Concerning ID [redacted]
Turf-Care, Inc. 7300 E. Kemper Road, Cincinnati, OH 4249 Facts:
6-1-2015: [redacted] brought his
mower into our repair shop because of the following reasons. It would not
start, it has not been used at all this year. The County was sending him
letters to cut the...
grass. He continued to explain about his hard luck, sick mother,
and just had knee surgery.Our
response:On 6/4/20: Our guys in the
shop went above and beyond the call of duty and actually went out to cut his
yard trying to help him out. His mower was properly fixed, and in working
order, though the machine was produced in 2007 (8 years old and told him this)
the rings are showing signs of wear. We explained that is why it smokes
occasionally upon initial startup especially after it has been sitting for a
period of time.
His response: A phone call
asking that his mother come down and write us a check, and can we hold the
check for a couple weeks before cashing it?
response:We don’t normally do this
but under the “Hard Times Circumstances” we accepted this. We didn’t deposit
his mother’s check until June 22nd.8/5/2015:
61 Days Later [redacted] returns to our shop stating the machine is running rough
and hard to start. Please remember small engines should not have gas sitting in
them unused for a period of 30 days, according to the Briggs & Stratton
response: Yes we quickly looked over the machine and we bypassed the carburetor
with starting fluid and the mower ran. He told us he just put fresh gas in it
and it won’t start. Because we understood that the mower hasn’t been used for a
while (During this evaluation [redacted] told us that the county was after him again
to get his yard under control and mowed) The gas in the gas tank was fresh
(according to [redacted]), but the gas that has been sitting in the Carburetor bowl
was old (Gas in the Bowl is used before the gas in the tank). By overriding the
stale gas left over in the bowl we then proceeded to cut an area at our shop
about 15 feet wide and 40 feet long without any problems. Effectively using the
“Bad Gas” that was in the bowl. We also stopped and started the machine several
times. [redacted] and Turf-Care came to the conclusion at that moment that the
machine was working and he took it with him.
The next day [redacted] brought his mower back and it wasn’t starting again. As a
result we checked it into our repair shop to get looked at by the mechanic.
Unfortunately the mechanic came to the conclusion that there was contaminates
in the carburetor again (most like from the same gas he has been using).
Mechanic said either 1) container used by [redacted] is contaminated, effectively
putting good gas into an already dirty gas can. 2) Using greater than 10%
Ethanol gasoline (Extremely possible if you don’t read the pump) 3) He is still
using the gasoline can from the June repairs and or put fresh gasoline into the
same can that was never emptied.Mechanic
again cleaned the carburetor and put 5% ethanol gas into the machine and it
works and operates well.8/15/2015 at 10:45AM [redacted] Came and picked up the machine. We
started it and ran it and all is working well. [redacted] has now taken it home.The machine was effectively
corrected 8/10-2015 however our shop wanted to let the machine sit for a while
(overnight to start correctly) after cutting grass for a total of 45 minutes,
and starting and stopping the machine to test all aspects of working properly.
It passed every single test over the following 3 days, so we called [redacted] on
8/12/2015 to tell him it was ready to be picked up.On 8/11/2015 [redacted] came in
to pick his mower up and we said we were not ready. We wanted to make certain
it was performing in all aspects before releasing it to him again.After we called and told
[redacted] his mower was ready, we received a letter from the on Wednesday
8/12/2015 afternoon.After
reading your letter it confirms our diagnosis of bad gasoline. He states in his
letter that the mower was running rough, then he ran out of gas, and it never
started again effectively confirming our Mechanics diagnostics about
contaminated gasoline. To further demonstrate our excellent customer service we
did not charge [redacted] for any of this work, partly because he was continually
having hard times as a person and seemed extremely genuine about his happiness
to be a customer of Turf-Care, Inc. He never mentioning he had any complaints.
He talked for at least 10 to 15 min each visit socially. We never lectured him,
we only explained the importance about ethanol, old gas, dirty cans, and what
ethanol does to good gas over a period of time in as little as 30days.In addition we only charged
him $39.99 to clean his carburetor 61 days ago, the additional costs were other
items unassociated with engine performance.Below
are the recommendations for Briggs & Stratton engine regarding gasoline:Clean, fresh, unleaded gasMinimum of 87 octaneUp to 10% ethanol. Some gas stations sell gas with up to 15% ethanol – consumers need to read the pump – you cannot always use the same gas you put in your automobile – not using the correct fuel will damage your engine and void any warrantyCanned fuel from B&S can be purchased which contains a stabilizer to prolong the life of the fuelGas becomes stale if storing your mower for 30 days. Stale fuel causes engine damage from acid & gum deposits forming in the fuel system or carburetor. If you are not using your mower, it is recommended to use a fuel stabilizer.If gas has not be treated with a fuel stabilizer it must be drained into an approved container. The engine then must be run until is stops from a lack of fuel.Any fuel in a container must be used within 30 days.Gasoline must be stored in a clean, plastic, sealed container approved for fuel storage.If fresh fuel is added to an approved container that still has any old gas, the new fuel becomes contaminated immediately. Any gasoline older than 30 days should be put into your automobile before refilling the container for a small engine such as a mower.As you can see, if the above guidelines are not followed a
carburetor will become clogged each and every time a person puts gas in their
engine. This is the number one issue residential consumers have with their
small engines which is why we stress the importance of good quality gas when
someone brings in their mower for a dirty carburetor so they do not continue to
have the same issues each time they fill their mower with contaminated gas.We believe this issue is
resolved. We normally charge our customers to re-clean their carburetors if
they come back in after 30 days, which is the acceptable time period for gas
Concerning ID [redacted]
Turf-Care, Inc. 7300 E. Kemper Road, Cincinnati, OH 4249 Facts:
6-1-2015: [redacted] brought his
mower into our repair shop because of the following reasons. It would not
start, it has not been used at all this year. The County was sending him
letters to cut the...
grass. He continued to explain about his hard luck, sick mother,
and just had knee surgery.Our
response:On 6/4/20: Our guys in the
shop went above and beyond the call of duty and actually went out to cut his
yard trying to help him out. His mower was properly fixed, and in working
order, though the machine was produced in 2007 (8 years old and told him this)
the rings are showing signs of wear. We explained that is why it smokes
occasionally upon initial startup especially after it has been sitting for a
period of time.
His response: A phone call
asking that his mother come down and write us a check, and can we hold the
check for a couple weeks before cashing it?
response:We don’t normally do this
but under the “Hard Times Circumstances” we accepted this. We didn’t deposit
his mother’s check until June 22nd.8/5/2015:
61 Days Later [redacted] returns to our shop stating the machine is running rough
and hard to start. Please remember small engines should not have gas sitting in
them unused for a period of 30 days, according to the Briggs & Stratton
response: Yes we quickly looked over the machine and we bypassed the carburetor
with starting fluid and the mower ran. He told us he just put fresh gas in it
and it won’t start. Because we understood that the mower hasn’t been used for a
while (During this evaluation [redacted] told us that the county was after him again
to get his yard under control and mowed) The gas in the gas tank was fresh
(according to [redacted]), but the gas that has been sitting in the Carburetor bowl
was old (Gas in the Bowl is used before the gas in the tank). By overriding the
stale gas left over in the bowl we then proceeded to cut an area at our shop
about 15 feet wide and 40 feet long without any problems. Effectively using the
“Bad Gas” that was in the bowl. We also stopped and started the machine several
times. [redacted] and Turf-Care came to the conclusion at that moment that the
machine was working and he took it with him.
The next day [redacted] brought his mower back and it wasn’t starting again. As a
result we checked it into our repair shop to get looked at by the mechanic.
Unfortunately the mechanic came to the conclusion that there was contaminates
in the carburetor again (most like from the same gas he has been using).
Mechanic said either 1) container used by [redacted] is contaminated, effectively
putting good gas into an already dirty gas can. 2) Using greater than 10%
Ethanol gasoline (Extremely possible if you don’t read the pump) 3) He is still
using the gasoline can from the June repairs and or put fresh gasoline into the
same can that was never emptied.Mechanic
again cleaned the carburetor and put 5% ethanol gas into the machine and it
works and operates well.8/15/2015 at 10:45AM [redacted] Came and picked up the machine. We
started it and ran it and all is working well. [redacted] has now taken it home.The machine was effectively
corrected 8/10-2015 however our shop wanted to let the machine sit for a while
(overnight to start correctly) after cutting grass for a total of 45 minutes,
and starting and stopping the machine to test all aspects of working properly.
It passed every single test over the following 3 days, so we called [redacted] on
8/12/2015 to tell him it was ready to be picked up.On 8/11/2015 [redacted] came in
to pick his mower up and we said we were not ready. We wanted to make certain
it was performing in all aspects before releasing it to him again.After we called and told
[redacted] his mower was ready, we received a letter from the on Wednesday
8/12/2015 afternoon.After
reading your letter it confirms our diagnosis of bad gasoline. He states in his
letter that the mower was running rough, then he ran out of gas, and it never
started again effectively confirming our Mechanics diagnostics about
contaminated gasoline. To further demonstrate our excellent customer service we
did not charge [redacted] for any of this work, partly because he was continually
having hard times as a person and seemed extremely genuine about his happiness
to be a customer of Turf-Care, Inc. He never mentioning he had any complaints.
He talked for at least 10 to 15 min each visit socially. We never lectured him,
we only explained the importance about ethanol, old gas, dirty cans, and what
ethanol does to good gas over a period of time in as little as 30days.In addition we only charged
him $39.99 to clean his carburetor 61 days ago, the additional costs were other
items unassociated with engine performance.Below
are the recommendations for Briggs & Stratton engine regarding gasoline:Clean, fresh, unleaded gasMinimum of 87 octaneUp to 10% ethanol. Some gas stations sell gas with up to 15% ethanol – consumers need to read the pump – you cannot always use the same gas you put in your automobile – not using the correct fuel will damage your engine and void any warrantyCanned fuel from B&S can be purchased which contains a stabilizer to prolong the life of the fuelGas becomes stale if storing your mower for 30 days. Stale fuel causes engine damage from acid & gum deposits forming in the fuel system or carburetor. If you are not using your mower, it is recommended to use a fuel stabilizer.If gas has not be treated with a fuel stabilizer it must be drained into an approved container. The engine then must be run until is stops from a lack of fuel.Any fuel in a container must be used within 30 days.Gasoline must be stored in a clean, plastic, sealed container approved for fuel storage.If fresh fuel is added to an approved container that still has any old gas, the new fuel becomes contaminated immediately. Any gasoline older than 30 days should be put into your automobile before refilling the container for a small engine such as a mower.As you can see, if the above guidelines are not followed a
carburetor will become clogged each and every time a person puts gas in their
engine. This is the number one issue residential consumers have with their
small engines which is why we stress the importance of good quality gas when
someone brings in their mower for a dirty carburetor so they do not continue to
have the same issues each time they fill their mower with contaminated gas.We believe this issue is
resolved. We normally charge our customers to re-clean their carburetors if
they come back in after 30 days, which is the acceptable time period for gas