Larry Jubb's Improve A Home Reviews (6)
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Larry Jubb's Improve A Home Rating
Description: Building Contractors, Windows - Installation & Service, Construction & Remodeling Services, Siding Contractors, Roofing Contractors, Insulation Contractors
Address: 7 Devens Street, Greenfield, Massachusetts, United States, 01302-0429
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Larry Jubb received [redacted] in pre-payment for fire damage repairs through our insurance carrier. Has not performed work or refunded the [redacted]We had 2 proposals from Larry Jubb's Improve a Home [redacted] to install vinyl siding and [redacted] to install metal guttering on the home. These repairs are required due to fire damage on our primary resident. The siding contract has been completed and paid in full with no issue. The [redacted] pre-payment was issued with the siding final payment [redacted] (in one check in the amount of [redacted] to us as the home owner and Larry Jubb on [redacted] To date, we have not signed a contract with Jubb to perform the gutter work and we have not received the refund due of [redacted] I have made multiple daily and weekly attempts to contact Larry Jubb at his office number and his cell phone by phone call, text and email. He is not returning any calls,texts, or emails. We are seeking to have the [redacted] prepaid to Jubb Improve a Home refunded as no contract was executed for his company to complete the gutter work.Larry Jubb and Jubb's Improve a Home Co. is fraudulently holding the $966 pre-payment as no contract was ever executed for his company to perform the gutter work.Desired Settlement[redacted] pre-payment from Liberty Mutual Insurance to Jubb Improve a home for gutter repairs on our home as a result of fire damage. We have a proposal estimating the work at [redacted] but have never signed a contract with Larry Jubb to perform the gutter work. Larry Jubb and Jubb's Improve a Home Co. is fraudulently holding the $966 pre-payment as no contract was ever executed for his company to perform the gutter work.Business Response [redacted] has done a wonderful job of proving her emotion over her mistake. It is all evident in her attachments. It is a shame that individuals can become so easy to blame others for their own misunderstanding.Yes the [redacted] were given the wrong refund amount by me. It was actually more than should have been. Simply the siding proposal was [redacted] as evidenced on page 2 of the attached document provided by [redacted]. Also outlined on the same page was the service fee amount of [redacted] (for the permit and disposal of all job related refuse). There is clear language stating that this amount was not included in the [redacted]As for the gutters for [redacted] there was never a contract accepted. However they did submit that to the insurance company along with the siding proposal as part of their fire damage claim. NEVER were the [redacted] entitled to be reimbursed for a gutter proposal that was never accepted.The simple math was missed by the [redacted], along with Mr [redacted] who is the insurance adjuster, is evidenced within the documents Mrs [redacted] attached. Further they were hand written a refund check by myself which was rounded up by [redacted] The correct amount of the refund for overpayment should have been [redacted] Unfortunately the [redacted] are foolishly emotional people. Foolish for getting emotional over a simple mathematical error on their part along with their adjuster, then making their inaccurate post to the that was encouraged by Mr [redacted] their adjuster. This complaint is inaccurate which makes it unnecessary. Especially with the evidence of their mathematical error clearly clearly outlined on page 2 of the proposal which is sideways in Mrs [redacted] attachment. I think it funny the page is sideways. Kinda lends a little levity to this ridiculous complaint. There is no refund entitlement to a [redacted] gutter job that was never part of our contracted work. This complaint is nothing more than a ruse. [redacted] Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)Please review the contractors waiver of lien and acceptance of contract amount [redacted] signed by [redacted]. At no time was [redacted] approved to be paid or issued to [redacted] Home Improvement from Nationstar Mortgage or Liberty Mutual Insurance. [redacted] would be a supplemental request to Liberty Mutual at the siding contract completion. Our only error was not requesting 2 separate checks from Liberty Mutual. One for [redacted] the balance due on the siding contract and a separate check for the [redacted] gutter estimate. Mr [redacted] is combining the 2 separate jobs. If he wishes to pursue the [redacted] permit and disposal fees, Liberty Mutual requires an invoice outlining those charges and proof that building permit was obtained.We stand by our original claim, that Mr. [redacted] was not authorized to withhold [redacted] from the [redacted] Liberty Mutual check endorsed to him on [redacted] 2105 and that [redacted] is due to us.Final Business Response We have been writing our contracts the same way for 28 years. Language for permit and disposal of all job related refuse specifically states that that amount is not included in the job total and will be added to the final invoice. In 28 years we have never had an issue regarding this fee until now with the [redacted] Our work contract for the siding was with the [redacted], not their insurance company. We were over paid and duly refunded the difference, rounded up to an even $600.00. With respect to any mistakes by the parties regarding the service fee amount, it was missed by all. In an effort to put this matter to rest, we will provide the [redacted] with an invoice regarding work completed, evidencing the contract total for siding, including the service fee. Additionally we will provide the [redacted] with another copy of the contract that they signed, which contains all totals. Those totals will be hi-lighted. Both of which the [redacted] can submit to their insurance company for re-reimbursement. It is the [redacted] insurance company that owes them the [redacted] not The Jubb Co. Unfortunately this matter has gone beyond the scope of a simple misunderstanding. We did not need to be accused of fraud. All parties failed to read the documents fully. As such, there is no fraud. Just a misunderstanding that grew beyond proportion with [redacted] emotion. We do not owe the [redacted] a refund. Simply their insurance provider owes them the [redacted] difference that they did not properly allow for. Once they submit the above referenced documents to their insurance company they will be able to receive the [redacted] difference from their insurance that was missed by all parties. In closing we do not want anymore hard feelings. It's time to move on.
The Larry Jubb Company has not retuned my phone calls and has not installed my windows in the time they specified.On April XX XXXX I had a representative from the Larry Jubb Company come in and show me windows. We went over everything and signed the contract that in 4-6 weeks from the date signed that we should have our windows in. On the 6th week from the date signed I called the company. [redacted] himself called me back. He said that they had fallen behind because their business has gone up from last year. He said that it will only be another week to two weeks and they it would be done. The two weeks went by and still nothing. I called the [redacted] on the 19th of June and got their answering service. On the 20th of June I called again and got [redacted]. I told her my name and asked about the windows and said I was supposed to have them installed over 2 months ago. She said she would look into it and call me back. I then called again on the 8th of July. I again got the answering service. I left a message for someone to call me back ASAP. I did not receive a call back. I again called back on July 9th the next day. I spoke to [redacted] again and told her that I was waiting for my windows. She said that she would call me back. I informed her that last time I called I did not get a call back. She did not really seem concerned. It is now the 12th of June and I am writing to the to have this looked into. I still have not heard anything back. Desired SettlementI believe they should put my windows in ASAP and also give me a discount of 50% for waiting over 3 months to have my windows installed and for having horrible customer service. Business' Initial Response Good morning, I am responding to the above referenced complaint. First my apologies for my late reply as I have been on vacation. With respect to [redacted], we are truly sorry for the delay in processing his window order. Said delays are not typical of our business, however in this particular case a multiple of circumstances have contributed to the delay. Which were beyond our control. Yes we have experienced some very positive business growth this year which has had a minimal impact on our schedule. Other factors were extreme weather and project funding. For the month of June we experienced 11-1/2" of rain which put us behind schedule with everyone. Please know our contracts/proposals specifically outline an approximate schedule followed by the words; "Weather permitted". [redacted] has a copy of the agreement to which he accepted with this language. In addition to extreme weather delays, the foremost delay was due to an extended delay in funding of this project. Simply [redacted]'s credit card was declined a few times before it finally went through. Once the card was approved we had to wait for the processing center to deposit the funds into our account. Why the card was declined, we don't know. These things happen and we are always understanding. While the above circumstances are beyond our control, the last thing we want are hard feelings. With anyone. [redacted] will be refunded his payment if he so chooses. As for Mr. Feltons request for a 50% discount, we won't be able to accommodate that request. In closing, and in the interest of fairness and good faith, we are willing to upgrade [redacted] window order at no additional charge to him. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincere regards, [redacted] Consumer's Final Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)Good Evening, I am responding to the response of [redacted]. The positive growth that the Jubb Company has had should not affect their 4-6 week approximate timeframe they gave me. Which [redacted] himself called me and said would be done in two weeks.Getting to the credit card issue which [redacted] says was "the foremost delay" was a delay of 1 day. My card was not declined it needed to be verified by my credit card company. I have my credit card statement that says it was approved on the 16th of April which is the day after the contract was signed. I have my statement to confirm that it was processed! Again I understand it is approximate timeframe, but when the owner of the company calls you and leaves you a message that it will be done in a week and a half to two weeks you tend to believe him. That was around the 1st of June when he left that message. It is now the 25th of July.As to the weather situation that [redacted] is talking about. 4-6 weeks was the approximate time that the windows should be put in. 4 weeks put us at a date of [redacted] 14th. The 6 week mark would put us at a date of [redacted] 28th. Not even in the month of June. The month of May had a total rain fall of only 6.74in. April only had 2.46in of rainfall. Yes the month of June had 10.9in of rainfall and here we are in July almost to the end, and we have had 1.9in of rainfall.I got all my rainfall information from [redacted]So I would accept a 25% discount and an upgrade on my windows. I also want them put in within two weeks!Regards,[redacted]
Jubb has not provided promised services and won't return phone calls.I had an agreement for Jubb to replace four replacement windows in my home within six to eight weeks. The proposal for work was signed on 10/15/13 and I paid a third of the total price on that date. My check has been tendered and since then I have heard nothing from them. I have made multiple phone calls that have not been returned and have even visited the office multiple times, only occasionally finding someone to speak to. On Jan. 16, 2014, I actually spoke to the owner in person who assured me that he would handle my complaint and would call me later in the week. He did not call. The following week, on 1/20/14, I made an in person complaint to the secretary. I have still had no response. At this point, I would like a refund of my initial payment.Desired SettlementI would like my deposit of $435.00 refunded in full and to be released from the proposal.Business Response RE; [redacted] window proposal. Our window proposal to Mrs [redacted] was accepted by her on or about October 15, 2013 and subsequently rec'd by The [redacted] Co, Inc via us mail the following week as evidenced via the postal service date stamp on the customers envelope. Our proposal is specific to approximate timelines. Services to be provided are usually within an approximate 6-8 week timeline from the date the proposal is received in our office. However, that is if weather permits. Which is also clearly denoted on our proposals. Unfortunately this winter weather has been the coldest in 100 years. Extreme cold weather furthered by numerous storms we were forced to lay our installers off. Mrs [redacted] was made aware of this and in fact had agreed to wait until the end of March. As stated by Mrs [redacted], she was understanding of the weather issue and also due to the fact that she mentioned this room in which the windows were to be installed was not heated and therefore to cold to work in.With respect to Mrs [redacted] not getting called back... Yes, on days we were not in the office, she was not called back. Additionally our office staff was also laid off. However daily phone calls from Mrs [redacted] have become to numerous, unreasonable and emotionally fueled. Coupled with emotional visits to our office it has been to much for our limited staff to respond to several times a day, especially in consideration that she stated she was willing to wait until the end of March for better weather.We are very sorry for Mrs [redacted]'s hardship. It is unfortunate, unusual and uncharacteristic of our excellent reputaion. As such, we are not only going to refund her entire deposit, we are including an additional $100.00 in good faith. Please know we value our customers, and will go above and beyond to do the right thing. No matter the circumstances. We are in possession of Mrs [redacted]'s windows and are willing to put them in for $200.00 less than the proposed amount once emotions have calmed with Mrs [redacted] .That $200.00 value combined with the additional $100.00 refund = a free window worth approximately $300.00. Effectively a 25% discount.In closing, weather related delays and excuses aside, once again our sincerest apologies to Mrs [redacted].Larry Jubb JrPresidentThe Jubb Co, Inc.Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)I would simply like my deposit of $435.00 refunded in full. If they would like to give me an additional $100, that would be fine, too, but I do not want to continue with having them install my windows. There are quite a few discrepancies in Mr. Jubb's account above, one of them being that they can show the postal date on my returned contract. This is not possible as I hand-delivered my signed contract to the girl in the office on 10/15/13. Additionally, I was NOT made aware of a several month delay and I did not agree to such. When I had heard nothing from the company, I did begin making numerous phone calls, but that is only because they were NEVER returned. I simply continued to call and/or stop by in unsuccessful attempts to make contact. On 2/7/14, the local TRIAD officer told me he had spoken to Mr. Jubb and that a check for my refunded deposit would be put in the mail to me. After a week or so of not receiving it, I again began making phone calls to the office. None of them were returned. This is a simple matter of non-communication. A phone call alerting me to the need to delay until the end of March would have prevented all of this. At this point I want simply to cancel my contract with Jubb and to receive my deposit refunded in full. Thank you.
Five years ago I had all my windows in my home replaced by this company.They came with a 20 year guarantee on glass seal failure. I contacted the Jubb company in [redacted] of this year that one window had what appeared to be mold between the the glass. I was told that the seal was defective and the window needed to be replaced. I have called numerous times since [redacted] and never had my calls returned. I went down to their office last month with my complaint that no one has even returned my calls since [redacted]. That night someone called me and told me they would take care of it and would not charge me the installation fee since I have had to wait so long. He would have his secretary call and set up a date - that was 3 weeks ago. I called again this week. I received a message from their secretary that she didn't know what the problem was with the window and that I should contact [redacted] to see if they would fix my window problem.Product_Or_Service: window installationDesired SettlementI would like the window to be replaced as they stated it would be and not wait for another six months.Business Response We have ordered an insulated glass for [redacted]
Provided [redacted] Co a deposit of [redacted] on [redacted] XX XXXX, for gutter sys. & as of [redacted] XX XXXX the work has not been started. Will not return my calls.The [redacted] company was suppose to install [redacted] gutter protection system to my existing gutters within one to two weeks of the date of the contract. The contract is dated [redacted] today is [redacted] and the work has not been started. They do not return my calls, I have tried contacting them often over the last 3 month period including a visit to their office. They will not provide me with any information.Desired SettlementI would like my deposit back. Jubb company has not started the work as stated in the contract and will not provide me with an update or a status. They do not return my calls or provide me with any information concerning their obligation to me per the contract.Business Response Mr [redacted] has received his deposit back in full, plus an additional good faith sum for his inconvenience.[redacted]
Contracted with Larry Jubb's business to install gutters on my home. Sent a mandated [redacted] deposit to Jubb on [redacted] 2014. This check was cashed by Jubb's business on [redacted] 2014. From then til now, no work was done. Multiple calls to business did not shed any light on when the job would be scheduled. As of [redacted] 2014 I called the business and requested that my deposit be returned to me in a week's time. As of today's date, [redacted] no refund has been made, nor has Mr. [redacted] contacted me regarding this matter. I want my deposit back in full.Desired Settlement[redacted] check for refund of deposit.Business Response I placed [redacted] refund in the mail Tuesday . I believe the wife had been calling under a different name but the case # is XXXXXX.