manuscript, as does her address and email address.  She provides her birth parents’ names, birth month, year, and location.  She includes Facebook posts and time stamps, with only her name masked, which could easily be traced to Ms. [redacted] by those that read her posts.  If the names listed at the end of the attached document are aliases or the individuals are deceased, Ms. [redacted] will need to note that to her check in coordinator so that a more in depth evaluation can be done.  As is, it appears that the names have not been changed, despite being asked to be. Ms. [redacted] writes “This company has REPEATEDLY refused to resolve this issue.”  As stated previously and above, all of Ms. [redacted]’s submitted manuscripts have been reviewed and each time, she is sent an email explaining the changes that need to be made.  Resolving content issues in a manuscript is up to the author. AuthorHouse staff cannot make needed changes for her. AuthorHouse is not refusing to publish Ms. [redacted]’s manuscript, as she has written.  As we stated previously, and as we have shown, we are prepared to allocate the necessary resources to assist her in completing her project should she choose to move forward with the publication of her book.  “I was very insulted repeatedly by their employee Matt G[redacted].”  The emails from Mr. G[redacted] in Ms. [redacted]’s account do not read as insulting to Ms. [redacted].  We could find no evidence of this claim.     Refund Ms. [redacted] writes “they would keep me on the line until their "contract" denied me the possibility of a refund.”  Her signed terms and conditions do not deny her a refund if the project fails to pass the content guidelines, nor has she been told by AuthorHouse staff that she will not receive a refund.    “I was assured of a complete refund if the decision was made to not publish this book. I was assured of that by their employee [redacted].”  We cannot find any written proof of this in Ms. [redacted]’s account.    As explained in our original response, if she chooses to cancel her project and be refunded, the terms and conditions of her signed Self-Publishing Services agreement will apply.  Ms. [redacted] paid $500 for her publishing package less the $150 non-refundable set-up fee and the $150 Content Breach Fee, she is eligible for a refund of $200.   In closing, despite multiple revisions and content reviews her manuscript continues to contain libelous material that puts her in danger of legal action.  Until these concerns are resolved we are unable to publish her manuscript.    Ms. [redacted] must decide whether she is willing to make the needed changes to her manuscript to comply with our content guidelines or not.  If she desires to proceed, we await her revised manuscript for content review.  Once it has passed the review, her work will begin the book design process. If she chooses not to follow the guidelines and cancel her project, in accordance with her Self-Publishing Services Agreement, she is eligible for a refund of $200. We continue to await her decision.   Sincerely, Elaine H[redacted] Manager of Author Satisfaction

Dear, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to convey the steps taken to provide a refund to Ms. [redacted].  Ms. [redacted] signed up to publish her book with Xlibris on February 28, 2012. She purchased an Ebook- Advantage publishing package taking advantage of a promotional rate of $360 from the regular $449 price.  On September 5, 2014 Ms. [redacted] solicited a free website service for her book.  Optional marketing services such as a web design package are available for a fee to authors who wish to promote their books online. The services included in a web design package are HTML creative design and content, domain name registration and web hosting for a year.  Due to the cost and resources involved, Xlibris was only able to offer 50% discount on the requested web design service.  Ms. [redacted] declined our offer and asked for the cancellation of her publishing package. The refund was processed and a check for $360 was sent to her on September 25, 2014 (Check Number [redacted] to the address of record.  On November 20, 2014, Ms. [redacted] contacted Xlibris to inform us that she had not received the check for her refund and requested another one be sent to her. We explained to Ms. [redacted] that checks have a 90 day lifecycle and remain executable during that time.  Unless the check is returned to us, an outstanding check reported as lost would be eligible for re-issue once its 90 day life span has expired.  In Ms. [redacted]’s case that date is after December 25, 2014. We further explained to Ms. [redacted] that due to the holiday scheduling and office closings, we projected that her check would be reissued in early January.  After the holiday season, a reissue request was made and approved for $360.  A check was sent to Ms. [redacted]’s address of record via UPS, tracking number #[redacted]. Ms. [redacted] confirmed receipt of a check for $320 on January 8, 2015. We have apologized to Ms. [redacted] for the shortfall in the check caused by a human error.  A check for the remaining $40 will be sent to her today, January 13, 2015.  In closing, although Ms. [redacted]’s refund check was sent to the address of record, it was neither cashed nor returned to us. Subsequently, the check became eligible for re-issue after its 90 day life span expired.  In deference to the abbreviated work schedule of the holiday season, the check was reissued and sent to Ms. [redacted] at the address of record the beginning of January.  Although a human error occurred causing a shortfall in the check’s amount, the error was quickly corrected in a second check. Sincerely, [redacted]Manager of Author Satisfaction
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this response/resolution is satisfactory to me. Thanks 
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I will take the next step which is to file in small claims court. Westbow continues to misrepresent facts. First, they said I never sent a letter. Now, they say I did. James [redacted] never specified that there was a separate document which I needed to read. He never verbally specify any different refund terms apart from what was in the Payment Plan Agreement. I believe that Westbow used deceptive business practices and I will fight to get my refund. 
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I sent in my manuscript five times for corrections.  Every time I got it back there were more errors that weren't there before. I finally  thought I found a clean copy so I told them they were clear for printing.  They printed the book and sent me a copy and sure enough there were more errors that weren't there before. I was told the only way to fix the book was to resubmit it and it would cost over three hundred dollars. I was also offered 30% off the cost of re-submission. I could settle for 50%. I am willing to take 50% responsibility for the errors if the company would take 50% responsibility of the errors. I realize that I am not entitled to a refund but I believe that I should be entitled to at least 50% off the re-submission of my book. As to me calling and asking for my middle initial to be included on the inside page: They contacted me and asked me if I wanted it on the page. I replied yes.

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to clarify the setting of the book price for Mr. [redacted]s title.   Mr. [redacted] signed up with Xlibris on July 23, 2016 to publish his book entitled “[redacted]”. He purchased a Full Color Poetry Classique publishing package at a promotional rate...

of $420. The book completed its publication process and was made available for sale with his approval on August 8, 2016.   Mr. [redacted] seeks the change the price of his 132-page, 8.5 x 11 color paperback book format to between $14 and $20 instead of the $71.99 price he approved prior to its release. For your reference we have attached a copy of his approvals for the cover galley, interior galley and book pricing.   Opportunities to explore our services and book selling prices are available to authors and potential clients to review prior to making a decision to publish and at various times during the publication process. A review of Mr. [redacted]s files shows that information about the suggested retail price was available to Mr. [redacted] in the following phases:   Prior to decision Our website provides details and other information about all the services and packages we offer as well as the experiences of authors who have published through us. Each package has a list of the services included with descriptive links to some services as an aid in deciding what services will best fit one’s needs. In addition, package comparison charts by type (color, black and white and specialty) and book pricing charts for each type are provided as easily accessible tabs. The pricing charts illustrate that the number of pages in the final book dictate the retail, wholesale and author prices for book purchases and the dollar value of royalty to be earned. Also a Book Calculator tab is provided should the author choose to use the” Set Your Own Price” option. Upon receipt of his inquiry about publishing, written and phone communications between him and an assigned publishing consultant took place. At submission of materials A Welcome to the Production Stage email with several attachments was sent to him after the submission of his materials on August 3, 2016. The book price blueprint labeled “Pricing and Author Discount” was one of the attachments.On it are book price tables for full color books showing the page ranges and their corresponding suggested retail prices, royalty earnings and author discount schedules for personal purchases. At final approval and consent phase Xlibris’ author centered process requires consent from the author to release to print and distribution. A title will only be released to print after the author’s expressed written approvals to do so are received. Approval forms for the cover, the interior and the retail pricing were sent accompanied by galley proofs of the cover and the interior.The galley approval forms stress the importance of verifying the elements of the individual galleys PRIOR to signing their approval and give instructions on what to look for and how to request modifications. They are also clear that once approved the files will be released exactly as they appear and if any corrections or changes are requested AFTER approval they will be subject to additional fees.By signing the pricing approval form Mr. [redacted] authorized and acknowledged the release of his title in both e-book and paperback formats at the suggested retail prices listed, $71.99 for the paperback format. Print-on-Demand (POD) books typically cost more to produce than a similar one produced through a commercial publisher using offset presses.  Because POD books are printed to order, no inventory or warehouses exists.  Subsequently, the costs to print and deliver a book are calculated on a print run of a single copy instead of print runs of thousands of copies. Our distribution network is made up of printers throughout the world making it possible for us to more efficiently print and deliver to the party purchasing the book. The suggested retail price is calculated using an average COGs (cost of goods) of the printers in our print network. Many factors go into each printer’s COGS including their costs for cover stock and special finishes, binding glues and other materials, paper weights and finishes of interior pages, and colored inks; plus the cost associated with the number of ink passes and test pages required for their equipment and machinery to produce the book, the upkeep of the machinery, and the human capital required to run the machinery, collate the pages, apply the binding and prepare the book for shipping.  Other factors in the setting of the suggested retail price are the reseller discount requirement and the author royalty. We have attached a copy of the Services and Distribution Agreement signed by Mr. [redacted] and received July 25, 2016 agreeing to the condition that Xlibris will determine the price at which to sell the various formats of his work and has the authority to distribute the work for the duration of the agreement. In summary, we commend Mr. [redacted] for his decision to donate the proceeds of his works to charitable causes.   We acknowledge his request for a change in his 132-page color book’s price.  However, he authorized us to release his book to print and distribution at the price in dispute.  In its present size and format we are unable to accommodate his request. After our receipt of his filing he requested the e-book format remain active and available in distribution and the paperback book format be removed. We have honored his request and the e-book format is active and available in distribution.  The paperback format has been disabled in the Xlibris database and will no longer be available through our online store.  Notice of his request to withdraw the paperback format has been forwarded to our printers and online distributors.  Please note that although the print files are withdrawn from our printers, it may take up to 30 days for the format to disappear from the sites of on-line resellers. We trust this information illustrates the steps taken to address Mr. [redacted]s concerns. Sincerely, Elaine H[redacted]Manager of Author Satisfaction
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. 
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Judging from how Archway approached the complaints I submitted against them, I get the impression they have dealt with complaints made against them before. They ended their response to my complaints against them by saying if I want to cancel my contract with them I can do so by contacting their customer service team. What’s up with that? I said in my complaint against them that I want to cancel my contract with them and what I want in turn for doing so. By submitting these complaints against them through the, it should show I am trying to get matters settled through the rather than trying to deal with them any more in person. I suspect they do not want to resolve this matter through the, verses having me contact them personally, because they do not want people outside their company to see how much money they will still be trying to make off of me in the process of me cancelling my contract with them. In Archway’s response to my complaints against them, they sought to downplay each of my complaints against them one by one, so let’s go back and look at how they tried to do that one by one. Let’s start with how they approached what they listed as - 1. Issue:  Costs for Corrections and resubmission after the book is in print. When addressing this issue they gave their costs for making corrections to books after the books have been published and why they charge so much for that service. But my complaint against Archway was not that I did not know the costs for getting books corrected after they have been published, but that Archway charges a lot more for that than some other publishing options out there. Sure, Archway has the right to overcharge for their services if they want to, but regardless of their reasons for wanting to charge such high prices for their services it is still a complaint I have against them and one of several reasons I have for wanting to cancel my contract with them. Now let’s look at how Archway approached what they listed as - 2.  Issue: Royalty Calculation. As they were getting done with approaching this issue they stated “Like most businesses, Archway is a for-profit company and does make a profit on author orders placed through us.” Here I want to give an example of how Archway will try to take advantage of an author when it comes to an author needing to order books for books signings and such. If I were to place an order to Archway for 1 to 24 hardcover books at Archway’s retail cost of $37.95 minus my 20% author’s discount I am saving approximately $7.59 on each hardcover book with no royalty payments coming to me as a result of buying those books with my author’s discount. But if a regular customer buys a hardcover directly from Archway I make $11.21 in royalties. That means I either buy books from Archway utilizing me 20% discount and save $7.59 a book or buy directly from them as a regular customer and make $11.21 in royalties per book. In a situation like this, I am actually better off buying hardcovers directly from Archway as a regular customer than trying to buy 1 to 24 books with my 20% author’s discount, at least that way I am making $11.21 per book in royalties verses saving $7.59 per book and receiving no royalties. Also, let me point this out. When I make $11.21 in royalties off a regular customer who has bought a hardcover directly from Archway, that means the total profit made on that book was $22.42 since I get 50% of the royalties and Archway gets 50% of the royalties. Since total profit ($22.42) equals the retail price ($37.95) of the book minus COGS (cost of goods sold), that means Archway is claiming that the COGS for this book is $15.53. That is a high COGS cost when compared to some other publishing companies out there. I could say more about all this but I am not going to for now. From here I would just encourage anyone who is looking into self-publishing to read guides like the one entitled “Predators and Editors” and to do some research before buying into a self-publishing option. In doing so, hopefully you can avoid some of the headaches like I have had to deal with when it comes to publishing a book. When it comes to the issue they listed as - 3. Issue: Damaged books. Basically they gave their explanation for the damaged books and said they have looked into the matter. When it comes to the issue they listed as - 4. Issue: Author Discount on copies of their book. Basically they just talked about the author’s discount for books again. 5. Issue:  Cover Images on websites Here they claim the cover image of my book is clear everywhere it is shown online, though it is not. When it comes to the issue they listed as - 6. Issue: Book Stubs Basically they are saying it takes 8 – 10 weeks to get book stubs out, and that we are now at the 10 week mark and they are about to have the book stubs to me. When it comes to the issue they listed as - 7: Issue:  Book Price They explained why they put my book on the market at the price they did and that I agreed to do so. Regardless, the book is still on the market at too high of a price for an author putting out his first book, and now I want to go with a publishing approach that allows for me to put my book on the market at a more reasonable price. When it comes to the issue they listed as - 8. Issue: Customer Survey Submission. They claim that the survey they sent to me did not fail to submit once I had finished it due to the negative things I noted on it concerning Archway. Okay – if that is what they claim. After they addressed the issues I had just listed they then had a section called -  Cancellation and Refund Request In this section Archway talks about how I can no longer receive a refund of the money I paid them. However, I did not ask for a full refund in my complaints against them – but a ‘reasonable refund’ toward what I had paid them. They also made justifications, of course, to not giving me any refund. Still, I am okay with not receiving any refund from them at this point if it can help me in not having to waste a whole lot more time with them, but there are some things I do want in return for the money I have paid out to Archway and for the times I have had to wrestle with them to get much out of them. I want free of charge and upcharges the interior production files and the cover files for my book, pdf files if different from the interior production files and the cover files, workable files, and .epub and .mobi files. I should not have to pay $200 to have them sent to me since I paid for the services to have them done. As mentioned above, when Archway was bringing their response to my complaints against them to an end, they said should I decide to proceed with cancellation after reviewing their information I may do so by contacting their customer service team. Personally, I think they are just trying to dismiss the seriousness of a complaint being filed against them. I chose to go through the for a reason when trying to get matters resolved with Archway, and they in turn need to send what they are willing to do for me through the when it comes to me cancelling my contract with them. I could say more concerning this company, but they have wasted so much of my time and effort already, I will hold off doing so for now.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
 I was not told about the $400 fee for evaluation of the manuscript by the person who I spoke with initially.I should have been notified about the $400 manuscript evaluation fees previous to payment was made about the contract.After I received the Xlibris submission requirements, I did mention to Mr. A.V. A[redacted] the submission officer that my manuscript will not/did not meet the Xlibris requirements for libel, and Mr. A[redacted] replied to me it does not matter, submit the manuscript any way.  So I did as requested by Mr. A[redacted], not knowing that I will have to pay $400 for evaluation.  Please read my initial complaint where I specifically had mentioned about this point.  Mr. A[redacted] got back to me in less than 20 minutes saying that manuscript will not be accepted.  Xlibris wants $ 400 + $30 for about 15 minutes of work done by Mr. A[redacted] which is not acceptable.  I cannot afford to pay this amount as it is nearly 1/2 of my monthly retirement pension.  I did offer $50 for 15 minutes of Mr.A[redacted]'s evaluation.  If Mr. A[redacted] was an honest man he should have told me that do not submit the manuscript as it does not comply with Xlibris requirements of libel. In 2009, I had published a book with Xlibris and I did not receive a penny as Xlibris informed me that none of my books were sold, although I had received several comments about the book (I had mentioned this point in my initial complaint, and Xlibris has not replied to it).  On Goggle search I found hundreds of complaint about Xlibris as to how they were scamming the authors Yours truly,[redacted]I am unable to pay $430 as Xlibris is asking for 15 minutes of evaluation by Mr. A. V. A[redacted].  .   
[redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Regards,[redacted]
If you will note on the last paragraph made by AuthorHouse in attempts to resolve this Dispute they offered "discount" on the publishing package as a "goodwill gesture".  This was due to the blantently falsified and erroneous information provided to me by AurhorHouse representive.  There attempts to cover up and make ok errors was not to provide what was promised but to cover it up with a discount which would have been additional money out of pocket.  I have several witnesses to live phone conversations with AuthorHouse and can provide documentation who heard several times these promises.  I have also asked about my royalties and sales of my book which has already sold several copies and these sales are also not being posted to my account either which I have many witnesses who have purchased the book.  My next step is to take appropriate legal action against this company.

Dear,   Thank you for the opportunity to review Mr. [redacted]’s account and explain why his refund request has been denied.   Mr. [redacted] signed up to publish his book with Xlibris on February 16, 2015.  He took advantage of a $749.00 promotional rate on the Black and White...

Professional package he selected and opted to use an installment payment plan, adding a $30 non-refundable payment plan surcharge and making his package total $779. He was sent two (2) agreements for his purchases--a Self-Publishing Services Agreement and an Installment Payment Agreement.  He signed both of these documents using DocuSign and returned them to us the same day.  In addition, his first installment payment was made with the remaining two payments set up for auto-charge on the same day of the two following months.  Copies of his signed agreements are attached for our reference.   Mr. [redacted] writes that Xlibris has been non-responsive to his questions from the start of his publishing process. A review of his account history confirms that our sales and production submission representatives have been in touch with him to assist him with questions regarding the submission of his materials after he paid for services.  Although he expressed that he wanted to only speak with one person throughout, in order to provide him with a professional product, a team is assigned to his project.  The members of this team specialize in different elements of the package he selected. As his project moves from phase to phase, the team member with expertise in the phase his manuscript is in will introduce themselves to him and be the person interacting with him.   On July 29, 2015, he informed us that his typist was still in the process of converting his manuscript file into a MS Word document. In a letter received on May 6, 2016, he indicated that he had obtained an upgrade to his server and should be able to send the stories via email. As of this writing, we continue to await his submission of materials for the project.   Refund Request In his filing, he requests the refund of the publishing package purchased from Xlibris. The terms for cancellation and refund are covered under Section 10 of the self-publishing services agreement, copy attached, and read as follows:   10.1 Refunds following Termination. Unless specifically noted in this Section, if You terminate the Agreement, or any Service Order, You shall remain liable for payment of the balance of any payments due pursuant to any outstanding unpaid Service Orders or for any unpaid amounts for Additional Services, and no refund shall be due to You. Exception for the Publishing Package:   You may be entitled to a refund of all or a portion of the amount You paid for a Publishing Package. The refund opportunity is exclusive to the amount paid for the Publishing Package as referenced in the Service Order. All other Services are non-refundable after purchase. You shall be entitled to a refund of the amount paid for the Publishing Package as follows: a. Prior to submission of the manuscript: 100% [less a $150 (USD) setup fee] b. After (a) above and prior start of interior design work: 50% c. After (b) but prior to final sign-off 25%   Irrespective of (a-c) above, after six (6) months from the Effective Date no refund is due to You.   He has yet to submit his manuscript. Subsequently his refund request eligibility falls under the six (6) month timeline. His agreement was signed and entered into on February 16, 2015 with refund eligibility expiring six (6) months later on August 16, 2015.    On May 10, 2016, Xlibris received a signed letter by Mr. [redacted] requesting a refund. The request was forwarded to the refund committee for review.  In accordance with the terms of his signed self-publishing services agreement, his request was made outside the eligibility timeframe of size (6) months and therefore was denied.   In closing, Mr. [redacted] is ineligible for refund.    Sincerely,   Elaine H[redacted] Manager of Author Satisfaction

Thank you for the opportunity to review Mr. [redacted] account and explain the areas he has expressed concern about.
Mr. [redacted] signed up with Xlibris on October 14, 2015 to publish his book entitled “[redacted]”. [redacted] purchased a Black and White Executive Package taking...

advantage of a promotional rate of $3699 from the regular $7499 price. He opted to use an installment payment plan which added a $30 non-refundable surcharge, making his package total $3729. Mr. [redacted] enrolled in a five (5) month payment plan making his first payment that day for $769.80 (the first $739.80 plus the $30 installment fee) with the remaining four payments of $739.80 each set up for auto-charge on the same day of the four (4)following months. The book completed its publication process and was initially made available for sale with Mr. [redacted] approval on December 18, 2015.
We will address Mr. [redacted] concerns in the order they appear in his filing.
Payment Plan Agreement and Amounts to be Paid (Items 1 and 9)
Financial payment transactions with Xlibris go through a detailed approval process. Before any charge was taken from his card, the payment plan terms and conditions were disclosed and agreed to by Mr. [redacted] on October 14, 2015. The initial payment, outstanding balance, number of installments, number of recurring monthly payments, dates and the amounts were just some of the required information reviewed by a Finance representative and affirmed by Mr. [redacted] through phone when he signed up for a package. Contrary to his claim that the charges were made without his knowledge and consent, Mr. [redacted] sent Xlibris a signed copy of the Installment Payment Plan agreement with all the details in question. A copy of the signed agreement is attached for your reference.
Publication Date (Item 2)
The fifth and final installment of Mr. [redacted] package was scheduled on February 2016. Based on Section 2.1 of our Publishing Services Agreement; Payment Precedes Fulfillment. Xlibris is not obliged to fulfill the Services set forth in each Service Order until after the full payment for such Services has been received. We have explained to Mr. [redacted] that the publishing package has to be fully paid in order to get the book published and available for sale. Mr. [redacted] paid the remaining balance for the package less $30 on December 16, 2018. Mr. [redacted] refused to pay for the $30 installment for the plan. As an act of goodwill, Xlibris waived the $30 fee on December 18, 2016 and endorsed his project to distribution.
Cover Instructions (Items 3 and 4)
Every Xlibris book cover and interior is created based on the author’s instruction. Mr. [redacted] book cover was created by a trained Xlibris designer adopting the sketch he sent to us. After a conversation with our design consultant, a cover file was sent to Mr. [redacted] for review on November 30, 2015. The initial review files are sent to the author to obtain their reaction and feedback. A corrections process is in place should the author feel the need to make changes to the file. The corrections form is attached to the email along with the review files for use of the author, when applicable. Mr. [redacted] approved the files and skipped the corrections process.  Copies of the mockup, approved cover and the approval email are attached for your reference. Please note that the text and cover color approved by Mr. [redacted] are contrary to his claim in his filing.
Delivery of Books (Items 5 and 6)
The delivery timeline of every order includes production time (time to print copies of a book is within 5-10 business days) plus shipping time (3-5 business days depending on the delivery address). Due to the ingestion process (time it takes for the printers to ingest files in their system); our commitment is to order the author review copies within 2 -3 business days from the publication date. Mr. [redacted] author copy was ordered on December 22, and delivered on December 29, 2015. There was no delay in the fulfillment of this order despite the holiday schedules. The complimentary copies have been put on hold due to Mr. [redacted] expressed intent to make corrections on the cover. Our book order department contacted Mr. [redacted] on January 11, 2015; and he confirmed his desire to proceed with the order and again, forego any corrections for the book. As a goodwill offer, Xlibris upgraded the delivery option from 3-5 business days to next day shipping, excluding printing time.
Distribution and Online Placement (Items 7 and 8)
As described in our website, published books are listed in the Books in Print® database and will be available for order through Xlibris.  Subject to specific limitations, an author’s book will also be available for sale on online retailers such as and Barnes& and may also be picked up by other resellers worldwide through the Ingram and Baker & Taylor distribution network. The title setup, file ingestion and registration period with resellers is completed within 60-90 days from the book’s publication date. A review of Mr. [redacted] book’s listing in Amazon confirmed that the book is available and orderable in hardcover, softcover and electronic format. Xlibris does not control the posting schedule and timelines for resellers, such as Amazon. Mr. [redacted] book was approved for release on December 18, 2015 and the 60-90 day allotted time for posting has yet to be reached.  We have however, made a request to update the Amazon listing of Mr. [redacted] book based on the results of our review below:
Cover Image – available
Book Description – available
Author Biography – available
Cover Image – available
Book Description – none
Author Biography – none
Cover Image – available
Book Description – available
Author Biography – none
100% Royalty Program (Item 10)
The royalty information requested by Mr. [redacted] is available online and in the form sent to him by Xlibris on January 5, 2015. The program allows 100 percent of all Net Proceeds (“Net Proceeds”) related to the sales of the Book. Net Proceeds are the selling price of the Book less any;
Industry-standard Trade Discounts taken by wholesalers, distributors, or online
Distribution Costs including printing, shipping, other costs related to distribution of the Book and sales tax of each book.
A copy of the form is attached for your reference.
In summary, throughout the publishing process, Xlibris has allotted the necessary resources and priority to fulfill Mr. [redacted] services as described in our self publishing services agreement.
Our records indicate that most services contracted for his book have been fulfilled with the publication of his work. Fulfillment of services forfeits their eligibility for a refund. The complimentary copies are currently being printed following Mr. [redacted] signoff on the author copy.
We trust this information illustrates the steps we have taken to address his concerns.
Elaine [redacted]
Manager of Author Satisfaction

Dear,   Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and for the opportunity to present our side of the case.   Mr. [redacted] signed up with Xlibris on November 6, 2014 to publish his book entitled “[redacted].”  He took advantage of a promotional rate of...

$699, discounted from the regular $1,249 price.  Mr. [redacted] opted to use an installment payment plan which added a $30 non-refundable surcharge, making his total cost $729. Mr. [redacted] made the first payment of $263 that day, with the remaining two payments of $233 each set up for auto-charge on the same day of the two following months.   On November 10, 2014, Mr. [redacted]’s Check-In Coordinator sent him instructions for submitting his materials (please see the attached email).  This email detailed the publication process, and specified that the entire manuscript should be submitted.  Mr. [redacted] then submitted his manuscript to Xlibris.  The interior layout and cover design files were created and sent to him for review on November 20, 2014.  On November 24, 2014, Mr. [redacted] sent Xlibris an updated manuscript with an additional chapter, including a character list and timeline.  We have attached Mr. [redacted]’s email for your reference.   Xlibris encourages all of our authors to submit the final text, quality images and all design requests and suggestions at the outset of the publishing process.  We have explained to Mr. [redacted] that author alterations while the book is in production are subject to applicable fees.   An Author Alteration is defined as a change to the text while the book is still in production, prior to the approval of the final galley proof.  The rates and details of our Author Alterations and Corrections Services are available on our website:   Upon receipt of this complaint, a review of Mr. [redacted]’s account was conducted.  From this review we were able to confirm that the team assigned to his book project extended to Mr. [redacted] the necessary advice, support and resources in preparation of his book for publication.  An audit of our company call records also indicate that calls and messages from Mr. [redacted] after the submission of his manuscript have been responded to within 24 hours.   As a show of goodwill, we have offered to make an exception and extend a free round of corrections to Mr. [redacted] to include the additional chapter and implement the additional instructions for his book.  The corrected proof will be sent to Mr. [redacted] within 5-10 business days.  Mr. [redacted] has accepted this offer, and has stated that he understands that any changes after this round will be subject to applicable fees.   We hope the information provided with this letter illustrates the steps we have taken to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns.  Please let us know if additional steps need to be taken for an amicable close to this case.   [redacted] Global Director-author satisfaction
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

Dear Thank you for the opportunity to bring resolution to this inquiry.  Mr. [redacted] signed up with Xlibris on November 12, 2014 to publish his book entitled “[redacted]”. The book completed its publication process and was initially made available for sale with Mr. [redacted]’...

approval on January 9, 2015. We have attached Mr. [redacted]’ approval for your reference.  Prior to the publication of his book, Mr. [redacted] contacted Xlibris to have his name added on the spine text of his book’s cover. The instructions were forwarded to Production but due to a human error during the design process, Mr. [redacted]’ first name was incorrectly spelled by the designer assigned to work on his book. It should be noted that Xlibris’ author oriented approach requires approval for every step of the process. We do not move ahead until we have an author’s expressed approval. Unfortunately, both the interior and cover design files with the incorrectly spelled name were reviewed and approved by the Mr. [redacted] for publication.  Mr. [redacted] also mentioned that his emails have gone unanswered and delayed for almost two weeks. Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] reported the incorrect spine text to us on May 12, 2015. Revised cover files with the correct spine text were sent to Mr. [redacted] for review on May 14, 2015. We have attached a copy of the emails for your reference.  In summary, Xlibris understands the importance of accuracy in carrying out the instructions forwarded to us by our authors to ensure satisfaction with our services. We would like to apologize to Mr. [redacted] for this unfortunate incident. As of this writing, we await the approval on a new set of corrected printed copies sent to Mr. [redacted] for review. Xlibris shall replace all orders with the incorrect spine text once we receive his approval on the review copies.   We hope the information provided with this letter illustrates the steps we have taken to address Mr. [redacted]’ concerns. Eugene [redacted] Global Director- Author Satisfaction

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to explain the status of Ms. [redacted]’s cancelled project and tax status. Ms. [redacted]’s project was made available for purchase with her approval, on October 26, 2015.  Shortly thereafter, the book’s information was sent into distribution.  Project status...

On June 1, 2016 Ms. [redacted] sent a letter requesting that her project be cancelled.  It was cancelled in our system the same day and notification forwarded to our print partners.  On June 9, 2016, our primary print partner, Lightning Source, cancelled the title in their system and sent the request to our distributor, Ingram.  As evidenced on the attached screen shots from Lightning Source, Ingram, and Amazon’s printer, CreateSpace, Ms. [redacted]’s title is cancelled as requested.  This means that the cancellation of the ISBN’s of her title is recognized by our printers and distribution vendors, conveyed by them to their on-line retailers.  Subsequently no new orders can be accepted or filled.    Retailers are responsible for the content of the information and data posted on their website and typically do not remove book listings from their sites immediately.  The timeline for removal of a title from a website will vary from retailer to retailer and is determined by their business practices. If a retailer has any copies of a title on hand at the time of the cancellation notification, the title will remain listed on the sight until sold.  When sold, the author will receive royalties for them.  This was explained to Ms. [redacted] via email on June 1, 2016 from Michelle P[redacted] in the post publication department.  She wrote: Due to our relationship with various printers and book distributors, physical copies of your book may currently exist within the book vending channels. It is possible that your book will still be listed as active with other online retailers until these copies have sold out. Also, please note that as part of Amazon and Barnes & Noble’s sales programs, titles that are considered “out of print” are kept in the system as such to allow customers the ability to track hard-to-find books. Hard-to-find and out-of-print books present a great source of revenue for these businesses, which is why they continue listing books that are no longer available through their distributor.   Ms. [redacted] expresses her concern regarding listings of her iUniverse book on the websites of and despite its cancellation.  In addition to the confirmation of the cancellation of her title in all its formats, we took a look at the current website listings of these sites and found the following: The title’s cover design is the same for both iUniverse and Canadian publications.On Amazon, the ISBNs for her Canadian publisher are listed; no iUniverse ISBNs are listed.On we found five (5) entries for her title—two (2) for paperback format, two (2) for hardcover and one (1) for eBook. Chapters has chosen to distinguish between publishers in two ways: Thru the publication date listed with the cover and title; July 27, 2016 for the Canadian publisher; October 26, 2015 for iUniverse.Only when the buy button is clicked are the ISBNs and publisher displayed. Only two have the October 2015publication date; a paperback and a hardcover. The hardcover states it is out of stock and not available for order. Although the paperback states it can be ordered, no orders will be accepted by our print or distribution network (see above post production information sent to Ms. [redacted] at the time of her cancellation. Due royalties Ms. [redacted] writes “I believe they are still collecting revenue from my book.”  As mentioned above, any books on hand with retailers before her cancellation, that sell after the cancellation, will generate royalties for Ms. [redacted].  Once those are reported by the retailers, they will be paid to Ms. [redacted].    The accuracy of royalty payments is very important to us.  To establish if any royalties are outstanding we initiated a full audit of sales data and royalty payments for her ISBNs.  Attached are the results of that audit, the Sales & Royalty Payment report.  The report has two sections; one tab with the sales data reported by our distribution partners including royalty earnings and a second tab with the history of royalty payments. The sales data section shows sales were made in 3 quarters; Q4 of 2015 and Q1 and Q2 of 2016.  The report shows each sale by format, source and category of sale, quantity, royalty percentage and earnings.  The payment section shows the payment made by quarter with the check number, date issued and amount and the tax withheld. The report shows that payment was made for the royalty earnings from Q4 2015 and Q1 2016. Ms. [redacted] currently has a due balance of $1.40 for royalties earned in Q2 2016 (April through June).  There were no royalties reported for Ms. [redacted]’s book in Q3 2016 (July through September). Q4 remains open thru the end of December. The $25 minimum threshold for payment, as stated in Paragraph 8 of her signed services agreement, has been applied and the Q2 earnings carried forward for payout when the amount reaches $25 or in Q4 2016 regardless of amount.  The Q4 2016 payout is scheduled to occur at the end of February 2017. A copy of the agreement is available upon request. Tax withholding Ms. [redacted] writes “iUniverse continues to withhold taxes from me because they never submitted the paperwork to the IRS which excludes me from paying taxes under the Canadian/US agreement because I file my own taxes with the Canadian government.”    Royalty income is subject to the tax rules of the US Government.  Those individuals who are not citizens of the US and earn royalties thru a US corporation are subject to the US tax rules.  Treaties between the US and other countries are in effect releasing the non US citizen for this obligation in full or part only when the individual has completed and submitted the proper paperwork to the company and the US Internal Revenue Service. Without proper documentation, foreign authors are subject to 30% tax withholding.  More information can be found on the IRS website at and   A search of our 2015 and 2016 records finds the necessary paperwork (a W8-BEN form) has not been submitted by Ms. [redacted] via mail or email, nor did she take advantage of the option to submit the information via the author center.  Subsequently, taxes are being withheld, per the above mentioned IRS guidelines. To prevent the 30% tax withholding, authors must submit a US International Tax Identification Number (ITIN) on a W8-BEN form.  This can be done two ways:  via the author’s author center on the iUniverse website or by mailing a completed hardcopy form.  A W8-BEN is attached should Ms. [redacted] need one. If Ms. [redacted] does not have a US ITIN, she will need to submit a W7 form, along with a support letter from us.  Attached are a W7 form and the support letter.  She should mail these two forms, along with the required documents outlined in the W7 instructions to: Internal Revenue Service ITIN Operation PO Box 149342 Austin, TX 78714-9342   Once the IRS provides her with a US ITIN, she can complete the W8-BEN form and submit it to iUniverse.   Ms. [redacted] does not need to reinstate her project in order to submit tax information.  Again, she can mail a hard copy form or submit it via the author center, which is still active.  Desired resolution An audit of Ms. [redacted]’s sales and royalties confirm that she has been and is being paid accurately in accordance with the terms and payment schedule set forth in her services agreement.   To prevent further withholding, Ms. [redacted] will need to obtain a US ITIN, complete and sign the W8-BEN form and return to iUniverse using the steps above.   We cannot refund tax withholding, as we make twice weekly withholding deposits to the IRS.  Ms. [redacted]’s tax withholding was sent to the IRS quite some time ago.  Also, because Ms. [redacted] did not submit the proper tax information to us, we correctly withheld taxes in accordance with the IRS guidelines.  The cancellation request was sent in June and our printer, distributor, and Amazon’s printer cancelled the title.  We have no timeline as to when retailers will remove her book listing from their sites, especially those sites that continue to list out of print books. We trust this information illustrates the steps we have taken to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Sincerely, Elaine H[redacted] Manager of Author Satisfaction

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to address Mr.
[redacted]’s remaining concerns.
Mr. [redacted] states that the agreement form he was sent
“does not reflect the agreement at all.” 
He has attached the Installment Payment Agreement, which was sent when
he first purchased the marketing services. 
It was inadvertently sent again on November 5, as the Contract Control
group had not yet been notified of the cancellation and refund of the
services.  This agreement clearly
references the non-refundable processing fee of $30 (section 3) and the
declined/missed/incomplete charge fee of $30 (section 6).  Mr. [redacted] was also informed of these fees at
the time of his purchases.  In fact, Mr.
[redacted]’s original complaint referenced the $30 payment plan processing fee:
“Whenever I reserved a service
with iUniverse/ Author Solutions I was told that the Agreement processing fee
of $30 was the only non refundable fee associated with the reservation. The
marketing programs become non refundable once the the payment plan agreement/
work authorization document is signed. Again, I didn't sign.”
We acknowledge that Mr. [redacted] did not sign the agreements
and the services have not been completed, which is why a refund has been
processed.  The only withholdings from
this refund are the payment plan processing fees and one decline fee, because
the second payment for the Kirkus service was declined on October 24.  Again, the refunds have been processed and
should credit to Mr. [redacted]’s credit card within 5-7 business days.
Global Director-author satisfaction
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

Good day, I just received another e-mail from an associate, that I was told they could not change or fire her. She sat on my e-mail about getting my book changes made, which they foul up. She sent an e-mail on the 19th of September, telling me upon approval; the book would go into production and be...

available in "Once we receive your approval, we will endorse these layouts to our printing department. Printing and shipping takes 3-4 weeks." This was yesterday, and the same thing was September 19th: Once we receive your approval, we will endorse these layouts to our printing department. Printing and shipping takes 3-4 weeks. Friday, September 19, 2014 4:15 PM. I went back on my e-mails and found the same thing on Thursday, August 28, 2014 1:36 PM. Once we receive your approval, we will endorse these layouts to our printing department. Printing and shipping takes 3-4 weeks
This company is a dishonest company and run as such. They are showing no like for our true factual God Jesus, being shown in this book. They lie, swindle, and have apparant anquidated presses. with "many" gliches. The Lord wants to stop what is going on in Washington, and they are helping the Secret Project of the Muslim Brotherhood, to take over the United States of America. I have included some similar material in my next book that reveals "Creation and Spirit Today" I want my money back from the scam that was run on me, by this company. I paid $600 to them, before, Instead of returning the money, they kept it when, I first submitted my try at writting. The total scam took me for $1749.40 God bless, [redacted]

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Address: 1663 S Liberty Drive, Bloomington, Indiana, United States, 47403-5161


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