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Moxie Property Management

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Reviews Moxie Property Management

Moxie Property Management Reviews (11)

In regards to this complaint I have attached emails showing the communication and the approval to get the carpet replacedI explained to Tracy when she provided her day notice that I was not aware that Colony Carpet had failed to handle this jobIf we had been notified that tenants were never contacted to Schedule carpet installation we would have handled the job ASAP, Sincerely, Moxie Property Management Inc

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: Ms [redacted] is not reporting truthful information and has no documents to support her response. I received a letter stating they would do a walk-thru of the property the middle of April and this was due to the prior notice I had given them via email the beginning of March. During a phone conversation where she disputed the notice I resent the emails to her and she messaged back " I stand corrected". Please have any documents Moxie has to support their claims attached, because nothing they are claiming is factual. Regards, [redacted]

Per our management agreement which was never signed and returned by A*** *** it states that by law I have until the 25" of each month to provide owner drawIf the draw was not in Arlene's account by the 5"I would receive multiple phone calls
wanting to know where her money wasShe terminated our agreement without giving a 30-day notice and allowing me to collect another month of commissionI have enclosed a copy of the management agreement and also sent a copy to A*** ***Sincerely K*** *** Moxie Property Management Inc

• Dec 01, 2023

Please contact me at [email protected]

We also will be taking legal action against Moxie PM and A. Gonz***. Your story would help corroborate and provide a pattern of fraud, housing laws and TREC PM laws as well. Thank you hope to hear from you soon

I am rejecting this response because:
The information provided is inaccurate. K*** ***, Moxie Property Management never provided me with a final copy of the Management Agreement. I maintained a copy of the draft form we revised together when I decided to hire K***. The 25th is due date of the owner statement and the 11th is the due date for the owner draw. On or about the 6th of every month, K*** would deduct her management fee. I requested to have my owner draw at the same time since she was not responsible for paying any of the rental expenses (she only collected rent). K*** agreed to this arrangement. However, in the nearly months that K*** managed my property, I have only received my owner draw times before the 11th. My renters always paid on time and continue to pay on time. I terminated my contract after K*** refused to return my calls. Her business, Moxie Property Management Inc. was no longer being operated under a licensed Broker effective in January and she wasn't distributing rents paid, owner draw in a timely manner. I was given the excuse that a client had died and she was dealing with personal family issues (child rearing). I am empathetic to these excuses but none the less she paid herself in a timely manner and failed to out my owner draw. I terminated her contract in March. I asked her not to collect rent for April. I notified my tenants and informed them not to pay her. I filed my complaint with the, filed a police report with local authorities, filed a complaint with the BRE, and filed a complaint with our District Attorney Real Estate Division Unit. I had not heard from K*** for nearly a month. She did not answer calls and was not in her office during regular office hours. Finally, when she responded to this complaint she remitted the funds due to me minus her management fees for March. She collected her commission as she always had. It is important to note that K*** failed to collect the full security deposit. She obligated herself, Moxie Property Management Inc for any expenses over the cost of the security deposit. During a walk through, the lawn has been nearly destroyed, the fence has been nearly knocked down, vents haven't been changed, alarm batteries needed to be changed, a hole was kicked into a door, screens were torn, etc. I noticed my tenants to fix these items. However, if they don't the security deposit will not cover the damages. This all would have been prevented if K*** would have scheduled a walk through sooner. Her negligence to follow through is why things have gotten to where they are at the property. I have been left with a huge mess to deal with. My tenants claim that they notified her of things but she didn't respond. I will never know what the truth is. I will however uphold her/Moxie to cover any expenses not covered by the security deposit
A*** ***

• Dec 01, 2023

Good evening,

I have had many issues with Angela Gonzales owner of Moxie PM LLC in the last couple of years. Currently she is trying to scam for a deposit and damages that are not applicable to us. This also may end up a legal issue envolving fraud, Texas PM laws etc

I am going to drop my email in hopes we can get into contact soon. More than anything your experience helps corroborate the one we’ve recently had with her company setting a pattern that seems all too familar [email protected]. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!

See attached.[redacted]    To: [redacted] Dispute Resolution  Specialist  RE: Case ID...

[redacted]  On  or  about  April  14 ,  2017 ,  [redacted] left a voicemail after hours stating he had moved out of [redacted]. Per the lease, a written 60 day notice  to vacate  is required.  Mr.  [redacted]’s  lease  expired  on  4 /30/17.  Our  office  proceeded  to handle the vacancy and re-leasing of said property.   Per the state property  code,  the  tenant’s  security  deposit  disposition  must  be postmarked within 30  days  of  move  out  once  ALL 3 of the following have happened: 1. Property  notice  to  vacate  is  submitted 2. Proper  is  surrendered  per instructions of Property Manager 3. Forwarding address is provided by Tenant(s)  Mr. [redacted] did not complete any  of  the  3  items  timely  and/or  according  to lease/property code  requirement.   Our office heard  from  Mr.  [redacted]  and  Ms.  [redacted]  around  August 25, 2017  after  our  office returned  rental  history  verification  to  an,  assumably,  potential  new landlord.  Mr.  [redacted]  and Ms. [redacted] claimed to not know the requirements for move  out  and  their  initial  statements  were along  the  lines  of   remedying the situation asap. Our office emailed Mr. [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] the requested documents (August 30, 2017 email, attached). Once Mr. [redacted] discovered we were charging him above and beyond the security deposit, his attitude changed and  he  became  confrontational and difficult to speak with over the phone. We began communicating  via  email  with  Ms.  [redacted]  solely.  Ms.  [redacted]  wanted to  make  an  electronic payment for the  balance  owed  but  we  could  not   accommodate her request and requested she mail certified  funds  ( cashier’s  check  or  money  order)  to  our  office  mailing  address.  She  stated she would send  those monies asap; as of the sending of this letter our office has not received those  funds.    1 Sincerely,   [redacted] Broker/Partner Moxie PM

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Ms [redacted] is not reporting truthful information and has no documents to support her response. I received a letter stating they would do a walk-thru of the property the middle of April and this was due to the prior notice I had given them via email the beginning of March. During a phone conversation where she disputed the notice I resent the emails to her and she messaged back " I stand corrected". Please have any documents Moxie has to support their claims attached, because nothing they are claiming is factual.

In regards to this complaint I have attached emails showing the communication and the...

approval to get the carpet replaced. I explained to Tracy when she provided her 30 day notice that I was not aware that Colony Carpet had failed to handle this job. If we had been notified that tenants were never contacted to Schedule carpet installation we would have handled the job ASAP,
Moxie Property Management Inc.

Review: Our apartment flooded when it rained on Halloween in 2014 and the carpet in the master bedroom was soaking wet. We contacted [redacted] about the flood on that night. They said they would replace the padding and carpet since it was going to mold. As of today 03/05/2015 they have not replaced the carpet or padding and our bedroom smells of mold.Desired Settlement: I would like to get out of our contract with moxie and our full deposit returned so we can find a suitable place for my family of 4 to live.



In regards to this complaint I have attached emails showing the communication and the approval to get the carpet replaced. I explained to Tracy when she provided her 30 day notice that I was not aware that Colony Carpet had failed to handle this job. If we had been notified that tenants were never contacted to Schedule carpet installation we would have handled the job ASAP,Sincerely,Moxie Property Management Inc.

Review: I moved out of this residence on September 5, 2015. I asked for my deposit check to be mailed to my new residence around October 5, 2015 in accordance with California state law. As of Monday, October 26, 2015, I have not received my deposit check back. I have contacted the business multiple times and I have been told that the check is on its way. However, I have not received the check.Desired Settlement: I would like my deposit check back with a statement of the withheld money (rent, any damages, etc.).



I work for Cencal Ventures who owns and operates the South side Villas. I do not hold the security deposits for the tenants. I have requested deposit to be returned form Cencal Ventures and have been following up on the process. I email Kevin back last night and informed him that I would continue to follow up until the deposit was returned. I am in every aspect here to meet the needs and requirements of my clients and residence. K[redacted]

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Address: 2131 N Collins St Ste 433-330, Arlington, Texas, United States, 76011-2849


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