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Slomin's, Inc.

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Slomin's, Inc. Reviews (355)

Review: I have an ever hot water heater that is leaking. It is under warranty. I have a year left on it

The company that manufactures this is [redacted] in [redacted].

I have been in contact with them six times. They said all they had to do was pick it up and install.

I have been without hot water for thirteen days.[redacted] was trying to help me. He said he would talk to [redacted] tomorrow and get back to me.

I asked if they can just deliver it to my house. He said it must be a company

Slomins [redacted]. He doe not answer n

My messages. was told today a part was ordered. there is no part,they must put in a new water heater.

Without the warranty it was seventeen hundred and seventy seven dollars,with the warranty it is seven hundred and ninty eight dollars. This is a big difference.

I called all the suppliers in [redacted] under [redacted],they told me they couldn,t give me any information.

I sent them pictures of the burner and a document that I had purchased this from [redacted] said it was [redacted]. I called them and couldnot get any information.

What to do? I had seven disc fused and spent two weeks in a. Using home. I am not suppose to get upset. [redacted] years old traveling a half hour to my son,s to take a shower. Dishes and laundry piling up,with no end it sight. Xmas coming and a daughter flying in from [redacted].

Please help me

Sincerely [redacted]Desired Settlement: I want them to come and install the heater. [redacted] said they just have to pick it up it is covered!



December **, 2014 The[redacted] Complaint ID: [redacted] Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted]. On 12/**/2014 Slomin’s visited [redacted]’s home for emergency service to her heating system. Upon our technicians arrival he discovered a leak in her hot water heater. [redacted] was quoted $1566.00 to replace it. No decision was made by [redacted] at that time. On 12/**/2014, [redacted] contacted our office to inform us that her hot water heater was still under manufacturer’s warranty. After learning this information Slomin’s began the process in order for [redacted] to get the new hot water heater at no cost which included getting necessary photos of unit and proof of purchase from [redacted] because Slomin’s was not the original installer of the unit. When all of the proper documents and photos were collected Slomin’s then had to submit it to warranty company and wait to be given a claim number. Following the receipt of the claim number, Slomin’s was then able to order the equipment under the warranty. [redacted]’s warranty is supplied by a manufacturer that Slomin’s does not carry therefore we had to wait for the item to be shipped to us. Once the new hot water heater was received we scheduled and performed the installation for [redacted] on 12/**/2014. Slomin’s is a family owned and operated company that has been in the business of taking care of homeowners since 1923. Slomin's takes its responsibilities to its customers very seriously and endeavors to achieve superior customer relations. Unfortunately there are procedures that we must follow in order for [redacted] to take advantage of her warranty coverage and the process is totally beyond Slomin’s control. Slomin’s would never intentionally prolong a situation unnecessarily and we do apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] feels we may have caused. If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]Slomin’s Inc.

Review: I have a one year service contract with Slomin's which expires on December *, 2015. The contract includes a free servicing of the oil burner. I called in October to schedule this service before it gets too cold and was told that they were sorry, but nothing was available until April and so they would schedule me for April. I was then informed that unfortunately since my contract expires on December 3rd and I would be billed for this service. While the customer service representative was very nice about it, clearly this is a breach of contract. I already paid for this service. I should not have to wait until April to get my burner serviced, and I should certainly not be getting billed for it because they are, I can only assume, understaffed? This appears to be pretty shady to me. So in order to get what I already paid for I will need to pay for ANOTHER year???Desired Settlement: I would like them to provide the service I already paid for before my contract expires on December *, 2015.



November **, 2015[redacted]Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted] has been a Slomin’s customer since October 2011 and since that time has been an exemplary customer. However, as stipulated under the terms and conditions of [redacted] service agreement system check-ups are to be performed between the months of April and September. [redacted] previous heating system check-up was performed on 6/**/2014.Due to the mild fall season that we have been experiencing thus far, Slomin’s did contact [redacted] and was able to accommodate with a system check-up date which was completed on 11/**/2015.If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Shaneka O[redacted]Customer Service SupervisorSlomin’s Inc.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: I am in a contract and am receiving poor customer service. I am a single mom . I am alone in my house with my five year old daughter and a french bulldog. The alarm system goes off without warning, twice cops came to my house . The alarm is so low that I can not hear it from the upstairs bedrooms. At times, the alarm will not be armed. I do not feel safe with this company. I attempted to cancel and spoke to a [redacted] in the past. He said," Cancel but there is a 471 dollar cancellation fee. So I was stuck keeping it. But the last straw was on 3/**/15. I had to call to schedule an appointment with a technician to come to my house to fix the alarm that was not working again. On 3/**/2015, a technician came to my house to fix the alarm. It was fixed for the afternoon. That night, when I needed to alarm my house, it did not work. I called Slomin the following day . The customer service agent had me listening to beeps to confirm that my alarm is not working. She said, "You need to schedule another technician to come to your house." I requested to speak to a [redacted]. No manger was available. This has been an expensive, unsafe, and time exhausting experience with Slomis. My account number is [redacted]. I want to cancel service and refuse to pay a cancellation fee. Please help me. Thank you.Desired Settlement: I want to cancel with this comapany and not pay any cancellation fee.



[redacted] Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted] has been an exemplary customer with Slomin’s since 2008. Since [redacted]’s security equipment installation on 6/**/2008, Slomin’s has visited her home five times. The first visit after the installation was on 6/**/2008 to rearm a door that had been replaced. The second service rendered was on 7/**/2012 to repair a zone that was showing open. During this visit [redacted] also had two motion detectors and one keyfob (wireless remote) installed for a total cost of $449.00. In lieu of paying for the items, [redacted] agreed to extend her monitoring agreement for an additional thirty six months. (See attached signed authorizations) Slomin’s third visit to [redacted]’s home was on 5/**/2013 because the open zone issue that was serviced on 7/**/2012 had re-occurred. Our fourth visit to the home was on 9/**/2013 to check [redacted]’s alarm system after issues of false alarm were reported. The last and most recent service rendered at [redacted]’s home was on 3/**/2015 to check errors that were displayed on the alarm keypad. In May of 2014, [redacted] spoke with Slomin’s customer service supervisor Michael regarding her issue of not being able to hear her siren. As mentioned above [redacted] has been a customer of Slomin’s since 2008 and we had visited her home several times. As a customer courtesy Michael offered to install a second siren for [redacted] at no cost to her. We attempted to perform the installation on 5/**/2014, but there was no one home when our technician arrived. Slomin’s has always cooperated with The in resolving matters that come to your attention, and we are open to your suggestion in this matter. However, Slomin’s does not believe that it has conducted itself in any manner that would warrant intervention. Unfortunately as with all mechanical equipment things can go wrong at any time but the issues that [redacted] describes in her complaint Slomin’s feels can be resolved. We understand that having to wait home for service can be inconvenient for anyone but we have always given [redacted] an approximate window of time for our technician’s arrival to try and accommodate her. If [redacted] is still having a problem with her alarm system, Slomin’s would like to arrange for a field supervisor to go her home to do a complete check of her system. Slomin’s is also still willing to install the second siren at no cost as previously offered. We ask that [redacted] contact us at her earliest convenience if she would like to arrange for this visit. Should [redacted] decide that she would still like to cancel her service with Slomin’s there still remains a monitoring obligation on her account of thirteen months that will bill $402.35. Because [redacted] account has always been in good standing with Slomin’s, we are willing to offer a reduced amount of $200.00 to settle her monitoring obligation if paid by 6/**/2015. If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

The business never mentioned my dissatisfaction with the service. As I stated, the technician came to my house to fix my alarm. When he left my home, he said," The alarm was in working order." However, that night it did not work. I called them the next day and they wanted me to set up another appointment with another technician to fix the broken alarm. This alarm company has dissatisfied me . The alarm to this day does not work and I continue to be billed. I want to cancel my contract with ZERO penalty for the stress, anxiety ( I am on [redacted] and have my five year old daughter sleeping in my bed with me because of this faulty alarm), and an alarm that doesn't work. I am completely uncomfortable with having people in my house over and over again claiming they are fixing my alarm when clearly they aren't because it doesn't work. This is not putting me at ease to have people coming into my house while I am alone with my little girl. Them offering a 200 dollar penalty discount for cancellation is unfair. My cancellation fee should be free considering all this unfair stress that I don't need considering my anxiety issues. I am unsatisfied and just want this to be over with. Stop charging me and cancel my service without a penalty fee. Thank you and I hope we don't have to take this issue to the next legal step.[redacted]

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




[redacted] Complaint ID: [redacted] Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the unresolved complaint of consumer [redacted]. The cancellation form that was attached to our previous response is a standard letter used to cancel alarm monitoring services for security purposes. Slomin’s has already given [redacted] written confirmation in our last response as well that there will be no fees to cancel her services. If you should have any additional questions, please contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: We have been trying to get a paper bill sent to the house for the last 3 months, they say it's sent on the [redacted] of every month and nothing yet. My Wife wants to cancel service if we do not receive a bill as promised.Desired Settlement: Receive paper statements as promised on cancel our service.



August **, 2015 [redacted] Complaint ID: [redacted] Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted]. Slomin’s does apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] feels we have caused. After review of [redacted] account, since the monitoring services began in March 2015, The [redacted] have been paying their bill on or before their invoice renewal date. Because the [redacted] are paying their bill ahead of the scheduled invoice date, the system does not recognize that there is a balance due. Therefore an invoice does not get generated to be mailed. (See attached ledger) However, the [redacted] have the option to view and print their invoices from their Slomin’s online account management. Slomin’s has always cooperated with the in resolving matters that come to your attention, but Slomin’s does not believe it have conducted itself in any manner that would warrant intervention. Slomin’s does appreciate the promptness in which the [redacted] have been paying there account. Their next monitoring invoice will be generated on 9/**/2015. If the [redacted] would like to have their invoice mailed to them, they should not make their next payment before 9/[redacted]2015. If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Shaneka O[redacted]Customer Service SupervisorSlomin’s Inc.

5 months after work began,still not complete. I have called office 4x a week for 14 weeks. Still answering, we will call you back with date to complete work. Never receive call back. Do not get involved with this company,,

Review: I had a service contract with Slomins Oil. Upon expiration of my contract, I called to discuss continuing on and the different process. After the discussion, I did not want to renew at that time. I was told that I could put the account on hold until I decide what I am going to do. I clearly stated that I do not want any oil deliveries while my account is on hold. I was told that is fine.

Weeks go by and I get an oil delivery at a ridiculous price. When I called up to discuss it, I was told that the account was never put on hold.

So I am being billed for oil due to an error that was made by them. I did not need any oil at that time. However, I did offer to pay for the oil at the price that I was under contract for. They would not do not.

I was told they only go by what is on the notes. So if the notes are not correctly stated and not communicated to me, I am liable. This does not make sense.Desired Settlement: Either come remove the oil or adjust the oil price to what I was previously under contract for.



Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the

complaint of consumer [redacted].

[redacted] and I had a discussion regarding his oil

pricing on 2/**/2014. [redacted] fixed

price of $3.599 expired on 2/**/2014 and I offered a new fixed rate of $3.799

with the option of either a six or twelve month term. [redacted] did not make a decision on

taking a new fixed price during our conversation but he did inform me that he

would call back after shopping around for prices with other companies. During our conversation [redacted] also did

not request to cancel his account with Slomin’s so I informed him that his account

was still active, on automatic delivery and his next oil delivery was scheduled

on or around 3/**/2014. There was no other contact from [redacted] after our

conversation on 2/**/2014 to discuss oil pricing again or to discontinue his

services. Slomin’s made its next

scheduled delivery to [redacted]’s home on 3/**/2014.

Slomin’s has always cooperated with the in resolving matters that come to your attention and we are open to your

suggestion in this matter. However,

Slomin’s does not believe it have conducted itself in any manner that would

warrant your office’s intervention. [redacted]’s account has been cancelled as of 3/**/2014 as he requested. To settle the delivery matter amicably,

Slomin’s has adjusted the cost for [redacted]’s delivery to his previous

fixed heating oil price of $3.599. The

total for the 155.1 gallon delivery is $572.15.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at



Slomin’s Inc.

Review: I signed a 5 year contract with Slomins Alarm and one year with the oil I ened up selling my house before the contract was up I wasnt thinking about Slomins when I sold my house .I called them up to cancel the contract and they said I was still liable.What was I suppose to do wait 5 years to sell my house because I have a contract with Slomins.I think this is rediculous never heard of any thing like this. they are charging me over 1400.00 for the alarm and 530.00 for the oil.I cant afford this.Thank You [redacted]Desired Settlement: I do not want to pay for this thats all I want I dont think this is fair.



Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the

complaint of consumer [redacted]. Providing

reliable and low cost Home security has been a Slomin's hallmark since

1981. Slomin’s takes its responsibility to its customers very seriously

and endeavors to achieve superior relations.

After review of [redacted]’s account, Slomin’s has settled

the obligation on both [redacted]’s heating and security accounts. There will

be no further balance due.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at



Slomin’s Inc.

Review: After two breakdowns of our central ac the same month slomins is not fixing a warrantee item in a reasonable amount of time. They continue to state that the parts are not in. The latest breakdown we are waiting now 14 days with no parts in sight. They will not track the items and give in info. Refuse to provide names of managers and supervisors or parts employees. Very rude. Terrible customer daughter has health issues and therapists are in and out of our home 5 days a week. We need functioning ac to meet her needs and slomins in unhelpful at honoring warranties in products they install and promote. ShamelessDesired Settlement: I would like slomins to track the needed parts and complete the job



Please accept this letter as Slomin’s response to the

complaint of consumer [redacted].

Slomin’s visited the [redacted] home on 6/**/2013 for a no

cooling problem from the central air system.

During this visit it was found that the blower motor had to be replaced which

was covered under [redacted]’s warranty.

Due to service being completed in the evening of 6/**/2013, Slomin’s

ordered the necessary part the following morning. Slomin’s received the blower motor on

7/**/2013 and performed the installation the same day.

On 7/**/2013 Slomin’s returned to the [redacted] home after no

cooling from the air conditioning system was reported again. Our technician determined that the compressor

had to be replaced and this item was also covered under the warranty. Same as previous service, Slomin’s ordered the

necessary item from the manufacturer the next morning. Unfortunately the compressor ordered was not

received as prompt as the blower motor ordered a few weeks prior. Regrettably in most cases we are at the mercy of the supplier and do not have complete

control over the amount of time it takes for parts to be delivered to us. Our

office made many attempt to check the status of the compressor ordered for [redacted]’s air conditioning system but due to the heat waves we experienced during

the month of July there was an overwhelming demand for central air conditioning

parts to the manufacturer from other service providers as well.

Slomin’s is a family owned and operated company that has

been in the business of taking care of homeowners since 1923. Slomin's takes its responsibilities to its

customers very seriously and endeavors to achieve superior customer relations. Slomin’s does apologize at the length of time

it has taken to resolve [redacted]’s air conditioning issue and is in no way

trying not to honor [redacted]’s warranty.

Fortunately, Slomin’s has received the new compressor 8/**/2013 and the installation

was completed the on 8/**/2013 at [redacted]’s request.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at



Slomin’s Inc.

Review: Slomins customer since 2003. Tenant advised that system has not worked for a while. Called to cancel service and obtain final billing three times since January. Each time told my request was noted and service would cease. Nonetheless continued to be billed, thus necessitating the further calls. No further bills following final call but just received notice that my account is in collections.Desired Settlement: Close account and forward final billing from when I first called in January. Do not bill for months and months after when they refused to close account.



[redacted] Please accept this letter as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted] Slomin’s does apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] feels we may have caused. However Slomin’s was not made aware of [redacted] or [redacted]s intent to cancel their account until 6/**/2015. As shown by the history log display attached, prior activity on [redacted]s account was on 12/**/2014 which was Slomin’s attempt to offer our heating services. During [redacted]’s conversation with our office on 6/**/2015, the account for [redacted] was in a past due state and Slomin’s retention specialist David made her aware of the $287.00 balance due and the necessity for written notice to cancel the account for security purposes. Slomin’s mailed a cancellation form to simplify this task and [redacted] was advised form must be returned. (See cancellation letter attached) To date, the cancellation letter nor a formal notice was ever received to cancel the account. Unfortunately [redacted]s account was eventually cancelled for non- payment. As mentioned above Slomin’s does apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] feels we may have caused. To settle the matter, Slomin’s has credited the past due balance of $290.62. There will be no further monies due and the account will remain cancelled. If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Shaneka O[redacted]Customer Service SupervisorSlomin’s Inc.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: I did not renew my annual oil contract with Slomin's which ended November 2015. On Christmas Eve, December **, 2015, when I arrived home from work I found that Slomin's had made an oil delivery and charged me $2.349 per gallon for 90.5 gallons of oil and left an invoice for $212.58 in my mail box. I immediately called Slomins and spoke to Scott who informed me he would not correct the invoice for a going rate but he would offer me a new contract for $1.97 per gallon for future delivery's. I questioned why they did not call me before they delivered and did not get an answer. If the price of oil went up I am sure they would have contacted me to negotiate a higher per gallon price. Ironically, Slomins has a stand at Sunrise Mall and are were offering $1.799 per gallon on 12/**/15. The actual rate at that time was between $1.519 and $1.699 per gallon as advertised on the internet. Slomin's is engaging in unscrupulous practices and to set a delivery for Christmas Eve was an insult. There appears to be manner complaints like mine. They should be stopped from doing this in the future. I want to pay a fair going rate for the oil that was delivered to me and not be charged an overinflated price by a greedy company looking to steal money from their customers.Desired Settlement: I want to pay the fair going rate for the oil that was delivered to me and not be charged an overinflated price by a greedy company looking to steal money from their customers, especially on Christmas Eve.



February *, 2016

Complaint ID: [redacted]

Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted].

[redacted] signed with Slomin’s for automatic oil deliveries and heating service on 11/**/2014. (See agreement attached) As stated in [redacted] agreement

[redacted] established an account with Slomin’s in November 2014 for automatic oil delivery and service for her heating system. On 11/**/2014 [redacted] signed with Slomin’s consultant George for a guaranteed fixed heating oil price of $2.899 for one year or up to approximately 1000 delivered gallons, whichever came first. [redacted] also purchased Slomin’s [redacted] Service Plan for $139.00.

Upon expiration of [redacted] fixed price agreement, her account remained active and on automatic delivery. An automatic renewal invoice for the [redacted] service plan was also issued for the succeeding year on 11/**/2015 which acts as a reminder when their agreement ends.

As [redacted] agreement states “Upon expiration of this agreement, Slomin’s will continue to make automatic deliveries to customer’s premises at Slomin’s retail heating oil price in effect on the date of the delivery but both parties reserve the right to renegotiate the price based on the then prevailing market conditions”. The delivery made to [redacted] home on 12/**/2015 was delivered at a price of $2.349 per gallon which was below the average retail price of oil on that date. (See attached [redacted] for average home heating oil prices in the Long Island Region) Slomin’s representative, Scott spoke with [redacted] on 12/**/2015 and offered her a new fixed rate of $1.979 which she declined.

Slomin’s has always cooperated with The in resolving matters that come to your attention. However Slomin’s does not believe that it has conducted itself in any manner that would warrant your office's intervention. In an attempt to try and maintain good customer relations, Slomin’s is willing to settle the cost for the 12/**/2015 delivery at the offer given on that date of $1.979. Upon receipt of payment for $179.10 in full by 2/**/2016, Slomin’s will remove any remaining balance from [redacted] account.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.


Shaneka O[redacted]

Customer Service Supervisor

Slomin’s Inc.

Review: I live on Long Island ALONE, I have a contract with Slomins who I pay an annual fee to for the service and delivery of OIL. Because I live alone I know I DO NOT utilize 100 gallons of OIL monthly thats impossible, however during the winter months thats whats delivered to me MONTHLY sometimes 120 gallons. MY issue is I have no way of verifying this and of course my bill is delivered when the oil is delivered. I requested budget billing so that I could afford to stay warm in my home in the winter and that monthly bill is $281, I asked Slomins what happens to that extra money at the end of the contract each year ($3372) for 12 months on OIL is a hefty price to pay I was told I would be reimbursed the difference. However I have just signed another contract for another year and did not receive a credit and have been told my budget billing remains the same even though the price of oil has gone down. Why are these OIL companies allowed to blatantly take advantage of the consumer year after year ???Desired Settlement: I would like a credit to my account , and a professional explanation of why I am being Billed for 100 plus gallons of Oil that I can not verify I am recieving monthly and I know I can not possible be using .



October **, 2015[redacted]Complaint ID: [redacted]Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted] has been a customer with Slomin’s for automatic home heating oil delivery, service and alarm monitoring since September 2011. During the heating season [redacted] does get a delivery about once per month which is typical for most homes. Some homes may even receive oil as often as every two weeks during the winter. The winter season of 2014-2015 was a severe one and the month of February was recorded as the third coldest February in New York state history. [redacted], as well as most home heating oil consumers used more oil than usual. Attached is [redacted] oil consumption history and the larger amounts correlate with the colder months. As the end of the heating season approaches deliveries are made less frequent if at all because the need for oil is minimal during spring and summer seasons which is also shown in [redacted] delivery history. In June 2014, [redacted] chose to go on a monthly budget payment plan. Slomin’s budget plan starts on June [redacted] and ends on May [redacted]. This gives our customers the option to make twelve equal monthly payments for their estimated oil cost for the year. Because it is an estimated figure some customer may end the budget and a balance or surplus. If a customer ends their budget with a balance and its less the $500.00., they have the option of rolling the amount into their new twelve monthly budget payments. If a customer ends their budget with a surplus, they have the option of having the excess money paid refunded to them or also rolled into their new budget payments to lower their monthly cost. When [redacted]’s budget was established in June 2014, it was at $291.00 and her payments were made consistently. When the budget ended in May 2015, [redacted] had a balance of $166.58 remaining. In June 2015 [redacted] new budget payment was calculated at $268.00 due to average cost for oil dropping. [redacted] balance from the prior heating season was rolled into her monthly payment making her 2015-2016 budget payments $281.00.In September [redacted] chose to obtain a new fixed rate for her oil price per gallon of $2.099 which is $1.60 less than her fixed rate the prior year. Although it was a huge decline in [redacted]’s price per gallon, it was locked in three months after she began her new budget and her payments were calculated on the annual average cost of oil at $2.899. After September [redacted], Slomin’s does not usually adjust budget payments but we agree that [redacted] budget payment can be lowered due to the substantial difference in oil cost. To date [redacted] has made June, July and August budget payment totaling $862.00 leaving a budget balance due of $262.00 for September and $281.00 for October. Slomin’s has lowered [redacted] budget payments to $240.00 which now reflects payment of $98.00 due for September and $240.00 for October and on. If you should have any additional questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.

Review: I was told the agent that came to my house that the most I put and that I can afford is 100 gallons per month and the agent [redacted] told me that it was fine but I come to find out that the "minimum" the company puts is 150 and they are putting more than once a month I can't afford that and nowhere in the contract does it say anything about there being a minimum on each fill up the only thing it says about a minimum is there is a 400 gallon oil fill up minimum a YEAR and it also says in the contract that they are not responsible for any spills but they are putting way to much and this house and oil tank are very old and not used to holding that much if it for some reason does give out what do we do ? We can't do anything thier not complying to what they said to get us to sign the contract I'm not familiar with law but in my opinion that is bait and switchDesired Settlement: Since they are doing whatever they want without regards to what was agreed before signing the contract we would like the company SLOMINS to dissolve the contract with no penalties towards me because I was falsely lead into signing the contract



[redacted] Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted] contacted our office on 10/**/2014 with interest in heating oil services with Slomin’s. On 10/**/2014 [redacted] met with Slomin’s consultant [redacted] and signed with him to receive our guaranteed fixed heating oil price of $.3.099 and Slomin’s Econo Pak service plan for $139.00. (Please see attached) As mentioned in both the guaranteed fixed heating oil price agreement and the Econo Pak service plan, all of customer’s heating oil requirements must be purchased from Slomin’s and is supplied under Slomin’s automatic delivery system. If any new client decides they prefer not to have automatic deliveries after signing, the agreements can be cancelled within three business days without penalty. Slomin’s automatic delivery system weighs many factors. Factors include the customer’s prior usage, weather forecast, and the number of delivery vehicles available. Because [redacted] just began her relationship with Slomin’s October, we do pay extra attention to new accounts as we do not have a complete delivery history to maintain a more accurate delivery schedule. On each delivery our intent is to fill the oil tank when we estimate the customer is at approximately half. Slomin’s does try to work with its customer who request less frequent deliveries but this can cause larger amounts of oil to be delivered during the winter months. Slomin’s also allows our customer’s to request a minimum of one hundred and fifty gallons to be delivered if they choose not to have their tank filled. Doing this can cause deliveries to be made more frequent during the winter months. Both these options can hinder Slomin’s automatic delivery schedule and customer must mindful of their oil levels. If they allow themselves to run out of oil they will be responsible for the cost to for service to have the boiler restarted. Slomin’s has always cooperated with the in resolving matters that come to your attention and we are open to your suggestion in this matter. As a full service provider, it is Slomin’s responsibility to ensure that our customers do not run dry and that the heating oil is delivered in the most efficient manner possible. Slomin’s does apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] feels we may have caused her. Unfortunately, should [redacted] decide to cancel her services with Slomin’s at this time she will be subject to an early termination fee of $499.00. If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]

Review: I was a Slomin's customer and had a balance with the company. I had asked to hold off oil deliveries as I didn't have the money to pay off the account and I had applied for the [redacted] program. Slomin's cancelled my account stating I requested cancellation. I no longer had a contract with them at the time. My [redacted] application was approved because I only receive [redacted] benefits and my wife wasn't working because I had a [redacted] and needed aftercare. Check# [redacted] was sent from Department of [redacted] to Slomin's to satisfy the balance in full. I spoke with [redacted] from the [redacted] office ###-###-#### and this information was confirmed. Payment was made on 03/**/2014. Slomin's returned the check to [redacted] because they're stating my account was closed. I didn't request for the account to be closed and when the [redacted] application was filed, the account was open. Now my account has been forwarded to [redacted] and I continue to receive threatening letters even after reaching out to the attorneys and to Slomin's to explain the situation. As per [redacted] from [redacted], a check was going to be re-issued to the Slomin's since July. Slomin's has lacked to correct this issue. I'm a cancer patient and I'm going thru extreme financial difficulty and should not be in collections when payment was made on my behalf.Desired Settlement: Please accept the [redacted] payment in your system accordingly and retrieve my account from collections as this was a mistake on your company's end as I did not request for my contract to be cancelled.




Complaint ID: [redacted]

Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted]. Slomin’s is a family owned and operated company that has been in the business of taking care of homeowners since 1923. Slomin's takes its responsibilities to its customers very seriously and endeavors to achieve superior customer relations.

Slomin’s does understand that current economic conditions have strained many situations. We do work with customers who communicate with our office and try to make a consistent effort to pay their oil bills. Slomin’s does accept [redacted]) for those customers who qualify for this benefit, but we must adhere to [redacted]’s policies. Benefits received are meant to cover future deliveries after the customer is found to be eligible for this assistance program. It does not cover any past due balances acquired prior to [redacted]’s approval.

After the last delivery Slomin’s made to [redacted]’s home on 11/**/2013, [redacted] contacted our office to dispute the amount of gallons delivered to their home. The [redacted]’s admitted to taking approximately 100 gallons of oil from a COD oil company (Cash on Delivery) on 11/**/2013. This delivery did not fill their tank which is 275 gallons in size and Slomin’s was able to deliver 150.6 gallons on 11/**/2013. Under the terms of the [redacted]’s service contract, they were required to purchase all fuel oil requirements from Slomin’s. Not doing so can cause their service contract and/or their heating account to be cancelled but Slomin’s did not do so at that time.

[redacted]’s account had a history of being past due, however there was always a consistent effort at trying to pay balance due. After [redacted]’s payment on 4/**/2013 of $811.62, his payments became less frequent. Slomin’s houses its own credit office to assist customers in working out possible and reasonable payment arrangements before sending accounts to an outside agency for further collection action. Slomin’s credit office attempted to contact [redacted] many times but was not able to speak with to make arrangements. Unfortunately [redacted]’s account was cancelled due to nonpayment on 3/**/2014. On 3/**/2014, Slomin’s received a check from [redacted] in the amount of $625.00. Because the [redacted]’s account was cancelled and for reasons mentioned above, Slomin’s was obligated to return payment back to [redacted]. The [redacted] program only funds future deliveries, they will not pay a customer’s past due balance.

Slomin's has always cooperated with The in resolving matters that come to your attention. After continued unanswered and unreturned phone calls [redacted]’s account was sent to our attorney for further collection action as of 5/**/2014.

If you should have any questions, please contact the office of [redacted] at ###-###-####.


Slomin's Inc.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

As per the response a complaint was made regarding the amount of gallons delivered, which is correct, however no response was received in regards to that complaint. The phone call was made by my daughter, not my wife and the reason why a payment was not made at the time was because we were awaiting a response in regards to the delivery dispute, which did not occur. Conveniently enough, they closed the acct 29 days before the [redacted] payment was received. Just understand the [redacted] application was submitted well in advance and communication was held between Slomin's and myself advising [redacted] was to issue payment. One of the representatives we spoke with was made aware of the situation and also that I was going in for a [redacted] in April and was qualified for the assistance as my wife was out of work with a family leave of absence. The business is not advising of any resolution on the acct.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.





Review: [redacted]

Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the unresolved complaint of consumer [redacted].

Although Slomin’s does accept [redacted] for those customers who qualify to receive benefits, we are not involved in [redacted]’s approval or denial process. When scheduling deliveries, Slomin’s cannot assume that those customers who are having financial difficulty will apply and/or qualify to receive [redacted]. Unfortunately when accounts become delinquent we have to handle accordingly. As previously mentioned, if and when a customer gets approved to receive benefits it is for future deliveries. It is not meant to cover any past due balances.

Slomin’s sent several notices to the [redacted] residence to remind them that their balance was past due. The last notice that was sent to their home was dated 2/**/2014 which advised that the account would be cancelled if payment was not received by 3/**/2014. Slomin’s was obligated to return the $625.00 payment from [redacted] that was received on 3/**/2014 as written in our previous response. Slomin’s accepts [redacted] benefits for many of our customers and for no reason other than the stipulations set forth by [redacted] is why we were required to return payment.

Slomin’s does apologize for any inconvenience the [redacted]’’s feels we may have caused and we are certainly sympathetic to their situation. Unfortunately the account has already been assigned to our attorney due to the age of this unpaid balance.

If you should have any additional questions, please contact the office of [redacted] at ###-###-####.


Slomin’s Inc.

Review: I booked a repair of my alarm system two week in advanced. The day of the repair I called at 12:00 noon when they still did not arrive and they told me that I was on the schedule. I called back at 3:30 that same day and they informed me they would not be coming today (mind you I took off from work and lost money). When I asked to speak to a service manager I was hung up on. When I called back and demanded to speak to someone in charge they refused to put them on the line and instead offered to reschedule me for the following week. I told them I wanted a full refund of the cost of the repair and I wanted the service repair for the next business day. They told me that the best they could do is offer me a few months of free monitoring(about $90) and $50 refund. This would not cover the over $200 I spent to repair my system.Desired Settlement: I wanted a refund of the $200+ dollars it cost me to repair my system do to my lost wage and their inability to schedule the proper number of repairs in a given day and the fact that they didn't call me, I had to call them!




Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted].

Providing reliable and low cost home security has been a Slomin's hallmark since 1981. Slomin's takes its responsibilities to its customers very seriously and endeavors to achieve superior customer relations.

Slomin’s does apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused [redacted]. It was our intention to complete the necessary repairs to [redacted]’s security system on 8/**/2014. Unfortunately with the many variables that take place day to day with rendering services, unforeseen circumstances can occur. The last thing Slomin’s would want to do is inconvenience our customers by not being able to honor an appointment that was agreed upon by both parties. Slomin’s rescheduled an appointment with [redacted] for 8/**/2014 and made him the first appointment for our technician that morning. Due to the aggravation we caused [redacted] we offered him three months free monitoring in the amount of $105.75. In addition, we also offered him a $50 credit for the inconvenience totaling $155.75.

Slomin’s has always cooperated with the in resolving matters that come to your attention and we are open to your suggestion in this matter. We have acknowledged our scheduling error and again we do apologize for the situation. Slomin’s also does not tolerate unprofessionalism from any of our representatives and we will investigate [redacted]’s claim further. To settle the matter amicably, Slomin’s will credit the entire cost of $227.03 for the services rendered on 8/**/2014. This will super cede our prior offer made to [redacted] as mentioned above.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at [redacted].

Slomin’s Inc.

Review: I have been a customer for many years, after 7 years they told me I was entitled to a FREE upgrade, big mistake\

they installed it and I got a bill for 16 hundred dollars, I continually communicated with them but could not convince them it was a FREE upgrade. This went on for many months, they turned off my alarm from their point of service, but denied doing it.

I also bought cameras from them with and IVR (recording device) which does not work. Three times when I needed it (twice when my car was broken into and once when a package was stolen off my stoop. I called them and was placed on hold 3 times then disconnected. To them this is a big joke. I am a heart patient and senior and do not need this stress.

They also said they did not receive my check #[redacted] and how they didn't get it is a mystery. I had to put a stop on the check, this company is horrible and has no respect for callers.

I refuse to pay them my security fee until all of the problems are resolved, I want to get out of this contract so bad it is making me physically and mentally ill.

[redacted]Desired Settlement: I want to be charged the correct fee, not overcharged. I want my equipment to work not break down each time I need it speaking of the cameras and IVR recording device

I do not want them to contact me until all issues are totally resolved

I will not pay another payment until all is resolved




Complaint ID: [redacted]

Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted].

On 5/**/2013, [redacted] signed to have her alarm system upgraded to a newer system as well as add one additional door. (See agreement attached) During the install [redacted] received an additional motion detector in lieu of the additional door and a wireless remote (keyfob) in lieu of the second keypad indicated on the installation agreement. At the time of the install [redacted] also signed to have cameras installed and agreed to be billed $1656.00 for equipment and an additional $2.00 per month to be added to her monthly monitoring cost. (See supplemental agreement attached). Slomin’s billed [redacted] an additional $849.00 due to the changes that occurred during the install however the charge was removed from her account. (See ledger attached)

Slomin’s recently contacted [redacted] to discuss issues she is currently having with her cameras and recording device. Slomin’s had an appointment for a technician to visit [redacted]’s home on 1/**/2016 but she cancelled and rescheduled for 2/**/2016. Slomin’s intent is always to try and resolve any problem a customer is having. Unfortunately as with all mechanical equipment things can go wrong at any time. Slomin’s does apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] feels we may have caused.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.

Review: I signed up for automatic oil delivery with a maintenance contract from a sales rep out of a ice cream truck. Two months later I called Slomins for service and was told that I have an automatic delivery only with no maintenance contract. The sales rep Jessi R[redacted] lied to me and said that the maintenance contract with oil tank coverage would be included and the contract fees would be waved because I was a new customer. Slomins said that the maintenance contract was never on file!Desired Settlement: -Honor the whole contract!

-Stop False Advertising!



[redacted]Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted]Slomin’s does apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] feels we may have caused. However the guaranteed fixed heating oil pricing agreement that [redacted] signed states that any heating system service plans are sold on separate agreements. (See agreement attached). [redacted] was offered the option to purchase Slomin’s [redacted] Service Plan for $159.00 but the offer was declined. Slomin’s is a family owned and operated company that has been in the business of taking care of homeowners since 1923. Slomin's takes its responsibilities to its customers very seriously and endeavors to achieve superior customer relations. Once again Slomin’s does apologize but unfortunately we are unable to add service contract coverage to [redacted]’s account at no cost. If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I [redacted] am very disappointed and saddened to hear the SLOMINS does not stand by the customers. I was approached by the Slomins ice cream truck by THEIR sales rep. who repeatedly guaranteed me and my neighbor that there would be a service contract with oil tank coverage along with my oil contract. This obviously was a lie to boost his sales. It's a shame that working class citizens trying to pay bills on Long Island has to deal with people and companies like this as well! Companies like this do not care about the customer they only care about their money and how much they can take advantage of the customer! There was an assistant in his ice cream truck that also heard what was going on with the contracts, so there is a witnesses to as to what he did say! I will never ever use SLOMINS for any service whatsoever! They're a very deceiving company and I hope the working class people do the same!

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: I called to make sure my central ac slomins installed is still under warranty and it is,,I had an appointment one day and they never showed,next time they did,a tec showed up and recharged system and put dye in it and said they would come back and find leak like two days later I get bill for $ 411.15 how can they send me a bill when the problem isnt even fixed yet ,slomins made appointment to come back ,I called and said I would like a day thats good for me not a day you pick,that day came I called to cancel,,so another one was made for yesterday between the hours of 8-2 pm they never showed again,the both times they didnt show they never called,,ihave e mailed them with the bill complaint and the no show complaints and several other times but they never e mail me back with a solution or apology.Desired Settlement: first if I take time off from work and wait for 6 hours I would like them to show up or at least have the heart to call and say they cant make it. 2nd I would like them to fix the problem as they said the unit is still under warranty. if the problem isnt covered under the warranty then they can send me a dont tell someone something is under warranty dont fix it and send them a bill anyway.

Complimentary Service



Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted].

[redacted] contacted our office on 6/**/2013 for service to his central air conditioning system due to not getting any cooling. On 6/**/2013, our technician [redacted] visited [redacted]’s home to render service to his A/C system. During the visit Slomin’s technician found that the system needed Freon and added three pounds to the unit. When two or more pounds are added to an A/C system, it is necessary for a “leak check” to be performed. Along with the Freon our technician also added a “dye stick” to pass thru the system while it runs for approximately two weeks or more. This “dye” will assist us in locating a possible Freon leak in the system. Although [redacted] has a manufacturer’s warranty that covers him for most of the major components to his central air system, until we are able to determine that the problem with [redacted]’s A/C system is covered under his warranty all service visits are billable. (See attached signed service charge authorization)

Slomin’s attempted to go back to [redacted]’s home to perform a “UV leak check” on 7/**/2013 and 7/**/2013 which were both cancelled by [redacted]. Another appointment was scheduled for 7/**/2013 and our technician [redacted] arrived at [redacted]’s home at approximately 1:47 PM and there was no was no answer at the door. Our dispatcher called the Lepre home and left a message for them to contact our office to reschedule their appointment.

Slomin’s is a family owned and operated company that has been in the business of taking care of homeowners since 1923. We have always cooperated with the in matters that come to your attention and we are open to your suggestion in this matter. However, Slomin’s does not believe it has conducted itself in any manner that would warrant your office’s intervention. Slomin’s has scheduled a tentative appointment to complete the “UV leak check” at [redacted]’s home on 8/**/2013. If [redacted] should need to reschedule this appointment he can contact Slomin’s customer service at his earliest convenience.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.


Customer Service Supervisor

Slomin’s Inc.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

they arent telling the truth and im sorry I erased most of their e mails. on 7/* I did call to cancel on 7/** slomins was a no show I waited all day and called them I think 6pm and first they said they didnt have any record of my appointment then after awhile they said somehow it was pulled or something. but they were a no show. and then they made an appointment without even telling me I got an email telling me another appointment was made and I sent them a email saying that was nice of you people to make an appointment but do you mind if I make an appointment when its good for me thats when 7/** was made and I said I had to go to work at 2 and they never showed up between 8-2 and once again I check my e mail and I see an appointment for 8/* I didnt make this appointment and if I dont check my slomins account I would never know they were going to come.they make appointments and dont even tell their customers.they never show up and say I cancel when I cancel at least I call them they cant even do that. this is one message I got on 7/**

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Please accept this notice as Slomins’s response to the

unresolved complaint of consumer [redacted].

As stated in our previous response Slomin’s position does

remain the same. (See account logs


Slomin’s has since completed the “UV leak check” for [redacted]’s air condition unit on 8/**/2013 and a refrigerant leak was found in the

coil. [redacted]’s warranty covers the

full cost of the coil but it does not cover the cost for labor which is $595.00

to install.

We at Slomin’s understand that sometimes it takes more

than reciting account logs and contract terms to resolve issues in a fair and

equitable way for all parties and we do apologize for any inconvenience we may

have caused [redacted]. As an attempt to try and work with [redacted]

Slomin’s is willing to reduce the installation cost to $350.00. Also as an added courtesy to [redacted] we

will split the cost of the 6/**/2013 service billed at $411.62. Since [redacted]

recently paid the invoice in full, he can use our credit of $205.81 toward the installation

of the new coil. If [redacted] would like

to have to coil installation completed he can contact our office at his

earliest convenience.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at



Customer Service Supervisor

Slomin’s Inc.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: Their Salemen are knocking on doors on a Sunday morning trying to push sales contract for locked in oil prices.Desired Settlement: Do not knock door to door on Sundays.



[redacted] Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted]. Slomin’s is a family owned and operated company that has been in the business of taking care of homeowners since 1923. Our endeavor is to achieve superior customer relations. Slomin’s does acknowledge [redacted]’s complaint and we apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused. Although Slomin’s sales representatives did not violate any town prohibition for door to door sales we would never intentionally create a situation that would upset an existing and/or prospective customer. In response to [redacted]’s complaint, Slomin’s has added his address to our do not knock list. If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, [redacted]

Review: first let's start with some background. On 4/**/2014 I had a new oil hot water heater installed. The plumber did the installation and necessary hook-up of oil line to heater. When testing unit, the heater fired on but would only stay on for about 10 seconds. The plumber did not have the equipment to test unit for any mechanical problems. He suggested to call an oil company.

Now my present oil company is Slomins. So I called them and I was advised that the first hour would be $175.00, plus any parts used. The technician found that the oil burner had a defective Cadcell Eye. The technician never informed me the cost of price of part before replacing part. When finalizing work order, technician went to his truck and looked through some sheets to come up with the price of the part. Then he handed me the work order and said I would receive a formal invoice. As of today, 8/**/2004 I have not received an invoice.

Previous to this new burner being installed. I had a similar repair done by [redacted]. of [redacted] and they charged me for the same part $49.00.

I would love to know why such a big price variation between the oil companies.

My second problem is that Slomins refused to talk to the manufacturer of the oil burner whom is the [redacted]. I spoke to [redacted] and they said they would give me financial reimbursement of the repair, but they needed to talk to the one who did the repair.Desired Settlement: I would like to get a better price on the Cadcell Eye.

I need them to call [redacted] at ###-###-#### and speak to a [redacted].




Complaint ID: [redacted]

Please accept this notice Slomin’s response to the complaint of consumer [redacted]. Slomin’s is a family-owned and operated company that has been in the business of taking care of homeowners since 1923. . We take our responsibilities to our customers very seriously and endeavor to achieve superior customer relations.

[redacted] established an account with Slomin’s in January 2014 for oil delivery services only. On 4/**/2014, [redacted] contacted our office to request service because he did not have any hot water. [redacted] did not have a service plan so he was informed of hourly rate for $179.00 plus the cost for any materials that may be needed. The same day, Slomin’s technician [redacted] rendered service to [redacted]’ heating system and found that he had a defective cadcell eye and socket which he replaced and tested to restore [redacted]’ hot water. [redacted] was charged $179.00 for one hour of labor and $182.00 for materials used. (See signed authorization attached)

On 4/**/2014, [redacted] from [redacted]. contacted our office to inquire if we would obtain necessary parts from them and reimburse [redacted]. He was advised that Slomin’s already provided the necessary replacement item for repairs to [redacted]’ heating unit.

Slomin’s has always cooperated with the in resolving matters that come to your attention and we are open to your suggestion in this matter. However, Slomin’s does not believe it has conducted itself in any manner that would warrant your office’s intervention. The service that Slomin’s rendered to [redacted] is a covered item under our Econo Pak Service Plan which is an annual cost of $129.00 plus applicable sales tax. If [redacted] is interested in purchasing our service plan not only will this provide [redacted] with a substantial savings, this will also cover him for one year if he is ever in need of emergency services in the future. If [redacted] is not interested in purchasing our Econo Pak Service Plan, as a consumer courtesy Slomin’s is still willing to discount the cost for the service rendered to $179.00 plus applicable sales tax for the one hour of service and we will waive the $182.00 for the replaced part.

If you should have any questions, please contact us at ###-###-####.




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]The written estimate was done after the repair. [redacted] the technician advised me of the labor of 179.00 for labor plus any materials used. After the repair, and problem was the cadcell eye was replaced he went to his truck to fill out the work order.At no time during the repair was price of material was discussed. That was the first time I learned that the part was 182.00. I had the same part replaced on my previous boiler and was charged 49.00 by [redacted]. As far as [redacted] wanted to ask Slomin's about repair so I can receive some financial reimbursement because burner is under their warranty.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.





Complaint ID: [redacted]

Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the unresolved complaint of consumer [redacted]. As stated in our previous response, Slomin’s position does remain the same.

Slomin’s rendered same day service for [redacted] even though he does not have a service contract with us. Because [redacted] did not purchase a service contract with Slomin’s, prior to scheduling the appointment our customer service representative Atiya informed him of the $179.00 cost per hour for labor plus the cost for any parts that may have to be replaced. Slomin’s was not the contractor that installed his heating system and had no prior knowledge of the existing warranty on [redacted]’ heating system.

[redacted] contacted Slomin’s seeking service to his heating system. As mentioned above, [redacted] did not have a service agreement with us. However, Slomin’s still provided immediate service in good faith because he has maintained a good account since it was established in January 2014. Although we have a signed authorization to bill [redacted]’ account for $361.00, we have already credited his account $197.70 for the cost of the replacement cadcell eye and socket. Slomin’s offer of charging $179.00 for just the hour of service or removing cost completely if [redacted] chooses to purchase our Econo Pak service plan for $129.00 plus applicable sales tax, we feel is very fair.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.


Review: On 1/**/14 I had an oil delivery truck from Slomin's coming to fill an oil to my outdoor oil tank. I immediately came outside and met the truck driver right in front of my oil tank. I did ask him if the tank is only half empty, do I still need the oil today. The only point I had is just to save his time. The driver said that he will make my oil tank full and this is not a problem for him. The oil tank of mine is 2 years old, with the oil level indicator, so I always know if it was a delivery or not . I did use the other local company for oil delivery services before and just about a month we did switch to Slomin's. This oil delivery person left to his truck and I left my house for work. When I came back home at the same day later, I have found a bill for a 90 gallons delivery of oil from Slomin's. I gave this bill to my wife to pay since she is doing this at our family. The very next morning I did step out to my back yard and take a look at the oil tank - I got a shock: the oil level indicator was at the same level as it was a day before. So, I did call my wife and she does confirm that the level is still the same to what it was a day or two before. Since this was a Friday evening I did decide to contact Slomin's on Monday to be available to talk to a key decision maker, such a [redacted] or [redacted]. The [redacted] on the phone was not even tried to understand my situation and recommended me to contact the Weights and Measures department to check my oil tank. I tried to explain him that I would like to talk to any of their employees who can handle this but he refuse to let me do this. I did contact online the Weights and Measures department for NYS and did complete the online form today. I just tried to get some professional person to talk, but with no luck. Sorry. The money is not the issue, the issue is the unprofessional business services from Slomin's and the way they are resolving my situation. My oil tank is standing right in front of my kitchen window and my entire family of 5 is observing the level indicator every time till dark. This is the way the original tank has been installed. So, it is unlikely that we use 90 gallons of oil overnight. We had no oil leaks and use 2 fireplaces and electric heaters as well 24/7. Please help. Thank you. [redacted] ###-###-####Desired Settlement: Desired Settlement: Explanation of Charges



Please accept this notice as Slomin’s response to the

complaint of consumer [redacted].

In response to [redacted]’s complaint concerning his oil

delivery, Slomin’s recently rendered service to check the oil level of his oil

tank. On 2/**/2014, our technician

performed a tank reading at [redacted]’s home and it was found that there was

twenty one inches in his 275 gallon oil tank that is twenty six inches in

diameter. The measurements indicated that there was approximately 231 gallons

in the oil tank. During the visit it was

also found that [redacted]’s oil tank gauge was frozen which would explain why

[redacted] didn’t see the gauge needle move after the delivery.

Slomin’s is a family owned and operated company that has

been in the business of taking care of homeowners since 1923. We take our responsibilities to our customers

very seriously and endeavor to achieve superior customer relations. Slomin’s was able to confirm that the

delivery made on 1/**/2014 in question was definitely made to [redacted]’s

home. We apologize for any inconvenience

that we may have caused [redacted], however we do hope that we were able to put

his concerns at ease.

If you should have any questions, please contact me at



Slomin’s Inc.

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Address: 125 Lauman Lane, Hicksville, New York, United States, 11801


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