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Putnam Pampered Paws

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Reviews Putnam Pampered Paws

Putnam Pampered Paws Reviews (24)

We are writing in response to your letter of July 27, We have reviewed the complaint and wish to respond.We believe that Ms***-***’s complaint is nothing more than a transparent effort to avoid paying a just and due obligationA review of our files has produced the attached correspondence supporting this purchase including a written sales confirmation and email correspondence [redacted] made no objection at the time the enclosed documents were received.The enclosed documents clearly show that [redacted] ***purchased an advertisement in the [redacted] Municipal Guide on November 6, Ms***- [redacted] responded by sending the advertising copy on November 14, stating “I hope you can use what I sent you.” [redacted] ’s advertisement then appeared in the Guide as promised and they received a digital link to the Guide and an invoiceMunicipal Publishing LLC invoiced [redacted] for the previously agreed-upon $and has sought to collect these fundsCuriously, [redacted] first raisedan issue about the legitimacy of the advertisement only after they were unable to pay their invoice The advertisement had already appeared, [redacted] had received the full benefit of Municipal Publishing’s advertising services, and Municipal Publishing sought to collect the monies due and payable [redacted] Concrete still continues to refuse to pay for the advertising long after having had the benefit of their advertising appear in the publicationFurther on June 24, 2015, by email, [redacted] ***was apprised of the relevant facts that Ms***- [redacted] apparently chose to ignore while filing a complaint with the Municipal Publishing LLChereby reserves all rights, claims, remedies and defenses against [redacted] and all other parties in the event that [redacted] ***.fails to pay its obligations in full ($595)

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I contend their business model as the attached shows a number that does not get answeredThey cannot verify the confirmation number printed on the letter This was the second occasion a request for payment (invoice) was sent to our organization I contend I am not the only business targeted by their claim a mixup in addresses or mixup in crs Regards, [redacted] ***

We are writing in response to your letter dated June 27, We have reviewed the statement of concern and wish to respond In the interest of resolving this matter, Medical Publishing will cease all collection efforts and expunge Jays Landscaping’s invoiceSincerely, [redacted] Publisher I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Thank you very much, we appreciate it Regards, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meHowever, the solution regarding and response via email is ridiculousNo email was sent and if you are going to send a letter correspondence with the same information, include an email to respond to in that letterI tried to call the number provided on the letter but it kept ringing and eventually the call was disconnectedDo not contact our business ever again Regards, [redacted]

Municipal Publishing, LLC ("MP") has received and reviewed your statement of concern, and write in response to your April 16, letterDuring a phone conversation with our sales representative on April, 11, 2016, Mr [redacted] agreed to place a one-eighth (1/8) page advertisement in the California Department of Transportation section of the California Municipal GuideSubsequently, Mr [redacted] was sent an email containing a confirmation letter requesting ad copy clearly stating the advertisement size, price, and section of the ad placementIn addition, the letter requests to “Please send in your business card or any other ad copy that you may have as soon as possible as we are currently laying out the publication.” Advertisers do not receive an official invoice from Municipal Publishing until after the Guide has been publishedA simple response to the confirmation email that was received last week by Mr [redacted] would have sufficiently canceled the advertisement without burdening the with an unnecessary complaintConsistent with its standard business practices of canceling an advertisement that has not yet published, Peterson- [redacted] Construction will not appear in the edition of the California Municipal Guide and Mr [redacted] obviously has no obligation to pay for itFor the past years, MP has published an annual Guide, an important and useful directory of California’s municipalities and regional agenciesUntil 2011, the Guide was printed and mailed directly to elected officials and government administrators across the stateMore recently (commencing with the edition), due to changes in the availability of and access to digital media, the Guide has been exclusively made available online ( and in printable .pdf format for municipalities to download to suit their own needsMP has and continues to provide the Guide to California’s elected officials and government administrators at no costRecipients are free to distribute the Guide to others; and indeed, some municipalities have made the Guide available on their own websites, so that everyone within the state/community and the general public may benefit from itTo help underwrite the cost of preparing and distributing this free Guide, MP sells advertisingAnd it does so by offering its advertisers the ability to place ads in various targeted sections of the Guide, depending on their needs and interests, which is consistent with most similar directories that contain advertisingMP is proud the Guide is an important information tool for municipalities in CaliforniaWe trust that this information is sufficient for your purposesIf you need anything further, please do not hesitate to let me know I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me The reason our account shows a Zero (0) balance is because the owner of our company paid by check Regards, [redacted]

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
We agree to disagreeThis matter is with my attorney
*** ***-***

We are writing in response to your letter of January 30, We have reviewed the complaint and wish to respondA review of our files has produced the attached correspondence supporting this purchase including a written sales confirmation and email correspondence*** *** **., Incmade no
objection to the advertisement purchase at the time the enclosed documents were receivedThe enclosed documents clearly show that *** *** **., Incpurchased an advertisement in the Indiana School Guide on March 1, and a confirmation letter was emailed and mailed to Mr*** *** on March 4, Mr*** responded by sending the advertising copy on March 16, stating “Here is my cardLet me know if you need anything else.” *** *** **.’s advertisement then appeared in the Guide as promised and they received a digital link to the Guide (***) and an invoiceSchool District Publishing LLC invoiced *** *** **for the previously agreed-upon $and has sought to collect these fundsCuriously, Mr*** raised an issue solely about the amount of the advertisement on October 13, and made no dispute regarding the actual purchase of the advertisement. *** *** **had received the full benefit of School District Publishing’s advertising services, and School District Publishing sought to collect the monies due and payableSchool District Publishing LLC hereby reserves all rights, claims, remedies and defenses against *** *** **., Incand all other parties in the event that *** *** **., Incfails to pay its obligations in full ($595)

Dear Ms***: School District Publishing, LLC ("SDP") has received and reviewed your statement of concern, and write in response to your May 11, letterGateway Electric has been a longtime advertiser with School District Publishing and has placed advertising in the Ohio School Guide
annually for several yearsSDP has no record of a request to cancel their advertisementIn the interest of customer goodwill, School District Publishing will cancel invoice and remove customer from its call listFor the past years, SDP has published an annual Guide, an important and useful directory of Ohio’s public and select private schools, department of education offices, and regional education agenciesUntil 2012, the Guide was printed and mailed directly to school administrators across the stateMore recently (commencing with the 2013-edition), due to changes in the availability of and access to digital media, the Guide has been exclusively made available online ( and in printable .pdf format for schools to download to suit their own needsTo help underwrite the cost of preparing and distributing this free Guide, SDP sells advertisingSalespersons soliciting advertising on behalf of SDP for the Guide are well-trained to accurately represent to potential clients the exact nature of the GuideFollowing a script, they inform potential advertisers that the Guide is an online resource sent to school district administrators annually, that advertising in the Guide helps provide school districts a valuable resource tool to use, and that placing advertisements in the Guide is a good way to get their name in front of school administratorsWhen a business agrees to place an advertisement, no payment is taken up frontRather, a confirmation letter is sent that again describes the Guide as a "valuable resource to school districts" through which the advertiser can "gain positive exposure." The confirmation letter confirms the section of the Guide in which the advertisement will be placed, along with the priceAnd it concludes by stating unequivocally that "School District Publishing is not affiliated with any school, school district, association, or public or private agency/department." It is only after receipt of this confirmation that the advertiser is asked to make paymentWe trust that this information is sufficient for your purposesIf you need anything further, please do not hesitate to let me know*** ***Publisher

School District Publishing, LLC ("SDP") has received and reviewed your statement of concern, and write in response to your March 10, submission to the Revdex.comIn the interest of customer goodwill, SDP will cancel the Jays Landscaping advertisement from the 2016-Connecticut
School GuideFor the past years, SDP has published an annual Guide, an important and useful directory of Connecticut’s public and select private schools, department of education offices, and regional education agenciesUntil 2012, the Guide was printed and mailed directly to school administrators across the stateMore recently (commencing with the 2013-edition), due to changes in the availability of and access to digital media, the Guide has been exclusively made available online ( and in printable .pdf format for schools to download to suit their own needsSDP has and continues to provide the Guide to Connecticut’s school administrators at no cost to any school, school district, or the state Department of EducationSchool administrators are free to distribute the Guide to others; and indeed, some schools and districts have made the Guide available on their own websites, so that everyone associated with the school or school district and the general public may benefit from itA Google search for the “Connecticut School Guide” yields the 2015-edition of the Guide as its first resultTo help underwrite the cost of preparing and distributing this free Guide, SDP sells advertisingAnd it does so by offering its advertisers the ability to place ads in various targeted sections of the Guide, depending on their needs and interests, which is consistent with most similar directories that contain advertisingAccordingly, if a particular advertiser regularly does business in Hartford, for example, then that advertiser may decide to place its ad in the advertising section of the Guide entitled "Business Friends Working For The Future Of Enfield Public School District and Hartford Public School District," or in the separate advertising section of the Guide entitled "Architects, Engineers & Business Friends Working For The Future Of Connecticut Schools," for more generalized advertising exposureSalespersons soliciting advertising on behalf of SDP for the Guide are well-trained to accurately represent to potential clients the exact nature of the GuideFollowing a script, they inform potential advertisers that the Guide is an online resource sent to school district administrators annually, that advertising in the Guide helps provide school districts a valuable resource tool to use, and that placing advertisements in the Guide is a good way to get their name in front of school administratorsWhen a business agrees to place an advertisement, no payment is taken up frontRather, a confirmation letter is sent that again describes the Guide as a "valuable resource to school districts" through which the advertiser can "gain positive exposure." The confirmation letter confirms the section of the Guide in which the advertisement will be placed, along with the priceAnd it concludes by stating unequivocally that "School District Publishing is not affiliated with any school, school district, association, or public or private agency/department." It is only after receipt of this confirmation that the advertiser is asked to make paymentLike every other advertisement-based print or digital media publisher, we generate our sales leads from a wide variety of publicly-available information sources and selected proprietary information lists developed by and purchased from third partiesWe also contact businesses in the community who have advertised with us previously, or who we believe may benefit from an advertisement before school administratorsSDP is proud the Guide is an important information tool for schools in ConnecticutIn fact, in reviewing background materials for this letter, we came across a note SDP received by email on January 28, 2016, at 1:pm from *** *** at Branford Public Schools, who wrote to request a copy of the newest edition of the Guide as soon as it becomes availableIn her words, "Our Superintendent is interested in receiving an updated copy of your publication ConnecticutSchool Guide." We trust that this information is sufficient for your purposesIf you need anything further, please do not hesitate to let me know

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: We are being bullied by your company and you are (were) calling several times a day and using collection scare tactics trying to collect an amount that we do not owe youYour company implies that if you send them a business card, they will create a sample ad for approvalWe NEVER verbally or in writing, approved a completed publishing of an adI only asked in the phrase they stated, " would this be ok to use," for a proof so I could view the ad before a formal approvalMy company has no issues with paying a debt that is owedI do not owe a company that falsely stated one thing over the phone, and did, WITHOUT MY APPROVAL, went ahead and created an ad for a publicationWe are not the only company that has had or is having issues with the sales tactics of Municipal Publishing
*** ***-***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

We are writing in response to your letter of April 24, 2018. We have reviewed the complaint and wish to respond. We believe that there may be some internal confusion within Electrical Materials Company regarding these advertisements. A review of our files has produced the attached correspondence...

supporting this purchase including a written sales confirmation and email correspondence. Electrical Materials Company made no objection at the time the enclosed documents were received. The enclosed documents clearly show that Electrical Materials Company purchased an advertisement in the 2017 [redacted] Municipal Guide on February 15, 2017 and also purchased an advertisement in the 2018 [redacted] Municipal Guide on January 26, 2018. Mr. [redacted] responded by approving the 2017 advertising copy on February 26, 2017 and the 2018 advertising copy on February 22, 2018. Electrical Materials Company’s advertisements then appeared in the Guides as promised and they received a digital link to the Guides and an invoice for each. Municipal Publishing LLC invoiced Electrical Materials Company for the previously agreed-upon $595 in each publication and has sought to collect these funds. The advertisements have already appeared, Electrical Materials Company has received the full benefit of Municipal Publishing’s advertising services, and Municipal Publishing sought to collect the monies due and payable. Curiously, Electrical Materials Company has raised an issue about the legitimacy of the invoices by stating “We have never ordered or asked to advertise in this publication.” Per contra, our records indicate Electrical Materials Company has been advertising in the [redacted] Municipal Guide on an annual basis since 2012 and has paid previous invoices in a timely manner, without objection. Municipal Publishing LLC hereby reserves all rights, claims, remedies and defenses against Electrical Materials Company and all other parties in the event that Electrical Materials Company fails to pay its obligations in full ($595 for 2017 and $595 for 2018).

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I contend their business model as the attached shows a number that does not get answered. They cannot verify the confirmation number printed on the letter.  This was the second occasion a request for payment (invoice) was sent to our organization.   I contend I am not the only business targeted by their claim a mixup in addresses or mixup in crs.

We are writing in response to your letter of July 27, 2015. We have reviewed the complaint and wish to respond.We believe that Ms. [redacted]-[redacted]’s complaint is nothing more than a transparent effort to avoid paying a just and due obligation. A review of our files has produced the...

attached correspondence supporting this purchase including a written sales confirmation and email correspondence. [redacted] made no objection at the time the enclosed documents were received.The enclosed documents clearly show that [redacted]. purchased an advertisement in the 2014 [redacted] Municipal Guide on November 6, 2014. Ms. [redacted]-[redacted] responded by sending the advertising copy on November 14, 2014 stating “I hope you can use what I sent you.” [redacted]’s advertisement then appeared in the Guide as promised and they received a digital link to the Guide and an invoice. Municipal Publishing LLC invoiced [redacted] for the previously agreed-upon $595 and has sought to collect these funds. Curiously, [redacted] first raisedan issue about the legitimacy of the advertisement only after they were unable to pay their invoice.  The advertisement had already appeared, [redacted] had received the full benefit of Municipal Publishing’s advertising services, and Municipal Publishing sought to collect the monies due and payable. [redacted] Concrete still continues to refuse to pay for the advertising long after having had the benefit of their advertising appear in the publication. Further on June 24, 2015, by email, [redacted]. was apprised of the relevant facts that Ms. [redacted]-[redacted] apparently chose to ignore while filing a complaint with the  Municipal Publishing LLChereby reserves all rights, claims, remedies and defenses against [redacted] and all other parties in the event that [redacted].fails to pay its obligations in full ($595).

We are writing in response to your letter dated June 27, 2017. We have reviewed the statement of concern and wish to respond.  In the interest of resolving this matter, Medical Publishing will cease all collection efforts and expunge Jays Landscaping’s invoice. Sincerely, [redacted]...

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you very much, we appreciate it.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. However, the solution regarding and response via email is ridiculous. No email was sent and if you are going to send a letter correspondence with the same information, include an email to respond to in that letter. I tried to call the number provided on the letter but it kept ringing and eventually the call was disconnected. Do not contact our business ever again.

Municipal Publishing, LLC ("MP") has received and reviewed your statement of concern, and write in response to your April 16, 2016 letter. During a phone conversation with our sales representative on April, 11, 2016, Mr. [redacted] agreed to place a one-eighth (1/8) page advertisement in the...

California Department of Transportation section of the 2016 California Municipal Guide. Subsequently, Mr. [redacted] was sent an email containing a confirmation letter requesting ad copy clearly stating the advertisement size, price, and section of the ad placement. In addition, the letter requests to “Please send in your business card or any other ad copy that you may have as soon as possible as we are currently laying out the publication.” Advertisers do not receive an official invoice from Municipal Publishing until after the Guide has been published. A simple response to the confirmation email that was received last week by Mr. [redacted] would have sufficiently canceled the advertisement without burdening the with an unnecessary complaint. Consistent with its standard business practices of canceling an advertisement that has not yet published, Peterson-[redacted] Construction will not appear in the 2016 edition of the California Municipal Guide and Mr. [redacted] obviously has no obligation to pay for it. For the past 15 years, MP has published an annual Guide, an important and useful directory of California’s municipalities and regional agencies. Until 2011, the Guide was printed and mailed directly to elected officials and government administrators across the state. More recently (commencing with the 2012 edition), due to changes in the availability of and access to digital media, the Guide has been exclusively made available online (www. and in printable .pdf format for municipalities to download to suit their own needs. MP has and continues to provide the Guide to California’s elected officials and government administrators at no cost. Recipients are free to distribute the Guide to others; and indeed, some municipalities have made the Guide available on their own websites, so that everyone within the state/community and the general public may benefit from it. To help underwrite the cost of preparing and distributing this free Guide, MP sells advertising. And it does so by offering its advertisers the ability to place ads in various targeted sections of the Guide, depending on their needs and interests, which is consistent with most similar directories that contain advertising. MP is proud the Guide is an important information tool for municipalities in California. We trust that this information is sufficient for your purposes. If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to let me know.

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Address: 808 W Chickasha Ave, Chickasha, Oklahoma, United States, 73018-2308


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