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LegalShield Reviews (192)

response in attached file

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:


Mr. [redacted]'s complaint is that the
LegalShield (LS) membership is difficult to cancel and he has tried several
times but continues to get billed. He says he has sent emails to the email
addresses he was given but LS says they are never received.  He states he has been charged for...

additional  months, wants it cancelled,
and wants four payments refunded.Mr. [redacted] enrolled
for an LegalShield (LS) membership by web application on 12/31/ l6. The
application authorized $17.95 for the first month and a $10.00 enrollment fee
on his credit card. It also authorized on-going monthly payments of$] 7.95 on the
28th of
each month.Per receipt of this complaint, we have reviewed Mr. [redacted]'s membership
file. Records show that regularly scheduled payments were charged on 1/28/17, 2/28/17,
and 3/28/17 for the membership fee. On 3/31/17, Mr. [redacted] called our Member
Services and requested to cancel the membership. It is indicated the phone connection was bad and.the Member Service Professional called Mr. [redacted] back. In
regard to this call, a 30-day hold was placed as a courtesy on the membership
files to stop the next draft on 4/28/17 from being charged. Mr.[redacted] was informed we require
written request to be received to complete cancellation and to be reviewed for
a refund. In accordance with the General Provision ''Q" of his membership contract, you may cancel at any time by giving written
notice to the Company, and entitled to be reimbursed the unused portion of the
membership fees, calculated on a pro-rata basis over the period of the
Contract. Our procedure is to transfer a member who wishes to cancel to a
special IVR line that explains the process and gives options on how to submit
their cancel request.When we did not receive a written
cancel from Mr. [redacted], the hold lifted and drafts resumed for the May payment
on 5/28/17. On June 28, the scheduled payment declined for insufficient funds.
Another call to our company from Mr. [redacted] was received on 7/5/17. He was
informed our company had not received a written cancellation request since the
previous call in March, and that the membership was still active. Another
30-day temporary hold was placed and it was again explained it was required to
send a written request to cancel. On 7/14/17, Mr. [redacted] contacted Member
Services and was given an alternate email address to which to send his cancel
LegalShield received the complaint Mr. [redacted] filed.After this investigation of Mr.
[redacted]'s complaint, we have determined that our company procedures and policies
have been properly followed for billing and cancellation of the membership. To
date, we still have not received his written cancellation; therefore, we are
considering this complaint his written request and the
membership  has been terminated.  In regard to Mr. [redacted]'s request for 4  payments to be refunded, the request has been
considered and denied. Three months of authorized membership payments were
charged after the initial enrollment, all before the first call
that Mr. [redacted] wanted to cancel. We did not received a written cancellation as required, and then onlythe May paymentwas charged; we did not receive paymentfor June and July. There is no refund appropriate on this membership.  Should you have any furtherquestions, please feelfree to contract our office.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/12/03) */
December 3, 2015
Attn: [redacted]
17 South Dewey
Oklahoma City, OK XXXXX

RE: [redacted] Complaint Case No. XXXXXXXX
Membership No. XXXXXXXXXXX
This letter is in response to the above referenced...

complaint. Ms. [redacted]'s complaint is that she did not sign up for a LegalShield membership and that unauthorized payments were taken from her bank account; she is expecting to get a refund for fees drafted since 5/18/2010.
Our company received a paper application, dated 5/18/10, for Ms. [redacted], and included a check for of $30.00 for the first month's membership fee of $20.00 and also included a non-refundable $10.00 enrollment fee. The application was processed on 5/24/10 and authorized continuing monthly drafts for the membership, which was set up for the 18th of each month for $20.00. A LegalShield membership kit was also mailed out to Ms. [redacted] on that date.
Our company had no contact from Ms. [redacted] until her call on 10/30/15 wanting to cancel. She stated she didn't recall signing up for the membership. Our Member Service Professional relayed that we had received a paper application and also gave Ms. [redacted] the name of the sales associate who had helped with the enrollment. In regard to the call, a 30-day hold was placed as a courtesy on the membership file to stop the draft from her bank account for the November 18th LS payment. Ms. [redacted] was informed we require written request to be received to complete cancellation. In accordance with the General Provision "N" of her membership contract, you may cancel at any time by giving written notice to the Company. Upon receipt of a cancellation, any refund is calculated on a pro-rata basis. Cancellation requests are required in writing so that we know it is the member making the request. Our procedure is to transfer a member who wishes to cancel to a special IVR line that explains the process to them as follows:
Your membership contract requires a written request to cancel. We have placed a temporary 30 day hold on your account and will be sending a cancellation waiver to be completed and returned to our offices. If we do not receive your request within 30 days, the hold will be removed and your payments will resume. PLEASE NOTE: it is your responsibility to verify receipt of your request to our offices. Instructions for the verification process are explained on our waiver. Should you fail to confirm delivery of your request to our offices, LegalShield will not be responsible if further deductions are taken from your account.
To repeat the cancellation instructions press 1. To select a delivery method for your cancellation waiver, press 2. For information on sending your own written request to cancel, press 3. To hear these options again, press 4.
Ms. [redacted] chose the option to receive a cancellation waiver to be sent to her by mail. On 11/4/15, the drafts for the September and October LS payments returned due to the authorization being disputed with Capital One. A copy of the signed LegalShield application with authorization has been furnished to Capital One and to Ms. [redacted]. As of this date, LegalShield has not received a written request from Ms. [redacted] to cancel the membership.
December 3, 2015
Page 2
We want Ms. [redacted] to know that we take our responsibilities very seriously, and after a review of this complaint and of this membership file, we have determined that the membership fees were handled in accordance with the provisions of this membership contract and the company policies and procedures. Drafts were made in the amount pursuant to her authorizations, and legal services were available per the contract. As the last two payments have returned as a disputed charge, the membership is only paid through 9/18/15, and will not be considered for any refund of fees. We will consider this complaint Ms. [redacted]'s written cancel to terminate the membership. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.
Consultant, Regulatory Compliance

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  I canceled my memembership in the month of March 2017.  I received a refund in the month of April 2017.  Thereafter, Legal Shield illegal deducted membership fees from my account without authorization for the last past four months while I was away from my account.  Now, I have received a check in the amount of 19.95 instead of 80.00.

April 25, 2016 Attn: [redacted] 17 South Dewey Oklahoma City, OK  73102   RE:  [redacted]    Complaint Case No. [redacted]      Membership No. [redacted] This letter is in response to the additional correspondence you received regarding the above referenced complaint. We regret that Mr. [redacted] did not agree with the process IDS and Kroll required to obtain the personal confidential information contained on his credit record. We assure Mr. [redacted], the normal policies and procedures were strictly followed on his call and were not unique just to his membership. As it is indicated there may be inconsistencies in his credit information, we suggest Mr. [redacted] obtain and carefully examine an available online copy of his current credit report.  Again, Mr. [redacted]’s membership was cancelled and the fee has been  refunded; therefore, we consider this file closed. Respectfully, [redacted] Consultant, Regulatory Compliance

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/12) */
June 12, 2015
Attn: [redacted]
17 South Dewey
Oklahoma City, OK XXXXX

RE: [redacted] Complaint Case No. XXXXXXXX
Membership No. XXXXXXXXXXX
This letter is in response to the above referenced...

Ms. [redacted]'s complaint is that she has a legal matter and was not given assistance as under her plan. She had expected that any consultations and phone calls would be covered, and that she would not have any additional fees unless she decided to hire an attorney. Ms. [redacted] states she was treated rudely and wants a full refund.
Ms. [redacted] first became a member with LegalShield (LS) on 6/4/15. Her online application was processed for $27.95 on a credit card, which was for the first month LegalShield (LS) membership fee of $17.95 and included a $10.00 enrollment fee.
Upon enrollment, a member is assigned to a Provider Law Firm, which provides legal services to our members within a given area. We have a very efficient attorney complaint resolution system, in which LegalShield investigates all complaints filed by members against Provider Law Firms and Provider Attorneys. Determinations for resolving these complaints are made based on the provisions of the membership contract. LS has investigated the Provider Attorney inquiry regarding the matter of Ms. [redacted]'s complaint to your office which involved an active litigation case in another state. It was explained in her consultation, that to assist with her case, it was necessary to retain a LS attorney, which would referred in that state. Ms. [redacted] was not satisfied and indicated she had understood she could have several attorneys referred that she could interview and choose for her service before she would have to retain instead of being assigned to just one.
LegalShield plans offer a wide range of services that we feel are invaluable and accessible. Our Provider Firms, as well as, our referral attorneys, are very knowledgeable regarding the LS contract and proper procedures for rendering services. A member can be assured criteria, such as area of law, location needed, and availability, is reviewed before a LS attorney is assigned for their case. Additionally, continuous quality control monitoring of LS Member and Provider Attorney Services identify areas which can be improved by providing specialized training to our staff for professional and helpful communication with our members.
We apologize to Ms. [redacted] for any misunderstanding regarding the legal services available under her plan. Based upon our review of her issue, it appears that Ms. [redacted] was provided guidance and information from the Provider Attorney. Our office has received and processed Ms. [redacted]'s request for cancellation and refund. She has been notified by our Member Service that a full refund of $27.95 has been issued to her credit card on file, and should be reflected on her next credit card statement. This membership is now cancelled and we consider this matter closed. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.
Consultant, Regulatory Compliance
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/06/16) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
They did give me a full refund. I just hope the change the way the policies are explained so no one else has to discover it the way I did.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11194797, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Although their response is not accurate about the dates and volume of the "courtesy calls." the calls have stopped.Thank you for your assistance in this matter.  

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/30) */
July 30, 2015
17 South Dewey
Oklahoma City, OK XXXXX

RE: [redacted] Case No. XXXXXXXX

This letter is in response to the above referenced individual's...

Ms. [redacted] enrolled as a member of LegalShield (LS) July 24, 2015. An initial draft on her credit card for $27.95 was authorized for first month's membership fee of $17.95, and included a non-refundable $10.00 enrollment fee. The application also authorized for on-going monthly member fees of $17.95 a month.
Ms. [redacted] states that when she called to get legal assistance, that the receptionist was rude and unhelpful, that she was supposed to get an attorney call back within eight hours but after five days still did not have a call. She says that when she later called our company about her concerns, she was told she would be refunded. Later, after being transferred, was then told that $10 was not refundable. She wants a full refund and that the service was terrible.
LegalShield received a call on 7/28/15, from the sales associate for Ms. [redacted]'s membership. It was relayed that Ms. [redacted] had issues with the service. In turn, a LS representative contacted Ms. [redacted] for more information.
Upon enrollment, a member is assigned to a Provider Law Firm, which provides legal services to our members within a given area. Upon the information from Ms. [redacted], our resolution representative entered a formal complaint by which her membership files regarding procedures be reviewed. All calls to the Provider Attorney and to LS Member Service are logged either in a membership file, or if a new membership is not yet processed, in an alternate file. Per research of all files, there was no call made to LS Member Service on 7/24/15. Additionally, there was no call by Ms. [redacted] on 7/24/15 received by her Provider Attorney; therefore, no intake for legal assistance was entered. Our service procedures outline that an attorney call a member within eight business hours from the time the initial call from a member is entered. Had Ms. [redacted] called with a legal matter on Friday, 7/24, she would have expected a call back by the end of the Monday 7/27/15, as the Provider Firm regular business hours are M-F. As our files indicate that Ms. [redacted]'s on-line application submission was received by our company on 7/24/15 at 4:45 P.M., and that Provider Firms close their phone lines at 5:00, we would need to confirm the line she had contacted.
On 7/28/15, Ms. [redacted] called our office wanting to cancel, relaying her dissatisfaction of the staff and that she had not received any service, and demanded a full refund. She was directed to a representative who began to explain the $10 enrollment fee was non-refundable and a written cancellation is required, but Ms. [redacted] disconnected the call. In regard to her cancellation, in accordance with her contract (General Provisions, "P"), "the member may cancel the Contract at any time by giving written notice to the Company. The member shall be entitled to be reimbursed by the Company the unused portion of the membership fees paid for this Contract, the amount to be calculated on a pro-rata basis over the period of the Contract. Any enrollment fees are considered earned when paid and will not be refunded should this Contract be cancelled." When a member calls to cancel, a temporary 30-day courtesy hold is placed on the account to allow time for us to receive the written request by mail, fax or e-mail, and then process the cancellation.
The review of this complaint has been completed, and we have found no evidence that Ms. [redacted] ever called the appropriate office for legal assistance. Ms. [redacted] has declined to speak with the Provider Firm. Without obtaining additional information to further investigate and resolve her complaint, nothing more can be done regarding this matter. We consider this complaint as Ms. [redacted]'s written request to cancel her membership. The cancel will be processed and considered for a pro-rated refund. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.
Consultant, Regulatory Compliance
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/07/31) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I want a refund. THEY know that I called to set up a time and Was told I would get a call from an attorney within 8 business hours. THAT CALL NEVER HAPPENED. All I am asking for is my $27 back or I can call my credit card company and file fraud against the Legalshield. [redacted] (lasdy that set me up) has my reference # in which I IN FACT did call for an attoenry assistance. This is a joke and I want my money back. THIS COMPANY IS A COMPLETE JOKE...still have yet to receive a call from an attorney! QUIT LYING!!!!!! Ask [redacted] I have text messages to prove this is in fact true from [redacted]. I want my $27 back and cancel this BS company.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 10, 2015/08/12) */
August 12, 2015
17 South Dewey
Oklahoma City, OK XXXXX

RE: [redacted] Case No. XXXXXXXX

This is in response to further correspondence you received regarding the above referenced complaint.
Additional examination of all records and calls received did not find reference of a call to the Provider Firm by Ms.[redacted]. We do apologize for any inconvenience by Ms. [redacted] in accessing legal services after her LegalShield enrollment. After reconsideration, we have refunded her $10.00 enrollment fee in addition to the first month's membership fee of $17.95. The total amount of $27.95 should be reflected on Ms. [redacted]'s next credit card statement. The membership is now canceled and we consider this matter closed.
Consultant, Regulatory Compliance

This letter is in response to the above referenced
complaint.Ms. [redacted]'s complaint is
that her Associate Agreement with LegalShield (LS) did not continue to be
active after her cancelled LS membership was reinstated. She states she wasn't
aware of this and wants her director level updated on...

her Associate Agreement
(AA)for commissions on memberships sold.LegalShield and IDShield
(IDS) membership sales are made by independent contractors, also known as
independent sales associates. These independent sales associates are
responsible for contacting and enrolling prospective new members in a
LegalShield and/or IDShield plan, or sales associates. These associates are not
employees of our company, but instead are paid on a commission basis.Ms. [redacted] became
an associate on 7/26/09. Since becoming a LegalShield (LS) independent sales
associate, until 9/30/10, she has enrolled individuals for LS and IDS
memberships, and as LS Associates, and achieved a director level for her sales.
Your associate agreement remains active as long as the individual has an active
Legal Plan membership or makes a minimum of 3 new sales a quarter.Ms. [redacted]'s payment for her
membership fee was set to be drafted the 1stof every month. The draft for April 2015 payment declined. After several
declined attempts to get payment, the membership went into pre-cancel due to
non-payment. A credit card declined letter was sent out on 4/20/15. On 6/2/15,
the membership cancelled after being on hold for over 45 days. Ms. [redacted]
called our Member Services on 10/1/15 requesting to reinstate her membership.
She was given the number to our LS Associate Services Department to discuss her
keeping her Associate Agreement. Her reinstatement request was submitted and
the LS membership was processed on 10/2/15. Ms. [redacted] did not call LS
Associate Services regarding the reinstatement; the deadline for keeping her
Associate Agreement active had been missed, and her AA was cancelled.After review of her file,
all company policies and procedures were properly followed. Ms. [redacted]'s
request to reinstate her at director level as associate was reviewed by
management and found not to be available. Ms.[redacted]'s may call the
Associate Services at ###-###-#### to discuss options for reactivating. Should
you have any further questions, please feel free to contract our office.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is not a satisfactory one, but desire to close it here.I completely reject Legal Shield's reasoning and would like to keep the results of this matter in a negative light.  Who do they stand for?  Clearly not the customer, in this case being me and my wife as a couple, the little guys.From my perspective they handled the matter with someone else's interest and not in accordance with their claims of assisting customers, definitely not with the intent of help us out as clients (and definitely not how their claim on their website).  There were no proceeding being started against my wife's employer and as a matter of fact the situation there has been closed, only the review of a document that could potentially had negative effects on my wife's future in their career (only that).  We resolved the matter and made the necessary progress, but not with any assistance from this legal plan which claimed would assist us in legal matters, we did it all on our own so they cannot even claim their helped us with all they could. And that is what I want to stand from this complaint, that they nothing at all to help us out!I filed the request to have the documentation provided checked and it was denied based on the explanation they provide.  The blanket statements they have provided in the past regarding our case were just that, blanket statements where not even any useful assistance was provided whatsoever.Regardless of their response now, it clearly shows how they operate and the claim made in their website does not stand, and that's factual.  Now it only leaves me to wonder how many other poorly advised vic[redacted]s of similar situations were unaware their situation would be handled with similar disregard; oh yes, they looked out for all interests of a business, that they did, but not those of the actual plan holders.  This was not a positive experience for us at all from the perspective of help and support, and certainly not what we expected from this plan.  The case can be closed, but negatively from my end (an F if there is any ratings here).

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/23) */
July 23, 2015
Attn: [redacted]
17 South Dewey
Oklahoma City, OK XXXXX

RE: [redacted] Complaint Case No. XXXXXXXX
Membership No. XXXXXXXXXXX

This letter is in response to the above referenced...

individual's complaint.
Mr. [redacted] enrolled with an on-line application for a LegalShield (LS) membership 9/25/2013. An initial payment for $27.00 was authorized by credit card for the first month's membership fee of $17.00 and included a non-refundable $10.00 enrollment fee. Future drafts for a monthly fee of $17.00 was set for the 27th of each month.
Mr. [redacted]'s complaint is that he feels he was taken advantage of by the assigned attorney regarding help with three traffic cases. He says he understood the fee quoted to be $500 for representation on his case. Mr. [redacted]'s says he paid $500 for the attorney to be present on the first case. When that case was rescheduled, the attorney then wanted additional money for continuing any help on any of the cases. Mr. [redacted] states this is not what he was told when he initially spoke to the attorney. He requests that he get the legal services needed regarding his legal issues resolved.
Until the receipt of this complaint, our company was unaware that Mr. [redacted] had experienced any service problems. We have a very efficient attorney complaint resolution system, in which LegalShield investigates all complaints filed by members against Provider Law Firms and Referral Attorneys. Our Provider Attorney, Mattleman, Weinroth & Miller, provides the contract benefits for our New Jersey members. Review of available information in Mr. [redacted]'s file show, he contacted the Provider Attorney on 6/26/15, regarding receiving multiple citations for a suspended license. The Provider Firm referred him to an attorney who handles traffic cases in all three municipalities required due to the three citations. Mr. [redacted] spoke to the Referred Attorney about the three court cases, and was quoted a retainer fee of $500 and agreement for each of the three cases; total of $1500. Although the attorney recommended all three cases be handled at the same time for the best outcome, Mr. [redacted] paid $500. This only covered the first the court case, that case being the one with the first scheduled court date. Later when informed that the first case had been continued, it was also reconfirmed that the attorney was not representing him on the additionally two cases. Mr. [redacted] expressed he thought the attorney was going to appear for the court dates on all three cases. The attorney reiterated the same information as in their initial discussion regarding fees and representation. It is noted that Mr. [redacted]'s resulting manner when speaking to the attorney and staff was rude, belligerent, and unacceptable to the point that the attorney offered to return the fee paid and suggested he seek other counsel. Subsequently, our LS Resolution Representative contacted Mr. [redacted]: as of this response date, the attorney has confirmed that Mr. [redacted] has paid the total retainer required and he will be represented on the upcoming court dates.
The matter of providing quality communication and professional service is our utmost goal for our members. Per the examination of services rendered as expressed in this complaint, we have found that the attorney correctly and adequately assisted the member with this case. Since the receipt of this complaint in our office, the referral attorney has contacted and is assisting Mr. [redacted]. It does not appear as further action regarding this complaint is needed at this time. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.
Consultant, Regulatory Compliance

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Address: Private Address, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V5K 1G1


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