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8050 SW 10th St STE 4200, Plantation, Florida, United States, 33324-3290

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Nationsbenefits Reviews (%countItem)

• Jan 31, 2025

60 days now-- that is their reimbursement policy and STILL NO REIMBURSEMENT CHECK for my rent! They just keep saying check back in a week, check back in a week, yada yada yada! Their excuse is that they are too busy and backed up with reimbursement requests to get to me in a decent time. Tired of being lied to and NOT getting my money. Who do we go to if they are not keeping up with their own policies? Our representatives, Medicare, I dont know who... anyone?

• Apr 22, 2024

Nations Rips Off Medicare and Seniors!!!
Today is 4/22/24 and I am complaining big time on what a RIP OFF Nations Benefits is/is not...I am with Florida Blue and they just started this program this year and I have never felt so ripped off. Nations is milking Medicare and senior citizens. Their prices are outrageous! And, I have told Florida Blue of my disappointment. I can not use the BLUE card for anything except Nations and the little extra funds I get for doing my health tasks can only be used for healthy food/medicines that Nations approve. I asked for a list of food...what is it? Lettuce, milk a granola bar and they say nothing! Now I find out my extra funds can only go specific healthy food which no one will tell me what that is...and for eyeglasses or a dentist. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing! I am so furious I am going to complain to the BBB regarding this Nations program and I hope others will too.


nations is no good
I have had problems with them since the day I was issued them thier app does not tell if things are covered correctly you cant cancel and order with them 20 mins after u place it you have to tell them everything you bought when it declines for them to know what item it didnt pay for and u tell them thier walmart scanner said it pays they say well thats not always right


Nations Benefits Incompetent
On October 24th I went to Wàlmart which is the only store I can go to in my area which is Waterbury Connecticut. On that day I purchased $57 worth of food and when I got to the register the card had been acting up all morning for nature's benefits. I called them on the same day and made a complaint and told them that I had purchased $57 worth of food on my own out of my pocket and wanted to be reimbursed. The customer service rep told me that she would put in for a reimbursement took all my information plus the items that were bought that were not accepted by the card because of a glitch all day. This is now going into December, I called back to follow up on my reimbursement and get a customer service rep who tells me that the rep that did the reimbursement was not correct in what she submitted , that the information that was put in a computer was inaccurate and after waiting a month making six calls to Nations benefits to follow up and two calls to Aetna as per nation's benefit for them to initiate reimbursement , they tell me today that everything is null and void that because of their mistakes from their customer service reps that they should not have done this in the first place. So I asked for a supervisor Jasmine Lopez in Connecticut who told me that there was nothing they can do and when I asked for her manager she told me that she couldn't give out the manager's name which is BS. You have a manager and a supervisor for a reason, if you don't know what you're doing that's what your supervisor is there for to guide you stop giving out erroneous information to customers and inadequate input into computers. So now I'm out $57, and they're Representatives didn't do their job but guess who pays for it me. Inadequate inept unprofessional and needs to be shut down. I'm going to be looking for another plan. If I could give them zero Stars they would get zero, since I can't leave this site without giving them a start that's the only reason why you got it you don't deserve it.


Highly inept ignorant poorly trained rude ineffective incompetent company agents who.give lame excuses for non warranty of products . Delayed shipments out of stocks etc ..horrible experiences on numerous occasions ..disgraceful.


would rate 0 if could
This is a terrible benefit. They have a limited number of stores where you can use your flex spending card. Costco is omitted, and if I am a fiscally conscious consumer, I will use Costco for OTC to get the best price. In addition, you cannot use it on copay for prescriptions. I have never heard such a thing about a flex-pay card. Their offerings on their website is horrible. And now I have $$ available for healthy groceries which it is only accepted at Walmart, CVS and Walgreens. NO grocery stores in my area. The rep said I can purchase groceries online. The prices are outrageous online compared to the grocery store Oh wait - they don't have grocery stores I can go to.


We will be switching from Anthem due to these crooks. Overcharge for items that show name brands then seen cheap knockoffs. Ordered a can of name brand pinto beans and got a bag of cheap dried beans. Show Hidden Valley Ranch but sent some knockoff that poured like water. Prices are now twice what they were at Wal-Mart.


Inept company. Fraudulent practices. They should lose all their contracts and go under!
What a horrible, inept and uncaring company. It has taken me 4+ months to try to get a $95 check reimbursement for a hearing aid repair.
6 calls to them (lots more that I wasn't even able to get through to them with) , and still no check.
The most recent call the person waited and waited for a supervisor and then said she'd call me back.
Never happened. No call, no check.
This company is a fraud. Hopefully they will lose all their contracts with the major medicare advantage healthcare providers, who should ALL dump this company for their flex benefits


Terrible customer service
Order placed and it's been over a week, FedEx does not know when it will arrive.Talked to a supervisor at Nation Benifits and he was rude and said he couldn't do anything about it. I hope Anthem realizes this is an impression on how they do business. These insurance companies need to step in and help their customers.


wish I could give 1 store
Sure it is absolutely wonderful to have the extra perk...if items were good. Aetna Nationsbenefit.
Can not find *any* answers to what items are available in store, which means I end up paying out of pocket. The App's useless for determining item is part of program. As I don't eat junk food all I purchased was whole food that required prep/cooking, personal items (deodorant, pads, etc.) so absolutely within criteria per directive of use.
Do *not* order on-line, everything was subpar, boxes were open, packages as well, tins were dented. Nothing food wise was safe to eat.
Definitely a scam, especially as only most expensive, by costs, stores are eligible to shop.


DO NOT WORK OR SIGN UP FOR/WITH NATIONS BENEFITS! They have a LAWSUIT going on due to a data breech - due to that, they fired 100+ employees (MEAs, escalations, MCO, higherups, etc) w NO reason at all. when asked they give a generic reason as to why and beat around the bush. Kevin Spencer AND Stacey Weaver are the BIGGEST snakes! they smile in your face and turn around firing you for no reason at all - no final warning or nothing. they even fired a supervisor b/c Kevin told him to write up MEAs due to scheduling, and schedules that they switch every 3 weeks with no heads-up even though we already had a permanent schedule when we originally started. IT'S EITHER YOU DO THIS OR GO HOME AND THAT IS NOT FAIR! they do not care about their members. they refuse to give them accurate information or assistance when urgently needed. IT department refuses to do anything about accounts that need help - rather than them looking into the problem they would rather close the ticket out without a PROPER excuse, sometimes none at all. Sups say one thing, turn around and PUNISH THE MEAs for something that they were told to follow. the point system is unreasonable. THEY CONTINUOUSLY MESS UP EVERYONE'S PAYCHECK. I GOT MONEY TAKEN OUT TWICE FOR MY BENEFITS! MEMBERS DO NOT SIGN UP FOR NATIONS - SIGN UP FOR AT UR OWN RISK! they have contracts being pulled left and right - pretty soon they will start firing people again like they did twice before. LIARS. SELFISH. RUDE. RACIST! FRAUDS. this company needs to be rid of altogether, taking these innocent people's money and not even assisting them as needed leaving all the stink garbage for your employees to pick up. SHOULD BE ASHAMED. ZERO STARS!


restroom breaks are slim to none. they want to keep employees on the phone to keep taking calls that keep coming in back go back due to the company's reckless mistakes. they fire pregnant people, send you home for the littlest things that are so petty, and have you on the phone for 3 hours straight with no breaks.




Complain to Medicare (CMS)
I found that by filing a complaint with CMS, which is Medicare, that your insurance company will sit up and take notice. 1-855-798-2627 The more complaints they get, the more pressure gets put on the insurance companies. Several big insurance companies got fined last year for not addressing the complaints promptly. I hope it happens again this year to Elevance.
Complain to Medicare (CMS)


THis is not the correct number I have been given a different number twice; typical government. THe number I have is 888.317.0751

💎You Have Some Representatives That Don't Want To Do The Work
💎 I Have Some Complaints to make About Some of Nations Workers But There in NO Complaint Department Or Area in App for Complaints Plus Some of Workers Hang Up Or leave You on hold Until You Give Up But I'm Old School Die Hard EverReady I Have Been waiting for A refund for Over a month almost 2months it keeps saying Approved will Be put on card in 48 Hours now 1 Month going on 2 How many 48 Hours is this? Some of Your Workers Are Lazy And don't Want to Do the Work And This is in EVERY DEPARTMENT PACKERS DON'T want to pack Right they Just throw items in Box So 3 Times I Had A trail of Oatmeal from elevator to door All opened in Box Refund People Don't Put Money back on Card When APPROVED Makes Me Think Someone in Organization is Pocketing What Refunds They Can Because tickets Keep getting LOST And Because A Lot of People Give Up NOOO My Money And I Want It Back Some REPRESENTICES DON'T Know what They Are Doing Some Are Just Plain Lazy DON'T Want to Do The Work Hang Up On You Or Just Leave You On Hold The WORST Thing Is Nations Period They Made it HARDER For Senior Citizens To Order And Instead of Easier Mor COMPLICATIONED The DON'T Have Much Of A Choice For Healthy Benefits Groceries And It Has Become VERY VERY ANNOYING AND STRESSFULL NATIONSBENEFITS IS A VERY DISORGANIZED COMPANY PERIOD


Change by March 31
If you have Medicare and Medicaid you can still change insurance companies by March 31st ! United Health Care uses a U card now ! They offer more benefits then Anthem! Apparently they pulled the plug on Nations Benefits soon as their customers complained which is more than I can say for Anthem because all Anthem did was pretend to not know and pretend to help and did nothing, because they knew what was going on they just showed their true colors and did nothing for their customers to benefit themselves. So for anyone who has been told you have a dual plan and can not change till oct it's bs.. you have till March 31st to change. The U plan you can use on groceries or otc or utilities ! Or you can find another plan either way you are not stuck. Let Anthem and Aetna loose all their customers and sit in the filth of what they created for their elderly and disabled customers ! If you know someone in these plans who is not internet savvy help them change plans before March 31 st !


Sent 2 wrong items and won't replace or refund them
They delivered 2 wrong items. They say if the item you order is not in stock, they will replace it with something similar or better. I ordered olive oil spray and was sent canola oil spray. They will not credit my account nor will they send me replacement items. I was able to speak to a manager who said they would send me replacement items and would document my file to that effect. When I finally found replacement items I was told they would not accommodate me at all and would not send me any replacements. As someone else pointed out, the wait times when you call them are atrocious!


Contact attorneys for breach of contract lawsuits
I was told today that nothing was going to be added the rest of this year to the benefits and when I said that not having tampons on the list was discrimination the lady said I know but there is nothing we can do. They are not going to change anything. They have screwed me out of my grocery benefits and I was told well I told u to use the Nations benefit site. I said lady I am not using a price gouging site and break the law. Her answer well it's not u breaking the law. They do not care about that they have broken their contracts with us. Nothing is going to be fixed at all and yes I do not think our insurance companies give a rats a** about any of us this has all been a scam if we can't use our benefits then they save money! I am sure we all have emails that state going forward with a new vendor it would be easier. Nothing has been easier with any of this. So let me inform those with dual medicare/ Medicaid u have till March 31 to change insurance still. For those that want to sue for breach of contract and discrimination someone find a good attorney who wants to make millions and put their names on here because I for one am ready to sue them!

• Jan 31, 2025

you can add me to a joint lawsuit how do we share info?

Frustratingly Horrible Service
My card has been declined at Pic and Save multiple times ( in person) throughout Jan 23and Feb 23, now it's March ,missed out on $50.00 food twice, and Nations Member Services is clueless , stating Pic Save must not be on their list (it's their website as a provider).
Frustrating and Embarrassing at the Counter,
Guess they need to move those online $3 cans of 15oz off brand veggies,, and $4 Campbell's Soup,
PLUS very limited selection of Health products compared to last year, with EXTREMELY SLOW DELIVERY of same.
What a JOKE


Terrible company. Very slow shipping, Overpriced,delivered damaged.


Worst company
I received $600 and $540.was taken from the company. It's been almost 2 months to be reimbursed and still nothing. No one does a damn thing. They lie about what they will do. I am going to leave my insurance plan because of national benefits.


Keep up the good work
Make sure to turn grievances into Medicare directly about your insurance company not just the company itself! Since Medicare is federally funded they get enough complaints the insurance companies will not have their contracts renewed with Medicare. Also report to ftc about Nations Benefits price gouging the elderly and disabled. Flat out tell your insurance agency if they stay with a discrimination and fraudulent company such as Nations Benefits you will be changing insurance companies when you can ! The insurance companies have to honor their contracts with you and so far they have not at all and it makes them look cheap and guilty themselves for continuing to allow Nations Benefits to get by with what they are doing! If they were truly about helping it's customers they would know their contract has not been upheld by Nations Benefits and they would sue them for themselves for breach of contract. Very easy for them to back out and get a new vendor at this point! Keep up the good work your voices are being heard.

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Address: 8050 SW 10th St STE 4200, Plantation, Florida, United States, 33324-3290


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+1 (954) 939-3288


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