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Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

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Reviews Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency Reviews (484)

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
AES did NOT provide a valid reason
for refusing to release me as cosigner on my daughter’s loan and for avoiding
to address my complaint.  The reason they
denied our release request was “On-time payments are defined as being received
no earlier than five days before the due date and no later than 5 days after
the due date”, however, the Credit agreement does NOT reference the definition
of on-time payments and does not stipulate that payments must be received no
earlier than five days before the due date and no later than 5 days after the
due date.  Unless AES can show me exactly
were my signed contract states the definition of on-time payments, I must again
reiterate my complaint about the unethical lending practices that AES adheres

October 23, 2014
Dear [redacted]:
Kindly accept this letter as a formal response to the inquiry AES received through the concerning the status of your privately-insured educational loan account. We trust the following information will be of...

assistance.AES currently services two Alternative Undergraduate Program (ALPLN) Loans, respectively disbursed on October 11, 2005 and September 12, 2006, on behalf of the owner, [redacted]). In our capacity as a servicer, AES administers the loans in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit Agreements.We regret that you experienced difficulty accessing the AES website during a time when scheduled maintenance occurred and that this maintenance was not completed by the estimated time of completion. We also understand that you have concerns about how information regarding contacting our office by telephone is presented on the website, and that you have also experienced difficulty in navigating our telephone system. Your suggestions have been forwarded to the appropriate individuals within our technical team for review. We thank you for bringing these issues to our attention.If you have any additional questions, you may call our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####, Ourloan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. through 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time.Sincerely,
Shelly B. 
Assistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

October 2, 2014Dear [redacted]:This letter is being sent to you regarding an inquiry AES received from the (, regarding the status of your educational loan account, serviced by our office. We trust the following information will be of assistance.

currently services a privately-insured [redacted]) Loan disbursed March 13, 2003, on behalf of the owner, [redacted]). AES also services the subsidized (SUBCNS) and unsubsidized (UNCNS) portions of your Federal Consolidation Loan, disbursed January 28, 2005, for [redacted] Bank. As the contracted third-party service provider, AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit Agreement, and, in the case of your Consolidation, the original promissory note and federal regulations. AES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities.In your inquiry, you expressed concern regarding your billing statements and why it may reflect a different amount from month-to month. In order to understand our billing statements, it is important to understand how your payments are applied and about how sending in extra monies can create a “paid-ahead” status on your account.
When payments are received, the unpaid accrued interest and any outstanding late fees (if applicable) must be satisfied before the principal balance can be reduced. Payments cannot be used to satisfy future interest that has not yet accrued on your account at the time your payment is received. However, once any outstanding interest is satisfied, any remaining amount higher than the remaining amount due on an account will satisfy future installment amount(s).
If you pay an amount greater than your outstanding installment amount(s), the excess payment(s) will be used to advance your due date and place your account in a paid-ahead status; however, interest will continue to accrue per the terms of your loan(s). Depending on the amount received, the next installment bill will reflect that you have either partially or fully paid the amount due for that month. A paid-ahead status does not affect the manner in which payments are applied. Payments are still applied as described above.
Example 1: Your monthly installment amount of $50.00 is billed but you submit a payment of $100.00. The payment will be applied as described above. This will result in a $0.00 "Total Amount Due" for the following month and a paid-ahead status on your loan(s). Please note that if you do not make a payment for the next month, you will still be current on your loan(s); however, your next payment will be used to satisfy any interest that accrued during the month you did not make a payment.
Example 2: Your monthly installment amount of $50.00 is billed but you submit a payment of $75.00. The payment will be applied as described above. This may result in a reduced "Total Amount Due" amount of $25.00 due for the following month and a partially paid-ahead status on your loan(s). Even if your loan is in a paid ahead or partially paid-ahead status, it may be to your advantage to make your normal monthly installment amount each month. This will ensure that any interest that has accrued since the last payment is satisfied. This will also reduce your principal balance more quickly. You may opt-out of the paid ahead or partially paid-ahead status at any time by submitting a written request to the address provided on our letterhead.
We also understand from your inquiry that you are dissatisfied with the service you have received from AES’s telephone representatives. AES regrets that this is the case, and trusts your future interactions with our agency will be met with the high degree of professionalism we expect from our representatives.
You may be assured that all of our loan counselors are trained to provide accurate, informative, and courteous service to customers. Many customer Service calls are monitored to ensure that optimum service is provided. Loan counselors receive remediation in instances in which it has been determined that they did not handle a call appropriately or otherwise meet our standards for excellence. However, if you are ever dissatisfied with the quality of service you receive from an AES loan counselor, you may always ask for the employee’s identification number and to speak directly with a supervisor to address the situation.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.
Sincerely,Shelly B.
Assistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
The letter from [redacted], Assistant Vice President of Graduate and Professional Services at American Education Services (AES), inaccurately stated that I graduated from [redacted] University on February 7, 2004.  I actually graduated from [redacted] University on that date.  This inaccuracy leads me to believe that there may be other inacuracies pertaining my account.  Since then, I have attended two universities, none of which led to my graduation.  One of them was [redacted] University from 2006 to 2007 and [redacted] Law School from 2011 to 2013, from which I should have received a six-month grace period.
"When you graduate, drop below half time, or withdraw from your academic program, you will receive a six-month grace period for your Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans.  Your grace period begins the day you stop attending school on at least a half-time basis.  Once your grace period ends, you must begin replaying your loan(s)."
When I dropped out of my studies at [redacted] Law School at below half time, all of my loans should have been granted a six-month grace period.  What [redacted]. [redacted] seems to be stating is that I can only get a six-month grace period from AES and no more, regardless of whether I decide to start a new course of studies at another university later on.  I do not believe that this polciy is accurate.  Furthermore, she is detailing events that took place ten years ago, instead of discussing the most recent loan history.
In December 2013, for instance, AES notified me about  a deferment that was meant to have started on the same month, and that would conclude a month later, on January 2014, not even a full month later after receipt of said notice.  Now, acording to my calculations, [redacted] Law School should have notified AES about my withdrawal back in August 2013, which indicates that AES was supposed to grant me a grace period from August 2013 to January 2014, which is probably why AES sent me the deferment notice in December 2013, five months too late and two months too early from the end of the six-month grace period.  However, if [redacted]. [redacted] can confirm that AES was notified that my withdrawal from [redacted] Law School occurred earlier, then starting payments on December 2013 would make sense.  When was AES notified by [redacted] Law School of my withdrawal?

August 27, 2014
Dear [redacted]:This letter is being sent to you regarding an inquiry AES received from the (, Case no. [redacted], regarding the status of [redacted]’s educational loan account, serviced by our office. Our records reflect that you are listed as...

the cosigner for this account. We trust the following information will be of assistance.AES currently services a privately-insured Undergrad Alternative Loan Program (UALP) Loan on behalf of the owner, [redacted]. As the contracted third-party service provider, AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit Agreement. AES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities.
The chart below details the loan.
Disbursement Date    Loan Program    Original Principal Balance    Current Principal BalanceSeptember 4, 2009     UALP                  $14,066.00                            $13,676.04
In your inquiry, you expressed concerns regarding late fees that were recently assessed to the account. Our records reflect that AES sent a response letter indicating that payments effective for June 17, 2014 and July 11, 2014 were returned by your financial institution. The letter stated that these transactions had been returned and advised you to contact your financial institution regarding the stop payments that were placed on them. As a result of these missed payments, AES assessed a $5.00 late fee to the account on July 12, 2014. Previously, a $5.00 late fee had also been assessed on April 11, 2014 in relation to a separate missed payment.
Please be advised that when a customer initiates a payment, he or she is required to enter the correct account and routing numbers in order to complete the transaction. AES is unable to add digits to an account or routing number as this process is initiated entirely by the customer. If the combination of numbers is incorrect, then the payment would be rejected by that customer’s financial institution.Upon reviewing this situation, AES has determined that the aforementioned late fee was assessed correctly. Although we wish to assist you in any way possible, we must regretfully inform you that our office is unable to waive the referenced late fee. Prior to remitting future transactions, please insure that the correct account number/routing number combination is being utilized for the account you wish to pay and that, as a cosigner for more than one borrower, you are making the payment from your own online account.
If you prefer making electronic payments on the account, you might consider utilizing Direct Debit, our electronic payment program which, once your correct bank information is on file, would eliminate any possible keying errors when making payments online. In addition to ensuring your payments are applied to the specific account you intend on the due date each month, the owner of the loan also offers a 0.25% interest rate reduction for the utilization of this free service.
To qualify, a borrower or cosigner must complete the Direct Debit application and return it to our office with the account from which you wish to have the funds withdrawn. For your convenience, we are enclosing a Direct Debit application. Should you wish to apply for this service, please have the borrower or cosigner complete and return the enclosed form to the address or fax number listed on the followingpage.
American Education Services - Direct Debit P.O. Box 2057 Harrisburg PA 17105-2057 Fax: 717–720-3916
We also understand from your inquiry that you are dissatisfied with the service you have received from AES. You may be assured that all of our loan counselors are trained to provide accurate, informative, and courteous service to customers. Many customer service calls are monitored to ensure that optimum service is provided. Loan counselors receive remediation in instances in which it has been determined that they did not handle a call appropriately or otherwise meet our standards for excellence. However, if you are ever dissatisfied with the quality of service you receive from an AES loan counselor, you may always ask for the employee’s identification number and to speak directly with a Supervisor to address the situation.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at 800-233-0557. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.
Sincerely,Shelly B
Assistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
They did not send the notice out on the 23rd of April. The letter they sent was dated for April 23rd but wasn't postmarked to be mailed out until May 3rd, the day I sent the complaint in to the They should have sent out the form in the begging of April not the end of April and if it wasn't for me calling them they wouldn't have sent it out at all. They did not acknowledge the fact that I was told by them twice that they were faxing the form directly to my employer but never completed the task. Then, the garnished amounts that were listed in their response were incorrect. An amount of 25$ on April 6, 87$ on April 17th and also on May 1st another $87 was garnished. As I mentioned before I am a widowed single mother of a two year old and every single dollar from my paycheck is needed. This has brought a great finacial burden on my Daughter and I. I have my pay stubs for proof if needed and my employer will gladly prove that the notice was not sent out on the date they said in their response. I will not except waiting 30 days for money that should not have been taken and wouldn't have been taken if they did not neglect the entire issue. I would like to have my money reimbursement immediately. I am struggling as it is and I have felt extremely insulted by them for not taken this complaint and issue seriously.

November 14, 2014Dear [redacted]:
This letter is in response to an inquiry AES received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account. We trust the following information will be of assistance.
AES currently services two...

privately-insured Professional Education Program (PEPLN) Loans disbursed April 5, 2004 (Loan 1) and October 7, 2005 (Loan 2) on behalf of the holder, [redacted] ([redacted]). In addition, AES’ services one privately-insured Continuing Education (CELN) Loan disbursed April 12, 2006, on behalf of [redacted]. As the service provider, AES administers the loans in accordance with the terms of the Credit Agreements. AES is responsible for performing billing, credit reporting, and other servicing activities.We understand form your inquiry that you have concerns regarding the application of the $129.51 check payment made by [redacted], AES received November 3, 2014. Based upon our review, AES’ records confirm that the check payment did reference your 10-digit AES account number and also referenced loan number 2 in the memo section of the check. As a result, AES correctly applied the $129.51 payment solely to Loan 2, as specified. For your convenience, AES enclosed a copy of the check (#[redacted]) payment for your review.
As requested, you may be assured that AES reallocated the $129.51 payment to full satisfy the bill due November 6, 2014 for Loans 1-3, Please note that, if a payment is ever applied in a manner that you did not intend, you may contact AES and request that the payment be applied as you intended.
To assist in simplifying the process of managing your student loan payments, you may wish to enroll in AES’ electronic payment service, Direct Debit. While enrolled in Direct Debit, AES deducts the monthly installment amount from your designated bank account on the due date. In addition, Loan Iwould qualify for a 0.25% interest rate reduction while you are enrolled in Direct Debit (the reduction is removed if Direct Debit is canceled), which would assist in reducing the overall cost of the loan. An enrollment form is enclosed for your convenience or you may enroll online through Account Access at Upon submitting the enrollment form or enrolling online, please allow one or two billing cycles for the first debit to occur. Payments due prior to the first debit must be made by mail, online, or by telephone.
At this time, the loans are current. The next installment on Loan 2 is due December 6, 2014 in the amount of $58,17. Loans 1 and 3 are paid ahead through the installment due December 6, 2014. Since the account reflects a current status at this time, no additional Servicing activities are occurring. You may be assured that no derogatory information has been submitted to the nationwide consumer reporting agencies for your educational loan account.If you have any additional questions, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####.Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.
Shelly B. 
Assistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

Dear [redacted]:
While we regret the
concerns received in this complaint, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to
resolve them.  Rest assured that this
inquiry has been assigned to a member of our Research Specialist Team who is
diligently working toward a resolution. 
We take all concerns included in the complaint very seriously.  Please be advised that the Research
Specialist Team member will be providing a formal letter shortly, along with
contact information to our office, should any additional concerns arise.
Best Regards,
Jessica N[redacted]
Research Specialist
Team Lead
American Education

October 22, 2014
Dear [redacted]:This letter is in regards to an inquiry AES received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account, serviced by our office. We trust the following information will be of assistance.AES currently...

services your privately-insured Alternative Undergraduate Program (ALP2) Loan on behalf of the owner, [redacted], N.A. ([redacted]). As the contracted third-party service provider, AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit Agreement.We understand that you remitted a $900.00 payment to AES in error and the payment was received on July 7, 2014. We sincerely regret to learn of the difficulties you have encountered during the refund process. Since your loan reflected a total amount due of $153.77 for July 2014 through October 2014, AES was required to maintain $153.77 from the $900.00 payment to ensure that your loan did not reflect a past due status. You may be assured that the refund (check #[redacted]) in the amount of $746.23 ($900,00-$153.77) was mailed to you on October 20, 2014. Please accept our apologies for the delay that you experienced regarding the refund of your payment.
At this time, the loan is satisfied through the installment due October 14, 2014. The next $38.49 payment will be due by November 14, 2014.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at [redacted], Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.
Shelly B.
Assistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

August 10, 2015Dear [redacted]:
Kindly accept this letter as a formal response to the inquiry AES received through the ( concerning the status of your educational loan account. We trust the following information will be of assistance.
We understand from your recent inquiry that you disagree with AES’ previous response, specifically, the information pertaining to how its office reports information to the nationwide consumer reporting agency and the length of time it may take for the updated information to reflect on your credit report. Additionally, you requested that AES pull a copy of your credit report because [redacted] is reflecting an inaccurate balance and missing payment information from June 2015 and July 2015.AES’ Credit Department confirmed that identical information for an account is submitted to all four nationwide consumer reporting agencies at the same time on a monthly basis. It is important to understand that AES does not have control as to how the information is updated and reflected on your credit report by individual nationwide consumer reporting agencies. Furthermore, AES has no control as to how long it may take for each individual nationwide consumer reporting agency to update the information on your credit report.
In your inquiry, you ask that AES obtain a copy of your credit report for review, verify the information provided, and forward the report to your attention. Please be assured that AES pulled your [redacted] credit report and confirmed that the last reporting occurred for July 2015. AES also confirmed that the account information, such as principal balance and payment information for June 2015 and July 2015, is accurately reflecting on the credit report. Due to AES policy and the sensitive information provided on your credit report, our office is unable to forward a copy of this report to your attention. However, a request has been forwarded to the Legal Department for a determination to be made if the information may be sent to your attention. If AES receives authorization, the information will be sent to your attention under separate cover. In the meantime, we recommend that you reach out to [redacted] and obtain a copy of the most recent information submitted to its office, and if the information is not accurate, please forward a copy to AES for review.
Additionally, as a result of your recent conversation with an AES representative today, August 10, 2015, a request has been forwarded to inquire if a telephone callback may be placed to you with a representative from AES’ Credit Team and the advocate you spoke with originally regarding your concerns. As this is not a normal request, we are unable to provide you with a time frame as when this request may be completed.Separately, we understand from your inquiry that you would like to cease receiving written letter responses to your inquiries and would rather receive telephone calls. Because your inquiries are being submitted through the, AES is required to provide a letter response. If you wish to cease receiving letter responses, please contact AES via telephone using the contact information provide at the top of this letter. Alternatively, you may submit written or electronic correspondence to AES and request that a supervisor contact you regarding your account.
If you have any additional questions, you may call our Customer Service Department at [redacted]. Our loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. through 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
Shelly B.
Vice President, Loan Operations

February 20, 2014
Dear **. [redacted]:
Kindly accept this letter as a formal response to the inquiry AES received through the ( concerning the status of [redacted]. [redacted]’s educational loan account. You are listed as the co-maker on the loan. We...

trust that the following information will be of assistance.
AES previously serviced both subsidy portions of your Federal Spousal Consolidation Loan disbursed on December 12, 2005 on behalf of the owner, [redacted] - 1. As the former contracted, third-party service provider, AES administered the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed promissory note and federal regulations. AES was required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing related activities.
It is important to know that both the husband and wife are equally responsible for the repayment of a Spousal Consolidation Loan. One of the parties is listed as the "main" borrower and the other is listed as the co-maker. Requests for deferments or forbearances may only be approved if both the borrower and co-maker qualify. The requests may be for the same or different types of deferments or forbearances.
As you may recall, AES received two Unemployment Deferment requests from [redacted]. [redacted] on July 5, 2012 and August 22, 2012. Since AES did not receive any Unemployment Deferment requests from you, both requests were denied and denial letters were mailed explaining the situation. AES records confirmed that the account reflected on a reduced repayment plan. In addition, you and [redacted]. [redacted] had maximized all the available time of the Temporary Hardship Forbearance.
Therefore, as a result of non-payments/late payments the loan previously defaulted from AES’ servicing system and transferred to our guarantee division effective October 18, 2013. You may contact its office directly at ###-###-####.
If you have any additional questions, you may call our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####. Our loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. through 9:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

October 9, 2014
Dear [redacted]:This letter is in regards to the inquiry we received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account, serviced by our office. We trust the following information will be of assistance.AES services your federal Consolidation Loan (UNCNS/SUBCNS), on behalf of the owner, [redacted]. AES administers the loan based upon the terms of the signed promissory note and federal regulations. AES performs billing, credit reporting, and additional servicing activities.
We have reviewed your concerns regarding your recent request for an In-School Deferment. AES’ records confirm that your In-School Deferment application was received on September 22, 2014. Pursuant to federal regulations, in order to approve the In-School Deferment request you are required to provide certification of enrollment from your school. The application you submitted did not include enrollment certification. In an effort to facilitate the approval of your request, AES referred to the [redacted]) to attempt to procure enrollment certification; however, we were unable to obtain the necessary information.
On September 23, 2014 AES mailed a letter to your attention advising you that we were unable to obtain enrollment verification. AES’ letter further advised that in order to apply an In-School Deferment to your loan, you would be required to provide our office with enrollment certification from your school. A copy of this letter is enclosed.At this time your Consolidation Loan is in an Unemployment Deferment status through December 16, 2014. You may be assured that AES will update the status of your loan once the required enrollment certification is received by our office.For your convenience, I have asked Research Specialist Joshua D[redacted] to assist with any additional questions you may have. If you require any additional information or need further assistance specific to this inquiry, please call Mr. D[redacted] directly at ###-###-####. For general assistance regarding your account, please call our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Eastern Time.
Sincerely,Shelly *. B
Assistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

Dear [redacted]:
While we regret the
concerns received in this complaint, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to
resolve them.  Rest assured that this
inquiry has been assigned to a member of our Research Specialist Team who is
diligently working toward a resolution. 
We take all of [redacted]’s concerns included in this complaint very seriously.  Please be advised that the Research
Specialist Team member will be providing a formal letter shortly, along with
contact information to our office, should any additional concerns arise.
Best Regards,
Jessica N[redacted]
Research Specialist
Team Lead
American Education

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved] Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
As of today, 6/23/14 I have not yet received the refund.  According to my bank, if American Education Services issued the refund via check on 6/10/14 then the bank would have received it by now.  They have not received it.  I continue to wait on this situation to be resolved.  I called American Education Services today and was told that they will check with their Financial Management to let me know the status.Regards,[redacted]

March 21, 2014
Dear **. [redacted]:Kindly accept this letter as a formal response to the inquiry AES received through the concerning the status of your privately-insured educational loan account. We trust that the following information will be of...

assistance.AES services one Academic Answer Direct to Consumer (AADTC) Loan on behalf of the loan’s owner, [redacted]. This loan is further detailed in the chart below.Disbursement Date    Loan Program    Original Principal Balance    Current Principal BalanceOctober 24, 2008          AADTC                   $22,000.00                             $28,819.78*
*The current principal balance is higher than the original principal balance because of interest capitalization.
We understand from your inquiry that you are concerned that your loan was “charged off’ on February 25, 2014 due to insufficient payments, even though you had submitted a forbearance application to AES several days prior. Our records confirm that we received an Economic Hardship Forbearance application from you on February 21, 2014; however, our office was unable to process the application before the loan was charged off AES’ servicing system on February 25, 2014,In view of the circumstances, our office contacted [redacted] to see if it would allow for the charge-off to be reversed and for the forbearance to be applied. Recently, [redacted] authorized the charge-off to be reversed and for the forbearance to be applied. Accordingly, the loan has been returned to AES, and an Economic Hardship Forbearance has been applied to your account through March 31, 2014. We regret any inconvenience or confusion that this situation may have caused.In your inquiry, you also allege that you made numerous telephone calls to AES in an attempt to prevent the loan from defaulting and that you were provided with incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information. Contrary to your allegations, however, our records indicate that AES did not receive any telephone calls in reference to your account between August 22, 2013 and March 3, 2014. Although we were unable to substantiate your claims, you may be assured that all of our loan counselors are trained to provide accurate, informative, and courteous service to customers. Many customer service calls are monitored to ensure that optimum service is provided. Loan counselors receive remediation in instances in which it has been detennined that they did not handle a call appropriately or otherwise meet our standards for excellence. Additionally, please note that, if you are ever dissatisfied with the quality of service you receive from an AES loan counselor, you may always ask for the employee’s identification number and to speak directly with a supervisor to address the situation.We also understand that you may have some concerns regarding the changes to your mailing address on file with our office. Please note that, on August 3, 2011, our office received a copy of the Meeting of Creditors (MOC) indicating that you had filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This document provided a mailing address for you on [redacted], and your mailing address on file was updated to match this address. This address was most recently verified by you as your current mailing address during a telephone conversation with our office on June 6, 2013.On June 19, 2013, our office received another telephone call from you. During that call, you indicated that your current mailing address was located on [redacted], and our office updated your mailing address to the address you provided during that call. This address was most recently verified by you as your current mailing address during a telephone conversation with our office on August 22,2013.Our records further indicate that, on December 3, 2013, you logged into your online account and updated your mailing address to an address on [redacted]. On February 19, 2014, you logged into your online account and updated your mailing address to the current mailing address we have on file for you.If you have any additional questions, you may call our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####. Our loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. through 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time.Sincerely,

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
--------- Forwarded message ----------From: [redacted]<[redacted].com>Date: Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 10:44 AMSubject: Re: You have a new message from the of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania in regards to your complaint #[redacted].To: [redacted] <[redacted]>Also they need to update their system because it should not take 10 business days to correct the payment.And since I called them to change the account to apply payment, they should STOP sending collection notices. They basically just wrote out instructions on how to make a payment. 
On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 10:43 AM, [redacted] <[redacted].com> wrote:This is the first time I am reading the letter thank you. But they do not address why they take so long to send me documents when I request them

June 9, 2014
Dear [redacted]:This letter is in response to your recent inquiry (Case[redacted]) regarding the status of [redacted]s educational loan, serviced by our office. We trust that the following information will be of assistance.A comprehensive review has been completed. A...

copy of our response letter is enclosed for your review. We trust that the letter addresses the concerns brought to our attention.If you have any additional questions, please call our office at ###-###-####. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.. to 9:00 pm., ET,Sincerely,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted]. The refund check was finally received by the loan holder. This resolves the complaint.

June 6, 2014
Dear **. [redacted]:This letter is in response to a second inquiry that AES received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account. AES appreciates your service to our country and trusts that the following information will help clarify our position in this matter.As you know, AES services both subsidy portions of your Federal Consolidation Loan disbursed January 5, 2006 on behalf of the owner, Goal Financial. As the contracted, third-party service provider, AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed promissory note and federal regulations. As the service provider, AES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and additional serving-related activities.As stated in our previous letter, AES is required to submit unfavorable information to the nationwide consumer reporting agencies when the account reached a designated level of delinquency. As a result of insufficient/late payments, the Consolidation Loan was accurately reported delinquent 60 days for May 2013 and October 2013, 90 days for November 2013, 120 days for December 2013, and 150 days for January 2014.AES has no record of your being advised to provide documentation from your banking institution in regards to an error in order for AES to remove the unfavorable information that was reported on your loan. However, we regret any miscommunication that may have occurred. When you contacted our office on March 10, 2014, our records show that you were advised that the unfavorable information had been accurately reported. In addition, you contacted AES on March 13, 2014 and stated that you were neither aware nor notified that the account was past due. At that time, you were advised that the unfavorable information would not be removed. On March 27, 2014, AES received your correspondence disputing the unfavorable credit reporting. After completing a review, AES determined that the unfavorable information had been submitted accurately to the nationwide consumer reporting agencies and the no servicing error had occurred.Pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. § 1681s-2(a), companies which furnish data (such as AES) to credit reporting agencies are prohibited from knowingly reporting inaccurate information. Since the unfavorable information was submitted accurately to the nationwide consumer reporting agencies, AES cannot lawfully remove the reporting without authorization from the owner. To assist you we elevated your request to Goal Financial. However, AES was not given authorization to change the accurately reported information.Presently, the Consolidation Loan reflects an advanced-payment status. If no other payments are received in the meantime, the next partial installment of $2.30 will be due by June 26, 2014.
We regret that we are unable to resolve this matter to your complete satisfaction at this time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at [redacted]. Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., ET.

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Description: Government - State

Address: 1200 North Seventh Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States, 17102


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