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Dale Ade Trailer & Farm Equip

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Reviews Dale Ade Trailer & Farm Equip

Dale Ade Trailer & Farm Equip Reviews (37)

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. The price I was quoted was over 400 dollars.  I looked up on line and the price of the same part...same brand was 70 dollars.  The technician took roughly an hour to install this part.  I understand profit and overhead mentioned by Issac in their response.  Im a professional my company has all those expences when they bill for my work...Im billed at 125$/hr...... This workman without my education..(.and likely experience evidenced by his needing to call his superior a number of times for advice on installing this valve) was billed out at over 300$/hour  .  No need for further response I will be taking my business elsewhere 1 final comment when I googles Issac during this repair it did come up that their president or some such was stating on some news letter how high their profit margin was with their new billing system...great
Regards,  [redacted]

It has been explained to Mr. [redacted] that the value of his trade in was not determined by what he had owed on the car. The loan on the car was paid off in his transaction and the actual cash value was disclosed. One of the requirements in a transaction is a document that states Texas Disclosure of...

Equity in Trade-in Motor Vehicle which shows the negative equity that Mr. [redacted] had in his car, which he did sign. The dealership is not responsible for the negative equity and will not take any further action.

Thank you for sharing the clients concerns with us, we were aware that the client was not satisfied and would have liked to resolve the concerns when they occurred. Our client has provided accurate information as to what was installed and when it was installed and that he is having programming...

issues with the thermostat.  The client had originally requested a thermostat that could be operated via the internet due to his travel / work schedule and that unit was included with the installation. The client is having issues with the programming and operation of the thermostat. A member of our Technical Leadership Team spoke with him on 10/24/2016 and suggested that we come out to the home to reprogram the thermostat and explained that there would be no charge to come out and that we would reprogram it at no additional charge, so the entire visit would be at no charge. The client does not want anyone to come to his home and would like to resolve this over the phone which we have attempted to do but unsuccessfully. The thermostat is not easy to understand for those who do not use them every day and that is why we would like to come back to the home and at the same time we understand the client has a challenging work schedule. We still would like to send someone back and we have left this offer available, however if the client chooses not to have us back there is nothing we can do. We have provided phone support but we do not have experts here in the office at all times as they are on the road working with clients.We wish to resolve this and we have attempted to resolve this issue and beyond going to the home to show the client there is little more that we can do.Please let me know what we can do,Eric [redacted]VP & General Manager

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. I will state again that my system was fully operational at the time of the original call for service as well as for the initial visit by the technician. I did not call Isaac because my system did not work. I called Isaac because I wanted to get the annual maintenance service as required by my warranty. The A/C was cooling not only well, but very well at the time I requested annual maintenance. I had been using the A/C as much as I needed to so far this year and was happy with its performance.  Isaac's claim that the system was inoperable at the initial visit, or at any point during the visit, was simply not true. The system continued to work very well even after Isaac insisted my coil was defective and had a valve stuck.  I had my system evaluated by an independent HVAC professional. My system was deemed in perfect operating condition after Isaac deemed it inoperable. Isaac is not telling the truth.  As to being contacted by anyone from Isaac, that is also not true. I have no record of receiving any calls. I have no messages. I received no emails. Regards, [redacted]

We are sorry that Ms. [redacted] is having issues with her heating and air conditioning system and as she had mentioned we would be able to send someone out and that there "might" be a charge for those services. Because the furnace is used when the system is cooling as well as when it is heating there is...

a possibility that the rattling sound is related to the use of the air conditioner over the past 6 months. If the rattle is related to the maintenance we did on the furnace we would cover it, we always would do that and if it is not related there would be a charge for coming out and repairing whatever was making the noise. This was fully communicated as evidenced by Ms. [redacted] letter and we would still offer the same resolution, we cannot warranty a clients system if we are not responsible. Please contact our office again at [redacted] to arrange a return trip with the understanding that if the noise is related to the work we performed 6 months ago that we would cover it and if not there would be an $89 service fee plus repairs. Thank you, Eric [redacted]VP & General Manager

The client is correct that he was charged a service fee as well as the cost of maintenance for the recent visit. When the client contacted Isaac Heating it was because the furnace was blowing cold air, it was not to schedule maintenance and they wanted a technician to come out and diagnose and...

resolve the issue. They were quoted a service fee, although they were quoted the $89.95 fee for gas furnaces and not the $119.00 fee for oil furnaces which require specialized technicians. The technician discovered that the furnace was not operating correctly because the furnace had not had maintenance performed in 13 years and it is clearly stated in the homeowners guide that maintenance should be performed every year. Performing the maintenance was the suggested maintenance to correct the issue which was related to a partially plugged heat exchanger due to a lack of maintenance.Isaac did install the furnace in 2004 and the client has been sent numerous newsletters over the years indicating to have the annual maintenance performed. We would not have known at the time that the client called us that the issue was maintenance related because we have not worked with them in 13 years and when a piece of equipment is not working there is always a service fee to determine the cause. If the client had called for maintenance they would have been scheduled for late May, as this is where we are currently scheduling maintenance so they would not have received immediate service. Also, when a client calls to schedule maintenance the maintenance fee applies to a system that is operating when we arrive, so had the client scheduled a maintenance visit, once we arrived and discovered that the system was not operating properly they would have been quoted an additional $119.00 service fee to diagnose the issue. In this situation the client paid the same as if they had called us for maintenance so they were charged properly.This is not a problem that we created. The client, after 13 years of no service called us with an issue that we resolved properly, timely and professionally.This call was handled properly and while we are sorry that the client had these unexpected expenses it is beyond our control.There will be no further refunds or discounts,Eric K[redacted]VP & General Manager have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.] I am STILL waiting for this business to call me to set up a resolution. They have several phone numbers and I have received zero voicemail messages at this point. Again, I find it surprising that I am paying for a service contract and can't get a reply without going through the Thank you for your help.Regards,[redacted]

I am sorry that Mr. [redacted] does not agree and that is his option, but these issues are related to problems with his boiler that are the result of a lack of annual maintenance and to place that responsibility on our company is very unfair. As to shady business practices, that is not, never has been and never will be how we operate. We were called to his home after the rotted flue pipe that he was replacing on his own crumbled into the boiler at which time the client knew this was beyond them and contacted Isaac Heating, a rotted flue pipe is a sign of a significantly neglected system. We have spent a tremendous amount of time, money and resources to determine the issue with his boiler and to ask for a full refund is not reasonable. We have refunded the amount promised and while it may not have shown on his card as of yet, we have promised and will deliver on that because we stand behind what we say and do and we always have. If the boiler was not leaking prior to the initial repair there would have been no reason to suggest replacing the boiler, the fact that the leak developed after the repair, because of the lack of maintenance the previous 8-9 years is an unfortunate occurrence, but one that we could have never predicted. Turning this around, if our technician had suggested replacing the boiler instead of making the repair and the client chose to call someone else for an estimate, they would have looked at the system, quoted $1200.00 to fix it and called Isaac crooks and we would be getting the same complaint, just worded differently. We didn't cause the leak and we didn't cause the issue, yet we are refunding 75% of what the client spent, and taking a financial loss much greater than the client, those are not the practices of a shady organization.  There is nothing more that we can do to resolve this issue other than refund the $1200.00 that was promised which Mr. [redacted] will be able to put towards a new boiler. As a Certified New York State Environmental Systems Servicer for the past 23 years, I can tell you that I would not have been able to predict this was going to happen to his boiler, but it did. Respectfully, Eric Knaak

I have had Isaac to my home 4 times in the past 2 years.  Each time I expressed my desire to fix everything lets replace things so I don't have another issue.  This valve which was the initial cause of my problem could easily have been replaced when the one right next to it was.  They...

seem to want to do just enough so the visits keep recurring

I have reviewed this situation with both our Canandaigua Manager and our Technical Supervisor who were deeply involved in the situation, so I have a very clear understanding of what has occurred. Our services were requested on 9/3/2015 for a boiler not working and upon arrival we found an oil boiler...

in dire need of maintenance and service which we suggested and performed at the clients request since the flue pipe had rotted away and the unit was unsafe to operate. We found the firebox where the flame burns to be disintegrated and the unit to be very badly sooted, the flue pipe to be rotted and the unit in overall poor condition. It was also discovered after a few visits that the water pressure gauge was not working properly and although it was registering pressure, it was off by 10 psi, so the boiler was not operating that the required pressure.  We ordered the firebox which we installed on 9/9/2015 and the next day had to go back for a water leak which took a few visits (on our time) to locate. It was determined that the sections of the heat exchanger had developed a leak and were now leaking water into the boiler which it had not done previously, so why was this happening now? The soot that had built up within the boiler was insulating the heat exchanger almost like a protective blanket, keeping the heat exchanger form getting as hot as it might normally get, and the firebox that had disintegrated allowing the heat to disburse throughout the boiler had been properly replaced allowing the flame and heat to go where it was meant to go. What happened is that this heat was now focused on the portion of the heat exchanger where is was meant to be and this along with the proper water pressure caused a leak to form. The leak was the result of a boiler operating at the temperatures and pressures for which it was designed, but that had not been doing so for an undetermined amount of time due to a lack of maintenance and service.  Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning happened to be the unfortunate contractor that was basically asked to service a bobby-trapped system and now that it has failed we are being asked to refund all of the money paid by the client. There was a delay in getting this finalized because of trying to locate the source of the water leak and mainly because the client was asking Isaac to quote them on a replacement unit that we do not carry nor that we were familiar with and that took some time. Isaac has incurred almost $700.00 is direct expenses to service the clients boiler and we have refunded (as of yesterday) all but $408.45 of thew $1600.00 paid, so our company took a significant loss to service this system.  We understand the frustrations of Mr. [redacted] and the inconvenience to his family, but we did not create this situation, we came to help and we sent qualified and capable professionals on each visit. The boiler was not in good condition and I am sure that Mr. [redacted] is frustrated that the lack of maintenance is now costing him anywhere for $8000 - $10,000 because he has to replace a boiler that should have provided many more years of service, but that is not our fault and we have been more than generous is refunding the $1250.00. We are sorry that this has happened and if there is anything else that needs to be answered please do not hesitate to contact me. I also ask that this complaint be removed from our records as we have not done anything to cause this issue to occur and we have offered extremely reasonable accommodations to resolve this. Respectfully, Eric KnaakVice President & General Manager

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:they are lying I have a witness that was with me I wouldn't of made the deal if they weren't gonna pay my previous car.I didn't expect them to say they stole money from me I thought that's why you were's ashamed a multi million dollar business has to lie in order to get someone to buy a car.I had no reason to get rid of my old car I loved it.They will pay in the long run more than I lost believe me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I was quoted for a 40 gallon 40,000 BTU replacement. The on-site repair man on Friday gave me the details of what they would need to do (the 4" venting) or I would never know about it. He said it was not an easy install because of the extra labor involved. He discussed things at detail with the salesmen Ben [redacted] (I HAD NO VISIBILITY TO WHAT THEY WERE DISCUSSING) and then the repairman said they had worked out a quote.Where's the extra work???What extra labor, he was in and out in two hours, are you saying you charged me $600 for two hours work? Is that why you don't even make the SIMPLIEST BREAKDOWN between parts and labor???AND IT WAS A LOWER BTU MODEL THEN THE ONE REMOVED!!!!!Regards,[redacted]

We are sorry that our client is not satisfied, however we feel that everything was handled properly. The client called for the water heater not working and was quoted a $89.95 service fee to drive to the home, set up tools, diagnose the issue, wrap-up and depart. The client agrees that the diagnosis...

was correct and for that reason no refund is substantiated. Had the diagnosis been incorrect we would gladly return the service fee. The technician on-site is a 20+ year veteran and working with the client at the time, knowing that they had no hot water, that parts had to be ordered, causing further delays and that the tank was already over 12 years old was instructed by the client to arrange for replacement which he did. The client had the option of using another vendor which they did and that was their choice. The cost of parts, mark-ups and labor vary from company to company as do the cost of operation, our pricing is based on our costs of providing the highest level of service possible.We are happy to hear that the client has hot water or that it will be operating soon,Eric [redacted]VP & General Manager have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Isaac indicated in their response that they had notified me numerous times about getting the furnace cleaned. I have never received any notifications from them over the years. If I had received a notification, I would have scheduled a cleaning. When I called for service, and if they had told me that the furnace hadn't been cleaned in 13 years, I would have scheduled a cleaning, since I didn't need heat right away because the it was spring. Their policy of charging for a service call if the furnace is not working is not fair to the consumer. I don't recall anything in the paperwork that I received from them indicating this policy. Also this policy was never told to me when I called for service.Regards,[redacted]

What occurred is very unfortunate and has created a situation for the [redacted] family that could have easily been avoided and we do apologize for any inconvenience and we will rectify this situation to the clients satisfaction.When the original call was placed by Mrs. [redacted] the person who scheduled the...

call from our organization did not ask t if they have a fuel oil system or natural gas which they should have and for that reason an oil technician was not dispatched. We have a number of oil trained and certified technicians, however not all of our technicians are fully trained on oil as it requires special training, tools and inventory. The technician who arrived has had the basic oil training and wanted to take care of the client and not create a situation where they needed to go through rescheduling , unfortunately his efforts and desire to help were stronger than his oil knowledge. He was able to make repairs and make the unit operational so that the client did have heat.When our office called the client to follow-up a few weeks later we were made aware that the client had a concern and this concern was escalated to a Supervisor. The supervisor failed to call the client back, the team member who spoke to the client and promised a call from a supervisor did their job properly and it was the supervisor who made the mistake. It was not that the concern was ignored, it was something that the supervisor never got to that day and from there is was forgotten. The supervisor was extremely apologetic and feels badly that this has happened but there is no excuse, we made a mistake and we are sorry.We would appreciate the opportunity to make this right and I can assure the [redacted]s that a certified and capable oil technician would be sent, that their account has been classified as an oil system now that we are aware and that we are capable of rectifying this situation.I do apologize and will await their response, if the only desire is refund indicated we would do that as well, however we would like to make the system whole again.Thank you,Eric [redacted]VP & General Manager

We are very sorry for what occurred and while it was an accident Isaac still accepted full responsibility and we have provided our team with additional training and education to prevent such future situations. The client is correct in that we did offer them two options on payment for the damaged...

items and they accepted the later of having us pay them the higher amount and we would take the damaged goods away, which we have done. The items in question were used and the value was less than the retail value, the same as a car as when it is damaged in an accident. In an auto accident where the vehicle is totaled, the insurance company pays the value of the car (not the new price but the depreciated value) and the insurance company then retains the totaled vehicle to re-sell and recover a portion of the losses. We processed this settlement under the guidance of our insurance carrier since we were handling this independent of our insurance and we used similar guidelines. We are sorry that this occurred and while it did take time to resolve, we did respond promptly and we made sure that we had a conclusive understanding which the client agreed to at the time, we cannot be held responsible for when a client changes their mind. We did not shirk our responsibilities or our response to the issue.

Dear Sir / Madam: Our company was contacted by the client to perform annual maintenance on the air conditioning system. Upon arrival it was determined right away that the system was not cooling at all and this was verified by taking baseline temperature and refrigerant pressure measurements which...

are always done before the maintenance is performed in the event that there is a pre-existing condition. Because we were now dealing with a non-operable system the price to look at the system should have been quoted at $89.00 for a service fee as opposed to $99.00 for the annual maintenance since we cannot do maintenance on any non-operable system, therefore I do agree that we did overcharge the client $10.00 which we will rectify. The system discharge temperature was 70 degrees, which is the same temperature as the system intake air temperature meaning that the system was not cooling the air at all. The clients letter indicates that it seemed to be working fine prior to our arrival, however we clarified before beginning any work that the system was not cooling at all. All indications were that the system was low on refrigerant and since this is a sealed system which should never leak the only determination is that the system had a leak. Knowing that we had a leak int he system, the location of the leak had to be determined and this was quoted at a cost of $139.00+ tax to which the client agreed. The leak search was performed and the leak was found at the brazed fitting at the outdoor condensing unit. The client was quoted $651.24 including tax to make the repair at this fitting to which they agreed. The leak was repaired and the system was now recharged. It is important to note that this particular system requires 58 ounces of refrigerant and that before making the repair we had to remove the old refrigerant from the system and in doing so only measured out 48 ounces so the system was about 20% undercharged which would prevent it from doing any cooling. Now that the system was properly charged we were able to operate the unit and upon doing so discovered that the thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) on the indoor coil was not responding, keeping the system from metering refrigerant flow and preventing cooling. The TXV is a mechanical device that is basically a piston and a valve that opens and closes to meter the flow of refrigerant and sometimes these valves will stick and sometimes they will un-stick on their own.This particular system has a TXV that is integrated into the coil, therefore the solution was to replace the coil and we were able to offer this under warranty as the TXV has a minimum 5 year warranty, depending upon the model. The client was quoted $422 for the new coil.In the meantime the client chose to call another person to look at the system and at that time the TXV was not sticking as it had been and the system was now operating properly. Had Isaac replaced the coil we would have had to return the part to the manufacturer for warranty validation and had it not been faulty we would have been denied warranty and would have had to pay for the coil, so it was in our best interest to be accurate with our diagnostics and based upon the temperature and pressure readings taken after the leak was repaired the system did have a TXV that was non-operable at that time. The client was quoted for a refrigerant leak and a leak was foundThe client was quoted for a leak repair and the leak was repairedThe client was quoted for a new coil however it was never replaced and they were never charged, therefore I do not understand the reason behind their request for a refund. The work paid for was all performed and the coil was currently un-stuck which is good news, although likely not a permanent solution and we would urge the client to have the coil replaced while it is still under warranty.There was also mention that our office failed to return calls to the client, however our Technical Leader Craig K[redacted] did call and leave messages on 6/24 and again on 6/25 and a return call to him was never received.Please advise as to how we should proceed and once determined I will process for the $10.00 + tax overcharge on the initial callYours in service, Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning Inc [redacted] Kn[redacted] VP & General Manager

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