Peterson Refrigeration & A/C Reviews (2)
Peterson Refrigeration & A/C Rating
Address: 22 Field St, Kane, Pennsylvania, United States, 16735
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Review: The owner sent two experienced installers to install a new propane heating stove in my home and move a pellet stove from my home to my new shop. Upon arrival, they began the process of converting the stove from natural gas to propane. This took approximately an hour. The stove pilot light came on after purging the supply line of air; however, the burner would not light and stay on. After another hour of troubleshooting, I suggested they call the stove manufacturer's technical support department. Since this was the first stove they had installed from this manufacturer, I suggested someone from the company may have heard of this problem and know the solution. I was told by one of the installers to "hold on." They completely disassembled and reassembled the stove which took an hour. I again suggested they call for assistance. After another hour of "troubleshooting, they finally agreed to call tech support. The installers followed the recommendation of the tech person to extend the exhaust pipe further in to the flu. This resolved the problem and the stove began working perfectly. Relocation and installation of the pellet stove took a little under an hour. Upon receiving the bill, I was charged for 16 hours labor for the two installers at $48 per hour. I called the company owner and argued that if the installers would have made the tech support call when I first suggested, they would have saved 3 hours each of time wasted trying solve the problem on their own. I felt I should not be responsible for that wasted time. He agreed to deduct only 3 hours from the total 16 hour labor bill. I still believe that 6 hours should have been deducted.Desired Settlement: Refund a total of 6 hours labor ($48 per hour) from the original bill.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
This issue is not about money; it's about credibility, accountability and customer service. Check #[redacted] for $823.57 {the discounted balance) was mailed to the company October 23rd. It should also be noted that I paid for the $3,000 stove in full and in advance, and I also paid $400 for two tons of pellets after purchasing the stove. So the total business I did with this company was over $4000. My credit score Is over 800. I pay my just debts. I am not concerned about a few hours labor in the big scheme of things, but I am most definitely upset that my real concern is not being addressed and take issue with the fact that the owner perceives this issue to be about me trying to avoid paying my bill. I absolutely do not believe I should have to pay for wasted time.
In the owner's response he states that the old stove was relocated and hooked up first, and it took an hour and a half to complete. This is not accurate. This stove was moved to its new location and installed AFTER the new propane stove was installed and working in the afternoon. It took less than one hour to do this. I was present the entire day. The owner was not.
To that point, I observed two technicians wasting time that I was paying for, trying to resolve an issue that ultimately was resolved AFTER the call to tech support was made. The owner is incorrect in his statement that the tech support call did not resolve the issue. The fact is that the tech support person suggested the stove was not drafting properly, and that prompted them to extend the flu pipe in to the flu 4-6 inches further. This caused the stove to work properly. So if the call would have been made 3 hours earlier than they made it as I suggested, I would have used 3 hours less vacation time and would not have been charged for 6 hours labor at $48 per hour.
I agree that I was pleased with the quality of both installations in terms of tangible results. I never thought I would be charged for non-productive time/especially when my efforts to make It more productive by suggesting the tech call went unheeded.
Given the amount of money I spent for this project, and the facts presented, I am appalled that any reasonable business owner would not be more diligent about finding out why a customer was upset enough to go to this length to be heard. During my initial call to the owner, I offered to come to the store and sit down with the owner and installers to discuss the matter. The owner rejected this offer flatly.
Our company was contracted to install a new propane heating stove by the customer. Customer also asked us if we could disconnect the existing pellet stove in his house and re-install it in his garage. We told him yes we could, but that would add to the labor time and possibly additional pipe and materials. Our company is a reputable business that has been in service for over 25 years. As a general estimate we tell customers that it takes between 4-6 hours to install a free standing stove. We informed him that we would send two men and they are billed at $48 per hour per man. We also inform them that the time starts from our business and ends at our business. We went to the customer's home and disconnected the old stove, moved it to the garage and installed it in the garage using his old pipe as he requested. Then our technicians installed the new propane stove. The customer was pleased at the time of the install. After he received the bill, he called us with the concern of the labor time. We initially billed him 16 hours (2 Men 8 hours each). With labor breakdown as follows. 3 hours drive time (1/2 each man). 13 hours install time (6 1/2 each man). In this time we installed two stoves for the customer. Our techs did have issues with the new stove and the customer did want them to call tech support, but our techs told him to wait until they tried some things first. Our techs know what tech support is going to ask them to do, they wanted to try all those first before calling tech support so they could save time diagnosing the problem while on the telephone with tech support. They did call tech support, but tech support did not resolve this problem. Our techs resolved the issue themselves. After the customer received the bill he called us with his concerns. The owner of the company spoke with him and deducted 1 1/2 hours off of each techs time to appease the customer.
If we were to deduct 6 total hours as the customer wishes, that would leave a total of 5 worked hours per tech. It is not possible to load our truck, drive to his house which is approximately 35 miles away, disconnect existing stove and reconnect it in a different building, then connect the new stove and drive back to our building in 5 hours. Our company is a reputable business that has been in service for over 25 years. We have only had two complaints to the and the other customer was trying to avoid paying the full bill as well.
If the customer does not pay the discounted balance when due, the amount due will go to District Magistrate for collection.
After the customer contacted us initially I spoke to him on the phone and addressed his concerns about the time it took ¦for'my employees to install his stoves. As you know there are always two sides to every story, so I contacted my technicians to get their side of the story. They told a different story than the customer. They did acknowledge they had some issues with the gas stove and that is why I adjusted his bill to what 1 felt was fair. When I tried to return his call approximately an hour after his initial call, I only spoke to an answering machine. I left him a message as to how I was discounting the bill. I have never heard from him since other than these letters he continues to send the
On 11-6-13 1 again called the customer and offered for him to meet with me and my two employees that installed the stoves. I left another message on his phone because I was unable to speak to him. He had not returned my call up to the time that I am responding to his latest letter I always return everyone's calls. I have left him my personal cell phone number and business number to contact me.
The owner sent two experienced installers to install a new propane heating stove in my home and move a pellet stove from my home to my new shop. Upon arrival, they began the process of converting the stove from natural gas to propane. This took approximately an hour. The stove pilot light came on after purging the supply line of air; however, the burner would not light and stay on. After another hour of troubleshooting, I suggested they call the stove manufacturer's technical support department. Since this was the first stove they had installed from this manufacturer, I suggested someone from the company may have heard of this problem and know the solution. I was told by one of the installers to "hold on." They completely disassembled and reassembled the stove which took an hour. I again suggested they call for assistance. After another hour of "troubleshooting, they finally agreed to call tech support. The installers followed the recommendation of the tech person to extend the exhaust pipe further in to the flu. This resolved the problem and the stove began working perfectly. Relocation and installation of the pellet stove took a little under an hour. Upon receiving the bill, I was charged for 16 hours labor for the two installers at $48 per hour. I called the company owner and argued that if the installers would have made the tech support call when I first suggested, they would have saved 3 hours each of time wasted trying solve the problem on their own. I felt I should not be responsible for that wasted time. He agreed to deduct only 3 hours from the total 16 hour labor bill. I still believe that 6 hours should have been deducted.