Review: So I found out today that for some reason our internet account with GCI was upgraded to a higher cost package that I did not agree upon. Apparently this change was made in February of this year and I had no idea. the online billing didnt show that and I did not receive anything in the mail for the bills. I called today and everyone had an attitude with me so I of course got frustrated. There is no way we can pay 311.77 dollars just for internet! the package we agreed upon when we first set up internet with them only cost 119$ now thats a big difference and I would have been able to catch it had my online billing account had been working and if we received a bill I would know. but it didn't. no one would work with me to resolve this bill issue. they kept telling me I upgraded and I never did, someone offered and I politely rejected. There is no way I would ever agree to paying that much a month for internet.
Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund
I would like a credit for this it is just obscene. I never agreed to that package/cost so I should not be being taken advantage of or punished for it and im sick of everyone telling me I agreed to something I did not. I am not made of money we have one income, I would never agree to that and I did not.
GCI records show that on 2/21/13 Ms. [redacted] spoke with Customer Service and agreed to upgrade her Internet service plan in exchange for $140.00 credits to her account for overage charges on her February invoice. GCI does not make any changes to customer accounts without their specific permission to make them.
Consumer's Final Response /* (4200, 11, 2013/07/10) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I don't accept this, I had no idea of this upgrade nor did I agree to it and I'm sick of being told that I did. I'm not asking for a full refund from when they say I supposedly upgrade to now. I'm just asking for this bill because I just found out about it! I did not upgrade I should not have to pay that bill!! Because I didn't upgrade I didn't ask for an upgrade!! I told the man No No No I did not want it! And I never noticed this upgrade because our online billing didn't work no bills in mail and when I called to pay bill they got smart and wldnt explain to me. So when I downgraded our Internet BACK to the Internet package we believed we had THIS WHOLE TIME! That was when I first food out about this upgrade we have net and cable with gci so since no one explained it to me I just figured the bill was from cable and Internet combined! NOT JUST INTERNET!
Business' Final Response /* (4000, 9, 2013/07/09) */
GCI stands by the account record. Our policy is to not credit unless the customer agrees to an upgrade to avoid future overage charges. The option to downgrade the plan later is always available. Ms. [redacted] did finally exercise that option in June.
Review: My complaint is with the fact that GCI has a data use limit on their internet service. This is the first cable service that I have done business with that has such limits. I wonder if it is due to the fact that they have such a stranglehold on the cable/internet services in Alaska; that is comparable to a monopoly. We here on Fort Richardson have but one choice for our cable service: GCI.Desired Settlement: Remove data limits from all internet services.
GCI's Terms and Conditions of Internet Service state under the heading "Usage Amount" the following: To ensure high quality and affordable Internet access for all GCI Internet subscribers, some GCI products include specific amounts of usage for a base fee as defined on our web site at GCI would also like to point out that if [redacted] would do a little research he would find out that GCI is not the only Internet Service provider available to him. GCI has always believed that competition is best for the customer.
This company must be run by crooks. After having service through GCI for 2 years, they charged me for over 120 dollars in overage fees, even though I had not actually used my phone any more than I usually did the last 2 years. Then when I called them to address the issue, all they said was that I clearly went over my minutes in the last billing cycle. So cancelled my contract and signed up for straight talk. Then I got an email from gci stating that they were going to be charging me the full amount from my bank account. So I called customer service again. I was told that all they needed to do was turn off my automatic bill pay, which they would gladly do for me over the phone. I was also told that my account was credited for 100 dollars, which was more than 20 dollars less than the fees they gave me, but that's a minor issue in the grand scheme of things. Then a couple days later, the original amount that I was billed was taken from my account. At this point I went to a GCI store and tried to fix the issue, but alas, I was told that they could not help me and that it would be credited on the next billing cycle. In closing, GCI does not care about loyal customers and I recommend that anyone considering doing business with them should consider all other options before making such a horrible decision as to do business with such an awful company.
Review: I called GCI to pay the balance due to clear our account to zero at the end of the month, (I called right on the due date) They (GCI) billing came out on X-X-XXXX which indicated that we owed more than the amount they told me. [redacted] paid to buyout the remainder of a contract to upgrade, the amount due at the time was $104.79 but GCI took that payment and applied it to a bill they say we owed them. But I called to pay for the total amount due already.Desired Settlement: GCI need to apply the $104.79 to the buyout of the contract and not use it for something not authorized by [redacted].
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2014/09/22) */
[redacted]'s August 6th invoice had a total balance due of $664.32 which included a balance forward of $193.66. The payment due date was August 28th. Three payments were received; one on August 8th for $193.66, one on August 9th for $104.79, and one on August 28th for $115.88. The total of these three payments is $414.33 and all reflect on her next invoice. $299.99 in credits were also applied to her account leaving her a balance forward of -$50.00. Her next invoice was run on September 6th with a total balance due of $304.70 which includes the early contract cancellation fee of $104.79. Payments are automatically applied to the oldest charges first to keep the customer from going past due and incurring late fees and finance charges. This is what happened with [redacted]'s billing. If the $104.79 were to be applied to the charge on the September 6th billing she would have had a past due balance forward on her August 6th billing and be subject to late fees and possible suspension of service.
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
On August 28, 2014 I ([redacted]) called GCI to pay the total amount due, the GCI customer agent told me, the total amount due is $115.88 and not $193.66.
When [redacted] made the payment of $104.79 to pay the remainder of the contract, the GCI agent said that he's all clear on his bill, upon paying for the contract. [redacted] didn't authorize this payment for anything else!
I am appalled that GCI would say we would possibly be in suspension of services when we wouldn't be over on our account.
GCI is charging too much for pretty bad service here in the village. Making all customers who have an account with GCI! They make themselves look pretty bad.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2014/10/02) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
GCI is charging way too much for services that don't work in the village! We can't use our cell phones in our own homes, always dropping calls. They provide bad services.
When I called on August 28, 2014 the due date, our balance due was 115.88 and not 193.66 as stated by GCI.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 13, 2014/10/07) */
GCI would be more than happy to provide [redacted] copies of her invoices so she can see for herself that GCI has billed her correctly. Aside from that there is little else for GCI to add to its response.
Review: Modem issues led me to upgrade to a motorola surfboard modem. Highest quality modem that can be bought and compliant with every aspect of online connectivity. GCI will not upgrade the hmac address to recognize the modem unless I pay them $500 to do so. This is the only company I have ever seen in America to do something like this. So I am forced to run inferior equipment that constantly fails to work properly without a way of fixing the problem. Desired Settlement: I want them to go onto their computer and input the serial number for the modem so it will work properly.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2013/11/18) */
The following is an excerpt from the Terms and Conditions found on GCI's web site. [redacted]'s modem does not meet the specifications found in them and will not be allowed on GCI's network.
9. Device Attachment. Customers are not restricted from attaching devices, including wireless routers, to the network access equipment that GCI provides, subject to any security limitations noted herein, including GCI's right to prohibit any devices that it finds harmful. GCI supplies cable modems to all Internet subscribers free of charge. These devices have been thoroughly tested for GCI's network and supporting systems to ensure secure, reliable service at the highest possible data rates, and, where technically possible, to provide customers with usage information. While GCI does not prohibit the use of any specific cable modems on its network, customer-provided cable modems require GCI pre-certification before they can be used for service. There will be a charge for testing any new device submitted by customers. This process is necessary to ensure network security, network management, service provisioning, and the availability of usage information. Any customer wishing to attach a non-GCI-certified modem to GCI's network should inquire at [redacted] Any devices submitted for certification must, at a minimum, be approved by the FCC and also be CableLabs DOCSIS certified. GCI makes no representations about the operation of non-GCI-certified devices with GCI services and may not be able to support or troubleshoot such devices.
10. Customer Owned Modems. Below is the current list of modems certified for use on GCI's network. GCI cannot guarantee, repair, support or replace a customer-owned modem. GCI reserves the right to refuse service to any modem or modem model which, in GCI's judgment, might impair network performance.
* Arris CM820A
* Netgear CG3000D
* RCA DCM425 (this model works with limited plans, please check with GCI support prior to purchasing)
11. Network Security. In an effort to provide a secure network, GCI deploys industry-recommended security measures. For subscribers connected to GCI's wireline network, GCI employs a number of measures, including Cable Modem Authentication, CVC signed code images, Data Encryption, Baseline Privacy Interface (BPI), and Digitally Signed configuration files. For subscribers connected to GCI's network wirelessly via Wi-Fi or similar fixed wireless technology (often in rural Alaska), GCI uses unpublished Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs) and Media Access Control (MAC) protocol-based authentication for each authorized device on the network. Regardless of network type, GCI recommends customers use personal firewalls and security/malware software to protect their personal information.
Review: In May, I canceled my cable and maintained my cellphone with GCI. Because I canceled my cable in the middle of May I had a credit of $24.41 from the proration of May's bill. This was to be applied to my cellphone bill. Mistakingly, GCI attached the $24.41 as a balance OWED on my cellphone rather than a credit. Every month since then, my bill shows a balance due of $24.41 of which they have charged me a late fee on this erroneous balance due. I have called every month to have this corrected and they still have not fixed the error and refuse to do so. I called in September and talked to a supervisor. 5 months later, in October, after calling every month They applied a credit of $24.41 to my cellphone bill but this does not give me MY credit, it only fixes their error of putting a balance owed on my cellphone. To fix their error and give me my credit they should have credited me 24.41 x 2 = $48.82. I have yet to recieve my credit. I told [redacted], a Supervisor to fix it or I was leaving GCI. I have been with GCI for 13 years and this is how I'm treated over $24.41? She didn't care and said goodbye. GCI has stolen $24.41 from me and wasted many frustrating hours of my time each month to get this fixed.Desired Settlement: I want GCI to credit me my $24.41 and for my troubles, credit me 1 months free cellphone services of $115.00. GCI has stolen $24.41 from me.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/10/07) */
[redacted]'s October 1, 2013 invoice for cell service clearly shows a credit of $24.41 transferred to her cell account. If [redacted] does not have a copy of her October invoice she can contact GCI Customer Service and they will be happy to provide her a copy. The original transfer of the credit balance occured on September 3rd, two days after her September invoice.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2013/10/09) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have copies of my bill and do not need GCI to send them to me. In June, I spoke to a representative regarding GCI's error on Junes bill and was advised to pay my bill minus the $24.41 and it would be corrected on the next billing statement. I have been told each month when speaking to a representative that the online billing is never correct and it will be fixed next month. It was never corrected. $232.00 was my normal 2 month bill, not $256.41. My bill just happened to be $24.41 over my normal bill. GCI is abusing their company's power and has stolen $24.41 from me.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2013/10/08) */
Even though GCI has repeatedly reviewed [redacted]'s invoices with her on the phone to show her that she was not ever charged $24.41 she continues to insist that she was charged. GCI also offered to send her copies of her invoices so she could see for herself but she declined GCI's offer. [redacted]'s total payments towards her June invoice amount of $256.41 was $232.00 leaving her a balance forward of $24.41. This is reflected on her July invoice and is what [redacted] is claiming is an unwarranted charge by GCI. GCI has made every reasonable attempt to assist [redacted] in understanding her billing to no avail. We suggest again that she review copies of her June thru October invoices and "do the math" to prove to herself that GCI did not make the charge she claims.
Review: My current cell phone just died on me today and wanted to get a new phone. They were asking for money I don't have. They kept insisting that I pay more than I can afford. going from a good phone to a cheap phone etc. They at first said I have to pay $525.00 I told them I only have $391.00 left in my account. then they offered a phone at a lower price they said $425.00
Product_Or_Service: Other /HTC/Lifeline Wireless
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (Requires Explaination)
I want a replacement of the smart phone at a reasonable price and that they bill me for the price of the service charge! I've been a loyal customer to GCI for over three years and trying to scam me by emptying my pockets to zero!
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2013/09/09) */
[redacted] visited a GCI Retail Store because his phone was completely dead and he wanted a new phone. He was willing to sign a new contract for Lifeline service to receive a new phone but the phone he wanted is not part of GCI's Lifeline offering. He was informed he could purchase the phone he wanted for full price & stay on Lifeline or he could sign a new 2-years contract, with credit check, and receive the phone for a reduced price. He was also informed that he would have to put down a deposit of $300.00. [redacted] has three outstanding unpaid GCI accounts with Cornerstone Credit Services for collection totaling $185.01 plus interest. Until [redacted] pays off his previously unpaid accounts he [redacted] be required to pay a large deposit for wireless services other than basic Lifeline service.
Review: Have made many calls complaining about service not working and being left with cable boxes not hooked up. Phone doesn't work most the time. DVR in bedroom doesn't work and noone can seem to help no tech have been sent out or anything.Desired Settlement: A refund or credit of service paid for but not receiving.
On 4/24/13 Ms. [redacted] switched her local telephone service to another carrier. GCI currently has an open trouble ticket for Ms. [redacted]' cable service waiting for her to reschedule a GCI technician visit.
Review: Lack of NBC channel to rural Alaskans, Bethel specifically. Not seeming to change any time soon. GCI not talking to [redacted]. [redacted] not talking to GCI. Each blaming the other. Would never get away with this if it wasn't to rural customers where we have very few options for TV carriers.Desired Settlement: Get back NBC to rural folks.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/12/09) */
On December 5, 2013 GCI issued a news release on the GCI/[redacted] negotiations. It said, in part, ...On Nov. 22, GCI and [redacted] signed a four-year agreement to prevent disruption in Southeast and restore [redacted] signal in 22 additional communities across Alaska. In order to document the agreement, the two companies agreed to extend [redacted] signal in Southeast until December 6. Last week, [redacted] announced that it would refuse to honor the terms it agreed to and sought to impose significant, additional terms to the Nov. 22 agreement. In addition to national NBC network programming, both [redacted] and [redacted] will air alternate news from nationally syndicated One [redacted] until an Alaska news broadcast is available. Statewide Alaska news will still be available via local affiliates on [redacted] and [redacted] GCI is fully aware that consumers are tired of this issue and wants the public to understand that it has made every effort to put this to rest. GCI stands ready to implement the terms of the agreement made with [redacted]
Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 11, 2013/12/11) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
OK, whatever you say.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2013/12/11) */
GCI could not disagree more strongly with [redacted]'s characterization of our Customer Service. No other Alaskan company does more to bring telephone, wireless, Internet, and TV to the bush than GCI. GCI would also like to point out that if GCI is the only service provider of telecommunications and entertainment services in Bethel that alone speaks of GCI's commitment to the Alaska bush communities. If [redacted] has a complaint about a specific issue, GCI would like to address and resolve that issue for her.
Review: Automated payment service failed, was contacted by phone 1 week later to be told that the debt was being sent to collections by GCI. I payed them the next day in each of the 5 cases as I had not noticed the automated payment had failed. GCI in turn, never notified their Collections agency. The collections agency also put it against my credit as me having 5 accounts instead of just 2, which in itself is dumb because I had to have a separate account for tv and internet services. I have recently been doing my research and this is not only illegal from what I garner, but has caused significant financial damage to myself. Wanting to work it out before I have to fully take them to court for much more in return.Desired Settlement: $500 per account posted on my credit ($2500) and the complete removal of 3 of the postings to my credit, and the other two edited to be correct.
[redacted] processed 5 checks written by [redacted] between 2010 and 2011 to GCI and returned for insufficient funds. GCI notified Cornerstone on 2/13/12 that [redacted] had paid the checks themselves in full and [redacted] was informed that he still owed the returned check processing fees to [redacted] properly reported the returned checks.
Consumer's Final Response /* (-5, 17, 2013/07/25) */
Utilizing another venue, the contracted company, [redacted] agreed to delete the accounts off my credit which was my minimum. While I am still very disappointed in GCI, I would like to close this complaint. Thanks.
Business' Final Response /* (4000, 13, 2013/07/22) */
[redacted] is entirely responsible for the condition of his credit report and should not be looking to blame others for the bad checks he wrote. How he chose to pay his bills does not relieve him of the responsibility to make sure he has sufficient funds to pay his just debts on time. Presenting checks with insufficient funds to cover them is not only a violation of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) but is against the law.
Review: When I returned equipment money was withdrawn from my account and left a negative balance of 150 dollars on my account which was on a debit card that was cancelled due to the hacking of [redacted] and our banking institution cancelled and reissued all new cards... The GCI employees refuse to make any restitution of any form because I don't have that card anymore. It's been over a year and they have promised me many times on multiple occasions that the refund would happen after we go round and round about me not knowing the number of the account the card's still the same bank and account and only the last 3 numbers have changed. My address is still the same for 25 years and they assure me each time the refund will be in a few weeks...Desired Settlement: I want my closed account to not have a negative 150 dollars that they owe me and know it...
Due to an oversight, [redacted] refund of $159.30 was not processed by GCI. GCI has now completed the process to refund the credit card. GCI regrets the oversight.
Review: I bought 'handset insurance' for two phones. For no apparent reason one phone simply stopped working. My wife, who has dealt with the company up to this point, was told they would not repair or replace the phone. Desired Settlement: I want every penny of the money I have paid for insurance on both phones back, or the phone repaired or replaced with the same model of phone. This is what the insurance was supposed to do, as we were told by company employees when we purchased it, which apparently was a bald faced lie.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/09/09) */
The insurance brochure, given to each customer purchasing cellular handset insurance, states the follow under the heading, "What's Covered?":
The program covers the handset (device, standard battery & wall charger) you purchased from GCI and covers accidental damage, loss, theft and malfunction (after the manufacturer's warranty expires). Normal wear and tear and cosmetic damage to equipment is not covered.
On 8/22/13 [redacted] (authorized on [redacted]'s account) brought a cell phone to GCI to file an insurance claim. She was informed that since there was physical damage to the phone no insurance claim could be filed.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 16, 2013/09/25) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
eSecuritel sent me a letter stating that they are no longer the insurance carrier for GCI days after I filed this complaint so I doubt they will honor any agreement.
Someone from your company named [redacted] from handset insurance offered to reserve a "refreshed" i9300 for a "deductible" of $199.00 on the 17th.
I replied the same day that I would be interested in that if $199.00 was the actual price (or did she mean $199.00 off the cost of a new phone?) and asked what type of warranty if any came with it. I also asked if she could reserve one for a couple of weeks, as I won't have an extra $199.00 until my next payday.
That was eight days ago. I have yet to hear any response back at all. Tomorrow I will call her and hopefully arrange to get my wife a phone again that makes use of the data features I am contractually required to continue to pay for while not being able to use.
Thank you GCI for continuing to find new ways to take my money while keeping me deeply dissatisfied as a customer. I guess when you have a near monopoly on certain services you can do that.
I am now curious as to why I'm receiving alerts that I have exceeded my internet bandwidth after this complaint started, apparently somehow my available bandwidth has been magically reduced since I've moved, and cut the data on the dead phone to the minimum. I can't imagine that would have something to do with this complaint. My actual use hasn't increased in the last two weeks, in fact we only went over on the last billing period because my wife was watching hours and hours of netflix a day for a week or more while we waited for a dish installation that turned out to be impossible. There is no way we are using anywhere near that bandwidth now. And to sweeten the deal the picture quality of your "HD" is far inferior to what we were getting via satellite.
I'm sure it's just another common, highly profitable billing error on your part.
In closing, I hope you all burn in [redacted]. Thanks for nothing.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 14, 2013/09/16) */
GCI has nothing further to add to this complaint. [redacted] is welcome to contact eSecuritel at the contact information listed on his insurance brochure.
Review: I terminated my service with GCI back in 10/2013 in person at the satellite branch in [redacted]. This was due to signing up with [redacted]. When I received my fist bill after I termindated it, I called and was informed it was taken cared of.
I asked for the confirmation number when I went to 5[redacted] and she told me she got nothing to provide but rest assure that it was taken cared of. Now, I was placed in Collection agency for $33 and cents. I cannot pay and will not for a service that was not rendered.Desired Settlement: write off the charges for I have sent them proof that I signed my with [redacted] and still was ignored.
I need your intervention for it is detrimental to my cfedit.
Initial Business Response /* (1010, 6, 2014/03/20) */
GCI records show that [redacted] disconnected service with GCI on October 13, 2013. [redacted]'s November invoice shows billing for services thru October 12th. This was [redacted]'s final billing which she never paid. GCI sent two additional billing invoices (in December and January) with no additional billing except late fees and finance charges. With no payment or contact from [redacted] her account was sent to [redacted] on January 30, 2014. [redacted] can resolve this matter by contacting [redacted] and paying this debt in full.
Review: GCI's Customer Service Specialists do not provide consumers with written contracts in compliance with the Alaska Consumer Protection Act, AS 45.50.471.2.13. Specifically, the Term Agreement For GCI TV (G-Series) was not provided until it was requested and the specialist had difficulty locating a copy even though they are required to be given to every consumer. The Term Agreement did not include the required name and address of the seller nor the name and address of the organization that the seller represents. It did not specify any of the terms and conditions of the sale, and did not include a description of the goods or services in any language, let alone readable, clear, and unambiguous language. The store manager stapled a sales flyer to the Term Agreement and wrote "see attached for notes" and considered that as an extension of the agreement. GCI also considers a six page Notice of Amendment to GCI Residential Cable TV Terms and Conditions as part of the agreement even though it is not provided by the specialists at the time of sale. Thus the Term agreement does not state the beginning date, ending date, rate for service, specification of the service, additional costs and fees, billing dates, or payment due dates. Nor does it state you are now forced to accept binding arbitration. As for the multi-colored flyer, the BIG NEWS is 203 channels for $29.99 a month, except for that asterisk and the very fine print at the bottom of the page mentioning G-Series plans increase for months 13-24. In this case to $54.99 a month for a true cost of $42.49 a month for the 24 month term. AS 45.50.471.2.12. prohibits employing deception, misrepresentation, or knowingly concealing, or suppressing a material fact in connection with the sale or advertisement of services. As 45.50.471.1. states "...unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of trade or commerce are declared to be unlawful." The Attorney General's Office is responsible for investigation and prosecution.Desired Settlement: GCI is to acknowledge its violations of As 45.50.471.2.10.-13. GCI shall issue all consumers, whether online, telephonic, in store or at a kiosk, written contracts meeting all of the conditions of the Alaska Consumer Protection Act specifying all of the terms and conditions in readable, clear, and unambiguous language. GCI is to cease issuing advertisements employing deception, misrepresentation, concealment, suppression, or omitting material facts. GCI is to provide training on unlawful acts under the Alaska Consumer Protection Act to all employees who interact with the public, whether in person or through written communications, solicitations, or advertisements and certify each employee's completion of the training. These conditions are to apply to all services provided by GCI, including but not limited to land line telephone service, video TV service, internet service, and cellular telephone service.
Mr. [redacted] also filed this same complaint with the Alaska Attorney General's office. GCI will be responding to his complaint through them.
Review: GCI continues to charge us for cable despite several calls to them to explain that our cable is covered through our condo dues. During those calls they agree to stop charging us but then they continue to charge us. They are telling us now that we have to call again to tell them to stop and that an email won't work. We have responded that we want it in writing because they have so far not complied with our request to stop charging us. We have stopped the payment source now and they have sent us a past due notice.Desired Settlement: We would like the charges reversed and for the continued inconvenience of dealing with this, we would like payment of $250. This will cover the cost of the time it has taken to deal with this issue.
GCI notified [redacted] on 2/19/15 via email that it intended to credit her account a total of $476.43 of which $281.23 had previously been applied.
Review: I signed up for internet service with GCI. I had service for 2.5 months and started off with 100 gigs a month. My husband and I are the only internet users in the household and we both are gone 12 hours of the day we also sleep around 8 hours of the day. We use the internet on average 3 hours a day. We stream on average 4 standard definition movies a week and do very mild internet surfing. The first month we were close to going over the allowable usage so we upped the plan the second month we were close to going over the allowable usage so we upped the plan to the maximum usage limits of 300 gigs. The last month we were very close to going over 300 gigs. Our internet usage never changed yet GCI claimed we were using massive amounts of internet. According to GCI's website usage calculator found at the following web address to use 300 gigs we would have had to stream 19 high definition movies a month, view 195 web pages a day, stream 12 hours of music a day, download 98 pictures a day and download 49 email attachments. This is 10X more then our usage for the month yet we are reaching 300 gigs. I complained on several occassions to customer service on the phone and in person and they told me that they were unable to give me details on the usage. Our internet is password protected, our two computers have virus scanning software and we do not have any data using appliance that are on during the day while we are at work. GCI please explain details of how this is possible, I feel that your data calculations are fraudulent and that your company wanted me to continue to upgrade my service to receive higher premiums.Desired Settlement: I feel that it is only fair that I do not have to pay for my last bill due to false advertisement claims.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2014/10/20) */
GCI has reviewed [redacted]'s account and found that on the three invoices sent to her none included any charges for Internet overages. This information was provide to [redacted] via email on October 15th in reply to her email to GCI. GCI would also like to point out that on October 15th [redacted] cancelled her GCI Internet service.
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The reason why there were no overages is because I continued to bump up the amount of allotted Gigs which also bumped up the cost. I feel that your system that keeps track of usage is inaccurate and according to your website and the information that I posted previously it is absolutely impossible for me to use that amount of internet. As stated before we are not home to use the internet but 3 hours of the day we continued to bump up the amount of Gigs (pay more) and GCI continued to show that we were using more internet when we were not. This is a problem and GCI needs to write off the bill due to fraudulent charges. You are absolutely correct that I cancelled my service due to the facts that I have presented. Again my main reason for contacting you through the is to find an acceptable solution to the fact that I have a bill for services that I feel are fraudulent.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 10, 2014/11/03) */
GCI stands behind the accuracy of its usage tracking. [redacted] did not get charged for any over usage precisely because she upgraded her Internet plan before going over. The billing is correct and due as presented. [redacted] has now paid her account in full after GCI applied a courtesy credit of $34.26.
Review: I purchased wifi internet service from this company for 1 week or 7 days while stating at [redacted] Unit for [redacted]. This internet did not work for the second week that it was purchased, and the speed was ABSOLUTELY horrible and not the speed as advertized when I agreed to payment. This is pitiful internet service that is actually slower than dial up.Desired Settlement: I want my $12.99 back that I was debited on 2-16-2015.
GCI has been in contact with [redacted] and will be processing a refund for him.
Review: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:I gave [redacted] my credit card information on 3/10/15 and I have yet to see a return. It also took an extraordinary amount of phone tag for $13.00, the petty information they needed (name, address, and MAC address?) should have been in their possession already, refund my money ASAP please!Sincerely,[redacted]
Review: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:Look how long this is taking! [redacted] told me it shiiped a month ago, I will believe it when I see it.Sincerely,[redacted]
The refund check was mailed on 4/17/15 to Mr. [redacted] Texas address.
Review: Our service through GCI is unreliable and inefficient. Within the city limits of Anchorage, our calls are frequently dropped. When someone leaves a voicemail, it can be up to 3 days before it comes to our phone. When we attempt to make outgoing calls, our phone returns with a call failed message. We have made frequent calls to tech support. We have asked that an engineer return our calls, but they do not call us We are now having to switch providers because we are on call for work and cannot rely on our phone service. GCI is still requiring that we pay the fee to cancel our contract even though they have not delivered us with reliable coverage and service. Desired Settlement: I would like to be able to terminate our contracts without having to pay the termination fee due to the lack of quality of service and their inability to address our complaints.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2014/04/08) */
GCI's wireless policy found under Terms and Conditions on our web site state in part, "Wireless devices use radio transmissions. If your device isn't in range of a wireless tower, you will not get service. And please be aware that even within your Coverage Area, many things can affect the availability and quality of your Service, including network capacity, your device, terrain, buildings, foliage, and weather." They further state, "Our coverage maps do not guarantee you service at any specific location, and your Coverage may change without notice."
The [redacted]'s wireless service contracts are up in November 2014. After they have fulfilled the terms of their contract they will be able to switch their services without penalty.
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
It is reasonable for a customer to expect to make outgoing calls within the city limits of Anchorage. I do not have service on Northern Lights and Turnagin and on Abbott and the Seward Highway. The service is not obstructed. I cannot rely on the quality of service so regardless of what GCI does, I need to have another phone so people can get ahold of me. It takes up to two days for me to receive my voicemails. This is problematic because I use my phone for work.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 15, 2014/04/17) */
GCI again emphasises the [redacted]'s need to have a trouble ticket opened to troubleshoot and attempt to resolve their service issues. GCI can not waive early cancellation fees for service we have not had the opportunity to correct.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2014/04/15) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The history needs to be reviewed further. There has been countless calls by both myself and Mr. [redacted] to technicians. I called to discuss service problems the week prior to filing this complaint.
Review: My complaint is with gci billing practices. I have had times when I call in to pay my bill to pay the amount due then I find my services are cut off due to that I didn't pay the full amount even when I call in to talk with a billing rep. I've had times where they keep a balance of as little as $0.16. When this happen they so call credit my bill to the next month which has me paying less then on the following period I have a much hight bill. On ave I pay about 96.00 per mo for Internet. Today I have them demanding $240. The Inconsistent billing is outraged and just needs to stop.
I have to often call in because they don't charge me the full amount which results in my billing to be screwed up once again. Desired Settlement: I want to just pay what I have and should about $96.00 per mo for Internet. Also being told if I just pay the full amount in the begins is childless exotically when I have to often call in when I find I wasn't charge the full amount when I called in.
I'm ready to drop gci and wonder if I should talk with a lawyer about their billing practices.
Mr. [redacted]'s billing has primarily been effected by two factors. The first is pro-rated amounts charged and credited to his account whenever services are suspended and resumed. The second is Mr. [redacted] has not been paying his entire balance due but has consistently had a balance forward. Mr. [redacted]'s billing was recently reviewed with him on May 1st and 3rd and he has entered into payment arrangements with GCI to get his services resumed and catch up on the past due amount. As long as Mr. [redacted] makes pays his current billing on time and keeps his payment arrangements for the past due amounts his services will remain active and his monthly billing consistent.
Review: This complain is regarding to wireless internet charges, through a hotspot service, that are not correlated to my use of the service.
In November 2014 after reaching 19 GB of data usage one week before the end of the cycle I removed the SIM card of the hotspot device and shut it down as I have a data limit of 20 Gb per month. Even though the GCI usage page for my account showed no additional activity for the whole week I was then charged $30 for a theoretical usage of 22-something GB, 2 GB above my limit.
I went to the GCI office at Bentley Mall, Fairbanks, and the support technician [redacted] kindly commented to me that there was a technical issue at the end of the cycle and cancelled the $30 dollar charge.
This month (January 2015) I monitored the usage to the last day of the cycle and although I never reached 20 GB I was charged this time $60 for a theoretical usage of 24-something GB.
I went on Friday January 23rd to the Airport Way store and spoke with [redacted] who commented that at that time could not check my usage at the system. Although I explained my previous experience with the overcharge he said he couldn't do anything until Saturday or Monday. As I didn't agree with the response I asked for the name of the responsible person for customer support in Fairbanks [redacted] at [redacted] and asked if the only solution I was being offered was to terminate my service. The next day he left a message on my phone only to state that he could check the usage and was over 24 GB.
On Saturday 24th I went to the Merhar Avenue Store to spoke with [redacted] but she was not present. I spoke to [redacted] who kindly heard me reciting all the issue again. She told me that she would communicate the problem to [redacted] and that she was going to call me to solve the issue on Monday 26th in the morning but I did not receive any call at all.
I understand that the GCI usage page is updated near real time but I doubt that "near real time" means weekly and at the same time the overcharges don't correspond to my usage until the end of the cycle. Also being my only option so far to solve this problem to terminate the service shows disregard for the customer.
I am also a GCI cell phone customer and I wonder if GCI is miscounting my internet cell phone usage in my hotspot service although what I'm paying for the cell phone includes its own internet usage, it is not shared with another service.Desired Settlement: Stop overcharging and solve this issue so I don't have to visit the stores every two months with the same problem. This is not only disrespectful but a terrible customer service experience.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/02/13) */
GCI's usage viewer on the "At-A-Glance" page, is updated near real time. The daily detail will total at the end of the day. [redacted] indicated the usage viewer was not reflecting any usage when he checked it online. GCI has credited his overage ($60). Should he run into any problems with the usage viewer going forward, please take a screenshot of the viewer and email it to [redacted] so that our technical team can investigate. Additionally our technical support team can be reached at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX XXhrs a day, 7 days a week.
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I was contacted over the phone by [redacted] from GCI and he provided to me the same response which I find satisfactory, therefore the case can be closed.
Review: So I found out today that for some reason our internet account with GCI was upgraded to a higher cost package that I did not agree upon. Apparently this change was made in February of this year and I had no idea. the online billing didnt show that and I did not receive anything in the mail for the bills. I called today and everyone had an attitude with me so I of course got frustrated. There is no way we can pay 311.77 dollars just for internet! the package we agreed upon when we first set up internet with them only cost 119$ now thats a big difference and I would have been able to catch it had my online billing account had been working and if we received a bill I would know. but it didn't. no one would work with me to resolve this bill issue. they kept telling me I upgraded and I never did, someone offered and I politely rejected. There is no way I would ever agree to paying that much a month for internet.
Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund
I would like a credit for this it is just obscene. I never agreed to that package/cost so I should not be being taken advantage of or punished for it and im sick of everyone telling me I agreed to something I did not. I am not made of money we have one income, I would never agree to that and I did not.
Business' Initial Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/07/02) */
GCI records show that on 2/21/13 Ms. [redacted] spoke with Customer Service and agreed to upgrade her Internet service plan in exchange for $140.00 credits to her account for overage charges on her February invoice. GCI does not make any changes to customer accounts without their specific permission to make them.
Consumer's Final Response /* (4200, 11, 2013/07/10) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I don't accept this, I had no idea of this upgrade nor did I agree to it and I'm sick of being told that I did. I'm not asking for a full refund from when they say I supposedly upgrade to now. I'm just asking for this bill because I just found out about it! I did not upgrade I should not have to pay that bill!! Because I didn't upgrade I didn't ask for an upgrade!! I told the man No No No I did not want it! And I never noticed this upgrade because our online billing didn't work no bills in mail and when I called to pay bill they got smart and wldnt explain to me. So when I downgraded our Internet BACK to the Internet package we believed we had THIS WHOLE TIME! That was when I first food out about this upgrade we have net and cable with gci so since no one explained it to me I just figured the bill was from cable and Internet combined! NOT JUST INTERNET!
Business' Final Response /* (4000, 9, 2013/07/09) */
GCI stands by the account record. Our policy is to not credit unless the customer agrees to an upgrade to avoid future overage charges. The option to downgrade the plan later is always available. Ms. [redacted] did finally exercise that option in June.
Review: My complaint is with the fact that GCI has a data use limit on their internet service. This is the first cable service that I have done business with that has such limits. I wonder if it is due to the fact that they have such a stranglehold on the cable/internet services in Alaska; that is comparable to a monopoly. We here on Fort Richardson have but one choice for our cable service: GCI.Desired Settlement: Remove data limits from all internet services.
GCI's Terms and Conditions of Internet Service state under the heading "Usage Amount" the following: To ensure high quality and affordable Internet access for all GCI Internet subscribers, some GCI products include specific amounts of usage for a base fee as defined on our web site at GCI would also like to point out that if [redacted] would do a little research he would find out that GCI is not the only Internet Service provider available to him. GCI has always believed that competition is best for the customer.
This company must be run by crooks. After having service through GCI for 2 years, they charged me for over 120 dollars in overage fees, even though I had not actually used my phone any more than I usually did the last 2 years. Then when I called them to address the issue, all they said was that I clearly went over my minutes in the last billing cycle. So cancelled my contract and signed up for straight talk. Then I got an email from gci stating that they were going to be charging me the full amount from my bank account. So I called customer service again. I was told that all they needed to do was turn off my automatic bill pay, which they would gladly do for me over the phone. I was also told that my account was credited for 100 dollars, which was more than 20 dollars less than the fees they gave me, but that's a minor issue in the grand scheme of things. Then a couple days later, the original amount that I was billed was taken from my account. At this point I went to a GCI store and tried to fix the issue, but alas, I was told that they could not help me and that it would be credited on the next billing cycle. In closing, GCI does not care about loyal customers and I recommend that anyone considering doing business with them should consider all other options before making such a horrible decision as to do business with such an awful company.
Review: I called GCI to pay the balance due to clear our account to zero at the end of the month, (I called right on the due date) They (GCI) billing came out on X-X-XXXX which indicated that we owed more than the amount they told me. [redacted] paid to buyout the remainder of a contract to upgrade, the amount due at the time was $104.79 but GCI took that payment and applied it to a bill they say we owed them. But I called to pay for the total amount due already.Desired Settlement: GCI need to apply the $104.79 to the buyout of the contract and not use it for something not authorized by [redacted].
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2014/09/22) */
[redacted]'s August 6th invoice had a total balance due of $664.32 which included a balance forward of $193.66. The payment due date was August 28th. Three payments were received; one on August 8th for $193.66, one on August 9th for $104.79, and one on August 28th for $115.88. The total of these three payments is $414.33 and all reflect on her next invoice. $299.99 in credits were also applied to her account leaving her a balance forward of -$50.00. Her next invoice was run on September 6th with a total balance due of $304.70 which includes the early contract cancellation fee of $104.79. Payments are automatically applied to the oldest charges first to keep the customer from going past due and incurring late fees and finance charges. This is what happened with [redacted]'s billing. If the $104.79 were to be applied to the charge on the September 6th billing she would have had a past due balance forward on her August 6th billing and be subject to late fees and possible suspension of service.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2014/09/23) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
On August 28, 2014 I ([redacted]) called GCI to pay the total amount due, the GCI customer agent told me, the total amount due is $115.88 and not $193.66.
When [redacted] made the payment of $104.79 to pay the remainder of the contract, the GCI agent said that he's all clear on his bill, upon paying for the contract. [redacted] didn't authorize this payment for anything else!
I am appalled that GCI would say we would possibly be in suspension of services when we wouldn't be over on our account.
GCI is charging too much for pretty bad service here in the village. Making all customers who have an account with GCI! They make themselves look pretty bad.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2014/10/02) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
GCI is charging way too much for services that don't work in the village! We can't use our cell phones in our own homes, always dropping calls. They provide bad services.
When I called on August 28, 2014 the due date, our balance due was 115.88 and not 193.66 as stated by GCI.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 13, 2014/10/07) */
GCI would be more than happy to provide [redacted] copies of her invoices so she can see for herself that GCI has billed her correctly. Aside from that there is little else for GCI to add to its response.
Review: Modem issues led me to upgrade to a motorola surfboard modem. Highest quality modem that can be bought and compliant with every aspect of online connectivity. GCI will not upgrade the hmac address to recognize the modem unless I pay them $500 to do so. This is the only company I have ever seen in America to do something like this. So I am forced to run inferior equipment that constantly fails to work properly without a way of fixing the problem. Desired Settlement: I want them to go onto their computer and input the serial number for the modem so it will work properly.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2013/11/18) */
The following is an excerpt from the Terms and Conditions found on GCI's web site. [redacted]'s modem does not meet the specifications found in them and will not be allowed on GCI's network.
9. Device Attachment. Customers are not restricted from attaching devices, including wireless routers, to the network access equipment that GCI provides, subject to any security limitations noted herein, including GCI's right to prohibit any devices that it finds harmful. GCI supplies cable modems to all Internet subscribers free of charge. These devices have been thoroughly tested for GCI's network and supporting systems to ensure secure, reliable service at the highest possible data rates, and, where technically possible, to provide customers with usage information. While GCI does not prohibit the use of any specific cable modems on its network, customer-provided cable modems require GCI pre-certification before they can be used for service. There will be a charge for testing any new device submitted by customers. This process is necessary to ensure network security, network management, service provisioning, and the availability of usage information. Any customer wishing to attach a non-GCI-certified modem to GCI's network should inquire at [redacted] Any devices submitted for certification must, at a minimum, be approved by the FCC and also be CableLabs DOCSIS certified. GCI makes no representations about the operation of non-GCI-certified devices with GCI services and may not be able to support or troubleshoot such devices.
10. Customer Owned Modems. Below is the current list of modems certified for use on GCI's network. GCI cannot guarantee, repair, support or replace a customer-owned modem. GCI reserves the right to refuse service to any modem or modem model which, in GCI's judgment, might impair network performance.
* Arris CM820A
* Netgear CG3000D
* RCA DCM425 (this model works with limited plans, please check with GCI support prior to purchasing)
11. Network Security. In an effort to provide a secure network, GCI deploys industry-recommended security measures. For subscribers connected to GCI's wireline network, GCI employs a number of measures, including Cable Modem Authentication, CVC signed code images, Data Encryption, Baseline Privacy Interface (BPI), and Digitally Signed configuration files. For subscribers connected to GCI's network wirelessly via Wi-Fi or similar fixed wireless technology (often in rural Alaska), GCI uses unpublished Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs) and Media Access Control (MAC) protocol-based authentication for each authorized device on the network. Regardless of network type, GCI recommends customers use personal firewalls and security/malware software to protect their personal information.
Review: In May, I canceled my cable and maintained my cellphone with GCI. Because I canceled my cable in the middle of May I had a credit of $24.41 from the proration of May's bill. This was to be applied to my cellphone bill. Mistakingly, GCI attached the $24.41 as a balance OWED on my cellphone rather than a credit. Every month since then, my bill shows a balance due of $24.41 of which they have charged me a late fee on this erroneous balance due. I have called every month to have this corrected and they still have not fixed the error and refuse to do so. I called in September and talked to a supervisor. 5 months later, in October, after calling every month They applied a credit of $24.41 to my cellphone bill but this does not give me MY credit, it only fixes their error of putting a balance owed on my cellphone. To fix their error and give me my credit they should have credited me 24.41 x 2 = $48.82. I have yet to recieve my credit. I told [redacted], a Supervisor to fix it or I was leaving GCI. I have been with GCI for 13 years and this is how I'm treated over $24.41? She didn't care and said goodbye. GCI has stolen $24.41 from me and wasted many frustrating hours of my time each month to get this fixed.Desired Settlement: I want GCI to credit me my $24.41 and for my troubles, credit me 1 months free cellphone services of $115.00. GCI has stolen $24.41 from me.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/10/07) */
[redacted]'s October 1, 2013 invoice for cell service clearly shows a credit of $24.41 transferred to her cell account. If [redacted] does not have a copy of her October invoice she can contact GCI Customer Service and they will be happy to provide her a copy. The original transfer of the credit balance occured on September 3rd, two days after her September invoice.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2013/10/09) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have copies of my bill and do not need GCI to send them to me. In June, I spoke to a representative regarding GCI's error on Junes bill and was advised to pay my bill minus the $24.41 and it would be corrected on the next billing statement. I have been told each month when speaking to a representative that the online billing is never correct and it will be fixed next month. It was never corrected. $232.00 was my normal 2 month bill, not $256.41. My bill just happened to be $24.41 over my normal bill. GCI is abusing their company's power and has stolen $24.41 from me.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2013/10/08) */
Even though GCI has repeatedly reviewed [redacted]'s invoices with her on the phone to show her that she was not ever charged $24.41 she continues to insist that she was charged. GCI also offered to send her copies of her invoices so she could see for herself but she declined GCI's offer. [redacted]'s total payments towards her June invoice amount of $256.41 was $232.00 leaving her a balance forward of $24.41. This is reflected on her July invoice and is what [redacted] is claiming is an unwarranted charge by GCI. GCI has made every reasonable attempt to assist [redacted] in understanding her billing to no avail. We suggest again that she review copies of her June thru October invoices and "do the math" to prove to herself that GCI did not make the charge she claims.
Review: My current cell phone just died on me today and wanted to get a new phone. They were asking for money I don't have. They kept insisting that I pay more than I can afford. going from a good phone to a cheap phone etc. They at first said I have to pay $525.00 I told them I only have $391.00 left in my account. then they offered a phone at a lower price they said $425.00
Product_Or_Service: Other /HTC/Lifeline Wireless
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (Requires Explaination)
I want a replacement of the smart phone at a reasonable price and that they bill me for the price of the service charge! I've been a loyal customer to GCI for over three years and trying to scam me by emptying my pockets to zero!
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2013/09/09) */
[redacted] visited a GCI Retail Store because his phone was completely dead and he wanted a new phone. He was willing to sign a new contract for Lifeline service to receive a new phone but the phone he wanted is not part of GCI's Lifeline offering. He was informed he could purchase the phone he wanted for full price & stay on Lifeline or he could sign a new 2-years contract, with credit check, and receive the phone for a reduced price. He was also informed that he would have to put down a deposit of $300.00. [redacted] has three outstanding unpaid GCI accounts with Cornerstone Credit Services for collection totaling $185.01 plus interest. Until [redacted] pays off his previously unpaid accounts he [redacted] be required to pay a large deposit for wireless services other than basic Lifeline service.
Review: Have made many calls complaining about service not working and being left with cable boxes not hooked up. Phone doesn't work most the time. DVR in bedroom doesn't work and noone can seem to help no tech have been sent out or anything.Desired Settlement: A refund or credit of service paid for but not receiving.
Business' Initial Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/04/30) */
On 4/24/13 Ms. [redacted] switched her local telephone service to another carrier. GCI currently has an open trouble ticket for Ms. [redacted]' cable service waiting for her to reschedule a GCI technician visit.
Review: Lack of NBC channel to rural Alaskans, Bethel specifically. Not seeming to change any time soon. GCI not talking to [redacted]. [redacted] not talking to GCI. Each blaming the other. Would never get away with this if it wasn't to rural customers where we have very few options for TV carriers.Desired Settlement: Get back NBC to rural folks.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/12/09) */
On December 5, 2013 GCI issued a news release on the GCI/[redacted] negotiations. It said, in part, ...On Nov. 22, GCI and [redacted] signed a four-year agreement to prevent disruption in Southeast and restore [redacted] signal in 22 additional communities across Alaska. In order to document the agreement, the two companies agreed to extend [redacted] signal in Southeast until December 6. Last week, [redacted] announced that it would refuse to honor the terms it agreed to and sought to impose significant, additional terms to the Nov. 22 agreement. In addition to national NBC network programming, both [redacted] and [redacted] will air alternate news from nationally syndicated One [redacted] until an Alaska news broadcast is available. Statewide Alaska news will still be available via local affiliates on [redacted] and [redacted] GCI is fully aware that consumers are tired of this issue and wants the public to understand that it has made every effort to put this to rest. GCI stands ready to implement the terms of the agreement made with [redacted]
Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 11, 2013/12/11) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
OK, whatever you say.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2013/12/11) */
GCI could not disagree more strongly with [redacted]'s characterization of our Customer Service. No other Alaskan company does more to bring telephone, wireless, Internet, and TV to the bush than GCI. GCI would also like to point out that if GCI is the only service provider of telecommunications and entertainment services in Bethel that alone speaks of GCI's commitment to the Alaska bush communities. If [redacted] has a complaint about a specific issue, GCI would like to address and resolve that issue for her.
Review: Automated payment service failed, was contacted by phone 1 week later to be told that the debt was being sent to collections by GCI. I payed them the next day in each of the 5 cases as I had not noticed the automated payment had failed. GCI in turn, never notified their Collections agency. The collections agency also put it against my credit as me having 5 accounts instead of just 2, which in itself is dumb because I had to have a separate account for tv and internet services. I have recently been doing my research and this is not only illegal from what I garner, but has caused significant financial damage to myself. Wanting to work it out before I have to fully take them to court for much more in return.Desired Settlement: $500 per account posted on my credit ($2500) and the complete removal of 3 of the postings to my credit, and the other two edited to be correct.
Business' Initial Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/06/25) */
[redacted] processed 5 checks written by [redacted] between 2010 and 2011 to GCI and returned for insufficient funds. GCI notified Cornerstone on 2/13/12 that [redacted] had paid the checks themselves in full and [redacted] was informed that he still owed the returned check processing fees to [redacted] properly reported the returned checks.
Consumer's Final Response /* (-5, 17, 2013/07/25) */
Utilizing another venue, the contracted company, [redacted] agreed to delete the accounts off my credit which was my minimum. While I am still very disappointed in GCI, I would like to close this complaint. Thanks.
Business' Final Response /* (4000, 13, 2013/07/22) */
[redacted] is entirely responsible for the condition of his credit report and should not be looking to blame others for the bad checks he wrote. How he chose to pay his bills does not relieve him of the responsibility to make sure he has sufficient funds to pay his just debts on time. Presenting checks with insufficient funds to cover them is not only a violation of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) but is against the law.
Review: When I returned equipment money was withdrawn from my account and left a negative balance of 150 dollars on my account which was on a debit card that was cancelled due to the hacking of [redacted] and our banking institution cancelled and reissued all new cards... The GCI employees refuse to make any restitution of any form because I don't have that card anymore. It's been over a year and they have promised me many times on multiple occasions that the refund would happen after we go round and round about me not knowing the number of the account the card's still the same bank and account and only the last 3 numbers have changed. My address is still the same for 25 years and they assure me each time the refund will be in a few weeks...Desired Settlement: I want my closed account to not have a negative 150 dollars that they owe me and know it...
Due to an oversight, [redacted] refund of $159.30 was not processed by GCI. GCI has now completed the process to refund the credit card. GCI regrets the oversight.
Review: I bought 'handset insurance' for two phones. For no apparent reason one phone simply stopped working. My wife, who has dealt with the company up to this point, was told they would not repair or replace the phone. Desired Settlement: I want every penny of the money I have paid for insurance on both phones back, or the phone repaired or replaced with the same model of phone. This is what the insurance was supposed to do, as we were told by company employees when we purchased it, which apparently was a bald faced lie.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/09/09) */
The insurance brochure, given to each customer purchasing cellular handset insurance, states the follow under the heading, "What's Covered?":
The program covers the handset (device, standard battery & wall charger) you purchased from GCI and covers accidental damage, loss, theft and malfunction (after the manufacturer's warranty expires). Normal wear and tear and cosmetic damage to equipment is not covered.
On 8/22/13 [redacted] (authorized on [redacted]'s account) brought a cell phone to GCI to file an insurance claim. She was informed that since there was physical damage to the phone no insurance claim could be filed.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 16, 2013/09/25) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
eSecuritel sent me a letter stating that they are no longer the insurance carrier for GCI days after I filed this complaint so I doubt they will honor any agreement.
Someone from your company named [redacted] from handset insurance offered to reserve a "refreshed" i9300 for a "deductible" of $199.00 on the 17th.
I replied the same day that I would be interested in that if $199.00 was the actual price (or did she mean $199.00 off the cost of a new phone?) and asked what type of warranty if any came with it. I also asked if she could reserve one for a couple of weeks, as I won't have an extra $199.00 until my next payday.
That was eight days ago. I have yet to hear any response back at all. Tomorrow I will call her and hopefully arrange to get my wife a phone again that makes use of the data features I am contractually required to continue to pay for while not being able to use.
Thank you GCI for continuing to find new ways to take my money while keeping me deeply dissatisfied as a customer. I guess when you have a near monopoly on certain services you can do that.
I am now curious as to why I'm receiving alerts that I have exceeded my internet bandwidth after this complaint started, apparently somehow my available bandwidth has been magically reduced since I've moved, and cut the data on the dead phone to the minimum. I can't imagine that would have something to do with this complaint. My actual use hasn't increased in the last two weeks, in fact we only went over on the last billing period because my wife was watching hours and hours of netflix a day for a week or more while we waited for a dish installation that turned out to be impossible. There is no way we are using anywhere near that bandwidth now. And to sweeten the deal the picture quality of your "HD" is far inferior to what we were getting via satellite.
I'm sure it's just another common, highly profitable billing error on your part.
In closing, I hope you all burn in [redacted]. Thanks for nothing.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 14, 2013/09/16) */
GCI has nothing further to add to this complaint. [redacted] is welcome to contact eSecuritel at the contact information listed on his insurance brochure.
Review: I terminated my service with GCI back in 10/2013 in person at the satellite branch in [redacted]. This was due to signing up with [redacted]. When I received my fist bill after I termindated it, I called and was informed it was taken cared of.
I asked for the confirmation number when I went to 5[redacted] and she told me she got nothing to provide but rest assure that it was taken cared of. Now, I was placed in Collection agency for $33 and cents. I cannot pay and will not for a service that was not rendered.Desired Settlement: write off the charges for I have sent them proof that I signed my with [redacted] and still was ignored.
I need your intervention for it is detrimental to my cfedit.
Initial Business Response /* (1010, 6, 2014/03/20) */
GCI records show that [redacted] disconnected service with GCI on October 13, 2013. [redacted]'s November invoice shows billing for services thru October 12th. This was [redacted]'s final billing which she never paid. GCI sent two additional billing invoices (in December and January) with no additional billing except late fees and finance charges. With no payment or contact from [redacted] her account was sent to [redacted] on January 30, 2014. [redacted] can resolve this matter by contacting [redacted] and paying this debt in full.
Customer Advocate
Anchorage, AK 99503
[redacted] (toll free)
[redacted] (fax)
Review: GCI's Customer Service Specialists do not provide consumers with written contracts in compliance with the Alaska Consumer Protection Act, AS 45.50.471.2.13. Specifically, the Term Agreement For GCI TV (G-Series) was not provided until it was requested and the specialist had difficulty locating a copy even though they are required to be given to every consumer. The Term Agreement did not include the required name and address of the seller nor the name and address of the organization that the seller represents. It did not specify any of the terms and conditions of the sale, and did not include a description of the goods or services in any language, let alone readable, clear, and unambiguous language. The store manager stapled a sales flyer to the Term Agreement and wrote "see attached for notes" and considered that as an extension of the agreement. GCI also considers a six page Notice of Amendment to GCI Residential Cable TV Terms and Conditions as part of the agreement even though it is not provided by the specialists at the time of sale. Thus the Term agreement does not state the beginning date, ending date, rate for service, specification of the service, additional costs and fees, billing dates, or payment due dates. Nor does it state you are now forced to accept binding arbitration. As for the multi-colored flyer, the BIG NEWS is 203 channels for $29.99 a month, except for that asterisk and the very fine print at the bottom of the page mentioning G-Series plans increase for months 13-24. In this case to $54.99 a month for a true cost of $42.49 a month for the 24 month term. AS 45.50.471.2.12. prohibits employing deception, misrepresentation, or knowingly concealing, or suppressing a material fact in connection with the sale or advertisement of services. As 45.50.471.1. states "...unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of trade or commerce are declared to be unlawful." The Attorney General's Office is responsible for investigation and prosecution.Desired Settlement: GCI is to acknowledge its violations of As 45.50.471.2.10.-13. GCI shall issue all consumers, whether online, telephonic, in store or at a kiosk, written contracts meeting all of the conditions of the Alaska Consumer Protection Act specifying all of the terms and conditions in readable, clear, and unambiguous language. GCI is to cease issuing advertisements employing deception, misrepresentation, concealment, suppression, or omitting material facts. GCI is to provide training on unlawful acts under the Alaska Consumer Protection Act to all employees who interact with the public, whether in person or through written communications, solicitations, or advertisements and certify each employee's completion of the training. These conditions are to apply to all services provided by GCI, including but not limited to land line telephone service, video TV service, internet service, and cellular telephone service.
Mr. [redacted] also filed this same complaint with the Alaska Attorney General's office. GCI will be responding to his complaint through them.
Review: GCI continues to charge us for cable despite several calls to them to explain that our cable is covered through our condo dues. During those calls they agree to stop charging us but then they continue to charge us. They are telling us now that we have to call again to tell them to stop and that an email won't work. We have responded that we want it in writing because they have so far not complied with our request to stop charging us. We have stopped the payment source now and they have sent us a past due notice.Desired Settlement: We would like the charges reversed and for the continued inconvenience of dealing with this, we would like payment of $250. This will cover the cost of the time it has taken to deal with this issue.
GCI notified [redacted] on 2/19/15 via email that it intended to credit her account a total of $476.43 of which $281.23 had previously been applied.
Review: I signed up for internet service with GCI. I had service for 2.5 months and started off with 100 gigs a month. My husband and I are the only internet users in the household and we both are gone 12 hours of the day we also sleep around 8 hours of the day. We use the internet on average 3 hours a day. We stream on average 4 standard definition movies a week and do very mild internet surfing. The first month we were close to going over the allowable usage so we upped the plan the second month we were close to going over the allowable usage so we upped the plan to the maximum usage limits of 300 gigs. The last month we were very close to going over 300 gigs. Our internet usage never changed yet GCI claimed we were using massive amounts of internet. According to GCI's website usage calculator found at the following web address to use 300 gigs we would have had to stream 19 high definition movies a month, view 195 web pages a day, stream 12 hours of music a day, download 98 pictures a day and download 49 email attachments. This is 10X more then our usage for the month yet we are reaching 300 gigs. I complained on several occassions to customer service on the phone and in person and they told me that they were unable to give me details on the usage. Our internet is password protected, our two computers have virus scanning software and we do not have any data using appliance that are on during the day while we are at work. GCI please explain details of how this is possible, I feel that your data calculations are fraudulent and that your company wanted me to continue to upgrade my service to receive higher premiums.Desired Settlement: I feel that it is only fair that I do not have to pay for my last bill due to false advertisement claims.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2014/10/20) */
GCI has reviewed [redacted]'s account and found that on the three invoices sent to her none included any charges for Internet overages. This information was provide to [redacted] via email on October 15th in reply to her email to GCI. GCI would also like to point out that on October 15th [redacted] cancelled her GCI Internet service.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 8, 2014/10/21) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The reason why there were no overages is because I continued to bump up the amount of allotted Gigs which also bumped up the cost. I feel that your system that keeps track of usage is inaccurate and according to your website and the information that I posted previously it is absolutely impossible for me to use that amount of internet. As stated before we are not home to use the internet but 3 hours of the day we continued to bump up the amount of Gigs (pay more) and GCI continued to show that we were using more internet when we were not. This is a problem and GCI needs to write off the bill due to fraudulent charges. You are absolutely correct that I cancelled my service due to the facts that I have presented. Again my main reason for contacting you through the is to find an acceptable solution to the fact that I have a bill for services that I feel are fraudulent.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 10, 2014/11/03) */
GCI stands behind the accuracy of its usage tracking. [redacted] did not get charged for any over usage precisely because she upgraded her Internet plan before going over. The billing is correct and due as presented. [redacted] has now paid her account in full after GCI applied a courtesy credit of $34.26.
Review: I purchased wifi internet service from this company for 1 week or 7 days while stating at [redacted] Unit for [redacted]. This internet did not work for the second week that it was purchased, and the speed was ABSOLUTELY horrible and not the speed as advertized when I agreed to payment. This is pitiful internet service that is actually slower than dial up.Desired Settlement: I want my $12.99 back that I was debited on 2-16-2015.
GCI has been in contact with [redacted] and will be processing a refund for him.
Review: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:I gave [redacted] my credit card information on 3/10/15 and I have yet to see a return. It also took an extraordinary amount of phone tag for $13.00, the petty information they needed (name, address, and MAC address?) should have been in their possession already, refund my money ASAP please!Sincerely,[redacted]
Review: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:Look how long this is taking! [redacted] told me it shiiped a month ago, I will believe it when I see it.Sincerely,[redacted]
The refund check was mailed on 4/17/15 to Mr. [redacted] Texas address.
Review: Our service through GCI is unreliable and inefficient. Within the city limits of Anchorage, our calls are frequently dropped. When someone leaves a voicemail, it can be up to 3 days before it comes to our phone. When we attempt to make outgoing calls, our phone returns with a call failed message. We have made frequent calls to tech support. We have asked that an engineer return our calls, but they do not call us We are now having to switch providers because we are on call for work and cannot rely on our phone service. GCI is still requiring that we pay the fee to cancel our contract even though they have not delivered us with reliable coverage and service. Desired Settlement: I would like to be able to terminate our contracts without having to pay the termination fee due to the lack of quality of service and their inability to address our complaints.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2014/04/08) */
GCI's wireless policy found under Terms and Conditions on our web site state in part, "Wireless devices use radio transmissions. If your device isn't in range of a wireless tower, you will not get service. And please be aware that even within your Coverage Area, many things can affect the availability and quality of your Service, including network capacity, your device, terrain, buildings, foliage, and weather." They further state, "Our coverage maps do not guarantee you service at any specific location, and your Coverage may change without notice."
The [redacted]'s wireless service contracts are up in November 2014. After they have fulfilled the terms of their contract they will be able to switch their services without penalty.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2014/04/09) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
It is reasonable for a customer to expect to make outgoing calls within the city limits of Anchorage. I do not have service on Northern Lights and Turnagin and on Abbott and the Seward Highway. The service is not obstructed. I cannot rely on the quality of service so regardless of what GCI does, I need to have another phone so people can get ahold of me. It takes up to two days for me to receive my voicemails. This is problematic because I use my phone for work.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 15, 2014/04/17) */
GCI again emphasises the [redacted]'s need to have a trouble ticket opened to troubleshoot and attempt to resolve their service issues. GCI can not waive early cancellation fees for service we have not had the opportunity to correct.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2014/04/15) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The history needs to be reviewed further. There has been countless calls by both myself and Mr. [redacted] to technicians. I called to discuss service problems the week prior to filing this complaint.
Review: My complaint is with gci billing practices. I have had times when I call in to pay my bill to pay the amount due then I find my services are cut off due to that I didn't pay the full amount even when I call in to talk with a billing rep. I've had times where they keep a balance of as little as $0.16. When this happen they so call credit my bill to the next month which has me paying less then on the following period I have a much hight bill. On ave I pay about 96.00 per mo for Internet. Today I have them demanding $240. The Inconsistent billing is outraged and just needs to stop.
I have to often call in because they don't charge me the full amount which results in my billing to be screwed up once again. Desired Settlement: I want to just pay what I have and should about $96.00 per mo for Internet. Also being told if I just pay the full amount in the begins is childless exotically when I have to often call in when I find I wasn't charge the full amount when I called in.
I'm ready to drop gci and wonder if I should talk with a lawyer about their billing practices.
Business' Initial Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/05/07) */
Mr. [redacted]'s billing has primarily been effected by two factors. The first is pro-rated amounts charged and credited to his account whenever services are suspended and resumed. The second is Mr. [redacted] has not been paying his entire balance due but has consistently had a balance forward. Mr. [redacted]'s billing was recently reviewed with him on May 1st and 3rd and he has entered into payment arrangements with GCI to get his services resumed and catch up on the past due amount. As long as Mr. [redacted] makes pays his current billing on time and keeps his payment arrangements for the past due amounts his services will remain active and his monthly billing consistent.
Review: This complain is regarding to wireless internet charges, through a hotspot service, that are not correlated to my use of the service.
In November 2014 after reaching 19 GB of data usage one week before the end of the cycle I removed the SIM card of the hotspot device and shut it down as I have a data limit of 20 Gb per month. Even though the GCI usage page for my account showed no additional activity for the whole week I was then charged $30 for a theoretical usage of 22-something GB, 2 GB above my limit.
I went to the GCI office at Bentley Mall, Fairbanks, and the support technician [redacted] kindly commented to me that there was a technical issue at the end of the cycle and cancelled the $30 dollar charge.
This month (January 2015) I monitored the usage to the last day of the cycle and although I never reached 20 GB I was charged this time $60 for a theoretical usage of 24-something GB.
I went on Friday January 23rd to the Airport Way store and spoke with [redacted] who commented that at that time could not check my usage at the system. Although I explained my previous experience with the overcharge he said he couldn't do anything until Saturday or Monday. As I didn't agree with the response I asked for the name of the responsible person for customer support in Fairbanks [redacted] at [redacted] and asked if the only solution I was being offered was to terminate my service. The next day he left a message on my phone only to state that he could check the usage and was over 24 GB.
On Saturday 24th I went to the Merhar Avenue Store to spoke with [redacted] but she was not present. I spoke to [redacted] who kindly heard me reciting all the issue again. She told me that she would communicate the problem to [redacted] and that she was going to call me to solve the issue on Monday 26th in the morning but I did not receive any call at all.
I understand that the GCI usage page is updated near real time but I doubt that "near real time" means weekly and at the same time the overcharges don't correspond to my usage until the end of the cycle. Also being my only option so far to solve this problem to terminate the service shows disregard for the customer.
I am also a GCI cell phone customer and I wonder if GCI is miscounting my internet cell phone usage in my hotspot service although what I'm paying for the cell phone includes its own internet usage, it is not shared with another service.Desired Settlement: Stop overcharging and solve this issue so I don't have to visit the stores every two months with the same problem. This is not only disrespectful but a terrible customer service experience.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/02/13) */
GCI's usage viewer on the "At-A-Glance" page, is updated near real time. The daily detail will total at the end of the day. [redacted] indicated the usage viewer was not reflecting any usage when he checked it online. GCI has credited his overage ($60). Should he run into any problems with the usage viewer going forward, please take a screenshot of the viewer and email it to [redacted] so that our technical team can investigate. Additionally our technical support team can be reached at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX XXhrs a day, 7 days a week.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 8, 2015/02/13) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I was contacted over the phone by [redacted] from GCI and he provided to me the same response which I find satisfactory, therefore the case can be closed.