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Mangia Mangia

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Reviews Mangia Mangia

Mangia Mangia Reviews (10)

It seems I was unclearThe original offer was never off the table When Mr [redacted] came into the store around p.mthe original offer of taking $off the final bill was declined by the customerWhen he came back in to make the check out after speaking to steve he asked me what the full total was not including my original compensation offerI even asked Mr [redacted] if he was sure he wanted to do that and he said yes I'll wrote the check out for the full amount, my wife will stop payment tomorrow anywayTherefore I do not see it fit to have to now go back and honor that offer when the customer clearly declinedSo Mr Randazzo's final offer is to refund the $for the sturnos and racks plus $gift cardsThey can do with the gift cards whatever they please

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below There are numerous discrepancies in the last response written by the Restaurant - I will clarify below: My delivery time was not changed two days prior to the event, it was changed several months prior Kyle called me three times the week prior to the shower to touch base with me On the first call, he said he had me down for having two parties on the day of the event - one was at a park in Brockport serving breakfast and one at a park in Chili serving a lunch buffet I explained to him, I never had an event scheduled in Brockport, it was always at a park in Chili I originally had it scheduled to serve breakfast, but I told Kyle - I contacted Steve (the owner) several months ago as I found out we could not get into the Park prior to 12pm, so we could not serve breakfast and go with the lunch buffet Steve told me he would contact the Restaurant immediately and change it - sounds like he forgot to do that The time was always, Mangia Mangia delivery time at 12:15pm for a 12:30pm serving time On one of our phone calls that week - I asked Kyle about the sterno pans I told him Steve didn't think we needed them, but I was concerned about my guests lingering and I didn't want the food to get cold Kyle said he would definitely recommend the sterno pans and that Steve didn't like to use them I received a call two days prior to the event in which Kyle told me - they didn't have any sterno pans in stock and asked me if I wanted to go purchase them He said if I bought them myself - they'd probably be much cheaper - like $a piece, if they bought them - they'd be $a piece I told him I would have no clue what to purchase, so he could go ahead and purchase them He made me aware he needed four of them so it would be $and I was fine with that The day of the delivery - the sterno holders were with the delivery person - no sterno to light for under the pans and the driver said - you can just fill another pan with warm water and lay the food tray inside of that I asked the driver if he had the other pans, he did not He offered to go back to the store and get them, I told him not to bother as by the time he did that, it would be too late I would like a refund for these pans that I paid for and were never used The driver arrived at 12:pm - minutes later than scheduled It doesn't matter when the time was changed (it was months ago as I mentioned earlier - it's not my fault if Steve didn't write it down) - it was there responsibility to tell the driver of the delivery time The driver did acknowledge he got lost as his GPS failed, but nobody called to tell me he would be late Not the driver or Kyle I asked Kyle about this when I spoke to him after the shower - he said he was sorry and should have called me.As for my daughter - she was the one who planned the entire shower (a special life event, I will remind everyone) She was very upset and was yelling on the phone at Kyle - BUT, she never used any F words as she was standing right next to me She did say the driver was clueless, but NO F words were said Kyle said to my daughter - you have no idea what I want to say about the driver right now - and my daughter didn't really care - that's not professional and not something that is our concern as the consumerShe did tell Kyle we would not be paying the driver Kyle said they would not release the food without payment - the driver was gone at that point I actually off loaded the food myself, with my sister in law and my daughters mother in law No men were at the shower and no man helped off load (as mentioned in prior communications) - the driver brought in all the warm food - with the exception of one of the extra pans of chicken french - I offloaded that and placed it in the oven to keep it warm I told the driver - please have Steve contact me so I can discuss the payment as the delivery was late, we have no sterno pans and I had to help with the offload and set up The driver was very nice and said he'd have Steve call me and then leftI called my husband as I was off loading the food and told him I was upset and embarrassed I'm offloading food at my own daughters shower when I should have been mingling with my guests And...that it was late and the other delivery mishapsMy husband did inform me he went over to the restaurant to see what happened He was told everything was delivered at that point and they would 'take care of us' for the mishapsMy handbag was on the floor during the shower near my seat I felt my phone vibrate and looked - the number was Kyle - he should not have been calling me during my daughters shower I let it go to voice mail and as soon as guests were departed, I listened to the voice mail and called him back Kyle asked who called earlier - I explained it was my daughter and said I'm sorry, I know she was yelling at you, but she was upset and rightfully so At that point, Kyle was very apologetic He said he knew he should have delivered the food himself - but Steve (the owner) was off and left strict instructions that he stay at the Restaurant and send Floyd on the delivery I told Kyle the delivery was late, I and my guests had to offload, the missing sterno pans, and the rolls handed to me in a bag and fortunately I had extra bowls that I brought to put them in He asked how the food was - I said the chicken french and pasta were great We ran out of salad dressing - Kyle said - didn't the driver put the dressing on the salad and mix it for you - I said noKyle said - well I would've done that because that's what we do for serving it and the driver should've done that - again,he didn't I told him the pasta salad was saturated with dressing and the potatoes were a bit dry The greens and beans had hardly any greens in them and the last 10-guests did not get anything as we ran out Kyle was very apologetic and embarrassedHe said again, he knew he should have done the delivery but the Restaurant was getting slammed He even said he should have let Floyd stay at the Restaurant and cook while it was getting slammed - but again, he had his orders from Steve for him to stay at the RestaurantKyle said he was sorry and he would take care of some reimbursement He said the delivery charge ($20), catering charge ($71.17) and sterno pans ($36) - when adding this up - it is a total of $- I thought Kyle said it would be $when speaking to him, but I may have been incorrect on the total amount I told Kyle I would come over and pay after the shower - (when I was speaking to him I was cleaning up and still had stuff to clean up) - Kyle asked me how long I'd be and I say probably about hour Kyle said he was on his way out and leaving for the day - it was about 3pm or so at this point I said ok, can I come by in the morning - he said sure, no problem at allI told him I'd be in around 10am or 11am as I was going to work right after that Kyle said he was in as early as 7am and that would be fineI went on with my day and went home At 7:53pm - I noticed my phone had just rang (it was on vibrate on my nightstand) and I saw it was from Mangia Mangia - at that point, I noticed I had another call hour prior I listed to both voice mails and couldn't believe what I was listening to I still have the messages if anyone would like to listen Kyle was pleading with me on the voice mail to come down and pay the bill as he couldn't close out his POS for the day and that Steve was going to fire him I immediately gave a blank check to my husband and asked him to please go pay the bill as I had a very long day, and had just gotten in to bed I told my husband I did not want Kyle getting fired and couldn't believe he was being threatened over this I was very confused by this as Kyle had me set up to go pay the bill in the morningWhen my husband arrived at the Restaurant he told Kyle he would pay the full payment - because he didn't want Kyle to get fired -( Kyle did offer a discount - but my husband asked for the full amount) I told my husband I may stop payment on the check the next day and my husband told Kyle that Steve pulled up and motioned with his finger for my husband to come and talk to him He asked my husband what was going on and my husband told him this is ridiculous To call me, late at night and demand I go pay, when it was discussed and set up for Monday morning - was ridiculousMy husband then asked Steve - did you threaten Kyle's job as he left my wife a voice mail stating so Steve began yelling and said yes, I did say I'd fire him This was with the front door of the Restaurant open and in front of Kyle and another employee My husband told Steve I would be stopping payment on my check in the morning - Steve responded with - "what is that, a sleazy Italian move" An appalling response! My husband told him we would no longer be patrons of his establishment and we would tell others about our poor experience Steve is well aware my husband is a contractor and that we live in Spencerport - his company name is all over his truck and shirts My husband never said he would use his business to bad mouth the Restaurant as was stated in this communication My husband went into the Restaurant, wrote out the amount on the check and told Kyle - I'm sorry that you have to work for someone like thatLet me say this - I have been a customer of Mangia Mangia for a few years and in the last several months - my family has spent over $1,in take out orders, they can feel free to pull my receipts I'd say that's a loyal and reputable customerI was never not trying to pay my bill, I just wanted Steve to contact me to discuss the mishaps and the seek compensation deserved I thought Kyle said he would refund $- my mistake as it must have been $- when you add up those charges he said he would discount My husband paid in full as again, he didn't want Kyle to get in trouble The next day I spoke to Kyle - I asked him if still had his job - he said he did Kyle asked me - if I stopped payment on my check I told him no, I decided not to do that I also said - "you can tell Steve, he can go cash that check, there's plenty of money in my account and that I hope he sleeps well tonight"I also told Kyle I was appalled by the behavior of Steve the night prior and how he behaved towards Kyle and my husband I told Kyle, I've been in the industry a long time, and you can indeed close out a POS system at the end of the day and ring out a sale the next day Kyle agreed with me and said he was aware, but that his Boss (Steve) thought we wouldn't pay and that Steve was trying to teach him (Kyle) a lesson and made him call me I said that's a great lesson and great Boss you work for I also reminded him that I offered to come in and pay my bill after the shower, but Kyle said he would not be there anymore for the day and that he was going home Apparently he went back to the Restaurant that night I also told Kyle that we've been in a great deal over the past few months and things have changed The girls upfront are very sweet, but they quote minutes for take out and then you stand and wait another - minutes in the store when picking up I told him a few times the girls even gave me cannolis (at no charge) because they knew I'd be waiting awhile I ordered a take out dinner for my daughter and she was standing there add'l minutes and they said they forgot her order and then made it I told him since they put the eat in dining tables, things have changed I also told him I understand you can only do some much with one grill and might need another - it seems you've outgrown your space Kyle agreed and went on to say - his ticket times are great when he works - it's the other guys Not my problem and that's there problem to fix I did inform Kyle I would be bringing back the sterno pans, I didn't really want to see Steve and Kyle said, Steve just left the Restaurant I also informed Kyle I was filing a formal complaint with the Revdex.comI did return the sterno pans the day after the shower I walked into the Restaurant, Steve was walking towards me and I handed him the pans and said - please give these to Kyle That was it and I left.All in all - late delivery, had to offload and set up 1/of the food myself, ran out of food (salad dressing and greens and beans), no sterno pans and poor service After knowing my husband paid the full amount, I felt it was wrong - I felt that I deserved to be reimbursed for what I did not receiveTo resolve this I would like a $reimbursement for the delivery charge, catering fee and sterno pans I do feel I deserve more for having to unload the food, running out of food and the poor service, but would accept this amount to resolve this I would like my reimbursement in cash or a check I do not want gift cards to the establishment as I will not be returning for future dining It's too bad, because I was a VERY loyal customer who loved the food Regards, [redacted]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
There are numerous discrepancies in the last response written by the Restaurant - I will clarify below: My delivery time was not changed two days prior to the event, it was changed several months prior Kyle called me three times the week prior to the shower to touch base with me On the first call, he said he had me down for having two parties on the day of the event - one was at a park in Brockport serving breakfast and one at a park in Chili serving a lunch buffet I explained to him, I never had an event scheduled in Brockport, it was always at a park in Chili I originally had it scheduled to serve breakfast, but I told Kyle - I contacted Steve (the owner) several months ago as I found out we could not get into the Park prior to 12pm, so we could not serve breakfast and go with the lunch buffet Steve told me he would contact the Restaurant immediately and change it - sounds like he forgot to do that The time was always, Mangia Mangia delivery time at 12:15pm for a 12:30pm serving time. On one of our phone calls that week - I asked Kyle about the sterno pans I told him Steve didn't think we needed them, but I was concerned about my guests lingering and I didn't want the food to get cold Kyle said he would definitely recommend the sterno pans and that Steve didn't like to use them I received a call two days prior to the event in which Kyle told me - they didn't have any sterno pans in stock and asked me if I wanted to go purchase them He said if I bought them myself - they'd probably be much cheaper - like $a piece, if they bought them - they'd be $a piece I told him I would have no clue what to purchase, so he could go ahead and purchase them He made me aware he needed four of them so it would be $and I was fine with that The day of the delivery - the sterno holders were with the delivery person - no sterno to light for under the pans and the driver said - you can just fill another pan with warm water and lay the food tray inside of that I asked the driver if he had the other pans, he did not He offered to go back to the store and get them, I told him not to bother as by the time he did that, it would be too late I would like a refund for these pans that I paid for and were never used. The driver arrived at 12:pm - minutes later than scheduled It doesn't matter when the time was changed (it was months ago as I mentioned earlier - it's not my fault if Steve didn't write it down) - it was there responsibility to tell the driver of the delivery time The driver did acknowledge he got lost as his GPS failed, but nobody called to tell me he would be late Not the driver or Kyle I asked Kyle about this when I spoke to him after the shower - he said he was sorry and should have called me.As for my daughter - she was the one who planned the entire shower (a special life event, I will remind everyone) She was very upset and was yelling on the phone at Kyle - BUT, she never used any F words as she was standing right next to me She did say the driver was clueless, but NO F words were said Kyle said to my daughter - you have no idea what I want to say about the driver right now - and my daughter didn't really care - that's not professional and not something that is our concern as the consumerShe did tell Kyle we would not be paying the driver Kyle said they would not release the food without payment - the driver was gone at that point I actually off loaded the food myself, with my sister in law and my daughters mother in law No men were at the shower and no man helped off load (as mentioned in prior communications) - the driver brought in all the warm food - with the exception of one of the extra pans of chicken french - I offloaded that and placed it in the oven to keep it warm I told the driver - please have Steve contact me so I can discuss the payment as the delivery was late, we have no sterno pans and I had to help with the offload and set up The driver was very nice and said he'd have Steve call me and then leftI called my husband as I was off loading the food and told him I was upset and embarrassed I'm offloading food at my own daughters shower when I should have been mingling with my guests And...that it was late and the other delivery mishapsMy husband did inform me he went over to the restaurant to see what happened He was told everything was delivered at that point and they would 'take care of us' for the mishapsMy handbag was on the floor during the shower near my seat I felt my phone vibrate and looked - the number was Kyle - he should not have been calling me during my daughters shower I let it go to voice mail and as soon as guests were departed, I listened to the voice mail and called him back. Kyle asked who called earlier - I explained it was my daughter and said I'm sorry, I know she was yelling at you, but she was upset and rightfully so At that point, Kyle was very apologetic He said he knew he should have delivered the food himself - but Steve (the owner) was off and left strict instructions that he stay at the Restaurant and send Floyd on the delivery I told Kyle the delivery was late, I and my guests had to offload, the missing sterno pans, and the rolls handed to me in a bag and fortunately I had extra bowls that I brought to put them in He asked how the food was - I said the chicken french and pasta were great We ran out of salad dressing - Kyle said - didn't the driver put the dressing on the salad and mix it for you - I said noKyle said - well I would've done that because that's what we do for serving it and the driver should've done that - again,he didn't I told him the pasta salad was saturated with dressing and the potatoes were a bit dry The greens and beans had hardly any greens in them and the last 10-guests did not get anything as we ran out Kyle was very apologetic and embarrassedHe said again, he knew he should have done the delivery but the Restaurant was getting slammed He even said he should have let Floyd stay at the Restaurant and cook while it was getting slammed - but again, he had his orders from Steve for him to stay at the RestaurantKyle said he was sorry and he would take care of some reimbursement He said the delivery charge ($20), catering charge ($71.17) and sterno pans ($36) - when adding this up - it is a total of $- I thought Kyle said it would be $when speaking to him, but I may have been incorrect on the total amount. I told Kyle I would come over and pay after the shower - (when I was speaking to him I was cleaning up and still had stuff to clean up) - Kyle asked me how long I'd be and I say probably about hour Kyle said he was on his way out and leaving for the day - it was about 3pm or so at this point I said ok, can I come by in the morning - he said sure, no problem at allI told him I'd be in around 10am or 11am as I was going to work right after that Kyle said he was in as early as 7am and that would be fineI went on with my day and went home At 7:53pm - I noticed my phone had just rang (it was on vibrate on my nightstand) and I saw it was from Mangia Mangia - at that point, I noticed I had another call hour prior I listed to both voice mails and couldn't believe what I was listening to I still have the messages if anyone would like to listen Kyle was pleading with me on the voice mail to come down and pay the bill as he couldn't close out his POS for the day and that Steve was going to fire him I immediately gave a blank check to my husband and asked him to please go pay the bill as I had a very long day, and had just gotten in to bed I told my husband I did not want Kyle getting fired and couldn't believe he was being threatened over this I was very confused by this as Kyle had me set up to go pay the bill in the morningWhen my husband arrived at the Restaurant he told Kyle he would pay the full payment - because he didn't want Kyle to get fired -( Kyle did offer a discount - but my husband asked for the full amount) I told my husband I may stop payment on the check the next day and my husband told Kyle that Steve pulled up and motioned with his finger for my husband to come and talk to him He asked my husband what was going on and my husband told him this is ridiculous To call me, late at night and demand I go pay, when it was discussed and set up for Monday morning - was ridiculousMy husband then asked Steve - did you threaten Kyle's job as he left my wife a voice mail stating so Steve began yelling and said yes, I did say I'd fire him This was with the front door of the Restaurant open and in front of Kyle and another employee My husband told Steve I would be stopping payment on my check in the morning - Steve responded with - "what is that, a sleazy Italian move" An appalling response! My husband told him we would no longer be patrons of his establishment and we would tell others about our poor experience Steve is well aware my husband is a contractor and that we live in Spencerport - his company name is all over his truck and shirts My husband never said he would use his business to bad mouth the Restaurant as was stated in this communication My husband went into the Restaurant, wrote out the amount on the check and told Kyle - I'm sorry that you have to work for someone like thatLet me say this - I have been a customer of Mangia Mangia for a few years and in the last several months - my family has spent over $1,in take out orders, they can feel free to pull my receipts I'd say that's a loyal and reputable customerI was never not trying to pay my bill, I just wanted Steve to contact me to discuss the mishaps and the seek compensation deserved I thought Kyle said he would refund $- my mistake as it must have been $- when you add up those charges he said he would discount My husband paid in full as again, he didn't want Kyle to get in trouble. The next day I spoke to Kyle - I asked him if still had his job - he said he did Kyle asked me - if I stopped payment on my check I told him no, I decided not to do that I also said - "you can tell Steve, he can go cash that check, there's plenty of money in my account and that I hope he sleeps well tonight"I also told Kyle I was appalled by the behavior of Steve the night prior and how he behaved towards Kyle and my husband I told Kyle, I've been in the industry a long time, and you can indeed close out a POS system at the end of the day and ring out a sale the next day Kyle agreed with me and said he was aware, but that his Boss (Steve) thought we wouldn't pay and that Steve was trying to teach him (Kyle) a lesson and made him call me I said that's a great lesson and great Boss you work for I also reminded him that I offered to come in and pay my bill after the shower, but Kyle said he would not be there anymore for the day and that he was going home Apparently he went back to the Restaurant that night I also told Kyle that we've been in a great deal over the past few months and things have changed The girls upfront are very sweet, but they quote minutes for take out and then you stand and wait another - minutes in the store when picking up I told him a few times the girls even gave me cannolis (at no charge) because they knew I'd be waiting awhile I ordered a take out dinner for my daughter and she was standing there add'l minutes and they said they forgot her order and then made it I told him since they put the eat in dining tables, things have changed I also told him I understand you can only do some much with one grill and might need another - it seems you've outgrown your space Kyle agreed and went on to say - his ticket times are great when he works - it's the other guys Not my problem and that's there problem to fix. I did inform Kyle I would be bringing back the sterno pans, I didn't really want to see Steve and Kyle said, Steve just left the Restaurant I also informed Kyle I was filing a formal complaint with the Revdex.comI did return the sterno pans the day after the shower I walked into the Restaurant, Steve was walking towards me and I handed him the pans and said - please give these to Kyle That was it and I left.All in all - late delivery, had to offload and set up 1/of the food myself, ran out of food (salad dressing and greens and beans), no sterno pans and poor service After knowing my husband paid the full amount, I felt it was wrong - I felt that I deserved to be reimbursed for what I did not receiveTo resolve this I would like a $reimbursement for the delivery charge, catering fee and sterno pans I do feel I deserve more for having to unload the food, running out of food and the poor service, but would accept this amount to resolve this I would like my reimbursement in cash or a check I do not want gift cards to the establishment as I will not be returning for future dining It's too bad, because I was a VERY loyal customer who loved the food. Regards, *** ***

It seems I was unclearThe original offer was never off the table When Mr *** came into the store around p.mthe original offer of taking $off the final bill was declined by the customerWhen he came back in to make the check out after speaking to steve he asked me what the full total was not including my original compensation offerI even asked Mr*** if he was sure he wanted to do that and he said yes I'll wrote the check out for the full amount, my wife will stop payment tomorrow anywayTherefore I do not see it fit to have to now go back and honor that offer when the customer clearly declinedSo Mr Randazzo's final offer is to refund the $for the sturnos and racks plus $gift cardsThey can do with the gift cards whatever they please

In regards of customer *** ***'s complaint id number ***. On Sunday October 4th we had a catering party for her daughters baby shower for peopleOriginal delivery time was 12:30, two days prior to the event the time was changed to 12:and in that conversation she (***)
had asked about wire racks and sturnosI told her that she would not need them because the food would stay at a good temperature for about 25-minuets but she insisted the she got them incase the guests mingled longer than expectedOn the day of the event my driver left the store and he said his gps froze up on his phone returned to the store for directions at 12:10, he recieved the directions and left the store at 12:alw destination is miles from my store with an expected drive time of minuetsI recieved a call from the daughter (Lisa) at approximately 12:stating that the driver was there at the party and did not have the extra pans for the wire racks which they did not needSo our driver was in fact minutes late not minutes. Our catering pans fit directly into the wire racks and you set it up with sturno underneathShe also said that she was NOT paying for the full price of the food that this was an embarrassment and frankly was extremely rude to meShe said my driver was f* clueless and said this was a matter that we would have to sit down and discuss she was not paying for the foodI was nice and understanding and tried to explain that she driver was not to leave the food without a payment this is the way this it was agreed uponShe then hung up the phone on meWithin a half hour *** *** had came into the store and asked me what happened with the partyI explained to him what happened and told him that I had a few things in mind for compensation for our mistake but would have to run it by my boss firstHe went on to tell me that he was a contractor in Spencerport and if Steve didn't agree to Compensate he would make sure to slander the business name and never set foot in our store againAround 3:I was on my way home and had spoke with *** and asked her how the food was other than the mishap from earlier and she went on to say " the chicken French was excellent, the potatoes were great, the pasta was great, the pasta salad was a little overdressed which is whatever and we ran out of greens and beans but everyone enjoyed what was there" she said about guests did not recieved the greens and beansShe also said she ran out of dressing because they were scooping it to order instead of drizzling it over top of the salad which is the way we do it so the customers don't run out, I made sure to explain that it herShe was very nice and said she was still at the party cleaning up but could come to the store later that night or if I was there in the morning she could come by then before she goes to work to make her paymentI agreed to meet with her in the morning and told her I would take off the delivery charge($20) and the 10% catering fee($71.17) which totaled $which would bring her total from $$At no point did I say anything about taking $off the billI then talked to Steve around 6:and told him about what happened, and he told me to call her back because I wouldn't be able to cash the day out with the party still in the pos systemI then called *** back at 6:and left a voicemail informing her we ran into a problem and I couldn't close the day without a payment and to please call me back and I would explain when we spokeShe never returned my call and it was getting close to closing time so I left another voicemail because I was afraid for my job, I just became manager at mangia mangia and this was a $mistakeMinutes after I left the second voicemail *** came back to the store and told me that legally he did not have to pay today due to the fact there no written contractHis son is an attorney and would get involved if neededHe also stated that it was extremely embarrassing that we were late and the guests had to help unload the food with people waiting to eat, mind you we had a headcount of peopleFloyd stated that a gentleman carried the dinner rolls and the salad in which was very nice of himFloyd handled all the hotFoodHe informed me that he would write out the check and have his wife put a stop payment the next daySo at this point I contacted my boss and had him come to the storeWhen he got here him and *** spoke outside in private, about minutes later *** came back in and told me he was writing the check for the full amount not the amount myself and his wife agreed upon, wrote the check and left. On the next day, Monday *** had called me to let me knife she was not putting a stop payment on the check and to be sure to tell Steve he can sleep good that nightShe then came into the store around 12:and returned the wire racks. In conclusion I do not think anything will make these customers happy, my boss always tells me that if we can please 90% were doing good, this is that 10% that cannot be pleasedAfter talking to MrRandazzo we are willing to compensate for the wire rack and sturnos for $However seeing as the ***s denied my offer to take off the delivery and catering charge of $we do not feel it necessary to compensate for thatHe feels that if ***s daughter *** and husband *** did not blow this all out of proportion for being minutes late we would not be in this position, which honestly we are all human beings and we all make mistakes, we understand we were minutes late and sincerely apologize. Sincerely, Steven Randazzo Kyle H*** If you use the same size pan with water in it, it will overflow therefore it is used for short term use with a single burner to one side. Original copy of recipt

In regards of customer *** ***'s complaint id number ***. On Sunday October 4th we had a catering party for her daughters baby shower for peopleOriginal delivery time was 12:30, two days prior to the event the time was changed to 12:and in that conversation she (***)
had asked about wire racks and sturnosI told her that she would not need them because the food would stay at a good temperature for about 25-minuets but she insisted the she got them incase the guests mingled longer than expectedOn the day of the event my driver left the store and he said his gps froze up on his phone returned to the store for directions at 12:10, he recieved the directions and left the store at 12:alw destination is miles from my store with an expected drive time of minuetsI recieved a call from the daughter (Lisa) at approximately 12:stating that the driver was there at the party and did not have the extra pans for the wire racks which they did not needSo our driver was in fact minutes late not minutes. Our catering pans fit directly into the wire racks and you set it up with sturno underneathShe also said that she was NOT paying for the full price of the food that this was an embarrassment and frankly was extremely rude to meShe said my driver was f* clueless and said this was a matter that we would have to sit down and discuss she was not paying for the foodI was nice and understanding and tried to explain that she driver was not to leave the food without a payment this is the way this it was agreed uponShe then hung up the phone on meWithin a half hour *** *** had came into the store and asked me what happened with the partyI explained to him what happened and told him that I had a few things in mind for compensation for our mistake but would have to run it by my boss firstHe went on to tell me that he was a contractor in Spencerport and if Steve didn't agree to Compensate he would make sure to slander the business name and never set foot in our store againAround 3:I was on my way home and had spoke with *** and asked her how the food was other than the mishap from earlier and she went on to say " the chicken French was excellent, the potatoes were great, the pasta was great, the pasta salad was a little overdressed which is whatever and we ran out of greens and beans but everyone enjoyed what was there" she said about guests did not recieved the greens and beansShe also said she ran out of dressing because they were scooping it to order instead of drizzling it over top of the salad which is the way we do it so the customers don't run out, I made sure to explain that it herShe was very nice and said she was still at the party cleaning up but could come to the store later that night or if I was there in the morning she could come by then before she goes to work to make her paymentI agreed to meet with her in the morning and told her I would take off the delivery charge($20) and the 10% catering fee($71.17) which totaled $which would bring her total from $$At no point did I say anything about taking $off the billI then talked to Steve around 6:and told him about what happened, and he told me to call her back because I wouldn't be able to cash the day out with the party still in the pos systemI then called *** back at 6:and left a voicemail informing her we ran into a problem and I couldn't close the day without a payment and to please call me back and I would explain when we spokeShe never returned my call and it was getting close to closing time so I left another voicemail because I was afraid for my job, I just became manager at mangia mangia and this was a $mistakeMinutes after I left the second voicemail *** came back to the store and told me that legally he did not have to pay today due to the fact there no written contractHis son is an attorney and would get involved if neededHe also stated that it was extremely embarrassing that we were late and the guests had to help unload the food with people waiting to eat, mind you we had a headcount of peopleFloyd stated that a gentleman carried the dinner rolls and the salad in which was very nice of himFloyd handled all the hotFoodHe informed me that he would write out the check and have his wife put a stop payment the next daySo at this point I contacted my boss and had him come to the storeWhen he got here him and *** spoke outside in private, about minutes later *** came back in and told me he was writing the check for the full amount not the amount myself and his wife agreed upon, wrote the check and left. On the next day, Monday *** had called me to let me knife she was not putting a stop payment on the check and to be sure to tell Steve he can sleep good that nightShe then came into the store around 12:and returned the wire racks. In conclusion I do not think anything will make these customers happy, my boss always tells me that if we can please 90% were doing good, this is that 10% that cannot be pleasedAfter talking to MrRandazzo we are willing to compensate for the wire rack and sturnos for $However seeing as the ***s denied my offer to take off the delivery and catering charge of $we do not feel it necessary to compensate for thatHe feels that if ***s daughter *** and husband *** did not blow this all out of proportion for being minutes late we would not be in this position, which honestly we are all human beings and we all make mistakes, we understand we were minutes late and sincerely apologize. Sincerely, Steven Randazzo Kyle H*** If you use the same size pan with water in it, it will overflow therefore it is used for short term use with a single burner to one side. Original copy of recipt

Hello *** I just talked to Steve and he said we will agree to settle with the amount of to fulfill the customers requestHe wants to know if we can get a mailing address for the customer so we can mail out a check or if we should send the check to you and you mail it out to the customerWhich would be the best option to resolve this

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
There are numerous discrepancies in the last response written by the Restaurant - I will clarify below:  My delivery time was not changed two days prior to the event, it was changed several months prior.  Kyle called me three times the week prior to the shower to touch base with me.  On the first call, he said he had me down for having two parties on the day of the event - one was at a park in Brockport serving breakfast and one at a park in Chili serving a lunch buffet.  I explained to him, I never had an event scheduled in Brockport, it was always at a park in Chili.  I originally had it scheduled to serve breakfast, but I told Kyle - I contacted Steve (the owner) several months ago as I found out we could not get into the Park prior to 12pm, so we could not serve breakfast and go with the lunch buffet.  Steve told me he would contact the Restaurant immediately and change it - sounds like he forgot to do that.  The time was always, Mangia Mangia delivery time at 12:15pm for a 12:30pm serving time.  On one of our phone calls that week - I asked Kyle about the sterno pans.  I told him Steve didn't think we needed them, but I was concerned about my guests lingering and I didn't want the food to get cold.  Kyle said he would definitely recommend the sterno pans and that Steve didn't like to use them.  I received a call two days prior to the event in which Kyle told me - they didn't have any sterno pans in stock and asked me if I wanted to go purchase them.  He said if I bought them myself - they'd probably be much cheaper - like $5 a piece, if they bought them - they'd be $9 a piece.  I told him I would have no clue what to purchase, so he could go ahead and purchase them.  He made me aware he needed four of them so it would be $36 and I was fine with that.  The day of the delivery - the sterno holders were with the delivery person - no sterno to light for under the pans and the driver said - you can just fill another pan with warm water and lay the food tray inside of that.  I asked the driver if he had the other pans, he did not.  He offered to go back to the store and get them, I told him not to bother as by the time he did that, it would be too late.  I would like a refund for these pans that I paid for and were never used.  The driver arrived at 12:41 pm - 26 minutes later than scheduled.  It doesn't matter when the time was changed (it was months ago as I mentioned earlier - it's not my fault if Steve didn't write it down) - it was there responsibility to tell the driver of the delivery time.  The driver did acknowledge he got lost as his GPS failed, but nobody called to tell me he would be late.  Not the driver or Kyle.  I asked Kyle about this when I spoke to him after the shower - he said he was sorry and should have called me.As for my daughter - she was the one who planned the entire shower (a special life event, I will remind everyone).  She was very upset and was yelling on the phone at Kyle - BUT, she never used any F words as she was standing right next to me.  She did say the driver was clueless, but NO F words were said.  Kyle said to my daughter - you have no idea what I want to say about the driver right now - and my daughter didn't really care - that's not professional and not something that is our concern as the consumer. She did tell Kyle we would not be paying the driver.  Kyle said they would not release the food without payment - the driver was gone at that point.  I actually off loaded the food myself, with my sister in law and my daughters mother in law.  No men were at the shower and no man helped off load (as mentioned in prior communications) - the driver brought in all the warm food - with the exception of one of the extra pans of chicken french - I offloaded that and placed it in the oven to keep it warm.  I told the driver - please have Steve contact me so I can discuss the payment as the delivery was late, we have no sterno pans and I had to help with the offload and set up.  The driver was very nice and said he'd have Steve call me and then left. I called my husband as I was off loading the food and told him I was upset and embarrassed.  I'm offloading food at my own daughters shower when I should have been mingling with my guests.  And...that it was late and the other delivery mishaps. My husband did inform me he went over to the restaurant to see what happened.  He was told everything was delivered at that point and they would 'take care of us' for the mishaps. My handbag was on the floor during the shower near my seat.  I felt my phone vibrate and looked - the number was Kyle - he should not have been calling me during my daughters shower.  I let it go to voice mail and as soon as guests were departed, I listened to the voice mail and called him back.  Kyle asked who called earlier - I explained it was my daughter and said I'm sorry, I know she was yelling at you, but she was upset and rightfully so.  At that point, Kyle was very apologetic.  He said he knew he should have delivered the food himself - but Steve (the owner) was off and left strict instructions that he stay at the Restaurant and send Floyd on the delivery.  I told Kyle the delivery was late, I and my guests had to offload, the missing sterno pans, and the rolls handed to me in a bag and fortunately I had extra bowls that I brought to put them in.  He asked how the food was - I said the chicken french and pasta were great.  We ran out of salad dressing - Kyle said - didn't the driver put the dressing on the salad and mix it for you - I said no. Kyle said - well I would've done that because that's what we do for serving it and the driver should've done that - again,he didn't.  I told him the pasta salad was saturated with dressing and the potatoes were a bit dry.  The greens and beans had hardly any greens in them and the last 10-15 guests did not get anything as we ran out.  Kyle was very apologetic and embarrassed. He said again, he knew he should have done the delivery but the Restaurant was getting slammed.  He even said he should have let Floyd stay at the Restaurant and cook while it was getting slammed - but again, he had his orders from Steve for him to stay at the Restaurant. Kyle said he was sorry and he would take care of some reimbursement.  He said the delivery charge ($20), catering charge ($71.17) and sterno pans ($36) - when adding this up - it is a total of $127.17 - I thought Kyle said it would be $150 when speaking to him, but I may have been incorrect on the total amount.  I told Kyle I would come over and pay after the shower - (when I was speaking to him I was cleaning up and still had stuff to clean up) - Kyle asked me how long I'd be and I say probably about 1 hour.  Kyle said he was on his way out and leaving for the day - it was about 3pm or so at this point.  I said ok, can I come by in the morning - he said sure, no problem at all. I told him I'd be in around 10am or 11am as I was going to work right after that.  Kyle said he was in as early as 7am and that would be fine. I went on with my day and went home.  At 7:53pm - I noticed my phone had just rang (it was on vibrate on my nightstand) and I saw it was from Mangia Mangia - at that point, I noticed I had another call 1 hour prior.  I listed to both voice mails and couldn't believe what I was listening to.  I still have the messages if anyone would like to listen.  Kyle was pleading with me on the voice mail to come down and pay the bill as he couldn't close out his POS for the day and that Steve was going to fire him.  I immediately gave a blank check to my husband and asked him to please go pay the bill as I had a very long day, and had just gotten in to bed.  I told my husband I did not want Kyle getting fired and couldn't believe he was being threatened over this.  I was very confused by this as Kyle had me set up to go pay the bill in the morning. When my husband arrived at the Restaurant he told Kyle he would pay the full payment - because he didn't want Kyle to get fired -( Kyle did offer a discount - but my husband asked for the full amount).  I told my husband I may stop payment on the check the next day and my husband told Kyle that.  Steve pulled up and motioned with his finger for my husband to come and talk to him.  He asked my husband what was going on and my husband told him this is ridiculous.  To call me, late at night and demand I go pay, when it was discussed and set up for Monday morning - was ridiculous. My husband then asked Steve - did you threaten Kyle's job as he left my wife a voice mail stating so.  Steve began yelling and said yes, I did say I'd fire him.  This was with the front door of the Restaurant open and in front of Kyle and another employee.  My husband told Steve I would be stopping payment on my check in the morning - Steve responded with - "what is that, a sleazy Italian move".  An appalling response!  My husband told him we would no longer be patrons of his establishment and we would tell others about our poor experience.  Steve is well aware my husband is a contractor and that we live in Spencerport - his company name is all over his truck and shirts.  My husband never said he would use his business to bad mouth the Restaurant as was stated in this communication.  My husband went into the Restaurant, wrote out the amount on the check and told Kyle - I'm sorry that you have to work for someone like that. Let me say this - I have been a customer of Mangia Mangia for a few years and in the last several months - my family has spent over $1,500 in take out orders, they can feel free to pull my receipts.  I'd say that's a loyal and reputable customer. I was never not trying to pay my bill, I just wanted Steve to contact me to discuss the mishaps and the seek compensation deserved.  I thought Kyle said he would refund $150 - my mistake as it must have been $127.17 - when you add up those charges he said he would discount.  My husband paid in full as again, he didn't want Kyle to get in trouble.  The next day I spoke to Kyle - I asked him if still had his job - he said he did.  Kyle asked me - if I stopped payment on my check.  I told him no, I decided not to do that.  I also said - "you can tell Steve, he can go cash that check, there's plenty of money in my account and that I hope he sleeps well tonight"I also told Kyle I was appalled by the behavior of Steve the night prior and how he behaved towards Kyle and my husband.  I told Kyle, I've been in the industry a long time, and you can indeed close out a POS system at the end of the day and ring out a sale the next day.  Kyle agreed with me and said he was aware, but that his Boss (Steve) thought we wouldn't pay and that Steve was trying to teach him (Kyle) a lesson and made him call me.  I said that's a great lesson and great Boss you work for.  I also reminded him that I offered to come in and pay my bill after the shower, but Kyle said he would not be there anymore for the day and that he was going home.  Apparently he went back to the Restaurant that night.  I also told Kyle that we've been in a great deal over the past few months and things have changed.  The girls upfront are very sweet, but they quote 30 minutes for take out and then you stand and wait another 15 - 30 minutes in the store when picking up.  I told him a few times the girls even gave me cannolis (at no charge) because they knew I'd be waiting awhile.  I ordered a take out dinner for my daughter and she was standing there 30 add'l minutes and they said they forgot her order and then made it.  I told him since they put the eat in dining tables, things have changed.  I also told him I understand you can only do some much with one grill and might need another - it seems you've outgrown your space.  Kyle agreed and went on to say - his ticket times are great when he works - it's the other guys.  Not my problem and that's there problem to fix.  I did inform Kyle I would be bringing back the sterno pans, I didn't really want to see Steve and Kyle said, Steve just left the Restaurant.  I also informed Kyle I was filing a formal complaint with the I did return the sterno pans the day after the shower.  I walked into the Restaurant, Steve was walking towards me and I handed him the pans and said - please give these to Kyle.  That was it and I left.All in all - late delivery, had to offload and set up 1/2 of the food myself, ran out of food (salad dressing and greens and beans), no sterno pans and poor service.  After knowing my husband paid the full amount, I felt it was wrong - I felt that I deserved to be reimbursed for what I did not receive. To resolve this I would like a $127.17 reimbursement for the delivery charge, catering fee and sterno pans.  I do feel I deserve more for having to unload the food,  running out of food and the poor service, but would accept this amount to resolve this.  I would like my reimbursement in cash or a check.  I do not want gift cards to the establishment as I will not be returning for future dining.  It's too bad, because I was a VERY loyal customer who loved the food.  Regards,  [redacted]

It seems I was unclear. The original offer was never off the table . When Mr [redacted] came into the store around 8 p.m. the original offer of taking $91.71 off the final bill was declined by the customer. When he came back in to make the check out after speaking to steve he asked me what the full total was not including my original compensation offer. I even asked Mr. [redacted] if he was sure he wanted to do that and he said yes I'll wrote the check out for the full amount, my wife will stop payment tomorrow anyway. Therefore I do not see it fit to have to now go back and honor that offer when the customer clearly declined. So Mr Randazzo's final offer is to refund the $36.00 for the sturnos and racks plus 2 $50.00 gift cards. They can do with the gift cards whatever they please.

Hello [redacted] I just talked to Steve and he said we will agree to settle with the amount of 127.17 to fulfill the customers request. He wants to know if we can get a mailing address for the customer so we can mail out a check or if we should send the check to you and you mail it out to the customer. Which would be the best option to resolve this.

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Address: 729 Erie Ave, Takoma Park, New York, United States, 20912-6355


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