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Royka's Fine Art & Antiques

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Reviews Royka's Fine Art & Antiques

Royka's Fine Art & Antiques Reviews (6)

Royka's Fine [redacted] & Antiques Gallery & Auctions, sold 2 (two) paintingof [redacted] that I sent to him to auction off, sold them but did not pay meOn [redacted] 2014, I sent [redacted] of Royka's auctions 2 (two) small paintings of mine, the painter of these two paintings is [redacted] he received them and placed them in several of his auctions, after several no sales, we mutually lower the reserve price for a quicker sale, after several e-mails that were never answered by Mr. [redacted], I e-mailed him that I wanted my paintings back, he finally answered that they were sold on the last auction, but never sent me a payment, I tried dozens of times to get in touch with him without any response, I called him several times, left messages, nothing worked, finally I told him if he did not call me within 24 hours from the last call I would report him to the as a fraudulent business, he never returned my call, its safe to say that he sold the painting and kept then proceedings, making him a scammer and a thief.Desired SettlementI just want what is mine, in this case I demand that Mr. [redacted] pays what he owes me, he of course will have the commission that is due to him.Business Response We are following up with the clients and making sure this is rectified. thank you for the notification.Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)It does not specify when this matter is going to be resolved, or rectified, nor why this individual [redacted] does not respond to any e-mails or phone calls, this is all very vague, I just want what is mine, his business is a fraud, he must pay me what is mine in the very near future in order to satisfy me.Final Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)Personally I don't believe a word of what [redacted] claims, the fact that he never reply to all the e-mails I sent him, the many phone calls and messages I left, that were never acknowledged, all of this mess could have been avoided if he was honest about it, AND HE IS NOT, he is not to be trusted, his actions speak for themselves, I don't believe he'll live up to his promises, I wont hold my breath on this payment, will see, time will tell!!Final Business Response We have corrected this consignment. Items had passed several times at auction. Items sold and were not shipped as we never received payment for shipping. This has been rectified and payment to consignor has been released. Client should receive within 1 week of postage today. thank you

Complaint[redacted] Roykas was given a large painting to sell; He sold the painting in April '14 Auction. I have never recieved from [redacted] 6/5/2014: Painting sold in April auction sneding payment.e-mail 7/17/2014: I was away; waiting on payment for shipping...will send payment out8/28/2014: I send [redacted] an e-mail requesting response.Desired SettlementI am seeking payment for the large large painting sold on commission: it was classified as as an early 20th century works...value at up to $3,000. Not sure what the auction return was and [redacted] and I have a contract for which he earned a commission.Simply seeking payment minus his commission.Business Response ROVICA'SFine Art & Antiques I Gallery & AuctionsTo: Revdex.com6 Park Avenue, Suite 100 Worcester, MA 01605Re: [redacted] Case XXXXXXIn regards to this case Mr. [redacted] was updated that the painting did pass in our auction and subsequently sold at the reserve amount. He has been paid in full and has acknowledged he is satisfied with the results.I have been traveling out of the country and could not make a written response quicker than this but I did speak on the phone with my representative explaining the situation.Sincerely,[redacted]@roykas.corn [redacted]

Mr Roka picked up a pair of antique cast iron eagles from my home in June 26 2012. He provided me with a consignment agreement to sell the eagles. The Eagles were sold at auction in June of 2013. I have tried many times to contact Mr. Roka. He simply does not return my calls, emails or return calls after I leave messages on his machine.Product_Or_Service: naOrder_Number: naAccount_Number: naDesired SettlementI would like to be paid for the items Mr. Roka sold AND I also feel I am entitled to interest and late fees.Business Response Thank you for the email. The items consigned under the contract were sold through our auction. They were purchased by a foreign buyer and stuck in customers for a long period of time. The consignor has been paid the sale price less commission as we continue to receive updates concerning the customs situation.Final Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)While it is true that his business did cut a check and I did indeed cash it, it is also true that this business did not take into any consideration at all the damage that has been done to my self in terms of what I reported to the I do not make a habit of selling antiques I would never recommend this business to anyone. This has nothing to do with the knowledge of the owner but instead, has to do with his approach to dealing with his clientele.In Mr. Rouka's letter sent to me with the check, he made a list of items that he "did not" charge for. With all due respect, this list is simply a fabrication plucked out of thin air.The only thing that is on this NEW list that is on the contract is (50% of the first $50) and Mr. Rouka himself actually crossed that out on the original contract so I have no idea why he crossed that out but he did. He wrote "Only 20% commission" over the cross out on the contract. - (handling fee per item [redacted] not charged) part of this same paragraph in the contract that he crossed out. In other words - he wanted to do a straight 20% commission.Here is the rest of the (NEW LIST) provided with the check- transportation no charge- advertising no charge- photography no charge- insurance no charge (the contract says FREE insurance amount equal to half the low estimate)There not one mention of transportation charges on the contract and I would have happily come down and retrieved my items had Mr Rouka returned ANY of my emails or calls - he did not.There is not one mention of advertising anywhere on the contract and had there been I would have understood that as part of doing business.The contract states that the insurance is FREE so why is it now added as a no charge on this new letter?As far as a charge for photography is concerned there is also no mention of that on the contract as well as no mention of a charge for other such costs of doing business such as postage stamps, staples or electrical bills!In closing, I have no doubt as to Mr. Roukas expertise in his field. Although I really should, considering that he appraised the items for an approximate [redacted] He was not even within 20% of his initial amount. He was off by 80% When he realized his amount was that much too high, I should have the option to come and get them! I have no ill will towards him as a person. However - the very LEAST he can do on such a small sale is to give me HALF of the remaining [redacted] that he supposedly made on this sale. I feel that [redacted] is a small price to pay for months of calling him and leaving messages.Good luck to Mr. Rouka. I shall never recommend this company to anyone looking to sell family items. Perhaps his approach to my items were just too "small potatoes" for him to treat me with respect. To me, it was not small potatoes, it was stressful, frustrating and time consuming.One last thing. "The items were stuck in customs" This is the first time I have heard that. If that were really true, why was that not communicated to me?I deserve compensation for lack of communication and the fact that I had to report this to get any action. That is simply disgraceful.Sincerely,consumer Final Business Response The items were presented for sale to the market for over a year without any interest. The condition of the statue which was altered by the consignor was the major factor. The estimate for auction was a much lower figure because of the condition. As we only receive a commission on the sale of the item our intent is to get the highest price possible for an item.

Purchased necklace at auction from Royka, did not receive necklace nor would he return money, even though he told that he would do so.In 2010 I purchase from Royka's Auction a corner cupboard and a necklace. I paid shippers to deliver the items, and when they arrive they had been given only the corner cupboard. I contacted Mr. Royka, and he said he couldn't find the necklace. I asked for a refund of the [redacted] I paid. He refused to pay. I complained to this and the ended up closing the case when Royka said he would send me the [redacted] But Royka never sent it. So a year or so later I filed a complaint again, and this time this simply ignored my complaint. So this is the third time I am filing.Desired Settlementrefund of $** or send me the necklace I paid forBusiness Response Contact Name and Title: [redacted], ownerContact Phone: XXXXXXXXXXContact Email: [redacted]'s does not provide any shipping for our customers. Our terms of auction specifically state this and it is up to the customer to arrange for shipping. We are not responsible for items once they leave our premises with third party shipping companies. Clearly I do not want a bad customer service complaint and I will refund this client's money. But we are in no way responsible for hiring shippers or 3rd party shipping companies actions once an item is sold through our auction service. Please provide a [redacted] account email address for a refund.Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)My [redacted] address is [redacted] . I will accept the response as soon as payment is received.Final Business Response We tried to send PayPal payment to [redacted] and [redacted] says they cannot send payment to that email address now. Please provide a mailing address. Again, we are not responsible for 3rd party shipping companies as stated above. Clearly we would like this matter to be solved.Final Consumer Response

Royka's Fine [redacted] & Antiques Gallery & Auctions, sold 2 (two) paintingof [redacted] that I sent to him to auction off, sold them but did not pay meOn [redacted] 2014, I sent [redacted] of Royka's auctions 2 (two) small paintings of mine, the painter of these two paintings is [redacted] he received them and placed them in several of his auctions, after several no sales, we mutually lower the reserve price for a quicker sale, after several e-mails that were never answered by Mr. [redacted], I e-mailed him that I wanted my paintings back, he finally answered that they were sold on the last auction, but never sent me a payment, I tried dozens of times to get in touch with him without any response, I called him several times, left messages, nothing worked, finally I told him if he did not call me within 24 hours from the last call I would report him to the as a fraudulent business, he never returned my call, its safe to say that he sold the painting and kept then proceedings, making him a scammer and a thief.Desired SettlementI just want what is mine, in this case I demand that Mr. [redacted] pays what he owes me, he of course will have the commission that is due to him.Business Response We are following up with the clients and making sure this is rectified. thank you for the notification.Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)It does not specify when this matter is going to be resolved, or rectified, nor why this individual [redacted] does not respond to any e-mails or phone calls, this is all very vague, I just want what is mine, his business is a fraud, he must pay me what is mine in the very near future in order to satisfy me.Final Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)Personally I don't believe a word of what [redacted] claims, the fact that he never reply to all the e-mails I sent him, the many phone calls and messages I left, that were never acknowledged, all of this mess could have been avoided if he was honest about it, AND HE IS NOT, he is not to be trusted, his actions speak for themselves, I don't believe he'll live up to his promises, I wont hold my breath on this payment, will see, time will tell!!Final Business Response We have corrected this consignment. Items had passed several times at auction. Items sold and were not shipped as we never received payment for shipping. This has been rectified and payment to consignor has been released. Client should receive within 1 week of postage today. thank you

Mr Roka picked up a pair of antique cast iron eagles from my home in June 26 2012. He provided me with a consignment agreement to sell the eagles. The Eagles were sold at auction in June of 2013. I have tried many times to contact Mr. Roka. He simply does not return my calls, emails or return calls after I leave messages on his machine.Product_Or_Service: naOrder_Number: naAccount_Number: naDesired SettlementI would like to be paid for the items Mr. Roka sold AND I also feel I am entitled to interest and late fees.Business Response Thank you for the email. The items consigned under the contract were sold through our auction. They were purchased by a foreign buyer and stuck in customers for a long period of time. The consignor has been paid the sale price less commission as we continue to receive updates concerning the customs situation.Final Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)While it is true that his business did cut a check and I did indeed cash it, it is also true that this business did not take into any consideration at all the damage that has been done to my self in terms of what I reported to the I do not make a habit of selling antiques I would never recommend this business to anyone. This has nothing to do with the knowledge of the owner but instead, has to do with his approach to dealing with his clientele.In Mr. Rouka's letter sent to me with the check, he made a list of items that he "did not" charge for. With all due respect, this list is simply a fabrication plucked out of thin air.The only thing that is on this NEW list that is on the contract is (50% of the first $50) and Mr. Rouka himself actually crossed that out on the original contract so I have no idea why he crossed that out but he did. He wrote "Only 20% commission" over the cross out on the contract. - (handling fee per item [redacted] not charged) part of this same paragraph in the contract that he crossed out. In other words - he wanted to do a straight 20% commission.Here is the rest of the (NEW LIST) provided with the check- transportation no charge- advertising no charge- photography no charge- insurance no charge (the contract says FREE insurance amount equal to half the low estimate)There not one mention of transportation charges on the contract and I would have happily come down and retrieved my items had Mr Rouka returned ANY of my emails or calls - he did not.There is not one mention of advertising anywhere on the contract and had there been I would have understood that as part of doing business.The contract states that the insurance is FREE so why is it now added as a no charge on this new letter?As far as a charge for photography is concerned there is also no mention of that on the contract as well as no mention of a charge for other such costs of doing business such as postage stamps, staples or electrical bills!In closing, I have no doubt as to Mr. Roukas expertise in his field. Although I really should, considering that he appraised the items for an approximate [redacted] He was not even within 20% of his initial amount. He was off by 80% When he realized his amount was that much too high, I should have the option to come and get them! I have no ill will towards him as a person. However - the very LEAST he can do on such a small sale is to give me HALF of the remaining [redacted] that he supposedly made on this sale. I feel that [redacted] is a small price to pay for months of calling him and leaving messages.Good luck to Mr. Rouka. I shall never recommend this company to anyone looking to sell family items. Perhaps his approach to my items were just too "small potatoes" for him to treat me with respect. To me, it was not small potatoes, it was stressful, frustrating and time consuming.One last thing. "The items were stuck in customs" This is the first time I have heard that. If that were really true, why was that not communicated to me?I deserve compensation for lack of communication and the fact that I had to report this to get any action. That is simply disgraceful.Sincerely,consumer Final Business Response The items were presented for sale to the market for over a year without any interest. The condition of the statue which was altered by the consignor was the major factor. The estimate for auction was a much lower figure because of the condition. As we only receive a commission on the sale of the item our intent is to get the highest price possible for an item.

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Description: Art Galleries, Dealers & Consultants, Auctioneers

Address: 5757-A Sonoma Dr, Pleasanton, California, United States, 94566-7758


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