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Flick Enterprises

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Reviews Flick Enterprises

Flick Enterprises Reviews (790)

Hi ***, I'm sorry to hear that you're frustrated with you experience with me up to this pointI think there might be some confusion hereMy role at Square is on the sales team(i.esetting up new businesses with Square), and as a result, don't spend time with existing customersExisting customers typically work with Square's support team (contact information provided in a previous email)With that said, I was happy to provide a basic hardware quote for your account rather than redirecting you to another team, but all ongoing questions should be directed to Square SupportIt's never been a part of Square's policy to offer free chip card readers for our customers, so I apologize for confusion on that frontI just spoke with my manager and confirmed that we will not be able to provide you one for freeIf you'd like to purchase a chip card reader, you can do so on our websiteAlternatively, if your Square Stand isn't functioning properly, I'd highly recommend speaking to POS Portal for a replacement in your lease programYou can call them at 855-858-Thank you, ***If you have any further concerns please email us at [email protected]

Thank you for writing in, after reviewing your account we found that the IRS placed a Tax Levy hold on your account.Essentially we received a legal order to hold funds from the state due to tax debts, the funds will remain on hold until we receive a release from the state

Hello,Thanks for letting us know that a dispute on the charge has been filedSquare will work directly with your card-issuing bank once we receive notification of the billing disputePlease note that the dispute process can take up to days to resolveYour card-issuing bank will be in touch once an official resolution is available have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me partially only because I have went through this exact process before with their resolution team and I have not been successful with them refunding the money to the customer I have received the same exact message in my email from their resolution team and up to now the customer is still not refunded I approved their message for them to confirm the refund and still nothing has processed despite the funds being in my square account and my bank accountSincerely, [redacted] **

Square can confirm that these funds were successfully delivered to the recipient’s linked debit cardIf you are having trouble locating these funds, feel free to reach out to Square directly

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/12/14) */ According to Square's Merchant User Agreement Article Suspension or Termination by Us: "We may terminate this Agreement and close your Square Account for any reason or no reason at any time upon notice to youWe may also suspend the Services and access to your Square Account (including the funds in your Square Account) if you (a) have violated the terms of this Agreement, any other agreement you have with Square, or Square's policies, (b) pose an unacceptable credit or fraud risk to us, or (c) provide any false, incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information or otherwise engage in fraudulent or illegal conduct." The decision to deactivate your account is finalAny funds currently in your account will be held for daysIf you do not wish to wait the days, you may issue a refund at any time within days of the date of the transactionTo learn more about issuing refunds, please reference this article found on the online Help Center: Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 11, 2016/02/22) */ As it stands, SQUARE owes me $7,and has yet to return my funds What or how do I go about finding a resolution? And moreover, why has no one responded to my inquiries or calls? [redacted] XXX XXX XXXX Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 14, 2016/03/09) */ Square has released the hold and the funds will be available in your linked bank account in 1-business daysPlease refer to the latest email correspondence between you and Square for any additional questions

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 6, 2015/11/03) */ Hello, Upon further investigation, a member from Square's Compliance Team sent an email to you on October 27, The email states: "We're sorry to inform you that we are deactivating your accountWe reviewed your account and found that your business is prohibited by Section of the Square Seller Agreement, which means we cannot accept payments related to your business." The decision to deactivate your account is finalFor security purposes, Square cannot disclose further details regarding the reason for account deactivation Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 13, 2015/11/24) */ I never heard back from them and am still not able to see the companies response and haven't heard anything since the 4th of NovemberPlease let me know if they made a response and what it entailedThank you Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 15, 2015/12/08) */ Upon further investigation, a member from Square's Compliance Team sent an email to you on October 29, The email states: "Unfortunately, our decision to deactivate your account is finalDue to the obligations of our agreements with card networks and other financial institutions, we cannot reverse this decision and are unable to provide additional details For further information about our policies, you can review the Square Seller Agreement on our website ("

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: They have all relevant information [redacted] Stone Lake corporationSincerely, [redacted] ***

Please refer to the following email sent on October 21: It is against our Terms to use Square for anything related to credit counseling or credit repair agenciesWe regret to inform you that your account has been deactivatedAny funds currently in your account will be held for days before being released to your linked bank accountYou may also consider refunding the payments back to the original cards and seeking an alternate form of paymentPlease note that we refund all the fees tooPlease refund the payments in questionIf you aren’t sure how to refund a payment, this Support Center article will help youIt usually takes two to seven days for refunded payments to get credited back to the original payment cardWe apologize for the inconvenience, however our decision is final

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/12/21) */ Square Privacy Policy states, "We take reasonable measures, including administrative, technical, and physical safeguards, to help protect personal information from loss, theft, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction." Please reach out to Square directly through email to assess your particular situation Complaint Response Date bumped because: Holiday Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2016/01/05) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Considering the source, a morally bankrupt company that believes it is acceptable to spy on, invade the privacy, cyber stalk, and leech as much information they can, from anyone they can, to serve their own purposes and profitTo have them use a term like reasonable, is laughableWhat kind of safeguards are in place to allow the mistake that started this, to happenSquare, without my knowledge or permission, emailed a receipt/transaction confirmation to an email address that is not mineAn email address that is a company/ business accountAlmost every company email address that I have seen for an individual, has some variation of that persons nameA quick look at the name on the credit card account compared to the email address it was sent to, should have raised a red flagI will also add that Square should have no business sending these types of emails in the first placeThey are a "middleman"If I wanted a transaction receipt, I would have asked for one from the company I did business withIf I wanted confirmation of credit card purchases, I would have contacted my credit card company to send me alertsIn this day and age, when Identity Theft is at epic levels, any company that keeps massive data bases on people -especially of a financial nature- should be held to strict standards to protect that informationNot "reasonable"Reasonable is a very ambiguous and subjective termI am sure Kim Jong Il believes it to be reasonable to oppress the citizens of North Korea It would seem Square's definition of reasonable is to send an email to an unconfirmed recipient adding a side note at the bottom Not Your Receipt, expecting people to be nice enough to click on it to unlink the credit card from the email account and not to do anything the with the information they were sent I will repeat I have no account or agreement with Square, like most peopleSquare was never authorized to send emails or any information regarding purchases with my credit card and I was never informed of their practice to do so There is one part of Square's response that I do not know if I should be insulted or they are just that obliviousSquare asking for me to reach out to them trough emailThey have already proven to be negligent and irresponsible with the information they have, why would I want to volunteer moreI tried to call their customer service for some answers, but the only way you can get through is you need a crHow do you get a cr? You need to create an account and provide them more information than they need to just talk to you on the phone Bottom line a large portion of Square's business model is in collecting and selling personal information and data on as many people as they canBeing a relatively young company, they are behind all of the well established companies out there that have been doing it for decadesSquare is trying to catch up, by hook or by crookThe one thing that is working to Square's advantage is the younger demographicMost of the younger generations tend to shop and live electronicallyThus allowing them to be stalked easier and allowing Square to build a more extensive data base and collecting information from people in their teens or even youngerAllowing Square to bring a bigger piece to the trading and selling of information that has been happening for decades in the darkest of shadows and back room deals Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2016/01/19) */ Square offers support to both buyers and sellers via email, and if you have concerns about the email address associated with your payment card they can reach out to Square supportSquare strives to protect both buyers and sellersPlease visit Square's website for more information at [redacted] Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 11, 2016/01/31) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) How are Unnecessary,Irresponsible, Negligent actions with my personal and financial without my knowledge or permission helpful and supportive? How is sending emails of my personal and financial information to someone other than me helpful and supportive? How is contributing to possible Identity Theft or theft of product helpful and supportive? How is compromising my privacy helpful and supportive? How is causing my order to be cancelled and an over a decade long relationship with a particular retailer to be ended helpful and supportive? How is disappointing family and friends by ending an over decade long Christmas tradition helpful and supportive? It would seem that the definition of Customer that Square has is as loose as it's definition of ReasonableTo be clear, I am not a Customer of SquareI have not entered into any contract or agreement with SquareBefore this incident, I do not believe I had ever heard of SquareI believe, in this scenario, Square's customer is the retailer I chose to have a contract/agreement withSquare was hired as a third party by the retailer to process their credit card transactions, something I have no control over or knowledge ofSquare had no right to take it upon themselves to attempt to reach out to meI am not their customer and I did not give them the right If I did need help or support with a transaction issue, I would contact the retailer or my credit card companyEven if Square were to screw up even worse than they already have and have a direct impact on a transaction, I would have the retailer, credit card company, or lawyer deal with themI may still contact a lawyer, if I can not get a resolution of my satisfaction I believe that if I were to contact Square for help or support, I would get neitherMuch like I am getting nowAs a matter of fact I did try contacting Square directly, but their system is set up in such a way that I had no luck talking to someone directly Square needs to change its policy on how they use and protect information they get as their roll as middleman and should not be allowed to take action without an individuals (aka non-customer) permission

Thanks for writing in! I checked your account and all funds have been depositedDeposits are generally initiated within to hours of the transaction––you'll automatically receive an email as soon as this happensKeep in mind, however, that different banks move at different speedsSome will show the deposit almost immediately while others take a bit longerIt's also important to note that most banks are closed during weekends and holidaysThis often means there is little to no activity during that time period.In terms of specific timing, we automatically send your funds around pm PST, every day, once they have been held for a minimum of hoursAny transactions that have not yet been held for hours will be sent the following day.Have a great day!

Thank you for writing in, as of 7/8/ [redacted] your account has been cleared and is able to accept payments

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: This is the same exact response I first received when our account was deactivated, there was no resolution then or now Also I learn that the 855-700-number is only available to businesses that have "active" accounts If your account is deactivated by Square there is no way to contact these people either by phone or e-mail Believe me I have tried, I want the money held I earned it, they didn't I have also learned that many people have waited over a year and still not received the funds being held into their account, so the "days funds held" is also an inaccurate statement Having had a solid business for over years, I would like to know what the high risk factor was we were labeled with I am surprised that any business that wants to be considered a credible business would have virtually NO CUSTOMER SERVICE Having been self employed our entire life, we find that customer service and how you related to your customers needs are the most important aspect of any business I would truly like to see their A+ rating lowered as I feel they are continually taking advantage of businesses, especially small ones, and are not honest in their dealings or communications Sincerely, [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I only have one charge on this account when they deactivated itI have contacted the card holder and his accountThere has been no charge backs on this accountTherefore they can't hold my money any longer.Sincerely, [redacted]

Please refer to the latest email correspondence sent by Square on 5/18/**.Hello [redacted] ,Thanks for writing in.Per our conversation, please provide the following information:A copy of your driver’s license (in lieu of a government-issued business document)An invoice or some other documentation reflecting the payments processed with SquareYour three most recent bank statements for the bank account linked to your Square account.Please respond directly to this email with the documentation attached in either PDF or JPEG format.Thank you for using Square

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: SQARE, INC holds my money for no reason! They have to release me the money because I already sent goods to a customerOr they have to call me and explain the situation ! [redacted] ***

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: This isn't even a responseI mean the first line says "refer to the email sent on DATE" and doesn't give a date!!!! And then goes on to be what seems like random cut and paste sentences that are not even matching! What the heck is this? Sincerely, [redacted]

We wanted to let you know that after reviewing your account we were able to release the pending funds on 8/10, and your funds are scheduled to be deposited to your linked bank account within one to two business daysPlease note that your account status remains unchanged.We appreciate your patience and apologize again for any inconvenience this may have caused.Sincerely,Square Account Services have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meYes square has released my funds as they stated I do appreciate the fast release of funds thanks [redacted]

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/09/22) */ Hello, Square was unable to locate a Square account associated with this name and email addressIf you could provide the name and email address on the account of which you are inquiring, Square can further assist you Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 7, 2015/09/23) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) [redacted] Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 10, 2015/10/07) */ Hello, Upon further investigation, a member of Square's Compliance team reviewed your account and elected to terminate the account in accordance with Article of the Square Seller Agreement Article further states that: "We will not be liable to you for compensation, reimbursement, or damages in connection with your use of the Services, or in connection with any termination or suspension of the ServicesAny termination of this Agreement does not relieve you of any obligations to pay any Fees or costs accrued prior to the termination and any other amounts owed by you to us as provided in this Agreement." The decision to deactivate your account is finalFor security purposes, Square cannot disclose further details regarding the reason for account deactivation Final Consumer Response / [redacted] (4200, 14, 2015/10/08) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) I want to be reimbursed

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