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Jeffrey L. Decker Chimney Sweep, Stove Installations and Hearth Prof

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Reviews Jeffrey L. Decker Chimney Sweep, Stove Installations and Hearth Prof

Jeffrey L. Decker Chimney Sweep, Stove Installations and Hearth Prof Reviews (5)

After being a loyal dedicated customer with Jeffrey LDecker chimney sweep of Danielson, CTfor the past years as he installed our pellet stove insert in Today was the day that broke the camel's back and was the last straw in dealing with this companyAfter waiting for hours for a techt his company employee was informed of, as I went to tho come and evaluate a problem with our Quadra Fire pellet stove, (The exhaust blower fan whiche owner's manual to research it as it was the source of the noise being generated) The tech arrived approximately hours past the scheduled appointment window as to what we were informed that it would beWe were told we have to pay the service call charge of $for the minutes the tech was here to inform us what we, and Jeffrey Decker's office already knew via our phone conversationSo due to our inconvenience, he took 10% off of the service call charge reducing it to $(WhooHoo)Then we were told that someone would call and inform us the cost of the partNever happened, so we had to call then to find out that the part would cost us approximately $(the part pictured below that has an after market cost of $- $depending on the vendor) so that was paid via CC over the phoneThe tech came and installed the exhaust blower fan (Who by the way was awesome at what he does) Then he informed us that we had to pay another $for parts & labor ??!! are you kidding meWe paid a service call for a minute visit to tell us what we already knew, an astronomical price for a part (talk about a major markup), and then another service call charge to install the part that was already paid for as parts and laborWe will NEVER be doing business with The Jeffrey LDecker Chimney sweep company ever again! We have been loyal customers with this firm for eight (8) consecutive yearsThat Loyalty ends today for sure!!! One thing we hate when doing business with companies are scammers! This company has moved to the top of that list!


On 10/21/they came out and cleaned our pellet stove and chimney and didn't put the stove back properly and wasn't level which was concerning using the stoveContact the company to have them return to fix it we made two appointments the first one they said we request afternoon when we know we requested morning and then the second appointment we booked for 12/they never showed up or called and we paid in full on 10/21/


mr. [redacted] quoted me a price of [redacted] to install a pellet stove once installed he told me it was [redacted]mr [redacted] quoted me a price of [redacted] to install a pellet stove.once installed he charged me [redacted] my objections he told me if I didn,t pay him the entire amount he would sue me and demanded me to write him another check after I stopped payment on first check.I told him I would pay him [redacted] after installation was inspected by town,he againg threatend me he would sue me.the installation was not installed correctly.I finally wrote him an other check for [redacted] which he physically picked up.He also did not itimize anything on the bill.Desired SettlementI am seeking a refund of [redacted] plus [redacted] for new vent kit because I have to install all over again and fix side of barn which was damaged.Business Response The following is in response to a complaint lodged against my company by Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] did in fact hire my company to install his pellet stove, venting included for a set price of [redacted] tax (labor and materials) we installed said pellet stove on [redacted] 2014. Upon completion of Mr. [redacted]'s pellet stove installation, Mr. [redacted] argued with my installers that I had quoted him [redacted] for said install. My employees called me and I said "no" the price was definitely [redacted] for a basic installation of a pellet stove. Mr. [redacted] then got on the phone and began to argue and curse at me regarding the price. I told Mr. [redacted] I was sorry for the miscommunication, however the price charged was what I charge every customer* for same services. Mr. [redacted] had a few more choice obscenities for me and said he would not be using my company again. I tried to again apologize to Mr. [redacted] for the miscommunication; however Mr. [redacted] abruptly hung up on me.On [redacted] 2014, my office was contacted by my bank that Mr. [redacted] had placed a stop payment on his check. I contacted Mr. [redacted] and told him I would be contacting Law Enforcement for "Theft of Services" if he did not immediately provide a good check for services rendered. Mr. [redacted] did provide a check for the amount of [redacted] which we contacted him immediately, when we realized he had written the check for [redacted] more than was required and sent him back a check* for the overage. Mr. [redacted] wrote a two page note* and gave it to me with the replacement check before slamming his front door in my face. Mr. [redacted] has since contacted the and [redacted] of [redacted] regarding this incident. Mr. [redacted] filled out a completion form* and signed it on the day of installation, which is required of ALL jobs my employees complete. Within the completion form Mr. [redacted] checked off 'Superior' for all 8 of 9 areas asked to evaluate(including 'Quality of Work';'Courteousness and Professionalism', except for 'Response to Original Request for Service', which we get a lot because of the back-up to requests this time of season. However, it appears that Mr. [redacted] was in fact happy with the work that was performed other than his complaint about the [redacted] which he expressed within the Completion Form, which states I charged him [redacted] With all due respect to Mr. [redacted], it appears he confuses easily. Mr. [redacted] also said in his note to me that he had "got quotes from 4 different people all half of what you (I) charged", it would only be reasonable for me to assume if that were the case Mr. [redacted] would have chosen one of the other four people to do the job, especially since our response to original request for service was unacceptable.I have supporting documents* available(and will email them to the representative handling this claim for the, including all of our documentation with Mr. [redacted] signed by Mr. [redacted], as well as, other customers that depict what we charge for this service and at no time is there a charge for this service of [redacted] but rather exactly what we charged Mr. [redacted]. What I charge for our services not only is fair, but it also covers a boat load of responsibility and liability on my companies' part. Being an active fire fighter and EMT, I take my industry extremely serious, whether or not people are a customer of mine. I respect my privilege to possess a license in the state of [redacted] as a Contractor as well as that of [redacted] and [redacted] where I am also licensed. I deal with all customers and potential customers with honesty, respect and appreciation for their having chosen our services. Thank you for your time and consideration given to this matter. I have no further remedy for Mr. [redacted].Consumer Response I am responding to case #XXXXXX [redacted],s response.Mr [redacted] is 100% liar_first I did not argue with his installers,fhey asked me if I was supposed to pay them) said I didn,t Icnow,where upon they called mr [redacted] to find out.When they told me the bill was [redacted] I said what he quoted me [redacted] then asked me if I wanted them to call mr. [redacted] so I could talk to him) said yes,l got on the phone and said what is going on you quoted me [redacted] where upon he insisted he said [redacted] we went back and forth and finally I hung up.At no time did I curse at him and he did not apologize for anything) finally gave them a check for [redacted] and stupidly signed the bill giving superior marks to the installers and that mr. [redacted] inspected the job when he was not even there.After they left I stared reading about installations and going on line.I then went out and looked at the installation and found that none of the pipes where sealed with rtv sealent and when I pulled the stove back it came right out of the pipe,and then discovered that they used 31/2 inch piping instead of 3 inch.I then stopped payment on the check and was going to send him another check for what he quoted me.He then called me up and began yelling at me and threating me if I did not give him the whole amount,and that he was coming to my house to pick up another check and hung up_Ithen decided to give him another check and just contact he came to my house I gave him a envelope with the check and a note telling that I was going to sue him and told him about the lousy installation his people did at no time did I use foul language in the note or slam the door in his face) then decided to do the installation over because the stove was not burning good enough because it was a straight pipe out the side of the wall instead of going vertical and then horizontal through the wall, which mr [redacted] if he says he is a professional and takes pride in his work should have come out to my house and looked at situation and told me the best way to install the stove and the give me an estimate) don,t understand how he can just charge a flat rate whwn all the installations are different) then wrote him another note because all his emails are illegal addresses asking l;iirn to send me a itemized bill for everything he charged me for.He never responed.1 then had taibuy a new 3 inch kit so the stove would fit tightly and a tube of rtv sealent to deal it.the stove then worked much better.As for him talking about liability and responsibility ,but as,soon as the town inspects it and passes it he is off the hook.I was stupid and naïve I admit that and I might not get any money back but this guy should be thourghly investigated so know one else gets rippied off) am convinced this is the way he does business by quoting the people one price and then charging a higher price once the installation is done,but most people probably don,t even bother,but I live on a fixed income and don,t like getting ripped off.Final Business Response To whom it may concern,I have read thoroughly, Mr. [redacted]'s rebuttal to my answer to his complaint, including that I am a "liar". I have forwarded my answer to and documents supporting my answer to said complaint. as I said in my answer I have no further remedy for Mr. [redacted]. Nobody, forced Mr. [redacted] to "stupidly sign" the inspection/invoice, nor force him to give "superior marks" to the installers. The term; "Jeffrey L. Decker has explained to me" within the inspection/invoice form that Mr. [redacted] signed is not just my name but the name of my company. Therefore, their are representatives of Jeffrey L. Decker acting as agents for the company and its name sake. Furthermore, regarding the venting used on Mr. [redacted]'s job; was in fact 3" (three inch) venting, since there is only 3" and 4" venting available. The measurement that Mr. [redacted] is referring to is the outside pipe diameter(OD) and not the inside pipe diameter(ID), had Mr. [redacted] measured the inside diameter(ID) he would find that it is in fact 3". The seams of new pellet pipe do not need to be sealed since they are designed and manufactured with a RTV gasket within the pipe joints. I have always strived to meet all my customers expectations and have thousands of customers and their completion forms that back up that claim. My prices are more than fair and we always have a guarantee to BEAT any competitors price, that in and of its self helps to perpetuate our fairness. Mr. [redacted]'s stove was installed according to manufacturers recommendations and per all building codes. I accept NO responsibility for the current status of Mr. [redacted]'s self installation since we were there, since Mr. [redacted] has replaced the venting and obviously sealed everything and made a mess of the new venting with what appears to be some type of silicone. I offered to inspect the job my employees completed for Mr. [redacted] but he said he did not want me to, as he hand me the check and note and, yes, slammed the front door of his house in my face. I and my representatives treat every customer fairly and with respect, we do not argue with and/or curse at any customer. It is unfortunate that Mr. [redacted] feels the way that he does. However, there is a thin line between a complaint, criticism and out right slander and libel. I will be seeking legal counsel as to what further steps need to be taken to prevent slanderous and libelist remarks to be verbalized and/or written by Mr. [redacted] against me personally or my company. We have worked very hard to achieve and work harder to maintain an irrefutable excellent reputation. I here by respectfully request that Mr. [redacted] cease and desist any further slanderous and/or libelist remarks that are unsubstantiated be made against my person and/or company. In closing, as stated earlier Mr. [redacted] was handled professionally and Honestly and I have no further remedy for Mr. [redacted].


In [redacted] of 2012 I had a [redacted] pellet stove installed. For the first season we had nothing but trouble with keeping it lit. After trying to contact our installer we found out he was no longer in business. At that time we called Jeffrey L. Decker to inspect and clean our stove, hoping for a better performance in 2014. Mr. [redacted] told us we needed the outside pipe extended up over the roof line, that the way it had been installed was incorrect and not to code. On X-XX-XX Mr. [redacted]'s company extended outside pipe for a total of [redacted] On [redacted] I did send Mr. [redacted] a complaint stating that the stove performance had not improved.Desired SettlementI think people should know that Mr. [redacted]'s company really doesn't seem to know how to service all pellet stoves, or what the proper piping should be. I would also like to be compensated for the cost of work that was not necessary.Business Response I have made several attempts to talk to Mrs. [redacted] regarding this matter and have also contacted the manufacturer regarding the work that was performed at Mrs. [redacted]'s home. [redacted] the manufacturer of the pellet stove in question concurs that the work performed at Mrs. [redacted]'s residence in-fact did have to be performed in order to meet code and manufacturers recommendations. I have also informed Mrs. [redacted] that her initial statement of "I think people should know....." is a libelous statement and will not be tolerated and in an apology isn't forth coming that I fully intend to pursue this matter in civil court upon the advise from my attorney. Statements such as these should not be allowed nor tolerated. It's like people can say anything whether or not it is true, with no repercussions. More people should file suit on people like this. Less reputations would be damaged due to angry individuals that think going out on social media or sites and saying whatever they want, true or not is alright and without ramifications, if there were ramifications to said individuals. Mrs. [redacted], file suit against the unlicensed individual Mr. [redacted] whom installed your stove to begin with. Every remedy I advised you to implement and thus implemented was shown to you and Mr. [redacted] within the stoves Manufacturers handbook and according to the manufacturers clearances and per [redacted] state code. I spent at least an hour at your home and answered ALL of your questions thoroughly and didn't rush off. I have no record of you calling and stating that the stove had not improved until this year (2015). All my customers have my cell phone, so if they're not satisfied with the excellent customer service my offices provide they may call me direct. I NEVER received any such call from you nor Mr. [redacted]. I even offered after I talked to [redacted] at [redacted] to come out at NO cost personally and check out your stove and replace any parts [redacted] was sending. I am not sure what else an honest professional business owner can offer. Had I been contacted this same offer would have been made direct to you (Mrs. [redacted]) without the need for a slanderous and libelous and unsubstantiated claim. In closing, again in order to protect my hard to obtain and maintain stellar reputation, it is my request that the claims you made be corrected and an apology be made forthwith within 48 hours or I will have no choice but to turn this over to my retained attorney for further legal action, including but not limited to a suit for "libel" and "Defamation of Character". Thank you.Consumer Response Mr. [redacted] has phoned me to explain why the services he provided were necessary as far as pipes being to code. I have had a different, provider to my house last week, who said he would have done the job in a different way. But, he did say it was to code. Unfortunately, the performance of the stove did not improve which I was led to believe it would when the changes were made. At this point I will ask you to put the problem as solved because Mr. [redacted] Keeps calling and leaving messages. When I listened to the lasted one he stated that he does not want to contact his lawyer about this matter. So that being said I do not want to get into a legal dispute over a pellet stove that still doesn't work properly. Please do whatever needs to be done so he will not call me anymore. It is not worth the hassle. Sincerely, [redacted]


They were hired and paid to clean two chimney pipes and they only cleaned one.On 9/5/13 [redacted] L. [redacted] chimney service came out to our house to clean two chimney pipes located in one chimney at our house. The guy cleaned one pipe and told us that he could not clean the other one because he needed different equipment. He said that he would come back to clean it with a chain. We paid him for the full service, $239.29 by check. It shows this on the receipt. He never called or came back. When we called, [redacted] told us that his guy told him that he had cleaned it and that it needed additional cleaning. We told [redacted] that his guy did not clean it at all. [redacted] began yelling at us. We requested our money back and he has refused. He claims that the 2nd pipe was cleaned. We hired Safeside chimney service to clean the other pipe on 10/14/13. They cleaned the pipe without the need for a chain. They noted this on the receipt that they gave us, they also noted that the pipe had not been cleaned. We have both receipts and pictures of after [redacted] "cleaned" the pipe and after Safeside really did clean the pipe. Desired SettlementWe would like $75 back from [redacted] L. [redacted] chimney service as this is the price listed on the receipt for cleaning the 2nd pipe. Business Response refunded.... I am not a member of the so take me off your contact list. Permanently!

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Description: Chimney Cleaning

Address: 666 Upper Maple Street, Danielson, Connecticut, United States, 06239


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