To begin, the billing staff here are extremely rude. Anytime I have been here they are always short and unwelcoming, almost as if you are annoying them by making them do their job.
I ordered a years worth of contacts from them after they ran the insurance telling me that I had a $100 credit towards the cost. Great, I paid the out of pocket difference and went on my way. Shortly after picking them up, they started harassing me saying I owed the extra $100 that insurance supposedly covered, and we come to discover that when they ran the insurance they did it in my dad's name (who was never even a patient there) and not my own and even though it was their own fault,I still owed.
I called my insurance to see what can be done and they said to just pay it and then they would reimburse me. Called the "lovely" billing staff to let them know and to pay the bill, and they not-so-nicely let me know that they had reported me to collections as if I was a crook trying to avoid paying! They took 0 responsibility for their mistake and absolutely refused to work with me at all.
I have never been treated so poorly by anyone in my life than I have here. As a young woman, fresh out of college, trying to buy a house and a new car, my once perfect credit has now taken a hit due to their harsh and relentless practices. They just wanted to sweep me under the rug and move on without a hint of care for the patient. It's a shame, because the doctors here are always lovely and I have been seeing them for at least 10 years. I don't want this to happen to anyone else and I am ashamed to say I ever recommended this place. I just wanted them to take responsibility for their mistake, and had they worked with me in the first place, this would never have gone south the way it did.
To begin, the billing staff here are extremely rude. Anytime I have been here they are always short and unwelcoming, almost as if you are annoying them by making them do their job.
I ordered a years worth of contacts from them after they ran the insurance telling me that I had a $100 credit towards the cost. Great, I paid the out of pocket difference and went on my way. Shortly after picking them up, they started harassing me saying I owed the extra $100 that insurance supposedly covered, and we come to discover that when they ran the insurance they did it in my dad's name (who was never even a patient there) and not my own and even though it was their own fault,I still owed.
I called my insurance to see what can be done and they said to just pay it and then they would reimburse me. Called the "lovely" billing staff to let them know and to pay the bill, and they not-so-nicely let me know that they had reported me to collections as if I was a crook trying to avoid paying! They took 0 responsibility for their mistake and absolutely refused to work with me at all.
I have never been treated so poorly by anyone in my life than I have here. As a young woman, fresh out of college, trying to buy a house and a new car, my once perfect credit has now taken a hit due to their harsh and relentless practices. They just wanted to sweep me under the rug and move on without a hint of care for the patient. It's a shame, because the doctors here are always lovely and I have been seeing them for at least 10 years. I don't want this to happen to anyone else and I am ashamed to say I ever recommended this place. I just wanted them to take responsibility for their mistake, and had they worked with me in the first place, this would never have gone south the way it did.