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Weight Loss Grants Organization

1100 - 2300 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 1E4

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Weight Loss Grants Organization Reviews (%countItem)

Hi there, offers an 80% reimbursement if you lose the set amount of weight and complete all their steps. I did this back in October 2018. I was told a cheque was issued in November 2018. I received nothing and have made three follow ups and still have not heard back. Is there anything you can do to help? Thank you.

Desired Outcome

Finish the job I want my refund since I completed all stages required. Thank you.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Feb 11, 2019

's cheque has been scheduled for the week of April 8th 2019.

Customer Response • Feb 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
April 8th is two months away. I was already told my cheque was mailed in November 2018 - how can I trust this? Thank you

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Feb 12, 2019

I am sorry for the delay in the expected timing for the cheque. The cheque is scheduled to be mailed out during the week of April 8th.

I applied for the Weight Loss Grant, loss my 40lbs as stated, completed all of the form including a signed weight loss form from my Medical Doctor which was included on the original weight loss requirements. Submitted them all online via the website and provided all my documents as requested. I received an email on August 23, 2018 saying my Grant was approved and that I would receive my cheque within the next 15 days, I've been sending messages on the message board, calling and not getting any response from them.

Desired Outcome

I would like to get my Weight Loss Grant money that they approved in the amount of $2,000.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Feb 27, 2019

's cheque is scheduled to be mailed the week of April 22nd 2019

Customer Response • Feb 27, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Can you please keep my file open until May 6 2019 to ensure that I actually get my cheque by April 22, 2019.


I paid them to help me lose the weight and the agency never helped me as customer service very bad and not supported at all. I've tired to contact them by phone and email and no one replies.
I would like to know how I can get my money back as I have lost the weight that I had to.

Desired Outcome

I would like to get my money back that I'm entitled to since i have lost the 20 pounds

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Feb 11, 2019

The Weight Loss Grant Organization never requests nor accepts any money from it's applicants.

***'s dispute is with the company that she enrolled with to help her lose the weight.

I am not sure what relationship *** office has with Cosmetic but I went online 1/29/19 and put in my contact info to get more information on the grant program to help get my teeth fixed. I spoke briefly with the Representative about the program and I was then transferred to *** at *** in Fullerton. *** asked me to pay $50 upfront before the Saturday appointment while we were on the phone. I told her that since I had only just heard about the program on the radio I would not be comfortable providing my bank info to them at this time and I have dental insurance to pay for x-rays (as I had already mentioned to the Cosmetic Dentistry Grant Representative). She put me on hold over 5 minutes so I hung up; the next day I got a voicemail from Cosmetic DentistryGrant stating I had only 24 hours or my application would be cancelled. I finally went online and saw other comments about the program being ***. However, every single day now *** from the dental office calls from XXX-XXX-XXXX. Today I answered and asked her not to call me and she stated she has to call me. She said she could transfer me to Cosmetic DentistryGrant and I can cancel otherwise she will continue to call. I had already stated I am at work and cannot talk. *** said she will keep calling even after I said I am not interested and feel this is a SCAM. My solution is to report them since she has to call me all throughout the day On January 30, 2019 the day after I first contacted Cosmetic Dentristry I received a voicemail that I only had 24 hours to set an appointment or I would be disqualified. So why then do they keep calling? I am reporting both organizations to today!!!!! It is weird that a dental office would insist on calling me Monday-Saturday and I want it to stop as well as warn others!!!!

Desired Outcome

I need for both Cosmetic Dentistry and *** to cease all contact with me.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Feb 07, 2019

Hello -

Our organization and any dental office associated with us would not contact you in the manner described.

Moreover, we cannot locate your information in our records. There is no person with any of the following criteria:




*** E *** #X XXXXX
Long Beach, CA




Did you sign up with other information?

Please advise.

The organization promotes that will pay part of the weight loss program.
I signed up a contract with the organization in August 2017.
If you choose their program they say that will reimburse 80%, if you choose another program they will pay 20%. I followed all the steps. I went for my weight in, I told them the program that I choose and I agreed to have 20% reimbursed if I completed the program in the time specified (I picked 4 months) and loose 20% of my weight.
When I completed the program in December 2017 I contacted them and told them that I finished and if they could book a weight out appointment.
Everything was difficult starting that point, they could not booked me, when they booked me they cancelled so they told me to go to a doctor and get a note. I did, I paid for the note, and submitted the weight with all the payments.
After contacting several times without an answer they told me that the system had changed and now I had to submit everything in the system, all over again.
I did it, entered everything they asked me, this was around March 2018 I believe.
From that moment I started asking for the cheque an nothing, always a different excuse, that it takes time, my application was on the queue, etc, etc, etc.
I sent several messages and always same response, if any.
I talked on the phone with *** and ***, still nothing.
I keep sending requests with no answer. ***
Product_Or_Service: Weight Loss Grant
Account_Number: File #

Desired Outcome

Delivery I want to be paid what they owe me, around $500

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Feb 07, 2019

's cheque is scheduled to be mailed out during the week of February 11th 2019.

well the exercise support was wonderful, the diet consultations were excellent. BUT the constant run around and NOT paying the grant as they stated they would is NOT wonderful. People should get what they said they would give. I have noted things on the internet that is similar of my opinion. ***.***. I am have a great deal of problems myself even though I believe that I have completed all of my paper work and have lost the weight that was required of me. I have been reluctant to make any complaints for again fear of not receiving my money back.d that my grant was approved and that I would be receiving 1,920.00
There is no one to turn to as you are not allowed to call their switch board as they are busy and I cannot speak to anyone to ever get any clarification. *** would like to know how many others are experiencing this. Also I had read that there was funding from professionals however this is a for profit company and I get this but why advertise what may appear to be different. I keep having to send them the same info that I had a office company send to them, Hello look up your own file to see that I have done what they asked me to do. I need my money for medical reasons HELP!!!

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 29, 2019

ruary Dianne's grant cheque is scheduled to be mailed out during the week of February 18, 2019.

I signed up for weight loss grants with *** in Kitchener. I had a year to lose 60 pounds, and my deadline was October 15, 2018. After the deadline I had 30 days to upload all of my documents (proof of payment, weight loss program details, weigh in form, weigh out form, and a signed thank you letter). I uploaded the documents in early November, about a week before the deadline. I emailed my adjudicator on December 6th as I hadn't received any conformation, and she asked me to upload another signed thank you letter to the portal. Now on my portal, the only options are to upload ANOTHER weigh-in form, and the Request Grant section doesn't have any of my old forms. I got an email yesterday that I have 30 days to upload my weigh-in form (which I have already uploaded) within 30 days or my grant is cancelled. What is happening?! Their site says you should receive your grant within 45 days of the deadline. It has now been 75. I have followed all of the program guidelines, and would like to receive the 80% of the $2400 that I paid for the weight loss program that I was guaranteed.

Desired Outcome

I would like to receive the grant that I am owed, as I completed the program, followed the program guidelines, and

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 29, 2019

There is not need for *** to upload any further documents.

***'s grant review is at Stage 1. We are waiting for the verification from the doctor who conducted the weigh-out, that the form that was submitted is genuine.

As of this morning, we have not received any correspondence from the doctor on record.

As soon as we receive the verification, the file will be reviewed for completeness, and a grant cheque will be issued.

I completed my weigh loss this summer and I still have not seen the cheque. I have called multiple times and no one would call me back, or explain where the process is.
On the flip side it did motivate me to lose required weight.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 24, 2019

Hello Olga, I have looked into your file and I can see that your cheque is scheduled to be mailed out by the second week in February 2019.

Not a great experience. Not allowed to use *** program as already signed up. The purchased membership for local community center with pool,gym over ONE HALF HOUR drive. Lost the weight over the year as required.Over 35lbs. I was very happy when told I would receive my grant. That was over 3 months ago. NEVER RECEIVED. CONTINUE TO CONTACT,WITH NO RESULTS MJZ

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 23, 2019

Mary's grant cheque is scheduled to be mailed during the week of January 28th 2019.

I applied and was approved in late January 2018 to the weight loss grant program (WLG). I met my weight goal and submitted all the documents to WLG and was approved for the grant in August 2018.

On August 29, 2018 I received an email that stated: "This email notice is to confirm that your Weight Loss Grant has been approved for $1,759.99 and has been sent for final adjudication, following which your cheque will be sent within 15 days from which your deadline was to occur. (Your can view your deadline in your Funding Portal)

Your cheque will sent to the following address:"

It's now been months and I've called and sent messages through my account numerous times since then. I have still not received the grant, despite being told numerous times that it has been approved and they've added me to a "priority list". From the below messages I have a record of I know I've been on this priority list as early as October 2018, but I think I called in before this and was told the same information so it could be even earlier than October 2018 that I was on the priority list.
Here's a message I got (Note that it took a month for them to respond).

"*** says:
"I got an email on Aug 29th saying I?d been approved for the grant money as I hit my weight goal and submitted everything in early August. It?s been more than 15 days from the Aug 29th email, but still no cheque, when was it sent?"
Sep 20, 2018 10:29 PM EDT

*** says:
"We have been backed up with high volume of grants being claimed last 2 months. Due to this we have been delayed in the review process issuing out the cheques. I have added you to a priority list, there are some applicant ahead of you.As soon as we have more information I will contact you."
Oct 18, 2018 07:39 PM EDT"

I've spoken with regular call agents from their regular phone X-XXX-XXX-XXXX, I've spoken with the manger ***, I've left messages at their other X-XXX-XXX-XXXX number that is meant for managers or higher level calls that now (Jan 18, 2019) has a full mailbox, so you can no longer leave messages. I've either been ignored, given delay tactics, or repeatedly told that I'm on the priority list. It doesn't feel like a priority list when you've been on it for months.

I've been out of pocket this substantial amount of money for a long time now and this whole process has created unnecessary stress and taken up way too much of my time trying to follow-up with this issue.

File Number: 77RXXXXXXXX

Desired Outcome

1. I expect to be paid ASAP and for the excuses and delay tactics to stop as to why they are not doing their job. 2. I expect to be paid an additional $1,000 for all the extra hassle, time, missed interest I could have earned

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 21, 2019

Good day ***,

I am sorry for the delays that you have experienced.

I can see that your cheque is scheduled to be mailed to you during the week of January 28th, 2019.

Customer Response • Jan 29, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
You've only responded to #1 of my desired response, but haven't addressed #2.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 30, 2019

your cheque is for the amount of $1,759.99

The deadline date that you set was for August 7, 2019, 18 months following your start date of February 7, 2018.

The Weight Loss Grant Organization made a special concession for you to receive your grant early; the normal procedure is to wait until the deadline date, and see that you are still meeting your weight requirements at that time.

I hope that this meets with your complete satisfaction.

Should you wish to revert back to the original agreement that you made with the Weight Loss Grant Organization, with a deadline date of August 7, 2019, that can be arranged and we will reopen your case so that you can provide a weigh-out declaration at that time.

On August 31, 2017 I entered a contract for a Weight Loss Grant with the Oral Aesthetic Advocacy Group Inc, (OAAG) which was to be completed through *** (St.Catharines)*** Street, Suite ***, St. Catharines, ON ***. The agreement was that I would have to lose 39lbs within 1 year. Once completed, I had 30 days to provide a weight verification form from my doctor, along with a signed Thank you Letter. I completed and submitted this on September 18, 2018. After weeks of contacting the Adjudicator, ***, confirmed via their site online message board that my Grant was approved on November 12, 2018 and would the Grant cheque would be issued for $1920 within 15 business days. I have had excuses such as overload, clients completing the program sooner than expected, etc. I have attempted to contact the main customer service line, as well as *** on many occasions with no definite answer, but a new claim stating that timelines for cheque processing are 45 business days (not the 15 business days promised by ***). *** last emailed me directly on December 8, 2018 stating that she would look into the matter. I have send numerous emails and still no reply and the 45 business days was up yesterday, January 15, 2019. I paid $2400 for this wight loss program with a promise of reimbursement of 80% of the cost. To my disappointment, I now see that there are numerous complaints about this Weight Loss Grant on the website but many are not linked to the proper organization running the grant and nothing has been done.

Desired Outcome

-The reimbursement from the organization of $1920 as promised in the contract. -A change to their advertising as they make it sound like this is a government weight loss grant and therefore a trusted organization. -A change in their contract that specifically details how long processing will take. -Responsibility for customer service so that they can't just ignore people that they have entered into a contract with.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 17, 2019

's grant cheque is being mailed out this week. She will be contacted by our office to confirm.

Customer Response • Jan 17, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I received a call today from *** advising that a cheque would be mailed out to me on January 18, 2019 from their Toronto office. *** followed up with an email (although the name in the salutation was "***", not my name). *** requested that I email her once my cheque has been received. I will be satisfied with the resolution if the cheque is received as promised. Thank you.

This is a weight loss grants program. In November of 2018, I uploaded all the required proof and completed all requirements in order to receive my $2000 grant money as I had reached my weight loss goal using one of the accredited weight loss programs (***). They claim to issue grant cheques every 2 weeks. I have still not received the cheque.

I have called several times and have been advised that my matter has been escalated to a manager. I have not yet been contacted by a manager.

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) I would like to receive the $2000 in grant money owed to me.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 17, 2019

The criteria for *** to obtain a grant, is to lose her goal weight (or more) at the goal-date of April 13, 2019.

Grants can only be applied for at the goal-date.

*** was informed by the Weight Loss Grants team of this on January 15th.

*** will receive an email on April 13th reminding her that she must complete the weigh-out procedures as instructed, and then upload her documents through the portal.

I was approved for a weight loss grant in Dec 2017. Once I successfully met my loss goal in my timeframe I was entitled to 80% of the $2400 I paid to *** (their approved provider). I met my goal in the time allotted and submitted all required docs on Sept 12,2018. Since then I have been waiting for my refund. I have contacted the Weight Loss Grant Org several times by phone and email and each time I am put off with excuses that my file is under review. After 4 months of waiting I am certain that I have been *** out of my money. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide me with.

Desired Outcome

I am looking for my refund of 80% of the $2400 I paid

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 24, 2019

has been informed by phone that we are waiting to receive her physician's verification that the weigh-out declaration was truly conducted by them.

This is a security and fraud prevention step that is part of the standard method of operation for the grant organization.

As of today, we have not received the verification from the physician. Once we have it, we will be able to move forward.

Customer Response • Jan 29, 2019

Hi ***

I have been to my doctors office today and they advise that they have not received anything from the grant program who claims they mailed it weeks ago. I believe this is another delay tactic. Please help

Customer Response • Feb 14, 2019

Hi I have wait for their second letter to be mailed to my doctors office and once again two weeks later no letter. They continue to delay and I don't believe they are mailing anything out. I asked that the send it registered mail but of course they did not so there is no proof they are actually mailing anything.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Feb 14, 2019

We will be mailing a third letter out to ***'s doctor for verification of the information that has been provided to us.

This is part of our Security and Fraud Prevention procedures.

It is the doctor's office responsibility to respond to the letter.

The address has been verified by ***. None of the previous letter have been returned to us by

I have been accepted, completed my program and submitted info August 27th 2017, I have been given the runaround including many excuses as to why my grant is taking so long to receive. Today is December 13th, 2017. The latest excuse is that the manager, *** is trying to confirm my official weigh out with my doctors office. When I spoke to
my doctor's office about this, they told me that they had not heard anything from her. I arranged for my doctor to email *** directly with the confirmation, which they happily did immediately in efforts to try and help me get my money back, over $1900. It is now the following week and the doctor has informed me that they have not heard back from her, and have made it a priority to respond immediately with any further information needed.
*** 15 weeks of excuses and untimely responses. I called the grant company, who was only able to "escalate " my file and hope that *** responds to me.
*** 15 weeks! *** I deserve my "grant" money reimbursement, I lost 45 pounds in the allotted time and fulfilled everything that was required of me.

Desired Outcome

I expect to be paid according to the original agreement. And for this company to stop giving me excuses as to why they are not doing their job.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 07, 2019

The Weight Loss Grant Organization has been helping Canadians who are serious about losing weight and achieving their goals by providing a monetary incentive. ***

Grants are only approved after a through examination of the applicant's documentation for completeness, accuracy and compliance.

The case of *** is in the review process, and we expect to have a decision and resolution shortly once the accuracy and compliance are verified.

Customer Response • Jan 07, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
My doctor's office has finally received the declaration that was said to be sent weeks prior to my complaint. It has been signed and faxed as well as couriered to WLGO.. I have not heard from them as of yet, and I look forward to *** receiving and the approval of my grant... Therefore I cannot accept this answer until my grant is reviewed and approved. I look forward to closing this complaint once my grant cheque is received. I would also like to add that since my file has been escalated to ***, things seem to be moving much quicker, so I am thankful for that. Although it has now been over 18 weeks since submitting, I am happy that things finally seem to be moving along.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 08, 2019

Good morning ***,

We will be trying to complete your grant as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.

While I did lose the weight with the Weight Loss Grant Organization (WLGO) - I am still waiting for my refund/grant since JULY 2018! There has been, and still is, a lot of delay tactics with the WLG program adjudicator and an unknown sponsor. When I requested contact information of whom I can talk to - or correspond with in regards to why there is a delay in receiving my refund I was informed (by the adjudicator) that they only correspond with the 'department' via an email (and that they could not release any info to me since they did not have it either). I received an email with the subject heading "YOUR GRANT HAS BEEN APPROVED!" on October 2, 2018. The email's first sentence is as follows: "Dear XXXXX my name, This email notice is to confirm that your Weight Loss Grant has been approved for $1,920 and has been sent for final adjudication, following which your cheque will be sent within 15 days from which your deadline was to occur." My deadline end date was confirmed by the WLG adjudicator (via written in an email) and as per my contract - for July 19, 2018. I choose to lose 20 pounds in 6months. In total, since July 18th, 2018 - I have recorded that I have contacted the adjudicator via telephone (which is near impossible) and emails (which they do reply accordingly) 48 times!! but, unfortunately, the response is nearly the same each time. My last response dated December 3rd, 2018 is similar to all the previous ones: "Hi XXXX my name, You have been put on a shortlist towards the top of the list but I have not been given an ETA at this time. I have advised the department that handles the cheques what you have stated in your emails. We are typically updated when the cheques have been put in the mail but I have not been given an update on yours just yet." I had informed the adjudicator, on November 10, 2018 that if I had not heard from the WLG department by November 26-28th, 2018 that I would have to take other actions to resolve this matter since it is well-over reasonably due. I did not receive any response from the WLG program or any representative until after I contacted the adjudicator on December 2 in which they replied on the 3rd (See above for response). As a final note, I was given a link in the email dated October 2, 2018 (wherein I was led to believe that I would receive my grant/refund within 15 days) to a site where I could leave positive reviews on a company called "Oral Aesthetic Advocacy Group Inc." which is known as a Cosmetic Dentistry Grants Program. When I tried to leave a 'fair' review - I was denied. I would also like to know why you can not find the business name "Weight Loss Grants Organization (WLGO)" in the but rather again, the name "Oral Aesthetic Advocacy Group Inc." is used. This is misleading to the consumer who is researching the WLGO. I am still remaining positive that the WLG program is not *** and that I will receive 'my' cheque/grant refund - as promised - after all businesses have bad days too - right? My file number is 77RXXXXXXX and the WLGO adjudicator's name is Ms. ***.

Desired Outcome

Obtain verification that my said cheque - in the full amount of $1920.00 - has been mailed to me via registered mail as per my request in an email to the WGLO adjudicator.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 07, 2019

Grants are only approved after a through examination of the applicant's documentation for completeness, accuracy and compliance.

The review of ***'s case is close to completion and we expect to have a decision and resolution shortly.

Customer Response • Jan 07, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept the response since my desired resolution was to obtain verification that the full amount of the money/grant owed back to me was mailed as per the indication in previous emails from the adjudicator representing the WLGO. The current response indicates that my case is close to completion and that 'they' expect to have a decision and resolution shortly - however, as per my initial complaint - the decision, according to previous emails from the adjudicator, have all indicated that my case was closed and that my refund was being sent shortly. Note, that on October 2nd, 2018 I received an email from the adjudicator indicating the following: "This email notice is to confirm that your Weight Loss Grant has been approved for $1,920 and has been sent for final adjudication, following which your cheque will be sent within 15 days from which your deadline was to occur". I have confirmed via an email response from the adjudicator on November 12th, 2018 that my deadline date was July 19th, 2018. This would indicate that my refund owed is overdue by approximately 6 months and now the current response indicates that my "case is close to completion"!? A more appropriate response would have provided a rationale to the delay tactics that are being used. While I do appreciate the response - it seems to be another 'merry-go-round' for the customer. A decision was already made on my file and I completed the fulfillment of the contract and protocols of the WLGO terms. A response indicating when my refund is going to be mailed is expected. I believe waiting from July 18th (when I finished my contract on time) is more than fair. Thank you for your time.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 09, 2019

Good morning ***,
I expect to have confirmation this week that your grant will be mailed out to you.
You will be receiving confirmation shortly.

Customer Response • Jan 17, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I have finally received the overdue refund in the mail (not registered as per the option given to me by the WLGO). While the amount of the grant/cheque was accurate - the company should have taken into consideration the 6 months that I had to wait. Interest should have been compensated. I never once received an apology - or a rationale - for the delay. For a company that promotes health and well-being the WLGO must acknowledge that the stress that one endures while waiting for promises to be fulfilled from the WLGO - takes a toll on one's mental and physical well-being. I hope that others that join the WLGO do not have to take the measures that I've had to take - or wait an unreasonable time for their grants that they are rightfully owed. If you truly are a company that helps "Canadians who are serious about losing weight and achieving their goals by providing a monetary incentive" - then you must also maintain your promises. *** - people need to recognize that company's that take interest in one's health - do so by practicing ethical behaviours and will not do anything to hinder the state of someone's well-being!

I used weight loss to successfully loose weight using *** . I was approved for the grant. I meet all requirements of the grant . I received all the congratulatory letters saying I was successful and the refund cheque of $1920.00 would be mailed in 2-3 weeks. I contacted them in September and again many times in October and November. Every time to be told , we are back logged mailing cheque's. You are in que , I will make your file a priority. It's December 1 and , I am getting no where with this company. The staff are *** in there replies and I can show proof from email correspondence. I want my refund from them to be settled before Christmas. This refund is only 80% of my initial investment of $2400.00 . I invested in this weight loss program due to the grant assistance. It's very disheartening to imagine this is happening.

Desired Outcome

I want my promised refund of $1920.00 as stated in a written letter from weight loss This is 4 months now waiting for this cheque/refund that they keep stalling on providing. How can you have a summer back log in December? Funny enough when I recall asking the representative at *** about the length of time it takes to see your refund cheque, she said well it's summer and they might be back logged and take longer. Is this a coincidence?

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 07, 2019

We are very happy that Ms. was able to lose the weight that she had wanted to.

The Weight Loss *** Organization has been helping Canadians who are serious about losing weight and achieving their goals by providing a monetary incentive. ***

The case of Ms. should be closed shortly.

Customer Response • Jan 08, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I will not accept their response. I have heard the same rhetoric from this company since August 2018. Before I contacted the , the representatives kept promising I was in cue but they were back logged from the summer. It's now officially winter. Seriously it's not acceptable to take people money and promise Xxxx and deliver nothing. It's wrong and if the oral facial surgery company wants to stand behind this advertising and risk their credibility *** than So be it. ***.
I do think behind this grant charade there were "real" doctors testing theweightloss market and studying trends at least that was what was represented at time of sale.


I would expect the company to provide a firm date when the grant will be awarded as promised. I will accept nothing less.

Weight Loss Grants Organization Response • Jan 09, 2019

Ms., You will be receiving a call from our office.
In order to keep the facts straight, you did not ever pay any money to the Weight Loss Grant Organization.
You applied and were accepted for a grant to lose weight in a specified amount of time.
I think that I understand your frustration, however your unfounded allegations of "charade" and "***" will not speed up the due process.

The Weight Loss Grant program has turned my life around. ***! I sleep well, exercise regularly, my craving for sugar and salt have disappeared- I feel like a NEW person! Thank you so much for all the support & guidance provided thru out my journey!
From day one I had no difficulty in following the meal plan for Protein, Carbohydrates, fat and vegetables! I now eat anything I want and if I over indulge one day I go back to my new healthy eats plan the next.
This program is a wonderful incentive to put you back on a healthy lifestyle and turn your life around! I would highly recommend this to anyone that has more than 20 pounds to loose!

I've been on many flip-flop diets over the years, losing weight & gaining it back, & more. When I heard the Weight Loss Grant advertisements over & over, on the radio & TV, I thought, "What do I have to lose?" I finally made the call. It works! I lost more weight than I had originally planned, & now have the tools to continue with my weight loss journey. What I chose is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. *** I did it, & it was worth it! *** Thank you, Weight Loss Grant for the incentive to help me become a healthier version of me, & enhance my quality of life. Take care & be well! Theresa D.

How many months do I have to wait for payment on my grant before I can be certain that this is ***? Another 3? Grant was successfully complete this summer.. still not a dime seen.

Thank you Weight Loss Grants for giving me the instruments and motivation to achieve my goal weight! I've never felt better and happier! The support was amazing and staff always there! Thank you again!

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Address: 1100 - 2300 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 1E4


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