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GSM Commerce

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Reviews GSM Commerce

GSM Commerce Reviews (1)

Review: In the process of discovery leading up to our signing on we were told that support was 24/7. Our company signed up as a client on Tuesday September 17th 2013. We were told it would take up to 72 hours to have our server set up. myZenSend aka Gsm Commerce is an email marketing service similar to mail chimp and / constant contact. We were told that our service would be up and running so that we could start a campaign for the weekend. On Friday we were told we were finally set up. In testing the system we required input from support because the system didn't seem to be reacting correctly. After numerous attempts on our side to resolve issues and trying things that we were told we werent doing it was determined that even though we were doing all the things right the problem persisted. Then finally the issue was determined that the issue was on the companies end. Apparently the server clock needed resetting. Many hours of development and time on our side was expended in anticipation of running a successful weekend campaign. Friday afternoon we received an email from a support person named Summer who stated: Hi David,The server clock has been updated to the correct time, so scheduled campaigns will work properly now.I approved the two pending campaigns. I did change the batch size down to 25 on both. We do this for the first 24 hours to "warm up" the domain; it greatly increases delivery rates. Tomorrow, you can up the batch size.If you have any questions or need anything further, please don't hesitate to contact us.Thank you, The above email was sent at 5:39 Eastern time on Friday September 21st. Our staff spent overtime hours that evening putting finishing touches on the campaign so that it would run early Saturday morning through Monday. On Saturday it was discovered that the system was still not working. I personally attempted to get a hold of someone all morning and voiced my disappointment with support. Their support page although states you can submit a trouble ticket thereDesired Settlement: We want our account reinstated, set up as advertised and shown that the system works as advertised with a demo using our test data as we were told they would do.



Review: 9733060

I am rejecting this response because:

The description offered by the company owner is somewhat accurate. The hour spent on the phone was not entirely to demo the product however the product and service was shown. 24/7 support was deliniated

and specific functions for our specific need was either demonstrated or told the system could perform in that manner. It was clear our level of need was more advanced than any of their other customers but we were assured all our needs would be met. In fact not only did the system NOT perform as advertised neither did 24/support. A very time sensative campaign was implemented, many hours of creative time was spent and we were assured everything would perform as advertised. The company, system and staff failed miserably. The owner of the company places the onous of their failure squarely on the customer. We have since built our own campaign engine which is head and shoulders above what theirs can do. Not only can they not provide as they claim but they are also telling people their system can deliver when in fact it does not. This should be investigated. Additionally we HAVE NOT been refunded as they claim and if they claim we have they have not provided ANY proof of refund.


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Address: 2425 Golden Hill Rd., Suite 106 - 222, Paso Robles, California, United States, 93446


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