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JPMorgan Chase Credit Card

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Reviews Bank, Credit Cards and Plans JPMorgan Chase Credit Card

JPMorgan Chase Credit Card Reviews (4971)

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on May 27, 2017. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order to protect consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share the response directly with you.

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on February 13, 2017. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order to...

protect consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share the response directly with you.

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on March 28, 2017. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order to protect...

consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share the response directly with you.

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on April 17, 2017. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order to protect consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share the response directly with you.

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on February 14, 2017. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order to...

protect consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share he response directly with you.

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on Dec. 18, 2015. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order to protect...

consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share the response directly with you.
I have reviewed the...

response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Of all the credit card companies that I deal with (and I have 29 credit cards) Chase is the ONLY ONE that refuses to send a statement of account after I've made a payment that brings the balance to zero.  And in spite of this complaint as well as one to the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, they STILL refuse to send me the statement I need in order for me to maintain complete and accurate records on all my accounts. So in the future, whenever I make a payment to this company, I will be overpaying by $.01 in order to force their deficient software to generate a statement.  I've tried this already with another Chase account and I did get a statement on that one, showing thee -.01 balance.  This is only a workaround though.  Now if I don't make any charges on a Chase credit card within a billing period after having overpaid from the prior billing period, they will have to keep sending me statements, month after month, even though there's been no activity on the account at all. I don't want statements that have no activity, only those that do.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
JP Morgan's response has been horrific. I called the rep who called me 3 times and he never called me back. I had to call in MYSELF and find another rep to help me out. She was not helpful either. I was trying to get information on where my return went and she could not provide me with any information at all which is completely BS. JP Morgan being one of the largest banks in the world couldn't even provide me with the bank authorization numbers as to where my money went which is complete BS. I used to work at a credit union and we have tracking numbers for all of our transactions. The woman on the phone said these are internal numbers that they can't give out. Once again, complete BS. If I'm trying to trace my money at least help me out and figure out where the money went instead of saying that you can't do anything for me and that the money has went back to the merchant. THEN CALL THE MERCHANT AND TELL THEM WHAT THE NUMBERS ARE SO THEY CAN LOOK FOR IT! This went to an executive support team and that team did NOTHING to help me. I sat on the phone wasting my time trying to figure this whole thing out and pointing out the flaws of your representatives in helping me out. All transactions can be traced through banks but the fact that you did nothing to help me find the money tells me how much you guys value a customer.  HOW WERE YOU GOING TO FIX THIS FOR ME? YOU DID NOTHING TO HELP MY CASE NOR FIGURE OUT WHERE MY MONEY WENT! Also, it's 9/26 and you just responded to my request telling me that I would get a response in 5-7 business days. That's great. I really want to hear your response through a complaint after the problem is solved. Albeit, a 2 line response that once again does NOTHING for me.

We responded to our customer’s concerns in our letter dated October 24, 2017. To protect our customer’s privacy, we are not providing you with the details of our resolution. Our customer may use their discretion in sharing our response directly with you.Thank you

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of
your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have
fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on October 22, 2015. They
should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days.  In...

to protect consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share the response
directly with you.

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on March 6, 2017. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order to protect...

consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share the response directly with you.

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on June 29, 2017. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order to protect...

consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share the response directly with you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Their correspondence details that my dispute with the 3rd party was closed. It was not. The initial complaint was denied and then I opened a new complaint against the same company because my issue had not been resolved to my satisfaction. I had closed the initial dispute for 2 reasons: 1) Chase wasn't going to change its mind on that dispute and weren't communicating with me any further on that particular dispute. As such there was no point in leaving it open.  2)For some reason I was not able to dispute more than $60 worth of the transaction in the second dispute so I had hoped by closing the first one I'd be once again able to request the roughly $140 credit I had asked for in the original dispute.Furthermore, its ridiculous for them to claim that my dispute had been closed when my complaint to the had detailed their denial of my original claim. My desired resolution, which I also stated in the complaint, was for me to receive the full $140 credit I had requested initially because their system only allowed me to request $60. All this information was there. So I do not accept their response.Regards,

This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on August 10, 2017. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order to protect consumer privacy,...

they have been advised they may share the response directly with you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. AFTER getting some runaround and being told I was wrong. After I called Amazon who directly said that this was chases responsibility and chase was giving me a line. After calling back chase and telling them Amazon is working with me and will prove how it is chases responsibly. After a few more phone calls. I received the points I had stolen from chase (I have not checked yet) and nothing else to cover the many hours and issues. Basicly until pushed against the wall by Amazon the attitude of the company was to tell me to go away... 

This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence from [redacted] – Case No. [redacted]. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and a detailed response was provided verbally on July 8, 2015.  In order to protect consumer privacy, the...

consumer has been advised they have the option to share the response directly with you. If you have any questions or concerns, I may be reached at [redacted] Sincerely, 

We responded to our customer’s concerns during our conversation on November 9, 2017. To protect our customer’s privacy, we are not providing you with any details of our conversation. Our customer may use their discretion in sharing our response directly with you.

This is in response to the complaint from Case No. 12632336. We take consumer feedback seriously. We’ve reviewed the concerns and a detailed response was mailed to the consumer on February 12, 2018. In order to protect consumer privacy, the consumer has been advised they have the option to share...

the response directly with you.  If you or the consumer has questions, please call us at [redacted]. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time.   Sincerely,   Executive Office

Tell us why here...This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence. Chase takes consumer feedback very seriously. We have fully reviewed this matter and responded to the consumer on January 3, 2017. They should receive our correspondence within 5 to 7 business days. In order...

to protect consumer privacy, they have been advised they may share the response directly with you.

We responded to our customer’s concerns in our letter dated August 2, 2017. To protect our customer’s privacy, we are not providing you with the details of our resolution. Our customer may use their discretion in sharing our response directly with you.

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Address: P.O. Box 15018, Wilmington, Delaware, United States, 19850


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