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Safe Home Security, Inc.

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Reviews Safe Home Security, Inc.

Safe Home Security, Inc. Reviews (1130)

I have just recently learned that Safe Home Security only collect my money but has [redacted] handle the monitoring. However, when my Security system experienced problems and I called [redacted]s, they informed me that Safe Home Security had cancelled my monitoring back in 12/28/2012 in which [redacted]s cancelled all monitoring on 01/23/2013. Since Jan of 2013, Safe Home Security has continues to bill me monthly without providing or insuring that my security system was being monitored. To help resolve the issue they told me I would receive a call from a service person within 48 hours to service the system and to switch my monitoring to a new company. After 48 hours, I did not receive a single phone call. So basically, since Jan 2013 (the last 42 months), I have been paying for a security system but have not had any service. I have had to make repeated phone calls in attempting to receive some resolution. I have had several Safe Home Security customer service folks insist that I am being monitored via [redacted]s and get mad at me for getting frustrated with the run around. I have even had one Safe Home Security System Customer Service person tell me that they cannot confirm or deny whether [redacted]s has an active account for me and that [redacted]s is in a big conference meeting right now so they are unable to verify at this time but will call me back later after the supposedly big conference meeting.

This account was purchased from another alarm company in late 2015.  Acquisition letters as well as invoices are sent to each client.  The client called beginning in late 2015 and was aware that teh account was purchased.  teh debt is legitimate.  Please contact us to work out an...


The customer's account has been credited 2 months of service and we also we waived the cost of the battery.
The client had a low back up battery. That particular battery is only used if the power to the panel goes out. The customer was not affected while this battery reported low....

Their system was 100% operational.
In an effort to appease the customer, we waived the cost of the battery. We dispatched a repair technician to change the battery for customer. We then issued 2 months of credit because the customer was upset that a battery was low. 
We gave the customer $91.00 in credit because they had a low battery. Unfortunately batteries go low, and as much as we would like to be able to control the lifespan of a battery, we have no control over them. I am not sure how this indicated to the customer that anything was a scam.
Currently, the customer only owes one month of their quarterly payment. If they would like, they can call into our billing department to request an updated invoice. 
We will not be canceling the customer's account because they had a low battery.

To Whom It May Concern,
The information provided in this complaint differs highly from the facts. The customer entered into a 60 month agreement in June of 2011. The customer signed and acknowledged the 1 year automatic renewal clause in that contract as...

[redacted] was NOT sold the account by Jeremy as stated in the complaint. Jeremy is a member of the internal Collections Department. His sole job is to collect past due monies on accounts. 
Jeremy was not employed with the company in 2011, therefore was not able to sell [redacted] a system/agreement. 
[redacted] did not send a cancellation at the end of term in May or June. She sent a cancellation letter with a post mark date on the envelope of August 30th, 2016. That letter was received by Safe Home Security September 6th, 2016. At that point [redacted] had not paid the company since July. 
[redacted] has spoken to several members of our Customer Service Department as well as Jeremy from Collections. She has been explained all the information we have just provided several times. She began to accept resolution to this matter at the end of September, until she decided to sign up with a new company. At that point she was again explained her obligation, offered a resolution, and given a monetary figure to close, which she acknowledged. 
The customer has been offered a reduced amount to close at $422.23 to close. The customer is claiming they have mailed one payment of $39.99(not yet received), making the amount owed to close $382.24.
Colin WalshCorporate Account Manager
Safe Home Security
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

We received confirmation from our local vendor saying that [redacted] cancelled the service appointment.  We can reschedule if needed, if not client owes 3 months and we will take a buyout of $100.00 cutting the remainder in half. Once payment is received we can close [redacted]'s account.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I have been billed repeatedly for the past 3 months beyond the expiration of my account June 6, 2016 even after I paid an extra month's service fee marked FINAL PAYMENT August 22, 2016 as requested to officially close the account. It took a complaint to the to get this company to finally agree to declare the account as closed.
I received a call from the company yesterday about 4:00 pm requesting a call back before 4:30. When I called at 4:25 Sonny [redacted] (?) at ext [redacted] was not there; so I left a message. I have not heard back today.
As long as this account is finally closed, I am satisfied; but I will never recommend this company to anyone.

We acquired this account from [redacted] in April 2015.  Monitoring was continued at that point.  I'm not sure why teh customer never was aware as we sent acquisition letter to them.  At any rate we will cancel the account and any obligations to it.  Please allow 30...

days for the process to complete and ignore any correspondence recieved prior to that point.  Once closed neither party has any further obligation to the other.

Complaint: [redacted]
I absolutely do not accept this response. This is nothing more than a copy of the contract I signed when I acquired the home security service. There is zero...

explanation as to why NOBODY ever called or emailed back after months of exercising patience and exhausting every option I knew before turning to you. Every person I talked to promised to call me back after they did some research about me being able to break the contract due to military necessity. I find it hard to believe that I am the first service member any of them have ever dealt with. It is a very simple question; will you let me out of my contract due to the needs of my country who deemed it necessary for me to move to a different geographic location to protect THEIR freedoms? This contract does not say if I can or cannot exit because of military orders. The salesman said they deal with military all the time and it would be no problem as long as I could prove the Air Force made me relocate. I have multiple issues that I am upset about regarding this company. The highest of my priorities is to have Safe Home contact the credit agencies and repair my credit. The very first time I called in Aug after I moved, the agent said I could cancel my contract if it was done in writing and if I included a copy of my military orders. I did that twice. The salesman in 2013 and the agent who answered in Aug said I can cancel, I had no reason to doubt the validity of their words or knowledge. This is their area of expertise after all (I use that word lightly). I stopped payment after that. This entire debacle could have been resolved/prevented if one person exercised the slightest bit of customer service skills and downright decency as a person by returning just one of my multiple messages. I want to know if they do not let me out because of military necessity to OUR country; why? I want an explanation. In 20 years of active duty service I have never had an issue with any company, big or small about a mandatory government move. I have the money to pay if I owe them, but they never gave me an answer if I truly owe them or not. Two people that represent their company said I can cancel. Everyone else said they'd call me back. Why should I be p[redacted]lized because their employees don't know their job well enough to answer that question correctly? I was reported delinquent when I was still waiting on an answer. The more I called, the more I waited. I needed a simple question answered before I gave them any more money. I don't think that is unreasonable at all. As a consumer, I have lost total faith in their ability to meet my needs and feel that alone should be a lawful way to break our contract. The fact that contacted them about a complaint and all they did was send a copy of my contract with no explanation or answer any of my concerns is a clear demonstration of their laziness and lack of professionalism. I take my credit rating and bill payment history very serious. To have a blemish on my record because this company is a complete sham is unacceptable in my opinion. Below is a list of what an acceptable resolution would be for me in the order of their priority. I am not naive, I know this will never happen, but I feel these requests are very fair and any reputable company would accommodate my request if they were aware of my nightmare of an experience. I would actually prefer that you send them this exact message with no alterations if that is an option. Their management NEEDS to know the type of service or lack thereof is being provided.  For me this does not come down to money. It is principle driven now. They need to be held accountable. 361 closed complaints through in the last 12 months, 903 closed complaints in the last 3 years........there seems to be a negative trend and they aren't doing anything about it. 
1. Report to the credit agencies that these delinquent payments were no fault of mine
2. Provide an explanation why they never returned any of my phone calls
3. I want an apology from a senior leader within the company
4. I want my contract terminated as of Aug 2015 with no p[redacted]lties 

To Whom It May Concern,   We have attached a copy of this customer’s current monitoring agreement expiring January 24, 2018. We have received no correspondences from the customer in regards to cancellation. All notices of cancellation need to be sent in writing to our Corporate...

address. If any correspondence is sent to the billing box in Chicago, they will not be processed as that is an outside billing company. We have reached out to the customer via phone over the past months and received no return call.   If this customer wishes to cancel her account, we will process this “complaint” as a cancellation letter. The account will close January 24, 2018.   Sincerely,     Colin W[redacted] Corporate Account Manager   Safe Home Security [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

The customer is currently under contract until 7/30/16. The customer willingly switched to another alarm company in 2014 while still under contract with Safe Home Security. Switching companies does not release the customer from their obligations. Following the customer switching companies, the customer never notified SHS they intended to cancel their service. In accordance to the customer’s agreement, their account automatically renewed for 12 months in July of 2016. The customer claimed they sent a notice of cancellationn2014. We show no record of that notice being sent. The customer failed to show any proof that they sent in a written notice to cancel their account before their annual automatic renewal date. We did receive a written notice in June 2016, after the account renewed. The agreement term the customer is in is valid. In an attempt to satisfy the customer, we have agreed to release the customer from their contract obligation. However, no refund will be issued as the customer was under a valid contract.       Kristopher Veilleux Customer Service Director   Safe Home Security 55 Sebethe Dr. Cromwell, CT. 06416 ###-###-#### mailto:[email protected][redacted]9

The customer may be flipped back or pay buyout.  Only options available.

[redacted] has been monitored since day one.  He signed a new agreement and
had a right of rescission for 3 days which he did not exercise. We are past
that point and we have no intention of cancelling the agreement. If he would
like to discontinue service he should consult section 4 which allows for a 90
percent to term buyout. Otherwise the original offer stands

To Whom It May Concern,
The terms of the agreement as well as the terms of cancellation are all listed in the contract the [redacted] signed and agreed to. 
The [redacted] claim is that they wanted to cancel their contract because they got rid of their...

home phone line, rendering the system inoperable. 
The current security package the [redacted] have is $39.99 per month for the system wired through the home phone line. Because of the [redacted] tenure as a customer, they were offered a reduced monthly payment to $29.99 per month. Additionally, they were offered a Cellular Backup Unit at no charge ($200 value) so that the security system could function without a home phone line. 
In order to alter the terms of the current agreement, a new agreement would be required to sign in order to alter the terms to match the new rate and new mode of communication. 
Colin W[redacted]
Corporate Account ManagerSafe Home Security

We contacted the consumer and informed her we do not report to [redacted] but if she felt compelled she could certainly dispute online with [redacted] and/or [redacted].  She insisted we did and she later sent me a screen shot of her [redacted] tradeline showing closed no balance owed.  We will...

need additional information to assist or please dispute through the bureaus as instructed.  On our end the account is closed and nothing is owed.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I cannot accept this response as satisfactory because it still does not meet my needs. Being that I had an unsatisfactory experience with the alarm monitoring service 72 hours after I signed the contract, I should be allowed to void the contract. I also would like to reiterate how unacceptable it is to call and ask if my alarm is going off at my home to be told that my address isn't pulling up in their system. We also tried searching via my phone number and nothing came up. This is simply inexcusable. Just because I was a customer since 2009 does not really mean anything as I haven't had an issue rise up to prove that the monitoring is really not up to my needs. It also is very insulting to provide a free month of monitoring for the inconvenience due to all of this. I cannot believe how unprofessional the monitoring agents are when I am contacted. No name of company and were they were quite rude.
Please void this contract as I'll state again, it is quite strange that I was never "on a contract" before since 2009 and here we are in 2016 and I need a contract.

The customer has a low battery. This is just a notification that the battery needs to be replaced soon. It does not make the system inoperable. The customer’s alarm is still reporting to the central station. We have mailed the customer the necessary...

batteries needed. The customer requested a technician to come and replace her batteries for her. We scheduled to have the installer return to assist the customer on how to change her batteries, but were unable to do so. We are prepared to send an in house service technician to get those batteries replaced, but we cannot cancel the account because a battery is low.   Kristopher V[redacted] Customer Service Director   Safe Home Security 1125 Middle Street Middletown, CT. 06457 ###-###-#### [redacted]9

Account #: [redacted]   Dear sir or Madam:  ...

          It was brought to our attention that [redacted] has filed a complaint against Safe Home Security Inc.  The customer had a flood that damaged his home and is requesting a new security system.               A customer service manger called the customer to review his complaint but unfortunately, a voicemail was left.  We will continue to contact the customer in an attempt to resolve the issue.  [redacted] ###-###-####  ext.[redacted]

Gary B[redacted]
Safe Home Security
55 Sebethe Dr.
Cromwell, CT. 06416

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Description: Burglar Alarm Systems Dealers

Address: 941 Moosic Road, Old Forge, Pennsylvania, United States, 18518


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