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Idea Buyer, LLC

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Reviews Idea Buyer, LLC

Idea Buyer, LLC Reviews (136)

As communicated to her lawyer on 3/1/and in several conversations thereafter, we have fulfilled the contract for Ms***As of 3/1/17, our team had spent over hours on the project, communicated with her in over emails and our company has since spent additional time and money in legal
fees while in communication with her attorney. Additionally, Idea Buyer provided Ms*** with an offer to represent her at a trade show, we deemed most valuable to her product, and she declinedIdea Buyer then also provided her with interest from a large retailer to carry her product, which she also declined. On November 1st, 2017, Ms*** started posting over defamatory comments about our company onlineAttached are those postsWhen our attorney reached out to hers, we were informed that she was no longer representing her and to reach out to her directly. We are happy to enter into arbitration.

*** *** became a client of ours on March 16, 2015, and the contract which she is referencing in this complaint is expired by several monthsWe have continued to work on the client's behalf free of any additional charges during this period of expiration*** is not a client of ours and does
not have any contract with Idea Buyer LLC, so why she is referencing her personal financial situation is confusing to us unless she paid for ***’s package which is not something that would affect our relationship with our client ***.***’s contract and proposal are both attached and so is all of the work we have completed throughout this process which is outlined below:Over emails sent back and forth communicating with the client, and over a dozen phone calls placed as well.Professional Branding - which is not included in her proposalProfessional Market Research - also not included but we did free of chargeProfessional Business Case - also done for her free of chargeProfessional Website - several designs which we can send for verificationThe website we spent several months revising based on the clients requests***Professional Trademark filingProfessional video - this was additional to her package, she was not happy with it and ended up requesting a refund which we provided herProfessional high res creative assets - given to her by requestProfessional sell sheet for marketing purposesProfessional outreach to over nurse practitioner associations and nursing universities by requestWe are also aware of the items in her proposal which we have in process and when we discussed with the client the contract being expired and offering an extension the client refused to allow us to continue with the original agreementShe continued to push on a new strategy while also saying we have not done anything yet which is completely not accurateWe want to find a way to work together but as we described during our last couple of calls and emails we cannot offer a full refund after doing years of work and going above and beyond what is included in our contract and proposalAny items the client is not satisfied with in our original agreement we are willing to honor and resolve

I am available for Mediation on the afternoon of July 20th.

Idea Buyer does not manually bill any of it's online subscription clientsAll subscriptions are created through PayPal who handles recurring and cancellations of charges. It appears you did not cancel your $per month website subscription via Paypal which is why their system billed you for a
second month However, we have gone ahead and cancelled your subscription in Paypal and have refunded your second month's subscription due to any confusion Your refund transaction confirmation # is below.Name:*** *** ***Email:***Transaction ID:***We wish you the best of luck with your business.Sincerely,Eric CorlPresidentIdea Buyer, LLC

To Whom It May Concern, *** *** has not been located in our records as a client or anyone that has had a business transaction with us.It appears she had a conversation and we were interested in discussing a relationship with herIdea Buyer does not offer general services
to the public and makes offers based on specific terms for select products.However, I am very sad to hear that *** felt we were out to steal her recipeOur company is founded by entrepreneurs and we have the utmost respect for entrepreneurs like *** who take the risk to start their own companyWe believe our track record shows our continued commitment and appreciate feedback to improve our process.We wish *** the absolute best moving forward and we're sad that our offer to work together was not a fit.Best,Eric C***PresidentIdea Buyer, LLC

Mr***, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your experience with our companyWould you mind if I called you to discuss your situation in detail so I can use your information to improve our processes?Thank you,Eric C***

*** and *** became partners of ours on November 16th of The proposal and contract are both attachedThe contract is for months, which means we still have roughly months to continue promoting the business and following up with our contacts to generate demand in the market.First, we
spent several weeks discussing the brand and the potential to improve the name for SEO and online presence purposes but the clients informed us that they did not want to make any branding changes since they have invested too much in the current brandingOur concepts are attached.The second focus our team took on in the first month was to provide their team with our market research and business case reports which are not included in their proposal but we felt would be important for them to knowWe try to do what is best for our partners and help them to grow their business, regardless of something being included in their contract or notThese reports are attached.One of the major goals of our partnership was to re-engineer and improve their product as you can see from the product photos attachedBefore introducing a product opportunity to any of the contacts we have created over the years we require a certain level of professionalism and qualityThis positions our partners for the best chance at success when we do present the opportunity.We spent several months in R&D and covered the costs of not only re-engineering them but physically making of themThis process included the re-engineering that we agreed to but above and beyond that it included sourcing parts, having them professionally welded, professionally painted (powder coat finish), and then sending photos for them to approve and distinguish the level of qualityPictures attached - client sent ones vs the IMG thru are the ones we professionally made. We then had banners made for the promotional outreach phase - one for Big Lots and one for Bob EvansWe also covered the costs of having these made for them.We then had the clients approve our samples and banners and started reaching out to all of the contacts we discussed at the onsetBig Lots is a personal connection and she replied right away that at a corporate level they are doing away with all banner advertising and this was copied and pasted into an email that I sent the clientsNeither Starbucks or Bob Evans corporate has replied to our numerous attempts to secure a pilot run with a few of their locationsOften times during outreach to these national retailers we need several months to work our way through the sales cycleEvery retailer has their own review strategy of implementing new products and just because the client hasn’t gotten a response in the time frame they think is appropriate doesn’t mean they won’t say yes at some point - this is why it takes time and why we structure our partnerships for months at the minimum.In terms of communication - I have over emails and had several phone calls with the clientsTo this day I do not have any voicemails or missed calls from the clientsI have a policy to always reply within hrs and hold myself to thatOur door is always open for them to ask questions and schedule a call.Let me know any questions or comments you have before submitting as we'd like the to review before submitting.Thank you, have reviewed the response made by the consumer in reference to complaint ID .***, and find that Mediation is necessary.Thank you

I am writing you to provide you with all of the files created and a summarized timeline of communication, work delivered, and the payment plan of the client.Attached are all of the files we have created, several are revisions of multiple documentsI also have attached a mobile screenshot and a
computer image of the discussions we have as records of our work and the files that were created or documented in our file management software. *** was originally brought on board by one of our older project managers Steve who no longer works for usSteve worked with *** from her onset in until late September of 2015, when I, John W***, became the full project manager and took over communication with herDuring both of our times together we sent her over emails and had client update callsSteve also attended two trade shows specifically for this client's product, these additional costs we incurred and did not ask the client to pay for.During the course of our agreement we completed and delivered every objective in our contract that she signed, while also providing her with a physical prototype which is not included in her contract that we did not charge her money for*** did sign a new agreement with us upon us doing this physical prototype for her.I would be happy to expand on any date and bullet point that is included in the document titled "*** Birgel Client History." This document is an outline with dates on work started, delivered, and important notes - this document doesn't always go into full detail which is why we would be happy to provide further details on any of these bullets. Please let me know anything else you'd like to see and any other materials or questions you have for us!Thank you for your time in this matter!Sincerely,-- John W*** VP of New Product DistributionIdea Buyer, LLC #in Patent Sales & Licensingwww.IdeaBuyer.comDirect: 614-515-

We are going to offer a settlement offer to *** We will be in touch

I've initiated 90% of the correspondence, they told me to purchase my own domain name, which I thought was odd having to buy something in addition to what I gave them, and the website was supposed to be good for two years, but it isn't operable (see attached). THEY said they would take care of all that with regard to the website. They said the contract was for months, well they never told me our relationship was terminated as it's been 27+ months. I have emails attached which voice my displeasure with their stringing me along. I inquired about patent in Jul 2017, and one of their employees said that a patent was filed on August 9, 2016. I had to inquire in October as to what the patent numbers were, and they conveniently qualified the response whereas to shift the onus of time on the USPTO despite the fact that they never told me they applied for the patent to begin with. I have emails supporting this, which I could not attach bc I already attached too much.Their response was canned cookie cutter where the bulk of the language can be used for any complaint, and it was sent within almost an hour of the complaint, showing there was minimal time to look into the complaint and reaffirming that the response was canned.This is the first step. I am a licensed attorney and will make this my personal project to obtain restitution and pursue punitive remedies whereas they can't keep swindling people

Ms***'s contract has been fully fulfilled and we have gone above and beyond our contractual obligationsShe however, defaulted, and continued to work with our team without telling them she was actually in default of her contractual obligations due to an oversight in our accounting department
She continued to use our team's services despite knowing she had defaulted on her obligations.Our team has gone above and beyond in trying to work with Ms*** despite thisWe even offered to accept payment in "any monthly payment she could afford"She was sent to collections after we came to the realization that she was not reliable for payment of her balance and after she used repeated vulgar language with our support staffWe retained an attorney and asked them to pursue legal action against Ms*** and are already in the process of preparing legal action given our team's heavy investment and her refusal of payment despite our intellectual property work, branding, engineering, prototyping, outreach, and over hours of work put into her project. A copy of all deliverables can be sent upon request.Ms*** is liable for her balance and we will continue to pursue it with legal action

Attached is the proposal that was referenced in the rejectionThe timeline provided in the proposals was six to nine monthsMs*** had her first version of her app within the six to nine month time frame but rejected it and asked for revisions, which we then completed more versionsOf the contract it does state on page that this is a month contract.Additionally, timelines given to our clients are with the assumption that the client is working with us to make the project move along smoothlyThis is why we offered Ms*** a partnership cost reduction. Rejecting the app design and having our team to remake the app times, will obviously create delaysThe work that has been completed and provided to Ms*** total well over the amount that she has paid us. We do not believe a refund should be issued as we have gone above and beyond in an attempt to please herI would be happy to provide detail for the 100+ emails, with Ms***' acknowledgement of the four different app builds, for analysis. If Ms*** should choose to terminate her contract, we will happily provide her with the work that has been completed and amend our contract to state that we no longer will retain the 15% success feeWe are also willing to move forward on the project with the understanding that Ms*** will communicate with our team in a productive manner

I provided my domain information, and was not provided information about having to buy the domain name in advance (see attachment where I provide the login info). Also, I was never notified when the patent was filed, I had to ask for that information. even with the information provided, I was not able to find the patent doing a search. This process has been very sketchy

I am rejecting this response because: The focus was only on the Sell Sheet, which I wroteThe reason we went back forth was because I had to edit and write the Sell Sheet; they were more concerned about selling the products before making themThey promised me on the phone to have me up and running no later than months it's been now months and we haven't even started on the website which was the only thing they planned to do for my $10,After the site was build, they were going to try to sell products we have yet to make! The samples they sent to Ricky's were not the products we plan to sell to the market; it was advertisingThey sent me three samples of what they thought would be a logo or branding mark however, it was very unprofessional and unfit to wrap around a beauty product container, so I suggested that we stick with my original logoWe never had a conversation where everything was fineI was always the person who initiated contact, they never contacted me (one time) with any ideas of moving forwardInstead, they tried to appease me by suggesting they were going to work on my siteHowever, Feb, March, April, May and June went by with no contact from Idea BuyersI'm a small business very small, we've been hurt by this investment and could have used these funds to purchase inventory and advertise the current product line that I already haveNow I'm losing business because I can't keep up with my inventory which may drive me out of business. If Idea Buyer's would have been honest and informed me that it may take up to two years to get started on my project I would not have sent them a paymentI have lost confidence that I deal Buyer was the right move for me and feel like I was suckered into a deal that they were not qualified to handle; they told me up front that they've never created hair-care products before, but were excited after doing a background check on the marketMy company has been damaged by this investment and I'm just asking for my money back!

When in the outreach portion of the process things tend to move a bit slowerThere is not always something to report, but we try to keep correspondence within 30-day intervals unless there is interest generatedWe can't help that he may have questions before we have the opportunity to follow our standard update process. It is also standard and we always recommend that our clients purchase their own domain so it doesn't expire once we are no longer partnersWe informed Nicholas that when we transitioned to GoDaddy and having our clients host their own website we would need him to purchase a domainWe asked on that once he had purchased a domain to share his credentials with us and we would gladly point the website to thisHe has yet to share those credentials with us. The USPTO has a review process of 1-yearsOn an email was sent to Nicholas with a Patent draftHe approved this draft and his patent was filed on A few emails later John (account manager) and Nicholas acknowledged the filing and that he was starting the outreach phase of his project.The contract does state that it is a month agreementHowever, we are still pushing forward because we believe in the product, if the contract was terminated he would have been notified in writing. Also the response only took an hour because we have all of the work and communication documentedIt wasn't hard to go back and look at the work that has been completed and the frequency of communicationWe know where we stand with our clients at all timesTo follow up we haven't swindled anyoneWe are in full compliance with our agreement and go above and beyond what was agreed uponWe are still continuing towards a deal, however can't put a time frame on when a deal will be reachedWe certainly remain diligent in our attempts

I reviewed the response made by the business and find the resolution is satisfactory to me

Hi *** *** and ***, We had a great conversation with *** today and she is satisfied that we have taken the proper steps in having the issues resolvedShe is comfortable working with John for the rest of the project, and we are developing a great relationship. If there's any further concerns, please let us know

*** *** became a client on June 8th and John W*** had his welcome call with her on June 20th since she had vacation plans upon starting the relationship.During that call we discussed the product development process that our team goes through and *** shared her information and vision for
the product. We requested that she send me as much information as possible and she sent sketches (see attached)After that we began our product development process outlined below:June 28th days after the process began we provided her with a full color branded logo and name which her feedback was "I love it."Days later on June 30th we send her early preview shots (ac unit and 2.jpg) of the professional product renders and wanted to confirm that we were going the right direction. July 5th we send full-color product renders after engineering analysis and evaluation for the product line was completed. July 6th the client wants to change the name and we inform her of another company that has the name and is trademarked, she agrees to keep the branding identity we came up with. July 7th John sent *** a complete and thorough breakdown and *** reaches out to John again on the 16th with more questions which we answer and she thanks John on the 18th. *** does first mention becoming anxious over the money later this month in July and questions whether we are real or not?July 21rst is the first time she claims we are a scam - email is copied below:On Thu, Jul 21, at 2:PM, *** *** wrote:It is a scam, how come there is no patent research done yet I alredy paid grands for thisWhat is going on here?Sent from Yahoo Mail on AndroidThe project manager John suggests having me help communicate with the client and see if there is anything we can do to make sure she is being taken care ofAugust 8th is when she makes this comment below:"That why I paid $last month toward the invention because I did see a progress by showing me ONLY the graphic design and nothing else as you both stated I'm saying things which is very frustrating and disturbing to meI'm sure if you have money on the line and don't see anything being done you will act the same way tooI do work and talk with John in a professional manner it just I'm worrying about my invention and asked him few questions I was not trying to offending anybody I apologize if you think I did."August 9th she confirms that she wants to work with us on our process and will give us the to months we explained is typical to get through the majority of the product development process. August 28th we send her the professional market research report which is attached.Several different teams reference the product/packaging copy/content pdf that our marketing team writes upOur web development team started on the layout of the website and content for itOur creative team has started on the packaging process as wellWe have been working on all of our deliverables and fulfilling our obligations to ***. Ultimately, we included a breakdown of our investment thus far as well when she requested thisHer attitude and communication has been very negative and unprofessional and we have tried multiple times to move forward in a positive manner only to be met with accusations. On August 23, it was brought to my attention she was demanding a refund due to a death in the family I did apologize and explained to her that although it was very unfortunate we have done to much work to give her a refund She has not even paid the remaining balance on her package deal *** went back and forth with me and said she would get it one way or another and made several threats at which point I repeated myself and I did not hear back I was gone for months on maternity leave and on November 10, I got a new email from ***. "Hey Alexis,This is the last time I'm saying this I'm not going to say it again the amount of the litte work you guys completed in my ideas it does NOT worth $dollars I want a partial part of my money back or I will go complain to Better Bureau Services and others services as well plus me and my friends and other supporter that I have will post the company names on Facebook , Twitter , instergram,craigslist,YouTube and more to not go with (Ideas Buyers) because it a scams all you guys are doing it taking people money and not even willing to give your money back or a partial of it and I will request a court order soon not willing to let my $grands goes for nothing in return and I know deep down in your heart you know what you doing is not right I work very hard for many years to save that kind money please to avoid arguments give me half of my money back all I'm asking is $of my money and I be ok with itLet me know when you get this message." She went on to say, " I don't care at the end of the day it my fking money we are talking about not their money not your money it nobody's money it my fkING MONEY!!! It my right to speak freedom of speech I'm going to complain to Better Bureau Services and so on and complain all over the Internet how bad idea buyer and how you guys taking people money for nothing in return and I will bring this to court."At that point I reached out to our company attorney *** *** to arrange for a cease and desist She was making threats, cursing, and being completely disrespectful. On November 11, I then saw the email from with Ms***s complaint. At this time I have had no further communication with ***.Please let me know what else you may need from us.Thanks,

Mr*** submitted a negative review after we caught him trying to fish leads from our website and committing fraud by submitting fake leads to our team with the intent of utilizing confidential information and processes to start his competitive business (please see his signature line).After he
was caught doing this, he immediately filed a complaint and posted negative reviews. Please keep in mind that he has endorsed the very team members he has slandered over times on LinkedIN in the last days and posted a great review of us less than days ago.For full disclosure, prior to his complaint, we had already started pursuing litigation against Jeff following the discovery of his fishing attempts which violates Ohio fraud laws.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.Best,Eric

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Address: 4140 Tuller Rd Ste 101, Dublin, Ohio, United States, 43017-5013


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