I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint I[redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]i was married to an attorney for 25years. I have never heard of a contract being in effect when both parties have not signed. Perhaps small claims court will educate the party on the nature of contracts. They knew what they were doing because I was not aware of their presence on my property until the work was done. I had no opportunity to stop the unsolicited work. This man suffers from white male privilege and is a disgrace to all business men every where.
This is the second response to complaint [redacted]ttached is a copy of the proposal that the client did sign. At the time when we found the fence was no longer intact, approximately 90 percent or this contract had been fulfilled. This contract did not become void because the client did not sign and approve the second contract as is clearly in the Description of Work in the second contract.At this point it is becoming a matter of our word against the clients and I would much rather have my say in small claims court than continue this back and forth that seems to resolve nothing.
Thank you for providing this firm the opportunity to respond to this complaint. As the client stated, there is a signed contract to perform a survey that was to determine the property line in relation to a fence line on the client's rear lot line. Once we received this signed contract, our project...
surveyor performed research and prepared preliminary office calculations to give a picture of what we could expect to find when we visited the property in the field. The project surveyor then reviewed the survey with our field crew. The field crew arrived at the site, established new control and proceeded to find evidence of corner monumentation. At this time, they found that the client neglected to inform us that the fence we were supposed to survey had been removed. Our crew discussed the situation with the client and she said that since the rear fence was gone, we could do the side lot line if it would be for the same price. She said neighbor kids were knocking the side fence down with a ball and she wanted to know where that line was. She then discussed a desire to have all of her corners found and/or set. Our crew called the project surveyor with this information. The project surveyor told them that a new proposal would be needed to calculate and set all the lot corners. This proposal was prepared and mailed on November 29, 2017. As this occurred around the Holiday's, we gave the client ample time to respond, but after 2 months, we did not hear back from her. At this time, we decided to stake the side lot line that she said would be a proper replacement for the rear line to fulfill our portion of the contract. We sent the client an invoice for the work. A few days later, we received a hostile and somewhat belligerent phone call from the client stating that we had no contract for the work, that we were sleazy, slimy old men trying to take advantage of her and that she was not going to pay. I informed her that we did have a contract and if she did not pay we would have to take her to small claims court. In hindsight, we could have contacted the client before we staked the side lot line, but, at that point, the majority of the contract work had been completed and we thought that we were trying to fulfill what she wanted.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint I[redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]i was married to an attorney for 25years. I have never heard of a contract being in effect when both parties have not signed. Perhaps small claims court will educate the party on the nature of contracts. They knew what they were doing because I was not aware of their presence on my property until the work was done. I had no opportunity to stop the unsolicited work. This man suffers from white male privilege and is a disgrace to all business men every where.
This is the second response to complaint [redacted]ttached is a copy of the proposal that the client did sign. At the time when we found the fence was no longer intact, approximately 90 percent or this contract had been fulfilled. This contract did not become void because the client did not sign and approve the second contract as is clearly in the Description of Work in the second contract.At this point it is becoming a matter of our word against the clients and I would much rather have my say in small claims court than continue this back and forth that seems to resolve nothing.
Thank you for providing this firm the opportunity to respond to this complaint. As the client stated, there is a signed contract to perform a survey that was to determine the property line in relation to a fence line on the client's rear lot line. Once we received this signed contract, our project...
surveyor performed research and prepared preliminary office calculations to give a picture of what we could expect to find when we visited the property in the field. The project surveyor then reviewed the survey with our field crew. The field crew arrived at the site, established new control and proceeded to find evidence of corner monumentation. At this time, they found that the client neglected to inform us that the fence we were supposed to survey had been removed. Our crew discussed the situation with the client and she said that since the rear fence was gone, we could do the side lot line if it would be for the same price. She said neighbor kids were knocking the side fence down with a ball and she wanted to know where that line was. She then discussed a desire to have all of her corners found and/or set. Our crew called the project surveyor with this information. The project surveyor told them that a new proposal would be needed to calculate and set all the lot corners. This proposal was prepared and mailed on November 29, 2017. As this occurred around the Holiday's, we gave the client ample time to respond, but after 2 months, we did not hear back from her. At this time, we decided to stake the side lot line that she said would be a proper replacement for the rear line to fulfill our portion of the contract. We sent the client an invoice for the work. A few days later, we received a hostile and somewhat belligerent phone call from the client stating that we had no contract for the work, that we were sleazy, slimy old men trying to take advantage of her and that she was not going to pay. I informed her that we did have a contract and if she did not pay we would have to take her to small claims court. In hindsight, we could have contacted the client before we staked the side lot line, but, at that point, the majority of the contract work had been completed and we thought that we were trying to fulfill what she wanted.