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Delmarva Power

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Reviews Delmarva Power

Delmarva Power Reviews (645)

Attached is customer's bill mailed 11/16, which indicates the credit on the account

[redacted] usage has increased as the result of her electric heating and colder temperatures As the temperatures decreased this winter [redacted] usage increased, which is expected and for electric heating customers Delmarva Power bills customers based on the amount of energy that registers on the meter and not what other customers consume The meter servic [redacted] home was recently installed at this location in Feb and is a smart meter Through smart meter technology we can break down her energy usage to the day I have attached a statement detailing her daily energy usage for the past three bills and the daily average temperature As you can see from reviewing this statement, [redacted] highest usage days coincide with the coldest temperatures Again, this is expected and for heating customers I hope this information has been helpful If you have any questions please let me know

Customer [redacted] ** stated branches and debris was left in his back yard from tree trimmingI called the customer but was asked to call back at a later dateDelmarva Power would need to know additional details for proper follow upIf tree work was done as part of storm clean up or outage restoration, Delmarva Power would not be able to remove branches and/or debrisIf part of scheduled tree trimming, Delmarva Power would chip and remove smaller branchesIf larger branches, they would be cut to manageable size and left on site for customer useI will be contacting customer on requested date (8/3)

DPL previously had this complaint from the DE PSCAccount documentation shows [redacted] called DPL on April 3, requesting service at [redacted] **She said she moved into the location on 04/01/When I spoke with her 07/22/she said she called on 04/to see if she had an outstanding balance prior to requesting new service and that she did not know where she was moving to at that timeShe said the reason the account at [redacted] **was documented was because she called using the previous tenants phoneI have had the opportunity to listen to the taped conversation between [redacted] and a Call Center Representative and confirmed [redacted] did say she moved to W 4th on 04/The customer provided documentation to show proof of her previous addressShe provided a Wwhich had the address of [redacted] *** (the same address she is now requesting service.) It appears she advised the Governor's Office and/or the DE PSC that she did not know the previous tenant, however; she told me she used the address as her mailing address and called from the previous tenants phoneThe information she is providing is inconsistent and contradictoryThe service was disconnected at the location for non payment 07/15/ [redacted] began calling again on 07/requesting service stating she is a new tenant as of 06/01/There is a large balance at the location that needs to be addressedDPL believes that [redacted] has been there all along and that the previous tenant may still be residing at the locationIt appears they are trying to switch names on the account to avoid paymentService will not be granted to [redacted] at this time

Mr [redacted] 's account # [redacted] Account# from old billing system # [redacted] I have reviewed Ms [redacted] 's account, DPL's records indicate customers personal account information had not been compromised The letter is clearly addressed to her tenant with the tenants new account #, and there is no personal information of Ms [redacted] 's, included in the letter Ms [redacted] has spoken to several CSR's and a supervisor who have advised the same Our records indicate customer's tenant called in on 3/to have the service transferred into her name, which was completed Ms [redacted] service continued in her name until 3/ Mr [redacted] called in 5/& Mrs [redacted] called in on 7/and advised that new tenant's lease started 12/29/and sent in a copy of the lease The [redacted] 's bills were adjusted back to 12/29/for the final bill and tenant was back billed to 12/29/as the start date 7/ All of Ms [redacted] 's bills were sent to her final billing address [redacted] / ROCK HILL SC 29732- It is the customer of records (Ms [redacted] ) responsibility to request to disconnect service to stop the billing The [redacted] 's never requested a disconnect, but called in on 2/10/to confirm new tenant had called in for service, she was advised there had been no request from the new tenant., and due to the delinquency of her account Ms [redacted] was offered a payment arrangementDPL received an online application for service for the new tenant on 2/23, service was not transferred due to the new customer's outstanding balance at their previous address In accordance with DPL's tariff approved by the PSC it is the customer of records responsibility to request to have the service disconnected to stop the billing, as a courtesy Ms [redacted] 's account was back billed to the actual move date based on the lease provided There is no other adjustments warranted on the accountAttached is a copy of the new tenants Welcome Letter

Please see attachmentsI was unable to reach the customerI never had a response to my email 2-2-

Ms [redacted] contacted our Customer Service Department on 8/5/and processed a payment over the phone for the amount of $ Ms [redacted] called in later that day and advised that the payment was deducted from her account twice After further review a Supervisor did contact her and advised her that there was an issue with our credit card processing system and that only one payment of $has been taken from DPL and applied to her DPL account She was advised that a hold was placed on the other payment of $by the processing system and that Western Union would be refunding the money back to her bank account Our records show that only one payment posted to her DPL account for the amount of $ Because the second payment was not sent to DPL we are unable to refund the amount The payment was to be returned by Western Union

Left voice message for customerDelmarva has had many months of estimated readings at property as device is not communicating remotelyCustomer gave us reading of on which is why her January bill was highIf read is correct, then it is catching up on underestimated usageIf reading is incorrect, we can adjust with a new reading if customer can provideWe would ideally like access to check on gas meter to see why not communicating so estimated reads are not a problem moving forward

The customer consistently carried a balance from month to month on her account causing the account to be delinquentDPL has always been able to bill customers a deposit or increase a deposit if a customer is delinquent per DPL tariff approved by the DE PSCThe customers account is currently paid up to dateIf payments are made on time in full each month the deposit will be refunded after consecutive payments

Customer received commitments from agencies to reconnect servicesThe balance for gas and electric will be placed on month installment plan as exception due to billing adjustmentSecurity deposit will be placed on month installment plan

Below is the information received from our contractor Comverge advised that they I spoke with Mr [redacted] 's ( [redacted] ) girlfriend and she stated this complaint was filed a long time ago, and that all is well no problemsShe also mentioned the DCU device was removed I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below We have not been contacted by the DPL Claims Department as the letter states In addition, The Security deposit has not been removed as requested Unfortunately, once the power is disconnected hard working people will lose their jobs It shocks & saddens me that DPL/PECO chooses to conduct business in such a manor I have offered to bring the account current & keep it current minus the security deposit however, DPL/PECO would rather put people out of work The bill was run up by a previous owner and we are made to suffer for it.I guess the message to small business is forget you, we'll take care of the big companies first And everyone wonders why more small business close each day than open Soon a handful of massive companies will run the entire country and small business will be erased from existence Thanks DPL for selling out to PECO, from everything I've read, they are one of the most hated companies in the US They certainly live up to it! Regards,

Customers meter was exchange to NEM meter (solar) on 7/and has been giving permission to operate as of 7/ ACE apologizes for the Green Power Connection team not responding or returning their phone calls in a prompt mannerUnfortunately The Green Power Connection team has been short staffed and back loggedACE has since increased the staff to accommodate the call volume to respond to our customers [redacted]

Customer filed a complaint with the Delaware Public Service Commission (DEPSC) on November and was disconnected for non-payment on 11/at 11:am in error prior to contact from DPLThe service was reconnected at 1:pm the same dayDPL has responded to the complaint MR [redacted] filed with the Delaware Public Service Commission (DEPSC) on 11/and our position remains the sameI called customer on 11/and left several messages to return my call on the phone numbers he provided in his complaint Mr [redacted] returned my call later in the day and left a voice mail message to return his callI spoke with Mr [redacted] on 11/13, customer has an initial deposit of $is on hand from February 2012, I explained to customer that the additional deposit assessed on August of $is warranted due to the delinquency of the account and cannot be waivedCustomer's increased deposit amount is based on months of the customer’s average bill of $per month, which is how the deposit is calculated The calculation and assessment of the deposit is in accordance with DPL's tariff which is approved by our state regulator the DEPSC The account has had disconnect notices from June to October Our records indicate that on July 1, [redacted] called in to Customer Service regarding the disconnect notice received with a disconnect date of on or after July Customer was offered a month payment arrangement with an initial payment of $by July and installments of $in addition to the current bill to avoid any further collection activity to start with is next billCustomer accepted the offer and paid $on July Customer was advised his next meter read for the new bill was on July Customer's payment arrangement had broken by August due to lack of payment DPL did not receive another payment until September for $ Mr [redacted] is stated he was the new owner of the restaurant and stated the previous owners did not pay DPL records indicate Mr [redacted] is listed as an Associate to this account as far back as 2/ If there is new ownership of the restaurant, the new owner is required to request to activate a new account.I advised Mr [redacted] that DPL is willing accept a payment of $by 11/to avoid any further collection activity, the amount of $ will be applied to his outstanding deposit and $will be applied to his $balance, then the remaining balance can be set on an extended month payment arrangement of $ Mr [redacted] stated DPL must accept his terms or else he will be going to the media I advised Mr [redacted] , I would submit his claim for reimbursement for his loss of business to our Claims Department for review The Claims department has opened a claim, an adjuster will investigate his claim and contact customer

Ms [redacted] was assessed a deposit of $with her September bill due the delinquency of her account in accordance with DPL's tariff that is approved by the Delaware PSC Customer's deposit was waived on 9/as a one time only courtesy Customer must continue to pay her bill in full each month and on time or the deposit will be assessed again and will not be waivethe deposit is determined by months of the customers monthly averaged usage [redacted]

I have completed a review of Ms [redacted] 's account Attached, please find a billing statement which reflects the account was paid late eight times prior to the security deposit being assessed In addition, I have also enclosed the two disconnection notices sent prior to the deposit being assessed as well Based on the payment history of the account the deposit is warranted and would remain on the account

I Spoke with [redacted] customer concern about deposit requested Due to his payment history I advised Mr [redacted] I will waive the deposit this one time only Advised him of our deposit policy and to pay monthly bills by the due date each month I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below I could attach dozens of statements showing the account paid on timeThe was never severe negligence in payment of any statement and Delmarva never received no payment We were never contacted in any official correspondence regarding any "disconnect" nor was it ever warrantedI have already given Delmarva their deposit and expected the reply to detail that it would not be returnedIt's standard practice to just follow fabricated guidelines and hold as much money as possible The fact is that Delmarva retains the power of removing your electricity so what can the consumer do ? I will handle the matter locally going forward In choosing providers I will always look elsewhere Regards,

I have completed a review of Ms [redacted] ' account An investigative order was competed on March 2, confirming that meter [redacted] was located at [redacted] and meter [redacted] was located at [redacted] *** This confirmed that the customers at these two addresses were being billed for the incorrect consumption The meters were corrected and the proper usage was billed to each customer for the periods covering June through June Per Delaware Tariff Section IX- Adjustment of Charges (E) Adjust for Incorrect Billings - Incorrect billings for Delivery Service and for combined Electric Supply & Delivery Service resulting from clerical error, incorrect meter installation or reading, incorrect application of the rate schedule, or other similar reasons shall be corrected immediately upon discovery, and corrected bills rendered to the CustomerHowever, in no case may additional charges due from the Customer under the application of this paragraph be collected for more than three (3) years prior to the month of discoveryIf the Customer has been overcharged, the Company shall refund the amount due by credit to the Customer's account or the Customer may submit a request in writing for a refund by check, to the date the error was made, not to exceed three (3) years prior to discoveryIn the absence of a written election by the Customer for a refund by check, the Company shall credit the Customer's accountIn the event additional charges are due the Company, installment payments shall be offered for not less than the number of months the account was billed in errorAn installment payment charge shall not be applied to such installment payments.Based on the tariff regulation stated above, Delmarva Power does have the right to bill Ms [redacted] for her actual usage consumed once the meter mix up was discovered The usage from the correct meter servicing Ms [redacted] ' property was getting actual readings from June through April The readings were estimated from May through June when the meter were corrected An actual reading was obtained when the meters were corrected, however Ms [redacted] was billed on the original estimated readings as this was actually less than what the true usage should have been based on the actual reading obtained from the meter Delmarva Power is willing to provide an extended payment arrangement, equal to or greater than months, for the outstanding balance of $1, Ms [redacted] was offered payment arrangements previously and declined A hold would remain on the account for days to allow her to contact our Customer Service Department to set up payment arrangement After that time collection procedures would resume on the account

A disconnect notice was mailed to the customer on 1/20/and again on 5/18/Copies of the final notices are available to the customer if needed DPL does not charge a fee for disconnect noticesThe $was billed to increase the customer’s security deposit being held by DPL based on his current usagePer the Delaware Tariff the Company may bill or increase a deposit at any time when an account is delinquentThe additional $deposit charge was waived on 6/1/The customer made a payment of $at the DPL Walk in Office on 5/31/When a payment is made on an account at the Walk in Office the payment shows on the account as pendingThe actual payment posted on the account 6/2/17, hours laterWe apologize if the customer was not provided with information regarding energy assistance Customers may access the information by dialing on their phone or enter Delaware on a computerReset customers IP

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Address: 401 Eagle Run Rd., Newark, Delaware, United States, 19702


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