October 31st, 2017 Revdex.com 2800 Euclid Ave., 4th floor Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2408 Attn: [redacted] Dear [redacted]: The purpose of this letter is to respond to the complaint submitted to the Revdex.com. (id [redacted]). You asked me to respond within 7 days. However, I only just...
received this letter. I hope that doesn't present a problem. As regards to the complaint, I have read it, and it contains many inaccuracies. I will attempt to clarify the situation. To help accomplish this, I am enclosing a copy of the proposal. Regarding the clients, the gentleman whose name is on the complaint is a very nice man whom I don't believe is behind this complaint. Rather, it is his wife, whom my wife and I have had to block on social media, due to stalking, and her attempts to gain information about us without our knowledge or consent. This is how we believe the complaint has us living at [redacted]. That was my wife's girlhood home, and she has not lived there since the 80's.Now as to the agreement. Although it is true that the agreement was signed on April 18th, 2016, the project, as clearly stated in the agreement had no firm start date. It is the nature of my business to be booked several years in advance. We started the project late in 2016, not in the summer as stated in the complaint. I don't normally take down barns in the winter, but this barn was leaning badly. In January of 2107, I paid a company to take the barn down, so it didn't fall down. This cost me $2000.00. (see copy of invoice enclosed) The complaint infers that all I did was take wood and enrich myself, so I believe this invoice refutes that wrongful assertion. At that point, the barn was down, and removal of salvageable material continued as my schedule permitted. Remember, this job is not a time sensitive job. Nor have the customers been charged one dime for the service. Secondly, the assertion that I talked to 3 contractors, and they all wanted $2500.00 is blatantly false. The only time I would discuss such details with a client is if they were paying for it. These clients have no money, and have only had to pay for one dumpster. Every other expense has had to come out of my pocket. Thirdly, I have been in contact with the clients throughout the project. Nor have I abandoned the project, although this complaint makes me less inclined to make it a priority. I would be willing to finish, provided they refrain from filing complaints and trying to make me look bad, and the wife stops snooping in our personal affairs. No money is owed them, nor will any be offered. We will clean up, if they pay for the dumpster, as agreed. That is my resolution offer. Sincerely, Tom A[redacted], The T.L. A[redacted] Co.
October 31st, 2017 Revdex.com 2800 Euclid Ave., 4th floor Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2408 Attn: [redacted] Dear [redacted]: The purpose of this letter is to respond to the complaint submitted to the Revdex.com. (id [redacted]). You asked me to respond within 7 days. However, I only just...
received this letter. I hope that doesn't present a problem. As regards to the complaint, I have read it, and it contains many inaccuracies. I will attempt to clarify the situation. To help accomplish this, I am enclosing a copy of the proposal. Regarding the clients, the gentleman whose name is on the complaint is a very nice man whom I don't believe is behind this complaint. Rather, it is his wife, whom my wife and I have had to block on social media, due to stalking, and her attempts to gain information about us without our knowledge or consent. This is how we believe the complaint has us living at [redacted]. That was my wife's girlhood home, and she has not lived there since the 80's.Now as to the agreement. Although it is true that the agreement was signed on April 18th, 2016, the project, as clearly stated in the agreement had no firm start date. It is the nature of my business to be booked several years in advance. We started the project late in 2016, not in the summer as stated in the complaint. I don't normally take down barns in the winter, but this barn was leaning badly. In January of 2107, I paid a company to take the barn down, so it didn't fall down. This cost me $2000.00. (see copy of invoice enclosed) The complaint infers that all I did was take wood and enrich myself, so I believe this invoice refutes that wrongful assertion. At that point, the barn was down, and removal of salvageable material continued as my schedule permitted. Remember, this job is not a time sensitive job. Nor have the customers been charged one dime for the service. Secondly, the assertion that I talked to 3 contractors, and they all wanted $2500.00 is blatantly false. The only time I would discuss such details with a client is if they were paying for it. These clients have no money, and have only had to pay for one dumpster. Every other expense has had to come out of my pocket. Thirdly, I have been in contact with the clients throughout the project. Nor have I abandoned the project, although this complaint makes me less inclined to make it a priority. I would be willing to finish, provided they refrain from filing complaints and trying to make me look bad, and the wife stops snooping in our personal affairs. No money is owed them, nor will any be offered. We will clean up, if they pay for the dumpster, as agreed. That is my resolution offer. Sincerely, Tom A[redacted], The T.L. A[redacted] Co.