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MTM Transportation

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Reviews Transportation Services MTM Transportation

MTM Transportation Reviews (17)

• May 22, 2024

MTM recently acquired MTBA, and since then EVERYTHING has gone to hell. It does not matter how many times I call and set up my recurring transportation to the local clinic, it ALWAYS ends up being cancelled somehow. I get weekly rides, Monday through Friday in the morning, and was having no problems before MTM took over. The employees will flat out lie to you over the phone, they say they have all the info you gave them and are putting your ride in to dispatch. Then the next day, no text, no call, no ride, nothing. Multiple times now for the last two weeks, I've been told in he mornings when I need my rides that "I never had anything scheduled."
The employees will not submit your ride to be assigned to a driver. If they can, they just try to stick you in an Uber because it's easier for them. But if you live in a rural area like I do, UBER WON'T DRIVE OUT HERE TO ME.
I can't think of enough horrible things to say about this company. I'm at my wit's end, calling every day and being assured that my weekly rides are set back up and that I will be assigned a driver, then the next day comes and they don't send out a driver because I "Don't have a ride scheduled".
This is getting absolutely ridiculous. None of the call center/dispatch employees know what they're doing, or how to operate the new system that MTM has put in place. Your chances of actually getting a ride through them, let alone making it to your destination on time, is very nearly ZERO. You'll probably have better luck hitchhiking.

• Apr 30, 2024

No ride showed up!!
Called Friday, April 26, 2024 to set up a ride for a very important Dr appointment on 4/30/2024 at 9:30am.
Was hung up on 4 times! 3 times the call was disconnected by the automated system & the last was while on the phone with a rep. Took 5 times of calling them to get a ride set up!
Called again on 4/29/2024 to verify this was all set up. Got confirmation and even created an online account to verify everything was correct and all set up.
Come day of the appointment (today) and no ride showed up! No call or text or email to notify us! I called and was told they still didn't find a driver, but they would see if they could still get one out. Like, what for? The appointment was already missed!
Very dissatisfied with this company overall! All we were offered was excuses. They were of no help and caused more issues and headaches than anything! Would rate at a zero if possible! Terrible communication, terrible automated system, terrible service all around!

• Mar 28, 2024

I miss veyo. MTM has made me miss three appointments by simply not showing to pick me up without notice. also, I’m a wheelchair user. I schedule my rides with that information included. MTM not have any accessible vans in my area. If I didn’t have a foldable backup wheelchair, I wouldn’t be able to go to my doctor appointments. I have a custom chair with power assist for a reason. Having to use my hospital chair drains me. What would I do if I only used an electric wheelchair? What about the people in my area who only use electric wheelchairs? MTM was not created with disabled people who use mobility aids in mind.

• Feb 12, 2024

what else is to say about them and this is their 2nd time buying into trips????
Im a client and patient at a recovery clinic in Wi. My days used to go a lot smoother until Mtm came back into the picture. I go 7 days a week and have been lowering my dose and Doing great but now that Mtm is back all I hear about is due to your insurance You dont have a choice and thats about it . Its as if mtm and I have not been through the same situation before but I know that when that much time goes by records can get bigger and providers can change but cmon ... How is a ever changing schedule due to ever changing drivers that all dont share the same work ethic or really care about the fact some of us are in Recovery or on dialysis or many different things going on but still steady get paid like yourselves and the treatment just gets worse and worse by the day . You put us on longer mileage trips from companies farther away on days where hrs are shorter and wonder why so many either miss appointments or maybe like myself lose a job due to constantly being woken up around 530 6 30 am in the morning just to be told the fact that we made an appointment and time the driver we end up w/ is supposed to be there. Maybe the night b4 would be a bit better but maybe I could have your personal phone # so I can call you up on a random morning around 5 30 am and ask you or is that a little too much to ask for ?
I had a ride service that the driver earned me as a reg client . He worked very hard and was as important to my recovery as the clinic itself and the counselor I have now and a few other people in my corner but not anymore . You guys even asked aryv for a list of their reg clients so that would not change but I start to wonder why being some of us dont have a choice anyways . I get that we cant all have special treatment but when something is going great you dont just break it and go on w/ your day and not listen to the person that helps keep this whole thing going . I get you all work for your paychecks but the Med clients and people who keep that train rolling are not at all happy and I have lost a job myself and apparently am irresponsible and not capable of working even a part time job thanks to not being listened to and just constantly turned to just plainly changing my insurance which I dont want to and should not have to do .
Some of us are not asking for much so maybe try a little better . I will say that it is getting extremely hard to continue succeeding and Your company is not at all seeming to want to hlp or listen . not all of us are lucky enough to get to speak w/ someone that wants to do more than make a paycheck so Please listen to some of us , at least someone who wants to help instead of just present the client w/ another just deal with it scenario or change your insurance. My counselors ask why things change so much but I'm starting to feel like they are asking the wrong person and maybe thats a conversation for the 2 of you but in all honesty I kinda need to surround my self w/ people in my corner and especially if I'm to succeed . I hope you can understand if you feel a bit of anger in this review. I'm not happy and am willing to listen but your company seems to be the same as before so I'm starting to wonder if all I can do is change my insurance or provider .

I also start to think about others that go to appointments for other reasons and I start to wonder whats really going on and what this is really about . It seems like you would rather us fail and unhappy so there are longer trips and more paychecks and the ball keeps rolling but only to your corner .
I want to believe you want to help but its very hard and has been since the last time you left . I begin to wonder is your company actually capable of helping or just collecting checks ? I have no clue or idea I'm just unhappy and dont forget apparently unable to hold down a job and be responsible but I'm sure good at answering a wake up call from some of these companies .

Excellent service
I was in need of transportation to and from a medical procedure. I had read the reviews for MTM. I was somewhat concerned. I contacted the Director and received almost an immediate response. I was assured there would not be any issues with my transportation. On the 23rd I received a call from JJ Ride confirming my trip. My procedure was on the 24th. JJ Ride was on time. The driver was courteous, and very pleasant. She was an excellent driver. After the procedure the hospital contacted JJ Ride. I only waited a half hour for pick up. Once again the driver was very courteous and friendly. He also was an excellent driver. My trip to and from the hospital was efficient and comfortable. Thank you MTM for excellent service.

• Oct 04, 2023

Horrible Management and Horrible treatment of the members
If I could I wouldn't give them no stars. As a former employee of MTM, I can tell y'all that place is horrible. Management is horrible and the way they treat the members is downright terrible. A lot of customers have been complaining about missing their appointments or being stranded for 2-3 hours at their doctor's office. The reason being is because recently MTM bought out Legacy-Veyo. We have a system called Reveal and it's used to schedule, cancel, reschedule, or activate the return rides and management would disable the system reveal so they can transfer all of Legacy-Veyo information into MTM system during operation hours when members need to get to and from their appointments. Basically playing with people's lives. Some have dialysis or chemotherapy or some may need to get home to take their medications. That company needs to be shut down period

• Aug 21, 2023

Wait to last min to find a driver
My son is in a wheel chair and I booked his trips a week to 2 weeks ahead .when I seen on friday there was still no driver assigned I called his case worker who talk to mtm and confirmed the trip for mon aug21,Tues aug22 ,Aug 28 ,well I called sat since there was still no driver assigned and was told if a driver wasn't assigned by Saturday night call Sunday so I called to Sunday inky to be told my son trip for monday wasn't being worked on and dispatch was closed on Sunday. Now my son is going to miss his appointment tomorrow at 9:30 for austim and I'm going to have to pay a bo show fee I told the lady at mtm I'm going to send them the no show bill for them to pay since it's there fault and they always wait untill the day of his trip to find a driver and can't when they had a week .and I told the lady how it will take months for my son to get another appointment for his austim test we will have to go back on a wait list .I'm getting sick of this its not even been a week since I made a complaint for the same thing but for another appointment and yet there doing the same thing .this is how you treat a.disabled child who need to get to his therapy appointment and dr appointment and specialist and test.


My son can't get help
Thanks to MTM transportation NEVER showing up my son can't make it to his therapy 6 hrs a day! NE Total Care also fails to understand why that might be a problem. WAY To MAKE SURE MY SON GETS ZERO CARE.


4 missed rides
4 times out of 12 rides, they failed to provide the ride they are hired to do. 4 times they ordered a Lyft driver that never calls or shows up. THIS IS WHY MTM WILL NO LONGER BE THE CONTRACTED COMPANY. it will be PHC Transportation #866 828-2303


Awful Company!
My cousin was getting treatment an hour away from home. The driver actually showed up this time to take him. When they left the facility after his treatment, the driver hit a pedestrian as they were leaving the parking lot of the hospital. She said she was ok & left, so the driver didn’t bother calling the police. However, my cousin had injuries: chipped teeth, lacerations, bloody face & further damage to an existing wound. He went to the emergency room, but wasn’t treated because the driver rushed him, saying she had to leave. That was his only way home an hour away, so he left with her & had his mom take him to the ER in his hometown and filed a police report. The only time we heard from the company was later that day and the next day when the driver said her boss said they would pay for him to go to their dentist to get his chipped teeth repaired. He didn’t accept because they were trying to keep everything on the low. We never heard anything back from Medicaid Transportation Service or Liberty Connection. We contacted a lawyer and the driver denies everything. Thankfully, by him checking into the ER when it happened, even though he didn’t stay for treatment, they have his statement about what happened on file and documented his injuries, so it’s NOT OVER! They WILL be held accountable! Close this company, NOW!


how is this resolution satisfactory to me, or for anyone, for driver no-shows
just how do they make up for drivers that don't show ? Offer a free ride of their choice at a later date ? buy them a lottery ticket ? This sounds like the standard P.R.B.S. Answer (public response, bullsh-t answer) otherwise they would be proud of the way they took care of the problem, and say what they did to make up for the missing appointments because of the choice of drivers/companies they employ


3 missed appointments because of their incompetence at getting drivers
3 missed appointments because of their incompetence at getting drivers I dont know why medicare still gives them the franchise for transportation, WHEN THEY ARE SO BAD AT IT
And these stupid people keep asking if I had any other way to get to my appointment, IF I DID, I WOULD NOT EVEN CALL THESE RDED PEOPLE FOR A RIDE
Something they claim to do for a living W.T.F.


MTM’s Quality Management team has reached out to this individual to resolve the complaint appropriately. We cannot share any resolution specifics with the due to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

This company is horrible!!! Beware. They are used by medicaid and medical insurance companies to schedule transportation for individuals to and from medical appointments. They are rude, unreliable, and incompetent. I have missed 4 medical appointments due to them putting the wrong information ie; address for pick up twice and time of pickup once and the 4th time they just didn't send a ticket at all. They send tickets to companies charging the state double the cab fee of other available companies too . When I called concerned about the prices and ask why they wouldn't send it to my preferred much cheaper and available to take me company the said it's not policy. Nice to know those tax dollars are spent so frivolously.


this company is contracted by medicaid to hire competent transpotation companies to transport qualified medicaid recepient patients to their scheduled medical appointments and have failed to do so on countless scheduled trips. I have called mtm"s complaint line as instructed and my concerns have been disregarded. i"ve even tried reaching out in an email to mtm"s program director Mr. *** and have had no response. What prompted me to file with is the incident on 10-23-17. hired transpotation company legacy failed to pick me up for my routine scheduled dialysis appointment siting car problems with no second car available to use for pick up and mtm was also called on the matter and offered no sound resolution. and I was forced to drive myself sick to my dialysis treatment. I feel mtm should compensate me for my miles incurred and investigate all the transportation companies they hire to transport us the patients a lack of concern,care,care and consideration for us the patient by this company is long overdue and needs to seriously be address!

this service is offered to me through my insurance for transportation to and from the doctor. They never show up to take me to the doctor, never a courtesy call to even say that they cant make it. They have went as far to tell me that they dont even service my area, but clearly forgot that out of the numerous trips I have scheduled, they did actually arrive twice. It seems that everytime they cant provide the services they are required to provide, they come up with another lie as to why they didnt. I receive treatment for a life threatening disease and I trusted this company to get to and from my doctor and have repeatedly, refused, denied, lied and failed to provide the services which I am entitled to.

MTM Transportation Response

MTM’s Quality Management team has reached out to this individual to resolve the complaint appropriately. We cannot share any resolution specifics with the due to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.

Customer Response

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


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Address: 6360 I 55 N Ste 201, Jackson, Mississippi, United States, 39211-2038


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