iDropped Wilbraham Reviews (2)
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iDropped Wilbraham Rating
Description: Electronic Equipment & Suppliers - Service & Repair
Address: 70 Post Office Park, Wilbraham, Massachusetts, United States, 01095
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I went in to have the screen replaced on my iPad and a tempered glass screen saver was recommended to was going to total [redacted] for both but this seemed like a good investment.It turned out NOT to be.When my daughter picked up the iPad it was beautiful..two days later it had what looked to me like two cracks and we hadn't even dropped it or mishandled it.When I called I was told that there was probably nothing that they could do and I asked to speak with the manager/owner.I spoke with [redacted] and eventually she told me to bring it in and she would look at it.[redacted] said one mark was a scratch and one mark was a crack and it could have happened this way or that way;she gave me a couple of scenarios,one that included someone putting on the cover and cracking it then,even though I told her several times that the crack happened BEFORE the cover was even put on..she still insisted that it "could have happened that way"..I told her those things didn't happen and perhaps it was a defective piece of glass.[redacted] said she had NEVER seen anything like this.I asked to contact the company myself if she wouldn't because I thought they would want to stand behind their product.[redacted] looked this info up and said the product came directly from [redacted] and there was no-one I could contact.There was nothing she was going to do.The screen continued to get much worse with more scratches and cracks and an airpocket that ended up cracking as well.I spoke to [redacted] a couple more times.She said again that she had never heard of this..I could bring it in again.I did.She told me someone "could have" lifted up the side to make the air pocket..I told her I understood that but NO ONE DID!I know she doesn't know me but I am telling the truth;maybe I have the one defective piece of glass-I told her.I posted my review on FB&responded to peoples comments to me.She posted an inaccurate acct of the story accusing me of saying I was going to RUIN her & bringing in a "man to intimidate her":I said "bad review"&it was my husband 4supptProduct_Or_Service: iPad glass and tempered glass*Order_Number: n/aAccount_Number: n/aDesired SettlementI would either like my [redacted] (maybe a little less - minus the tax on my regular iPad cover; provided that is still in one piece with no mars) back and the tempered glass removed OR for iDropped to replace my tempered glass with a different brand of product that they advertise on their website. There is one particular company that she advertises on her website who guarantees their own tempered glass product - I would like to use this company's product as a replacement to the one used on my iPad.Business Response Hello All: I apologize for these attempts to portray us in a negative way. The TRUTH is this customer contacted us initially to say her screen was cracked and it was picked up the previous Thursday . I told her please bring it in and we'll take a look at it and we absolutely standby our products. After reviewing her paperwork it was picked up two weeks prior than stated.(INTAKE/EXIT SHEET PROVES THIS). The device was in her possession for 3 weeks. She confirms that it left the store perfectly fine and in working condition. A couple days later she brings in the iPad and the Technician called me to say her screen was not broken but her tempered glass(THIS TEMPERED GLASS WOULD HAVE BEEN REPLACED IF HER SCREEN WAS ACTUALLY CRACKED AS WELL AS HER SCREEN) a small scratch near the home button and a perfect thumb print in the corner may have been caused by someone attempting to put on a case and pressed to hard( IT DID NOT COME IN WITH A CASE OR LEAVE WITH ONE). I called her back to tell her, her screen is not broken it is the Tempered Glass and it did its job, it protected her screen from cracking. She sends her daughter back to pick it up and she's upset I did not give her another one for FREE. She calls again a WEEK LATER and said now there's bubbles underneath it. I told her to bring it back and l felt that a face to face conversation would resolve this. She comes back with a male trying to intimidate us arguing with anyone who would listen.(HE STATES TO HER "REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE TRYING TO PUT ON THE CASE ON AND YOU WERE PUSHING DOWN ON IT? SHE TELLS HIM TO SHUT UP, 4 PEOPLE WITNESSED THIS) I finally had to step in and explain to her the bubbles underneath were caused by someone lifting it.Your device was protected and is in working order. Someone scratched this. She's making finger gestures and they both said will RUIN us if we don't replace it. We were supposed to believe that the iPad was only handled by her (HER DAUGHTER PICKED IT UP..) and the scratches and the crack in the corner spontaneously appeared. HER story is a TOTAL FABRICATION..I APOLOGIZE AGAIN..this is a case when the person did break the item and wants it replaced for FREE...This was not a defective product..this customer retaliated as she said she would. She made attempts to contact and harrass each of our 5 star reviews on [redacted] she posted comments every where and behaved badly to the point we contacted the [redacted] Everyone that knows us and what we stand for knows these are false accusations.Our customers actually stood up for us. She just refuses to accept any professional opinion or take responsibility for what she did. Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)This has been such a frustrating experience.My daughter takes gymnastics right near iDropped in [redacted] is why she picked it up.She is 18years old.In the beginning,my husband(this is the man the owner refers to as the person I brought in to "intimidate" her)& I went to the iDropped store in [redacted] with my iPad that I dropped once and my step-son dropped a few months later;this is after owning it for over a year.It was still usable but I wanted to see what I could get the screen replaced for because the AppleStore told me it would be [redacted] or > & I didn't want to spend that.iDropped told my husband & I that it would cost [redacted] to replace the iPad screen and then proceeded to tell us about the tempered glass to protect the screen..that brought the price up to [redacted] after taxes,but it seemed to be a good investment.Unfortunately,at the time it did not occur to us to ask about which tempered glass product they were going to use and what was the warranty.This is one of my posts I posted under one of their advertisements for iPad glass, the owner refers to as harrasment..I was informing people to ask the questions.If I was able to call the company of the tempered glass they used on my iPad,I could have taken iDropped out of the issue is my thought,but as I stated before the owner informed me she got the product directly from [redacted] and there was no-one I could talk to or that she would or could(I'm not sure which).My daughter dropped the iPad off before gymnastics on [redacted] picked it up later that night around 8p.The store did the exit sheet with her and she brought it home.When we initially brought it in for an estimate,it did have the cover on and I asked if they wanted it with the cover or w/o..the worker I spoke to said w/o,so that's how we dropped it off and picked it up.We as a family of 5 went on vacation for school vacation week.I saw the iPad when my daughter brought it home and it looked beautiful.I used it [redacted] and it was still nice,I used it [redacted] ok and then I used it [redacted] & noticed what I believed to be a small crack underneath the tempered class running up from the middle bottom(I thought this because I couldn't feel a ridge,so believed it to be underneath-which I explained over and over to the owner;I wasn't trying to pull a fast one or lie..I just didn't know)-I would take her word for it.I also told her that I would believe her that it was a scratch and not a crack as she was more knowledgeable re:this.There was also a half circle crack at the top right.I never said that I was the only one that handled the owner pointed out,my daughter picked it up.The owner did state to me several times that I had said that I was the only one to ever handle the iPad and I corrected her several times.I use it and my daughter and the other family members have their phones.So,with all of us together in a studio room on vacation,I can honestly say that the iPad was not mishandled or dropped.I was shocked when I saw the imperfections and couldn't understand how and why they were there!I was so naive at the time that I figured I would call the iDropped business when I got home and they would back their product..I just never thought that they wouldn't believe me.I didn't have their phone number and it wasn't impeding the screen view or usage.It was shocking to me that two days after having the glass replaced and a tempered glass put on top of that and no improper usage or drops that I felt that the product needed to be replaced.I called iDropped Mon. or [redacted] after our Sat. return home & was told there was probably nothing they would do.I asked to speak with the supervisor/owner.When I spoke with her,she confirmed what I was told but said she would take a look at it.My daughter brought it in later that week,a day or 2 later;the next time she had gymnastics(she goes 3 days/wk).A young gentleman called me at work,while my daughter was standing see if it was ok to leave the iPad there because she had to get over to her gymnastics class..& to say she could pick it up later.The owner called me to tell me that the iPad had a scratch,not a crack like I said, at the bottom and a crack at the top that could have happened when we put the cover on.I said ok about the scratch(as I stated above) and that the 1/2 circle crack at the top right side was there BEFORE we put on the cover.We had the cover with us on vaca that I put on after discovering the mysterious cracks/scratches.I explained this each and every time to her because she kept saying that "it could have happened that way"..but it didn't!I would say.The tempered glass did what it was suppose to do she would insist,& I insisted that there was no drop,mishandling, or accident that happened and wasn't it possible the tempered glass was a defective piece?She had never heard of that she said.I called a week later to tell her that the "scratch" turned into a crack that extended and then looped around into a half circle off of that;she said she had never heard of that happening without an impact,drop,or pressure to the screen and that the tempered glass was doing it's job.I called her after I saw a deal on Groupon for iPad tempered glass for [redacted] w/free delivery of a [redacted] order.She said she had an agreement that she couldn't order from them.I thought maybe she could place an order and that I could give her the ** for the replacement since after the last call she told me she would replace the tempered glass if I wanted to pay for another piece.The tempered glass then got a bubble on the left side of the screen..that would move.I called again to tell the owner of this.Eventually she told me to bring it in & she would look at it.I had surgery on [redacted] this was the end of the following week.I couldn't drive and I didn't want to send it in with my daughter again,so my husband(the "intimidating man" who was actually very calm and the voice of reason)& I took a ride after an appt to Wilbraham iDropped to bring it in.The owners daughter was there and took care of us first.She looked at it and proceeded to tell us that the tempered glass was doing it's job and that each crack and scratch was proof of this and then because she was familiar with our case she told us that the crack in the top right corner "could have happened" like this.I tried explain for the 100th time that the crack happened 1st and THEN we put the cover on,not the other way around.Then she told us that the scratch that was now a crack could have happened with a pressure on the didn't matter that even though it "could have" happened like didn't.She told us that each crack and scratch was from a different incident.The owner did come out and half listened,only to argue,yet again that the tglass was doing it's job and that it "could have" happened like this.The bubble could have only happened if someone tried to lift it off.I assured her that no one had and the cover had not been taken off,therefore you couldn't even do what she said was done.None of what I said mattered.I was frustrated.My husband tried to calmly reason with them and was in no way threatening or intimidating.That was yet another shock in this whole situation when I read the owner's response.I did NOT tell my husband to "shut up" and he NEVER said "Remember when you were..".That just didn't happen and I can't even imagine what 4 witnesses she has as there were never 4 other people in the room at one time...her daughter had left.There was a young man (worker) that came into the office and was sitting in a chair listening - at one point he asked the owner if he could look at it..she didn't let him.Before we left,my husband said that at this point,even if she did offer to replace the tempered glass he wouldn't let her..I said that I would.I told her I was going to give her a bad review and she (the owner) told me to "go ahead".I never said that I would "ruin" her!I asked her why she wasn't going to cover the iPad cover and you know what she told me...."because of the way I handled it in the beginning - I told her there was a crack and it was a scratch" - I had already conceded this point to her several times over the past three weeks that we had been talking.At this point,I did give her the finger and we walked out.As we walked to our vehicle we had to walk by a shiny [redacted] that I was looking at as I walked by..this kid that I hadn't seen before hurried out the door of the business and watched me.I asked him if she had sent him out to make sure I didn't touch her vehicle..he said "yeah, you could break it" and hurried back in.I don't even know what he meant by this.I feel humiliated and wronged.I would not spend this amount of time and energy to try and get something as this for free.I have character witnesses as well.I applauded her YA(kids)&one business that stood by her & said that a (+)experience just hadn't been my experience.Thank you for your time..Final Business Response This consumer's response confirms everything I stated. The bottom line is the device left the store in perfect condition and after being in their possession for 3-4 weeks. We are not responsible for this damage. In our professional opinion,we have seen hundreds of cracked screens and people who have cracked their tempered glass after some sort of impact or scratching their screen.This could happen many ways a ring, or dropping keys on it. Again, what we saw could not have spontaneously happened but consistent with a scratch, putting to much pressure and lifting the screen.This is just not possible and defies logic that the iPad just sat on a table and damage just spontaneously appears.IDropped gives away approximately [redacted] a week when running the Repair Contest to help people and this falls well under that amount. This is about using a bullying tactic to get something for free and we refuse to participate.Final Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)My previous response does not confirm everything that iDropped in [redacted] again. The damage began to showed two days after picking the iPad up. I called when we got home after vacation, not three weeks later. Damage continued to show over that three week period of time and I called every time something new showed. I believe the tempered glass to be defective because nothing happened to the iPad to cause the damage that it shows. I owned the iPad for over a year without tempered glass and with the same type of use and the screen didn't have scratches or cracks until I dropped it. I get that you don't know me and you are in a difficult business because people can just say "i don't know what happened" and expect you to fix something for nothing. You didn't listen or believe me from the beginning. I am telling the truth. Why would you use a company that you cannot talk to about their product? You charge ** per entry into your contest so how much do you really "give away"? and why wouldn't you want to take the time to really listen to me and spend the very little bit of money (that it would cost your and your business) that it would take to make a happy customer. If you were listening you would know that I don't spend my life expecting something for nothing. I never said the iPad sat on a have constantly put scenarios to support your story and your unwillingness to consider that maybe I did get a bad piece of tempered glass. I am asking for a refund at this point: take the tempered glass off, let's make sure it protected the glass underneath, and give me my [redacted] back that I spent above what I went in your business to your sales persons suggestion. The product I paid for did not do it's job, and you constantly saying it did does not make it true. I am glad that you have never seen this before because your business would be negatively effected. Maybe take my case as an indicator that you should only use the companies that you advertise on your website for your tempered glass and not the company from [redacted] that you cannot contact and your dissatisfied customer cannot contact.
I went in to have the screen replaced on my iPad and a tempered glass screen saver was recommended to was going to total [redacted] for both but this seemed like a good investment.It turned out NOT to be.When my daughter picked up the iPad it was beautiful..two days later it had what looked to me like two cracks and we hadn't even dropped it or mishandled it.When I called I was told that there was probably nothing that they could do and I asked to speak with the manager/owner.I spoke with [redacted] and eventually she told me to bring it in and she would look at it.[redacted] said one mark was a scratch and one mark was a crack and it could have happened this way or that way;she gave me a couple of scenarios,one that included someone putting on the cover and cracking it then,even though I told her several times that the crack happened BEFORE the cover was even put on..she still insisted that it "could have happened that way"..I told her those things didn't happen and perhaps it was a defective piece of glass.[redacted] said she had NEVER seen anything like this.I asked to contact the company myself if she wouldn't because I thought they would want to stand behind their product.[redacted] looked this info up and said the product came directly from [redacted] and there was no-one I could contact.There was nothing she was going to do.The screen continued to get much worse with more scratches and cracks and an airpocket that ended up cracking as well.I spoke to [redacted] a couple more times.She said again that she had never heard of this..I could bring it in again.I did.She told me someone "could have" lifted up the side to make the air pocket..I told her I understood that but NO ONE DID!I know she doesn't know me but I am telling the truth;maybe I have the one defective piece of glass-I told her.I posted my review on FB&responded to peoples comments to me.She posted an inaccurate acct of the story accusing me of saying I was going to RUIN her & bringing in a "man to intimidate her":I said "bad review"&it was my husband 4supptProduct_Or_Service: iPad glass and tempered glass*Order_Number: n/aAccount_Number: n/aDesired SettlementI would either like my [redacted] (maybe a little less - minus the tax on my regular iPad cover; provided that is still in one piece with no mars) back and the tempered glass removed OR for iDropped to replace my tempered glass with a different brand of product that they advertise on their website. There is one particular company that she advertises on her website who guarantees their own tempered glass product - I would like to use this company's product as a replacement to the one used on my iPad.Business Response Hello All: I apologize for these attempts to portray us in a negative way. The TRUTH is this customer contacted us initially to say her screen was cracked and it was picked up the previous Thursday . I told her please bring it in and we'll take a look at it and we absolutely standby our products. After reviewing her paperwork it was picked up two weeks prior than stated.(INTAKE/EXIT SHEET PROVES THIS). The device was in her possession for 3 weeks. She confirms that it left the store perfectly fine and in working condition. A couple days later she brings in the iPad and the Technician called me to say her screen was not broken but her tempered glass(THIS TEMPERED GLASS WOULD HAVE BEEN REPLACED IF HER SCREEN WAS ACTUALLY CRACKED AS WELL AS HER SCREEN) a small scratch near the home button and a perfect thumb print in the corner may have been caused by someone attempting to put on a case and pressed to hard( IT DID NOT COME IN WITH A CASE OR LEAVE WITH ONE). I called her back to tell her, her screen is not broken it is the Tempered Glass and it did its job, it protected her screen from cracking. She sends her daughter back to pick it up and she's upset I did not give her another one for FREE. She calls again a WEEK LATER and said now there's bubbles underneath it. I told her to bring it back and l felt that a face to face conversation would resolve this. She comes back with a male trying to intimidate us arguing with anyone who would listen.(HE STATES TO HER "REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE TRYING TO PUT ON THE CASE ON AND YOU WERE PUSHING DOWN ON IT? SHE TELLS HIM TO SHUT UP, 4 PEOPLE WITNESSED THIS) I finally had to step in and explain to her the bubbles underneath were caused by someone lifting it.Your device was protected and is in working order. Someone scratched this. She's making finger gestures and they both said will RUIN us if we don't replace it. We were supposed to believe that the iPad was only handled by her (HER DAUGHTER PICKED IT UP..) and the scratches and the crack in the corner spontaneously appeared. HER story is a TOTAL FABRICATION..I APOLOGIZE AGAIN..this is a case when the person did break the item and wants it replaced for FREE...This was not a defective product..this customer retaliated as she said she would. She made attempts to contact and harrass each of our 5 star reviews on [redacted] she posted comments every where and behaved badly to the point we contacted the [redacted] Everyone that knows us and what we stand for knows these are false accusations.Our customers actually stood up for us. She just refuses to accept any professional opinion or take responsibility for what she did. Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)This has been such a frustrating experience.My daughter takes gymnastics right near iDropped in [redacted] is why she picked it up.She is 18years old.In the beginning,my husband(this is the man the owner refers to as the person I brought in to "intimidate" her)& I went to the iDropped store in [redacted] with my iPad that I dropped once and my step-son dropped a few months later;this is after owning it for over a year.It was still usable but I wanted to see what I could get the screen replaced for because the AppleStore told me it would be [redacted] or > & I didn't want to spend that.iDropped told my husband & I that it would cost [redacted] to replace the iPad screen and then proceeded to tell us about the tempered glass to protect the screen..that brought the price up to [redacted] after taxes,but it seemed to be a good investment.Unfortunately,at the time it did not occur to us to ask about which tempered glass product they were going to use and what was the warranty.This is one of my posts I posted under one of their advertisements for iPad glass, the owner refers to as harrasment..I was informing people to ask the questions.If I was able to call the company of the tempered glass they used on my iPad,I could have taken iDropped out of the issue is my thought,but as I stated before the owner informed me she got the product directly from [redacted] and there was no-one I could talk to or that she would or could(I'm not sure which).My daughter dropped the iPad off before gymnastics on [redacted] picked it up later that night around 8p.The store did the exit sheet with her and she brought it home.When we initially brought it in for an estimate,it did have the cover on and I asked if they wanted it with the cover or w/o..the worker I spoke to said w/o,so that's how we dropped it off and picked it up.We as a family of 5 went on vacation for school vacation week.I saw the iPad when my daughter brought it home and it looked beautiful.I used it [redacted] and it was still nice,I used it [redacted] ok and then I used it [redacted] & noticed what I believed to be a small crack underneath the tempered class running up from the middle bottom(I thought this because I couldn't feel a ridge,so believed it to be underneath-which I explained over and over to the owner;I wasn't trying to pull a fast one or lie..I just didn't know)-I would take her word for it.I also told her that I would believe her that it was a scratch and not a crack as she was more knowledgeable re:this.There was also a half circle crack at the top right.I never said that I was the only one that handled the owner pointed out,my daughter picked it up.The owner did state to me several times that I had said that I was the only one to ever handle the iPad and I corrected her several times.I use it and my daughter and the other family members have their phones.So,with all of us together in a studio room on vacation,I can honestly say that the iPad was not mishandled or dropped.I was shocked when I saw the imperfections and couldn't understand how and why they were there!I was so naive at the time that I figured I would call the iDropped business when I got home and they would back their product..I just never thought that they wouldn't believe me.I didn't have their phone number and it wasn't impeding the screen view or usage.It was shocking to me that two days after having the glass replaced and a tempered glass put on top of that and no improper usage or drops that I felt that the product needed to be replaced.I called iDropped Mon. or [redacted] after our Sat. return home & was told there was probably nothing they would do.I asked to speak with the supervisor/owner.When I spoke with her,she confirmed what I was told but said she would take a look at it.My daughter brought it in later that week,a day or 2 later;the next time she had gymnastics(she goes 3 days/wk).A young gentleman called me at work,while my daughter was standing see if it was ok to leave the iPad there because she had to get over to her gymnastics class..& to say she could pick it up later.The owner called me to tell me that the iPad had a scratch,not a crack like I said, at the bottom and a crack at the top that could have happened when we put the cover on.I said ok about the scratch(as I stated above) and that the 1/2 circle crack at the top right side was there BEFORE we put on the cover.We had the cover with us on vaca that I put on after discovering the mysterious cracks/scratches.I explained this each and every time to her because she kept saying that "it could have happened that way"..but it didn't!I would say.The tempered glass did what it was suppose to do she would insist,& I insisted that there was no drop,mishandling, or accident that happened and wasn't it possible the tempered glass was a defective piece?She had never heard of that she said.I called a week later to tell her that the "scratch" turned into a crack that extended and then looped around into a half circle off of that;she said she had never heard of that happening without an impact,drop,or pressure to the screen and that the tempered glass was doing it's job.I called her after I saw a deal on Groupon for iPad tempered glass for [redacted] w/free delivery of a [redacted] order.She said she had an agreement that she couldn't order from them.I thought maybe she could place an order and that I could give her the ** for the replacement since after the last call she told me she would replace the tempered glass if I wanted to pay for another piece.The tempered glass then got a bubble on the left side of the screen..that would move.I called again to tell the owner of this.Eventually she told me to bring it in & she would look at it.I had surgery on [redacted] this was the end of the following week.I couldn't drive and I didn't want to send it in with my daughter again,so my husband(the "intimidating man" who was actually very calm and the voice of reason)& I took a ride after an appt to Wilbraham iDropped to bring it in.The owners daughter was there and took care of us first.She looked at it and proceeded to tell us that the tempered glass was doing it's job and that each crack and scratch was proof of this and then because she was familiar with our case she told us that the crack in the top right corner "could have happened" like this.I tried explain for the 100th time that the crack happened 1st and THEN we put the cover on,not the other way around.Then she told us that the scratch that was now a crack could have happened with a pressure on the didn't matter that even though it "could have" happened like didn't.She told us that each crack and scratch was from a different incident.The owner did come out and half listened,only to argue,yet again that the tglass was doing it's job and that it "could have" happened like this.The bubble could have only happened if someone tried to lift it off.I assured her that no one had and the cover had not been taken off,therefore you couldn't even do what she said was done.None of what I said mattered.I was frustrated.My husband tried to calmly reason with them and was in no way threatening or intimidating.That was yet another shock in this whole situation when I read the owner's response.I did NOT tell my husband to "shut up" and he NEVER said "Remember when you were..".That just didn't happen and I can't even imagine what 4 witnesses she has as there were never 4 other people in the room at one time...her daughter had left.There was a young man (worker) that came into the office and was sitting in a chair listening - at one point he asked the owner if he could look at it..she didn't let him.Before we left,my husband said that at this point,even if she did offer to replace the tempered glass he wouldn't let her..I said that I would.I told her I was going to give her a bad review and she (the owner) told me to "go ahead".I never said that I would "ruin" her!I asked her why she wasn't going to cover the iPad cover and you know what she told me...."because of the way I handled it in the beginning - I told her there was a crack and it was a scratch" - I had already conceded this point to her several times over the past three weeks that we had been talking.At this point,I did give her the finger and we walked out.As we walked to our vehicle we had to walk by a shiny [redacted] that I was looking at as I walked by..this kid that I hadn't seen before hurried out the door of the business and watched me.I asked him if she had sent him out to make sure I didn't touch her vehicle..he said "yeah, you could break it" and hurried back in.I don't even know what he meant by this.I feel humiliated and wronged.I would not spend this amount of time and energy to try and get something as this for free.I have character witnesses as well.I applauded her YA(kids)&one business that stood by her & said that a (+)experience just hadn't been my experience.Thank you for your time..Final Business Response This consumer's response confirms everything I stated. The bottom line is the device left the store in perfect condition and after being in their possession for 3-4 weeks. We are not responsible for this damage. In our professional opinion,we have seen hundreds of cracked screens and people who have cracked their tempered glass after some sort of impact or scratching their screen.This could happen many ways a ring, or dropping keys on it. Again, what we saw could not have spontaneously happened but consistent with a scratch, putting to much pressure and lifting the screen.This is just not possible and defies logic that the iPad just sat on a table and damage just spontaneously appears.IDropped gives away approximately [redacted] a week when running the Repair Contest to help people and this falls well under that amount. This is about using a bullying tactic to get something for free and we refuse to participate.Final Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)My previous response does not confirm everything that iDropped in [redacted] again. The damage began to showed two days after picking the iPad up. I called when we got home after vacation, not three weeks later. Damage continued to show over that three week period of time and I called every time something new showed. I believe the tempered glass to be defective because nothing happened to the iPad to cause the damage that it shows. I owned the iPad for over a year without tempered glass and with the same type of use and the screen didn't have scratches or cracks until I dropped it. I get that you don't know me and you are in a difficult business because people can just say "i don't know what happened" and expect you to fix something for nothing. You didn't listen or believe me from the beginning. I am telling the truth. Why would you use a company that you cannot talk to about their product? You charge ** per entry into your contest so how much do you really "give away"? and why wouldn't you want to take the time to really listen to me and spend the very little bit of money (that it would cost your and your business) that it would take to make a happy customer. If you were listening you would know that I don't spend my life expecting something for nothing. I never said the iPad sat on a have constantly put scenarios to support your story and your unwillingness to consider that maybe I did get a bad piece of tempered glass. I am asking for a refund at this point: take the tempered glass off, let's make sure it protected the glass underneath, and give me my [redacted] back that I spent above what I went in your business to your sales persons suggestion. The product I paid for did not do it's job, and you constantly saying it did does not make it true. I am glad that you have never seen this before because your business would be negatively effected. Maybe take my case as an indicator that you should only use the companies that you advertise on your website for your tempered glass and not the company from [redacted] that you cannot contact and your dissatisfied customer cannot contact.