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Verizon Communications

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Reviews Auto Repair, Telecommunications, Telephones Verizon Communications

Verizon Communications Reviews (1383)

Review: An order was placed for a second phone line on 11/*/15. The phone line already existed and was operational until disconnected in 2010. The address of the house was changed by [redacted] from [redacted] to [redacted] since the original installation of the existing line. This was explained at the time of the order and to make sure the line was not installed at the incorrect address. Verizon asked the someone stay at home for the phone to be installed on 11/*/15. No one showed and no one contacted us. When I called Verizon on 11/*/15 I was told the line was installed at [redacted], the wrong address. Several phone calls have been made trying to resolve the problem, 11/*, 11/**, 11/**, 11/**. 11/**, 12/*. Since Verizon was unable to deliver the service, the order was cancelled. We are still receiving bills from Verizon for services we never received!. How is it that a bill can reach my home and the service cannot be connected. I have spent more than 20 hours on the phone with wonderful Verizon representatives, Barbara from Allentown, Afina, Melissa from Wilkes-Barre, Cheryl from Ohio just to name a few. All of which have been wonderful people. It appears the processes are the problem, although we were told it was a coding problem, it was a technical problem, etc. etc. Unfortunately Verizon was unable to resolve. A bill just arrived suspending my services. How do you suspend services never installed? I can see where this is headed and it will go to collections and ruin my credit. How does one get through to Verizon? I have been assured by three representatives that there will be no bill and this will not run my credit, however I have now received 3 bills and a suspension letter. I need help resolving this matter.Desired Settlement: I want Verizon to correct this situation before it ruins my credit. They need to stop sending me bills and threatening my service of which they never installed. and billing me for it!

I need a letter from Verizon that this is resolved once and for all. I'm not sure how they stay in business. Unfortunately Verizon cheated themselves out of business since they were not install this line at the correct location. I have two boys in the military and we were hoping to have this line installed before Veterans day but had to make other accommodations since Verizon was unable to provide us this line and service.



On 1/**/15, a Verizon customer service representative spoke with the customer and explained there were no bills and the account does not have a profile. The representative advised that no credit could be issued without the bill. The representative also advised that she issued a ticket for the disconnect order with an effective bill date of 11/**/15, the date of installation.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

This is not exactly what happened. Katrina attempted to contact me on several occasions. I was unable to return her phone call as her mailbox was full. Today when we connected she said she was unable to process the complaint as she didn't have the account number. I not only had to give her the a couple times but portray the entire 8 weeks. Although she was kind and promised what other representative especially have and promised age would return the call with a resolution she did not. Therefore I have to assume not resolved as in the past. I would like some confirmation that my credit will not be ruined and this is actually resolved. I appreciate everyone's attention to this matter. Have a nice day. Best Regards [redacted]

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Verizon has reviewed this matter further. Records show the bill date for the account is the [redacted] of the month and the service was disconnected on 1/**/16. Records show effective bill date credits are back to 11/**/15. The final bill has not been issued. The final bill for this account would be in our systems 30 days from 1/**/16. The final balance should not reflect a charge. Verizon representatives have made several attempts to contact the customer to discuss this matter with no success. Verizon has provided our contact information via mail. We will be happy to reopen this case once the customer makes contact.

I called verizon because their phone line is about to break off and hit my house because of a tree I do not own nor do I have verizon service the response I got was verizon doesn't own tress or plant trees, ok neither do I i was then told the only thing they will do is put a new line up once the thing completely breaks all so it can break again and hit my house we have kids that come to our home along with our kids and to be told they wont do anything until it completely down and accessible to kids and people makes no sense , they wont take responsibility for their so called phone lines , horrible company main reason I don't and will never have service with them but am prepare to sue it this hits my home

Review: Verizon Customer Service and Billing is horrible. It took me almost 6 months to get credit for an equipment return. After I got the credit, I was told that my account was in the positive and I would not have to pay for several months. I was notified today that my services are being disconnected unless I pay 683 bucks for my home phone. I called in to find out why I owed 683 bucks on a home phone and I was told that I had an old balance that was on my account since December of 2014 when I disconnected my cable and internet. First of all, my fiance paid all of the balance that was left on my Verizon internet and cable account. Also, I have called in several times prior to today to speak about account charges and the equipment charges and NOT ONE OF THE OTHER REPS MENTIONED I HAD AN OLD $190 charge on my account. As a matter of fact, the last rep told me that I had a large credit and was good for several months. I asked for a supervisor today and spoke with [redacted] who told me that there was a system error and the same day that they processed my credit for the equipment return there was a claim on my account for the equipment so it appeared that I had a credit. She explained this as if it made sense to me. Why cant the customer service representatives give accurate information? If there was a computer issue then why do I have to pay late fees when I was told I had a 500-600 dollar credit on my account? Why was the service rep ([redacted]) the first service rep to tell me that there was a $190 charge from 2014? Verizon customer service has wasted a good 3-4 hours of my time. This is how long I stayed on the phone with them in the last year. I am beyond frustrated. I asked for my statements since I started service with them, and I was told I could get the last 12 months for free but if I wanted to go back to 2013 I have to pay them for each statement. Really? I have had such a bad experience with Verizon. They are great getting you to sign on but not so great when you terminate your service with them. I also have wireless service with Verizon and will be switching to another carrier. Honestly their wireless is not all it used to be either. Im sorry I had such a bad experience. If you choose to go with Verizon, BEWARE! They are like a bad marriage, they will put on the dog and pony to reel you in and when you are ready to leave them because of bad services they take you for all of your money!Desired Settlement: I would like someone to please go back and listen to my hour long recorded conversations that I had with Verizon reps. I need someone to hear them tell me that I have a credit on my account and would not have to pay for a while. I would like an explanation. I would like the late charges removed from the computer error.



Upon receipt of this complaint we made multiple attempts to contact customer. The voicemail has been full since day of receipt on 1-**-16. If this is an issue that still needs to be addressed [redacted] can contact us directly @ ###-###-####.

Review: My DSL speeds are artificially capped at 3.0mb/sec despite having a Verizon plan and line quality that supports higher speeds.

I signed up for Verizon’s ‘High Speed Internet Enhanced’ plan which has a range of Download speeds of 1.1 Mbps to 15Mbps. I am knowledgeable about DSL technology and asked some very specific questions of the Verizon sales representative about how the tiers work. Specifically, I asked about speed capping/provisioning. I was told that there would be no artificial restriction/cap on the speed I could get, that I would get the best speed that the line to my house could sustain. Given this assurance I signed up for the plan.

When the tech was here installing the phone line he tested the line quality. He told me that the signal to noise ratio on the line should support speeds around 5-7 Mbps if not higher. He said I needed to call to Verizon to make sure they knew the line could support higher speeds.

Taking his advice I’ve now placed 4-5 calls with Verizon and spent about 3 hours on the phone with various folks (many well intentioned) who due to internal systems can’t seem to set my provisioning higher. First the tech support people tell me I’m provisioned for 3Mbps (which goes against what I was told when I signed up for the service) and that I need to talk to someone in billing to get the provisioning changed. I told him that it’s the same price for up to 15Mbps and not a billing issue. He ultimately tells me he can’t help.

I spoke to numerous people in sales and billing. One of which spent an hour on the phone with me as she ran into the same circle of issues that prevent them from changing the provisioning in the Verizon system. She spoke to support where they told her what they told me – that it’s a billing issue. She told him that it’s simply an enhanced plan up to 15Mbps – changing the provisioning speed isn’t an option she has. She said she would call me back the following day with updates but I haven’t heard back. She’s the 2nd person to tell me they will call back to follow-up but didn’t.

In summary, I want the highest speed DSL line my line can handle under the Enhanced plan. This is what I signed up for. I was clearly told there would be no cap/limit on the speed up to 15Mbps. If the line could only support 3Mbps, I’d be ok with that, but it can support higher speeds and Verizon is incorrectly restricting my speed. I think this is a deceptive business practice. I assume the provisioning/capping/limiting is based simply on my distance from the switching office, not the true quality of the line…. And apparently changing the provisioning is proving a bureaucratic challenge with various departments claiming others have that responsibility.Desired Settlement: Fix the issue.

Provision my DSL account for the highest level it can receive based on it's actual quality (signal to noise ratio) - don't simply limit me based on my distance from the office. I expect the best speed I'm paying for, not the artificial limit that's on my account.



[redacted], was advised central office showing 3M is the highest DSL speed

available unable to provision at higher speed. Unable to support higher than 3M

without impacting other customers.

Review: Sales rep Angela completed the sale. She asked if I possessed a "router". I answered yes. No further inquiry to my already existing equipment or it's compatibility followed. She stated my package would arrive jan11 and ready for self installation on my fios ready home.

Package arrival with no "modem".

CustServRep Eddie jan** @ 10pm transferred to tech dept. No resolution.

CustServRep Rane jan** @ 11pm refused to transfer to supervisor and refused to find solution, finally transferring to supervisor placed on silent hold, call dropped.

CustServRep Rane jan** @ midnight pretended to be a different "rane", had me explain issue from beginning, transfer to supervisor, call dropped.

CustServRep Christian jan** @ 1am relayed to supervisor, began to offer half off modem discount, call dropped.

CustServRep Sel placed order for in store pickup of modem with discount, sent me email confirmation. Email states: shipping modem at higher price than discussed.

Supervisor Karen jan** @ 11am states able to place new order for store pickup and I must return already shipped modem when it arrives. ....

Then states unable to make store pickup because SEL set-up delivery and unable to change in system.

All began with a horrible misunderstanding of what a modem is and router is and required compatibility.Desired Settlement: A small discount is deserved.

Services and equipment ready to use is necessary ASAP. (Jan** today)



According to our records, a Verizon representative spoke to [redacted] on January **, 2016 and apologized that he had been incorrectly advised that the 'router" he has would be compatible with Verizon FIOS. [redacted] went to our local store and was given the correct router at no charge. The Verizon representative sent return labels to [redacted] so he can return the router that was shipped to him.

Review: The bill has been incorrect for 19 months. In the past the bill has been corrected, now they claim it was a one time credit, when the credit has been issued for 19 months because of their error.Desired Settlement: Pay the same amount that I agreed too, There was a two year agreement at 99.99, now two months in they claim it expired. To rectify they agreed to issue a 20 credit each month for 24 months. Now they claim it was a one month credit. A one month credit for 19 months, does not make sense and they will not admit to the situation.



[redacted] from Verizon’s billing office investigated and reviewed the customer’s account. She mailed the attached letter stating that The email that promised the discount was dated June *, 2012. The customer received credit on the May **, 2012 through your May **, 2013 bills. She has issued credits in the total amount of $62.92. This credit is to honor your $20.00 credit on your June **, 2013, July **, 2013, and August **, 2013 bills. The remainder of the credit was issued as a courtesy to bring your July statement to a zero balance.

The customer has now received a total of 18 months’ worth of credits between previous credits, and the credits [redacted] issued. Going forward, she has also added a $20.00 Valued Customer Discount for 12 months. This discount will begin with your September **, 2013 bill date, and continue through to your August **, 2014 bill date. Since you have now received 18 months of credit, and in addition the $20.00 Valued Customer Discount for the next 12 months, there will be no further credits issued to your account.

[redacted] provided her direct number for [redacted] to call with any further questions or concerns.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: FIOS service was installed 1/*/15, but the phone (my primary phone) does not work, the TV works from time to time, locks up... Issues with quality of the install, My FIOS does not work, can not watch anything on laptop.......

Since the install we have called once or twice each day, but we receive no response or assistanceDesired Settlement: Repair immediately or disconnect immediately and refund all fees and charges so I can return to [redacted]



Investigation determined the service had been installed on1/*/15. The customer contacted us on 1/*/15 to report dissatisfaction with theinstallation. A technician returned on 1/*/15 and resolved issues. We contact customer on 1/**/14 upon receipt of thiscomplaint and customer confirmed services working fine now and satisfied. We apologize for problems encountered and thank customer forbringing this to our attention. Tell us why here...



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

I suppose enough is enough, but I must tell others about Verizon's lack of response and lack of quality service. They claim -

"We contact customer on 1/**/14 upon receipt of this complaint and customer confirmed services working fine now and satisfied"

This is not at all accurate. We told them that the TV and phone were working at that moment but that there were another issues just recently. We also still had/have issues with remote (PC) access. Little was done about the sloppy quality of the install (wires and boxes). We also received a bill higher than quoted. Of the many hours we have spent calling and being on hold, only on representative actually made progress - for this we are extremely thankful. I authorize the to close this complaint, but I can not agree with Verizon statement that that we are 'satisfied'Perhaps Verizon will contact me to resolve the lingering issues and billing error

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




We apologize for any misunderstanding. Customer issues werereferred back to installation with area foreman leaving a message for customerto contact him directly to address any concerns with the installation work. Wealso had tech support escalations leave a message for customer to contact themdirectly to address any issues with the internet service.

Review: I moved on October [redacted], 2014. Previous residence had Verizon FIOS and I made appointment to discontinue service at this location, to be moved to new location. When technician arrived at new residence, I was told that the new apartment was not wired for Verizon FIOS and could not be installed. I then switched to [redacted] and have been a client since. Verizon has continued to bill me. I contacted them on SIX separate occasions, each time speaking with a new rep and being assured the situation would be rectified. Bills continued to be sent to my new residence despite no longer having service. They have now sent these bills to a collection agency, and it will affect my credit.Desired Settlement: Bill should be cancelled.



Our investigation determined the customer was billed inerror for services at the new addressed. We issued credit adjustment for the full amount outstandingbringing the charges owed to a 0 balance. The account was pulled back for the outside collectionagency and all collection action ceased. We sincerely apologize for the problems the customer hasencountered and appreciate this being brought to our attention.

Review: I have been a Verizon customer for roughly 8 years. The account is in my mother's name, [redacted]. When logging in to today (February **, 2016) to pay my bill, a message was displayed saying that I would need to renew my contract. I viewed the options, and selected what I wanted and committed to another 24 months. The last time I renewed was in early 2014, and the first time the new price was reflected in my statement was May of 2014. Since this was a 24 month contract as well, I should not see a change in the contract until May of 2016. The terms of the new contract include "Fios TV Extreme HD," "Fios Quantum Internet 50/50 Mbps," and "Fios Digital Voice - Unlimited Plan." The new pricing is to be $119.99 monthly for the first two months, $124.99 for the third month, and $139.99 monthly for months 4-24 (plus taxes and fees). I have screen-captures from Verizon's website to confirm this. When I received e-mail confirmation, it gave me an estimate for my March 2016 bill. As stated above, nothing should be changing until May 2016. Further, the price quoted for March 2016 (before taxes and fees), is $129.98. This is not the price of the contract I signed in 2014, which it should be, nor is it the price I am supposed to pay for the first month of the new contract. In fact, there is not a single month, in the old contract or the new one, when I am to pay $129.98 before taxes and fees. I also had a question in regards to an offer that was noted prior to agreeing to the contract. There were 2 separate "discounts" that each said they were good for 24 months. One was a "$5 Agreement Incentive" and the other was a "$15 Bundle Credit." I wanted to know if this savings of $20 monthly was figured in to the 3 prices quoted, or if they are in addition to what was quoted. For example, in the first two months, am I paying $139.99 - $5 - $15 = $119.99, or am I paying $119.99 - $5 - $15 = $99.99? I called Verizon to try to get these questions answered. Due to prior Verizon employees lying to me, I have found it necessary to record what is said. When I first signed up for Verizon, I was told in-person an exact price including all fees and taxes, and the actual cost ended up being significantly more. Every Verizon employee I spoke to after that said that Verizon would never quote a price with taxes and fees included, but the person who signed me up was very clear. Of course, I had no proof of the verbal contract, so I lost out. Secondly, 2 years ago, when I renewed, there were numerous cases of misinformation given to me, including my initial contract (made online) "disappearing" and then when I went to sign up again, the price was higher. This was eventually resolved, but took going to the, the FCC, and the Bureau of Consumer Protection to do so. When I first called Verizon today and was on the automated line, I was informed that Verizon would be recording me. When the associate answered, I informed him that I would be recording him. He stated that he could not continue the conversation if I was recording. I told him that I had been lied to by Verizon in the past, and that I just wanted a record of what was said. He continued saying that he would not talk to me. I asked for a supervisor, who basically repeated the same thing, and eventually disconnected the call. I asked the supervisor if Verizon viewed themselves as "better" than the consumer since they record me, but I can not record them. He did not even give me the respect of answering, but just continued saying that he could not speak to me if I was recording.Desired Settlement: Due to my prior experience of Verizon providing misinformation, I have no use for a call that I have no record of. I need my questions answered in a manner that I can reference if things mysteriously change once I am billed. If I can not record a phone conversation, then I would like Verizon to resolve issues and answer questions in writing to my address on file. In summary, I would like Verizon to assure me that my old contract (beginning in 2014), will be valid through (and including) my April 2016 statement, and that I will not be subject to the new terms and/or prices until my May 2016 statement. I would like Verizon to honor their advertised price of $119.99 for the first two months (May and June 2016 statements) and not the randomly generated price of $129.98. Finally, I would like Verizon to explain the issue with the $5 and $15 monthly discounts, as detailed above. Again, I would like all of this in writing to my address on record.



Company records show that the customer placed an order online on 2/**/16. A confirmation email was sent on 2/**/16 to [redacted]. The confirmation listed the services the customer agreed to along with the order date of 2/**/16. Customers are notified via the website when term agreements are near the end, it is the customer’s decision if and when to renew the agreement. Once the new agreement has been accepted it will take effect on the order date.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

It was not made clear on your website that I would be cancelling a portion of my old contract in order to sign up for the new one, and when I initially logged in to pay my bill, the message gave the idea that it was urgent that I renew, and not that I would be better off signing up in 2 months. I hope that in the future you would make it clear on the website that the customer will be cancelling the old contract early, and provide the date at which the customer should renew if he/she wants to take advantage of the entire old contract.Although I am not satisfied with the answer, I do appreciate that you at least addressed that issue. Did you not find the rest of my questions even worthy of response? I ask that you please address the rest of my questions.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Credited 1.46 per the customer's request.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Re: account numbers [redacted]


Receivables for Performance Management [redacted]


President’s Help Desk


January **, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am enclosing photocopies of the correspondence and check copy that was mailed to Verizon at their PO box in Albany New York, certified, return receipt. I am also enclosing a copy of the returned receipt.

The above was sent in mid December, shortly after I spoke with someone at Verizon regarding my bills, the confusion thereof, and the misleading information I received each time I called.

I spoke with Verizon in August, September, October, November December and finally today- January **, 2016. Today is the first time that I received a full explanation, with courtesy, respect, clarity, and accuracy. I have been trying to pay my “final Bill” since September- I have received multiple bills, each one different, 2 different account numbers and various opinions. I was told in October to wait until November for a final statement, then when I questioned the amount due, I was told I would actually be receiving a credit and to not pay anything until my final statement in December. I sent my check in December for the final payment, which was never cashed (yet). I received a bill from Verizon yesterday, and so I called today to find out what happened to my previous check only to find out that the bill was sent to a collections agency (who’s representative was very rude at the beginning.)

I have been in a service business for over 20 years. I would never have dealt with my customers the way Verizon has dealt with me. Communication, and correspondence are key to good customer relations, and build trust. I guess at some point a company becomes so big and so entrenched in technology that the customer as an individual becomes unimportant. This is a most unfortunate way to run a business!

I am enclosing now a check in the amount due, I expect this matter to be financially settled. However, I will not consider the behavior on the part of Verizon to be ignored, and I intend to bring this matter to the attention of the at the very least. I feel strongly that Verizon has probably the worst customer service of any company that I have ever dealt with. Imagine trying to pay your bill, being told not to, then being told you will be getting a credit, then being told your account is in a collections agency. This is no way to conduct sound business practices.

I expect to receive in writing from Verizon a confirmation that this bill is paid in full, and that I never have to hear from (them)you again.

And finally, I should sincerely hope that this will have no effect on my credit standing in any way.

Thank you.

Review: I have previously filed a complaint with Verizon due to account access/billing/service issues. My account is paid up to date, however my service was shut off after the above incidents occurred as my payment lapsed. I am now being charged a $30 shutoff fee on my bill- I am not paying this fee. I contacted support numerous times about the issues above and was put through the ringer (misinformation, promised callbacks that never happened, inability to get through to support over the phone, you name it). I have emailed my complaints/ contact through Verizon from last time ([redacted]) as of April [redacted] and again today- I have not received a reply. Chat support has no authority to assist me with eliminating this charge on my account. Phone support has absurd wait times any time I try to get through (on their site it regularly states they have heavy call volume and there are long wait times [redacted]).Desired Settlement: Remove the $30 shutoff fee for my account because I couldn't access my account information, support couldn't help me with it, nor could I even order features correctly on my TV due to "service errors" that continue to plague me to this day. If anything I should be credited for the absurd amount of hassle I've had to go through- this service is a nightmare.

If I will not be credited and or any other issues occur, I want my service contract cancelled and I will not be paying any early termination fees.



Please be advised that subsequent to receipt and review of the complaint and the customer's account, I issued a courtesy credit of the $29.99 restoral fee plus tax or a total of $33.47. This credit will appear on the customer's May **, 2016 billing statement. I was unsuccessful in my attempt to reach [redacted]; however, I left a voicemail and sent an email that advised of this credit. I also provided my callback information.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.Verizon is still unable to be reached over the phone and I continue to experience service interruptions (if the issue persists I will be requesting to cancel my contract as they are no longer able to manage or maintain their advertised service that I signed up for- this will likely require another complaint as Verizon will attempt to fight the early termination).


Review: Back in August or September 2014 I had spoken on the phone with a representative at Verizon (I called in) about an amount charged for $78.07. The representative told me that this amount had been billed incorrectly and had to do with my termination of their service (I think it was to be deducted from an amount that I had already paid). The amount, he told me, would reverse and that I should ignore the bill. So I did ignore the bill and now, having been contacted by a collection agency and looking at my credit report almost a year later, it appears that the amount has incorrectly gone into collection and negatively impacted my credit score in a significant way which is infuriating. I have disputed the charge with the collection agency and all three credit reporting agencies, but am unsure what else I can do given that Verizon is such a massive company with no accountability at the individual customer level. Yet another example of massive companies getting away with screwing individual consumers.Desired Settlement: I would like the amount removed from my credit report since the group ostensibly charging me the amount told me that I didn't need to pay it in the first place. I have worked hard to build good credit and am very sad and frustrated to see my credit wrecked as a result of Verizon screwing me.



Verizon contacted the customer and noted that he hadreturned the DSL router within the 30 day window but he had never receivedcredit for it. Verizon issued credit of $49.47 for the DSL equipment and a latepayment fee and took the customer’s payment over the phone for the remaining balanceof $28.60. The account has been withdrawn from collection, and the creditreport deletion has been requested. It will take up to 30 days for the creditreporting agencies to update their records.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: Service NEVER worked properly. I was told I would get a full refund and yet I am still being charged even after cancellation! Managers are not availab

In January service was ordered. Phone number ###-###-#### was provided and we requested to port our current phone number. The port was never successful resulting in our phone not working properly. On 2-**-15 I cancelled service due to continued issues with service (cancellation #[redacted]). As of 5-*-15 I am still being charged. I have spoke with numerous agents and was told countless times I would be contacted by a supervisor; I was never called back. I was promised I would have no problem receiving a full cash refund in the amount of $74.09 which is what I have paid. My bill is now at a current balance of $172.24. Not only am I not receiving a final bill, as I was told I needed to wait for, I am currently being billed when I have already cancelled service. I called on 5-*-15 two times, which I have waited on hold for 40 minutes each, just to be hung up on and ignored. Every time I have called and asked to speak to a manager they are never available and there is nobody that can help me. I am at a loss and have no other choice than to contact the and/or proceed with litigation.Desired Settlement: I am seeking a balance of $0.00 and a refund in the amount of $74.09.



[redacted] Thank you forreferring this case of [redacted] to our office for review. We appreciateyou bringing this matter to our attention. When reviewingaccount we are showing this account was established under the name of [redacted] on January **, 2015, and completed on January **, 2015. On Feb **,2015 customer called Verizon asking to disconnect services; however, due tosystem issues, Verizon could not finalize account at that time. Verizon issued acredit for the total bill in the amount of $172.24, since services neverworked. We also issued a credit in theamount of $74.09 for the payment she made; this way she will receive $74.09 asa refund. Since we do not havea valid contact number to reach [redacted], a letter will be mailed withresolution. We apologize for anyinconvenience this may have caused. We trust this information will assist youin closing this case. Respectfully, [redacted]Verizon SW ExecutiveRelations

Review: In the closing of my Verizon Fios Account, [redacted], Dated Jan **,2015, I have been incorrectly charged with $75.56 of deferred payments for the dates of 3/**/2010 3/**/2010. There was no prior indication of missing payments (for 5 yrs). I attempted to resolve this billing error with multiple departments at Verizon by phone. I was bounced to different departments 4 times and cut off once. I endured the waiting multiple times to contact a real person. I was finally able to discuss the error with a Verizon Rep, [redacted] in Sales. She would not provide her ID number. Although I was on the phone with her for 45 minutes she could not locate the bill in question from 2010 or the related charges nor would she remove the 5 year old charges in question. I was able to find the March 2010 bill covering the dates in question in my files and forwarded to Verizon with a letter such as this one. The actual dates covered and paid from 2010 are 3/*/2010 to 4/*/2010. All deferred charges in question are shown on that bill and the bill was paid in full, via my on-line banking [redacted] (3/**/10). Verizon is in Error in this matter.Since this was my final Verizon bill (account closure) I was charged a prorated amount, partial month. $134.17 (Monthly Bill) 123.41 (removed) = $10.76 due to VerizonI paid that amount of my bill based on Verizons calculation minus the deferred charges in dispute, the amount of $75.56. (86.32 -75.56 = $10.76)I have sent my final payment for $10.76 to the Billing department [redacted] along with copies of bills in question and a letter describing.I also sent the same letter to the Correspondence Department in [redacted].Verizon has now sent a bill with $75.56 and stated they will go to a collection agency.

Product_Or_Service: Verizon Fios Cable Service

Account_Number: [redacted]Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation)

Verizon must drop the incorrect charges of $75.56 and complete the closure of the account. I do not owe charges from 2010. Thank You for your help.



A Verizon escalation representative spoke with [redacted] on 3/**/15. After review of his account, it was found that the $75.56 billing for service from 3/2010 was done in error. The representative has adjusted the charges in full. ?



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: I contacted Verizon several times about an issue and was told a full credit would be issued, however when transferred was told only 1 month would be.

I have contacted verizon several times about one of my boxes not working. I have been billed since opening the account in August/Sept. when I spoke to the tech he stated he would generate a ticket to have the account credited since the account was open and told me he would have to transfer me. When I spoke to [redacted] she and her [redacted] both stated they would credit only 1 month due to me only calling today. I have sent emails, done the online support and called over the past months. I should not have to pay for a service I have not received. My account # [redacted].Desired Settlement: I want a refund plus several months credited for all the hassle. I have had fios for several years and currently have Verizon as my cell service which I have also had for several years. It is not my fault that your system does not record all of the contacts between me and your company.



A Verizon representative spoke with [redacted] 12/**/2014. Customer had issues with one set top box since August 2014. The representative issued credit for months August, September, October, and November, (December had been previously issued by customer service.) Total for each month is $7.99 plus .56, $8.55. Total credit issued $34.20. [redacted] was satisfied with this resolution.

Review: In April 2016, I moved to my new apartment. I placed successfully ordered online for Verizon FIOS TV and Internet, with a scheduled installation date of April [redacted]. Verizon's strike started April [redacted], but I never got any notification that there was an issue with the scheduled installation date. I take an entire day off from work, waited at my new place most of the day with no contact from Verizon. Only after calling them was I informed that the install would have to be rescheduled due to the strike with a earliest date of 21 days later. I ended up going with Cablevision at that time.

A few weeks ago, I placed a new order for Verizon service online, and my order was placed on hold because the system could not validate my identity. I had to call a number to speak to someone from their credit verification team who then said I would have to fax in a copy of my identification in order for this order to proceed. I inquired to why this was the case when I had placed a order successfully less than two months ago. I didn't get much of an answer but was asked to send in this info via fax. I did do just that and called them back. They received the fax and released the order so it could continue. I next spoke to a representative from another department about scheduling my installation date. I was then informed I would have to pay a $250 deposit for service. I repeated my concerns with this as there was no such requirement on the previous order. The rep said that fee would have to be paid in order to proceed. I requested that this order be cancelled as there is no legitimate reason as to why I am now being treated this way. I strongly recommend to my friends to stay away from Verizon.Desired Settlement: I would like a conversation from a senior person in the management team. This behavior and treatment of me as a potential customer was completely unacceptable.



I spoke with customer on [redacted] and apologized for the complications with his orders. I offered to have a new order for service placed. Unfortunately, at this time the customer did not agree to place a new order.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

A new order that goes through this same process with not enough details of current problems does not resolve my original complaint. I would rather stay with another provider of internet and television service as there is no compelling reason for me to attempt this again.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: I called Verizon Customer Service line (###-###-####) as Verizon has not issued credit refund after closing account in August 2014. I asked to speak with a supervisor after customer service representative was unable to provide me with information. After briefly explaining the situation to a supervisor, I was told that I would be put on a brief hold in order to initiate a conference call with other personnel. I was put on hold for over an hour. The supervisor never came back on the phone and I was placed on hold for a total of 1 hour and 53 mins. The issue with my credit refund is still not resolved.Desired Settlement: Expedite my refund. Refund should have been issued by September 2014.



This is in response to the complaint by the customer concerning the status of a refund in the amount of $197.07 that was due to the customer. On December *, 2014, I left a message for the customer advising that the issuance of the refund has been expedited and a refund check in the amount of $197.07 should be received within 7-10 business days.

The absolute worst customer service experience I've ever had. Intolerable phone menu, 15 minute wait times, passed from person to person. All I wanted to do was receive a box so I could return my equipment...the box you said was going to be automatically sent to me...but never was.

So glad to leave your service.

Review: I pay Verizon for FIOS Digital Voice, TV Slect and FIOS Internet. Since About March [redacted] I have been unable to access my Verizon email account.

Since March [redacted], I have been unable to access my Verizon account on my home laptop computer. After entering my user name, 1/2 the timewhen the next screen comes up prompting me to enter my PW, the screen is forzen and I can't enter anything. It loclks my computer up and I have to shut it down and strat it up again. The other 1/2 of the time the next screen tells me it doesn't recognize this computer (the one I've been using for years, ever since ctonracting with Verizon) and prompts me to answer a security question. But, once again, the screen is frozen, I can't type anything and I am forced to shut the computer down.

This is a problem unique to my Verizon account access. Since march [redacted] I have repreatedly access a wide range of user name and PW-protected accounts with bank, credit card agencies and varous financial and business institions. None of these others has ever resulted in a frozen screen and the irksome need to shut my computer down and restart it. I can access my Verizon account with my government laptop. But I should not be doing that.

I contacted Verizon on Satuday March [redacted] and sent considerable time while a Verizon rep took remote control of my computer, made some changes, and appeared to have resolved the problem. However, the next time I tried to access my Verizon account the same problem prevented that. After being away for family matters for a time, I contacted Verizon again twice on march [redacted]. The first person wasted my time by referring me to a "premium service" support team. I should not have to pay Verizon additional money to resolve a service problem that they appear to have created. I spoke to another rep, [redacted] (sp?) on march [redacted] who took my verizon account username and told me that he and a internet support team would work this. He volunteered to either call or email me (at my gmail account since I can't get

get my Verizon email unless I check at work). It is April [redacted] and I have received no response from him or from anyone at Verizon.Desired Settlement: 1. Restore my access to the verizon account I pay for on my home laptop.

2. Reduce my bill or rebate me $100 for the time I have wasted trying to resolve this, the time it has cost me in computer shut downs. I am a top level [redacted] and receive over $78 an hour in pay.

3. Apologize for the poor service thus far.



Please be advised Verizon has made multiple attempts to reach [redacted] to assist with access to the Verizon account on his home PC. While we have not reached him directly, we do believe the problem with the current Java he is using in the PC. I have sent the attached letter asking him to call me for additional assistance. We trust this provides your office with the information required in this matter. Thank you, [redacted] Verizon Executive Relations

Review: I am writing to complain about Verizons deceptive marketing practices related to FIOS. After calling Verizon about an unrelated issue I was told that I could qualify for a great price on FIOS. Considering FIOS is supposed to be much better than DSL I jumped at the opportunity to get it. I was told someone would just have to come to my apartment to do a short install. Not a problem I thought I will just go to work a little later after a short install as our building was wired for FIOS. The first problem started when the first guy came and since they never told us we had to move all our furniture he couldnt do the install because we had not moved it and I needed two people to move the furniture and the Verizon guy refused to help. So I had to get someone to come over and help me do this and reschedule. In the second run of the install, the guy was late of course so that was the first problem but the bigger problem was that the install took over 9 hours and every hour it was going to be done very soon. Not only did I end up with a huge headache from everything that went on but I missed a full day of work and a number of important meetings I should have been attending. I also got in a lot of trouble for this obviously. The fact is I never would have signed up for FIOS had I had any idea it would have been such a pain. I wasted a full day and half (half waiting for the first guy when no one told me I had to move furniture or that he would not help me and another 9 hour day getting the install done) on something I could have lived without had I known how problematic it would be. Second, I would have just cancelled the install if the guy had told me it would take that long or if the first guy had told me BEFORE they made me move all my furniture. However, considering that I spent hours waiting for the first guy, time moving furniture and already a number of hours into the day of the second installDesired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

All in all I wasted a huge number of hours for something I never would have done had I known it would be such a pain and if someone had just told me what was involved. This is very deceptive on Verizons such, what I would like it bill credit for the countless hours wasted and the huge problems caused. Other solutions would also be considered.



[redacted], was contacted and stated unhappy with the installation of the Fios Data service. [redacted] was issued a 1 month Good Will Credit for the amount of $35.98. This credit will appear on the 11/**/14 bill.

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Address: 6420 S. State Highway 37, Mineola, Texas, United States, 75773-7922


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