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Global Restoration Services

14 Prosper Ct Unit 8, Lake in the Hills, Illinois, United States, 60156-9520

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Global Restoration Services Reviews (%countItem)

• Apr 08, 2024

Did not finish The job and got paid
I used Global Restoration Services to mitigate a mold issue in a brand-new home I purchased. The owner and crew were the first to enter the home. The contract reads words for word. . 1.Apply mold remover and preventative to entire basement structure, including all floors, walls and ceilings removing mold 100% at its root source with a 25 year guarantee the mold can I return to that surface after treatment.
2. Remove bag and dispose of contaminated drywall approx
60sf and baseboard approx 32lf.
3. Hot thermal fog air to kill all suspended mold spores.
4. Treat furnace and all ducting for mold - no charge
5. 1 negative air hepa filtration machine for 3 days- no charge
As I stand today we have wholes in my walls, we have doors that where taken off our hinges and everything is left in my garage. I am not sure if the mold is gone or not. There was never a 3 day machine left. At this point, we are scared there is still a high mold count. When address this issue The owner Dan and I were texting, and he made a promise to come back and address these items. On top of that he has stated the company would return as a housewarming gift/Thank you to address the asbestos under the carpet pad he found. In order for him to do thus he would need to be paid in full. My wife , General contractor, and I made the choice to pay Global Restoration Servies and since payment my wife number has been blocked, my general contractor's number has been blocked and their response is : WE PROVIDED A SERVIE WE COMPLETED THE SERVICE AND BECAUSE OF THE ISSUE WITH MONEY TO PAY YOUR INVOICE WE HAVE DECIDED TO NOT PROCEED FORWARD WITH ANYTHING OUTSIDE THE SCOPE. -clearly, he took our money and did not 100% complete the work he put in writing above nor what I have in text messages. The Real kicker... how can there be a 25-year warranty on their work if no one can get a hold of them? Horrible experience
Did not finish The job and got paid

• Feb 26, 2024

Conman Daniel Wilnau's text from 2/16/23
This is his text from that date. I'm waiting for him to sue us & invite him to do it.

I once I file there is no resolution my attorney will be going after $75,000.00 defamation suit and all attorney fees, and I will not back out of it once I pay him. like I said 24 hours to resolve this

• Jul 15, 2024

KMA MF. Sue me again while u r at it loser.

• Jul 14, 2024

Go f yourself with your meaningless threats a hole.

• Mar 10, 2024

Waiting for u to sue me. Come on liar.

• Feb 25, 2024

Conman Daniel Wilnau & Global Restoration Servations
My complaints about Conman Daniel Wilnau & his Global Restoration Services have had his name & business removed as a legitimate contractor by the Association of Insurance Carriers. Multiple police reports from threatening customers with bodily harm, lying, & stealing customer deposits was sighted as the reasons.

• Feb 26, 2024

It's known by the crooked name of Global Restoration Services, run by Conman Daniel Wilnau. IL Law Enforcement recommends u staycaway from him. His 25 yr warranty is worthless, & u will be contacting police departments when he threatens to harm u, as was done in Grayslake & Park Ridge. Don't let him in your home or hire him in the first place.

• Oct 18, 2023

Conman Daniel Wilnau Monitored by IL Law Enforcement
Good thing u r reading this. Conman Daniel Wilnau solicits business to enter people's homes. Has had three police reports, two in Park Ridge, & one in Grayslake for threatening physical harm to clients. Read the reviews in Ripoff Report, BBB, YELP, Manta, & Google for more information. As one of his real estate clients told me when they removed their review, "We don't want to be held responsible if he hurts or kills someone." IL Law Enforcement recommends u stay away from Conman Daniel Wilnau. Beware of his enabler, Ray, as Conman Daniel Wilnau likes to hide at times. Also beware of Global Recovery Services. Same ripoff threatening business.

• Feb 11, 2024

Be careful as other vendors have removed Conman Daniel Wilnau. They are afraid with Conman Daniel Wilnau & his multiple police reports that he might actually kill a customer. IL Law Enforcement is particularly concerned. Stay away from this threatening person.

• Oct 18, 2023

Also beware of Global Emergency Services. Same threatening customers business!

• Jul 28, 2023

Not professional
Dan with Global Restoration Services was paid to finish a job. He never finished. He ignored all my calls. Do not use him. He will steal your money.

• Oct 18, 2023

He might also threaten to physically harm u. Monitored by IL Law Enforcement.

• Sep 02, 2023

Conman Daniel Wilnau is watched by IL Law Enforcement since he solicits business to enter people's homes. They recommend due to his multiple police reports for threatening physical violence to stay away from him. One West Suburban Real Estate Firm removed from their preferred vendor list, Conman Daniel Wilnau, Global Restoration Services, also called Global Emergency Services, since they don't want to be held responsible if he hurts or kills a customer according to their President. Read this, stay far away, & hire someone else. Over 40 people have thanked me in the last three years.

• Aug 20, 2023

Better be careful Oscar. Conman Daniel Wilnau likes to threaten to hurt customers.

Conman Daniel Wilnau has threatened to hurt me
Conman Daniel Wilnau, who runs an unlicensed entity as Global Restoration Services, has an enabler Ray, has called me four times in a hateful threatening swearing diatribe to either hurt me or burn my house down. The following police reports have been filed with the Park Ridge Police Department. 21-24325 on 11/29/20 & 23-4601 on 2/16/23. Conman Dan claimed he did not threaten to hurt me, but the police reports are evidence. Plus, he has been permanently removed from Angie's List and Home Advisor since August 2022, by the preponderance of evidence that he is dishonest & threatening. He also threatened a Grayslake lady. See my earlier remarks. Local law enforcement recommends since the Highland Park July 4, 2022 Tragedy, that u stay away from Conman Daniel Wilnau. They are concerned that he solicits business to enter homes. I'm not talking about some cheating Conman, but a person who is capable of violence. He is suppose to help u, he is there to hurt u!

• Aug 12, 2023

Conman Dan Wilnau also goes by Global Emergency Services. Don't get hurt hiring this crook.

23-4601 Park Ridge Police Report
Conman Daniel Wilnau called me again on Feb. 16, 2023. He wanted to discuss my negative reports, & his concern that he was now kicked out of Angie's List, & Home Advisor Network. I made it clear no discussion of anything until he returns the 2k he stole from my brother on May 27, 2020. Local law enforcement recommends that you stay away from this threatening customers & volatile personality. They are concerned since the Highland Park Tragedy on July 4, 2022, that he solicits business to enter people's homes. Their advice is stay away. Read his other negative reviews on Yelp, Home Advisor, BBB, & Google. His only positive recommendation in 2022 removed their name since they were concerned about a potential violent situation.

• Sep 02, 2023

They were concerned that Conman Daniel Wilnau might hurt or kill u. Particularly volatile personality towards women according to reviews.

Highland Park Tragedy
Multiple police departments in IL have told me they are concerned about Conman Daniel Wilnau, soliciting business to enter people's homes, & has two police reports for threatening customers, female customer in Grayslake 21-1920, dated 1/27/21 & me, a disabled Army Veteran, Park Ridge 21-24325, 11/29/21. In my case, he called me up three times threatening physical harm as he did not like that I wrote up in Home Advisor, Google, Revdex, Ripoff Report, & YELP, that he stole 2k from my trusting brother. Hiring Conman Daniel Wilnau can be hazardous to your health. IL State Police investigating if he has access to firearms.


Conman Daniel Wilnau's only had one company that recommended his services in 2022. They recently took his name off as a firm they would recommend. Believe me, they thought I was the only person that was against Conman Daniel Wilnau, Global Restoration Services, & his enabler Ray. They said they would look into it. I later got a call from the Company's President thanking me. To quote, "We don't want to be held responsible if (Conman Daniel) Wilnau hurts someone." Great way to be remembered. They admitted Conman Daniel Wilnau had "conned" them. They told their recommendation back. Good for them!

Conman Daniel Wilnau & his Global Restoration has now been listed as out of the Home Advisor Network. Conman Dan would try his best to flood 5 Star Home Advisor Ratings, but is now gone. U brought this on yourself. Was that 2k u ripped off from us still worth it?

A major suburban real estate firm did their homework after my call to them & removed your Huntley, IL (new location?) based, Global Restoration Services address from their preferred vendor list. Was not too difficult. Just went over the facts, police reports, & told them to check: BBB, Revdex, Ripoff Report, MANTA, GOOGLE, & YELP. This was the only recent (2022) vendor who recommended Conman Daniel Wilnau & crooked Global Restoration Services. Now another is gone.

Conman Daniel Wilnau has gone from cheap conman to a potential dangerous person since the Highland Park Tragedy. Law enforcement has told me they are closely watching him since threatening customers in Grayslake and Park Ridge. I know! He threatened to hurt me on 11/29/21. Your safest course of action is to stay away from this rotten person.

Think about this. How many businesses are there do u know of that the police have told me they have to watch, since the recent Highland Park Tragedy, that killed seven people, & wounded many more? If u read my other entries in Revdex, YELP, Home Advisor, & BBB u will see Conman Daniel Wilnau is a threatening person. If it was just me, u can argue I already have something against him. Only one problem. A perfect stranger in Grayslake had to contact the police department after Conman Dan threaten her. I get credit for helping her win the Home Advisor Arbitration Case, on my advice. I had read in YELP, how she got swindled, & contacted her. This was too much for Conman Dan who resorted to threats. Do u want someone like Conman Dan to enter your home? Local police departments & the IL State Police have told me they have Conman Daniel Wilnau on their radar screen. My advice, read this & find someone else.

2nd Anniversary of Conman Daniel Wilnau & His Crooked Global Restoration Services
This is the second anniversary when Conman Dan decided to rip us off 2k. He has earned four police reports during that time for threatening two customers. He threatened me on 11/29/21 three times with bodily harm. Don't get hurt or worse from this violent person.


Another ripoff of a Home Advisor Customer if u read Conman Daniel Wilnau's latest report. When are u coming after us MFer. U weakling! U were tough on the phone to me three times on 11/29/21. What's wrong Conman Dan, did your Mommy teach u anything? Said u were going to beat me up & sue. Only one who got in trouble was u.

Conman Dan we invite u to sue us!
Hey ahole, if we still owe u 900.00 like u claim in your BBB response on the BBB website, take us to small claims court, & show an impartial judge your invoice, contract, demand for payment letter, or anything else u think would get u paid. Plus I offer to pay your filing costs if u win. Only problem is this liar, Conman Daniel Wilnau, who ripped us off 2k, can show nothing. Come on f, do something. Let's go before an impartial judge & listen to your lies. Count the money 💰 ðŸĪ‘ ðŸ’ļ u have lost, why your phone is not ringing with business, & read your reviews in Google, Homeadvisor, Revdex, Ripoff Report, & YELP. If my reviews have stopped 10% of people from hiring u, this is the biggest mistake u ever made in your crooked business life.


Read my Review on YELP
If u think of hiring Global Restoration Services or anything to do with Conman Nazi Daniel Wilnau & Ray, I suggest u take 5 minutes & review my comments in YELP! AVOID getting hurt or making trips to the police department.


Don't be fooled by these two conmen
Conman Daniel Wilnau might have had his name removed as a Co-Owner of Global Restoration Services. U might recall that Conman Dan called me three times on 11/29/21 threatened to hurt me & earned two more police reports, making this the second time this year (2021), he has threatened a Home Advisor Client. Home Advisor told me that his fellow Conman, Raymond Pearce, is now listed as the sole owner now of Global Restoration Services. They could not explain why Conman Dan Wilnau's name was removed. Only one problem, Conman Dan will try & get as many 5 Star Reviews before he tries his next con job. He was just rated on 12/22/21 on Home Advisor with 5 Stars. The customer wrote Daniel explained everything. Global Restoration Services is still out of the Home Advisor Network of Businesses on another website in bold red lettering. As I predicted, Conman Dan will try anything to fool the public about his sincerity. Does that mean to hurt someone as he threatened me? He can't fool the police reports. My advice, don't get ripped off, don't get threatened, don't get involved,, & most importantly, don't let these two Conmen in your house. I would not rule out anything they might try after reading about their constant thievery.


Should be Nazi Global Restoration Services. Completely lost his cool when this i[censored], Daniel Wilnau threatened me. You are pretty quiet now, Conman & Nazi Dan Wilnau. A disgrace as a businessman!

Let me make something clear. When I say two Conmen, I mean Daniel Wilnau, & a person by the name of Ray. I do not know if this is Raymond Pearce. I briefly met a person who identified himself as Ray on 5/28/20, before they got in their truck Van. & left our home, never to be seen again. They were celebrating ðŸū stealing 2k from us as they drove away in their 🚚. I'm not celebrating when I get contacted by their potential customers who decided against hiring them. Just got contacted on 12/20/21, thanking me for warning them about Conman Dan. It slows 🐌 down now, but at the latest count, I'm at 26 potential 👋 customers they threw 💰 ðŸĪ‘ out the door.

Don't Be Fooled By These Conmen
Daniel Wilnau has probably taken his name off as owner of this fraudulent company, Global Restoration Services. Only Raymond Pearce's name appears. You will recall from other reviews that Wilnau has threatened myself & another Home Advisor ✋ Customer twice this year (2021). A recent Home Advisor Review from 12/22/21 shows that Conman Dan did work at someone's ðŸĄ. Yes Conmen Dan & Ray will want 5 Star Reviews until they ripoff another 👋 customer. Don't be threatened & stay away from Global Restoration Services. They are suppose to help u, 👎 not try to hurt u.


Daniel Wilnau Threatens Me!
When I first met Daniel Wilnau on May 27, 2020, he claimed to be a family 👊 man & a fellow Army Veteran to try & get sympathy for his business. I have written many times how he ripped off my brother & I for 2k. Mr. Family Man never showed up again with Ray after May 28, 2020. Claimed he had an emergency,, but would be back on May 29, 2020. Conman Dan called me up three times on November 29, 2021, & sent me a threatening text. When I tried to explain the stupidity of calling me up & threatening my brother & I, he claimed he had witnesses to his phone calls. Is Wilnau ðŸĪŠ? Guess what, he earned two police reports. U almost have to feel sorry for Wilnau to be that stupid. I really can't. He didn't feel sorry for us waiting for him to show up with a dumpster with all his lies. Probably had a good laugh. Keep chalking up police reports Conman Dan! U r your own worst enemy, not me!


This is from Home Advisor. Not located with his reviews but when he describes Global Restoration Services.


Gee, I wonder why. Stop stealing, lying, & threatening customers Conman Daniel Wilnau.

I wonder how many Home Advisor clients need to have the police watching their houses, when a Home Advisor Contractor threatens them?

Illinois Attorney General
The Office of the State of IL Attorney General, Kwame Raoul, is now investigating Conman Daniel Wilnau & his fraudulent Global Restoration Services for stealing from a Veteran & deceptive business practices. All they have to do is read reviews on Revdex, BBB, Home Advisor, Google. & Ripoff Report to see a definite pattern. Also check out Grayslake Police Department, Public Record 21-1920, dated 1/27/21 to see what kind of disturbed personality he really is.


Still laughing when u told us u would be at the house at 730 am, then 12pm, & never showed. This is funnier!

Illinois Attorney General
The office of the Illinois Attorney General, Honorable Kwame Raoul, is now investigating Conman Daniel Wilnau & his Global Restoration Services. Conman Dan thought he could get away from stealing under 5k per customer but this will hopefully be put to an end. Also ripping off a Veteran like me & his ☎ïļ female harassment which resulted in public record Grayslake Police Department, 21-1920, dated 1/27/2021, will not help. I also pointed out other reviews that describe a pattern of stealing. Hope the 2k these two mothers stole from us, Conman Dan Wilnau & Ray, was worth it.


We hired Conman Dan to work for us, not to threaten & harm us. What kind of business is Home Advisor running when we become either a Home Advisor client or read Home Advisor this year (2021) for guidance, & be threatened & harassed. Does someone have to get hurt? Home Advisor claims to screen their contractors or vendors, but what kind of nonsense is this?
Conman Dan should have not stolen 2k from us or ripped off the Home Advisor Client. Would u want Conman Dan Wilnau in your home?

Liar changes addresses again
When trying to understand Conman Daniel Wilnau & his enabler Ray, u notice address changes all over the place. His source to ripoff customers is Home Advisor. This mother's new address is 1330 Crispin Drive, Unit 206, Elgin, IL 60123 on Home Advisor..
Only problem is when u cross reference this address, no such entity like Global Restoration Services or Conman Daniel Wilnau exists. The Grayslake Police Department has a police report on Conman Daniel Wilnau for threatening a female customer, public record, 21-1920, dated 1/27/21. Was the 2k u ripped off from us worth it mother? How hard were u & Ray laughing when we waited for u on May 29, 2020. Conman Dan can't remember all his lies. He responded to the BBB that we owed him money still. In his Home Advisor rebuttal dated 9/17/20, he lied we did not exist. Still laughing that u have been suspended from Home Advisor. Recommend u two try to be honest in the future.


We hired Daniel Wilnau & his Global Restoration Services just to extract water 💧 from a crawl space. Little did we know he would steal from us 2k, resulting in trips to the police department. Then we became the second client this year, 2021, to be threatened & harassed. We didn't ask for this.

Daniel Wilnau is a thief, liar, cheat, & conman
I can't emphasize enough that Wilnau & his enabler Ray are two thieves. There is no Corp., no insurance, no employees, just two liars working out of their truck, & hope they don't get caught. Look at the reviews from other customers & u will notice a similar pattern. When Wilnau gets caught, he will start lying. Unfortunately, he did operate under the radar screen but not any longer. Local law enforcement watches him for other alleged illegal activities. Has a police report in Grayslake for threatening a female customer. Hopes u don't find out!


Conman Dan Wilnau claims in the description of his service that he has a knack for excellence. He should say a knack for stealing. He is no longer in the Home Advisor Network. Don't blame us for u getting kicked off Conman Dan. Think about the 2k u stole from us & all the other customers u ripped off.

Conman Daniel Wilnau forgot to change his address back to Elgin. Moves around frequently to prevent from being sued. Newest address for his cons is 1330 Crispin Drive, #206, Elgin, IL 60123 according to Home Advisor. Hides so often can't remember which address the living piece of mold uses. Cross reference this new address & u can see no entity associated with CONMAN Daniel Wilnau or his other lying outfit, Global Restoration Services, exists. Too bad u & Ray were not honest & could avoid this in the first place.

Suspended from Home Advisor
Conman Daniel Wilnau has been suspended from Home Advisor & Angie's List due to non performance & complaints by female customers. Do not hire. Beware of his fellow crook by the name of Ray. They stole 2k from us in May 2020. Was it worth it u SOB!


Now kicked off Home Advisor Network as of 12/8/21. Was that 2k u stole from us worth it, u SOB? All I did was supply evidence of what u did, combined with other reviews of the same thievery u do to others. Conman Dan is his own worst enemy. He threw away now plenty of business. His consistent lying only made matters worse.

Read all his negative reviews in ripoff report, google, yelp, angie's list, home advisor, & bbb. Police are aware of him & other alleged illegal activity.

He charged us 2k up front, showed up one time, claimed he needed a dumpster, & never showed up again. Kept claiming he would come back later as he had other jobs, then when we called from different numbers, hung up on us. The check had already cleared too. Plus potential false Army Vet credentials. I asked as a 35 Army Vet about what he did, & he sounded confused my question. Ft. Bragg NC does not offer basic training. First red flag after he was hired. Read similar reviews.


Better give Conmen Dan & Ray all 5s on Home Advisor no matter if they stole from u or not. U don't want Conman Dan calling u up to harass & threaten u. This is what he has done twice this year to clients. Check out Park Ridge Police Department Report 21-24325 dated 11/29/21 & Grayslake Police Department Report 21-1920 dated 1/27/21. Incredible that Home Advisor let's these persons go into homes. Someone is liable to get hurt until Home Advisor decides there is a problem. Interesting when I have called Home Advisor & Angie's List, they tell me they have never heard of someone like this. Conman Daniel Wilnau harassing & threatening customers.

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Address: 14 Prosper Ct Unit 8, Lake in the Hills, Illinois, United States, 60156-9520


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+1 (630) 477-0700


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