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Toshiba America Information Systems

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Reviews Toshiba America Information Systems

Toshiba America Information Systems Reviews (353) I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [The company has done nothing to acknowledge the lack of customer service I received during the time to attempt to rectify the situationToshiba has made no efforts to accommodate the situation While I understand the complaint was made outside the date of the warranty, the problems occurred during the warranty ] Regards, [redacted] ***

A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research our customer has been contacted by one of our corporate representative and has offered to send her computer to our Toshiba Engineers/Tri-Star to fix the issueOur customer agreed with that offerAt this time we consider this matter closed I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below It is pointless for me to send them back the computer, if they are not interested in repairing it When I originally sent it back they never repaired it, they just restarted the whole computerI need them to diagnose the problem and adequately repair it Also the person who contacted me was from overseas and not proficient in the English language./ I did not feel I was able to properly communicate with him Please have an American supervisor from toshiba contact me Regards, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowYes, I did speak with a Rep, and like I said this issue was going on before the trial period ended for the virus detection, so something else may have been wrongThey only assumed that was the issue Regards, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [As mentioned in my original complaint, yes, I was finally contacted by a Toshiba representative and advised the screen issue is not covered under the warranty due to 'physical damage' I did not cause damage to the unit The standard warranty reads; "What Does this Warranty Not Cover? On-site service/repair, or service made necessary by accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, improper installation/maintenance, modifications, fire, theft acts of God, power failures, surges or electric shortages, lightning, or repairs by non-Toshiba authorized service providers, use outside of the environmental or operating parameters, or use with incompatible third party products.' 'Service of Product on which the TOSHIBA label or logo, rating label or serial number have been defaced or removed.' 'Preventive maintenance, cosmetic damage or wear and tear (e.gscratches, dents, or scratched, faded or missing keycaps or keyboard cover (if applicable), replacement of missing parts, provision/installation/removal of retrofits or peripherals, replacement or fixes of software; repair or replacement of covers, plastics, or appearance parts such as interior or exterior finishes or trim.' 'Software support, fixes or replacement Software, if any, distributed with the Product under the Toshiba brand name is licensed to you and subject to the end-user license agreement presented to you during Product boand available at Unless otherwise stated in writing, non-Toshiba software is provided on an 'as is' basis by Toshiba However, non-Toshiba manufacturers, suppliers or publishers may offer their own warranties.' That is the extent of the verbiage under the warranty section regarding exclusions No where in this section does it state that internal screen damage is not covered Neither my husband nor I misused, abused or otherwise mistreated the laptop We did not suffer a lightening strike, power surge or other act of God The laptop was fine on July 5th and when we booted it up July 6th, the screen damage began to appear The gentleman I spoke with at Toshiba stated we must have done something to damage it, such as hold it too tightly when moving it from one room to another, or put it down too hard on the desk or table We certainly did no such thing with any knowledge We have handled this unit in a way that a reasonable person would consider use Simply moving it from one location to another Toshiba stated that it's policy that all screen damage is denied This policy does not match with the printed warranty This damage occurred during the valid warranty period under use It should be covered under the warranty It is not reasonable to state that under no conditions could internal screen damage possibly occur without it being the consumer's fault Parts fail For all we know, there could have been minor damage caused during the manufacturing or transportation processes and it manifested itself several months later If Toshiba's contention is that this is not possible, then they should update their warranty accordingly The warranty we received with this unit does not exclude internal screen damage that occurs during use ] Regards, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowThey have not responded to any of the details in my complaint They have not told me what was wrong with my computer, what parts were replaced, if any, or why it took more than one month even though they charged me extra and promised to expedite the process Their response is simply that I can send the computer in to the repair depot which gave me terrible service the first time They are not offering to replace the computer (that option does not come up on the warranty page) They are not offering a refund They are not even offering to refund me the $I paid for expedited service They are offering nothing here, so no, I am not satisfied with the response Regards, [redacted]

A TAIS representative has been in contact with our customerTAIS has informed our customer that we have reviewed her complaint and apologized for the inconvenience, TAIS has advised our customer that we will go ahead and escalate his case over to our Order Desk Department for review of other options and evaluation, our customer agreedThis case was already forwarded to our Order Desk, at this time we consider this matter closed

A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer’s complaintAfter doing a research TAIS found out that our customer’s computer has a Broken Screen which considered as a physical damaged that is not cover by the Standard Limited Warranty of the unitThe Standard Limited Warranty stated; What Does this Warranty Not Cover? On-site service/repair, or service made necessary by accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, improper installation/maintenance, modifications, fire, theft, acts of God, power failures, surges or electric shortages, lightning, or repairs by non-Toshiba authorized service providers, use outside of the environmental or operating parameters, or use with incompatible third party products Service of Product on which the TOSHIBA label or logo, rating label or serial number have been defaced or removed Preventive maintenance, cosmetic damage or wear and tear (e.g., scratches, dents, or scratched, faded or missing keycaps or keyboard cover (if applicable), replacement of missing parts, provision/ installation/removal of retrofits or peripherals, replacement or fixes of software; repair or replacement of covers, plastics, or appearance parts such as interior or exterior finishes or trim Software support, fixes or replacementSoftware, if any, distributed with the Product under the Toshiba brand name is licensed to you and subject to the end-user license agreement presented to you during Product boand available at otherwise stated in writing, non-Toshiba software is provided on an “as is” basis by ToshibaHowever, non-Toshiba manufacturers, suppliers or publishers may offer their own warranties

A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaint After doing a research TAIS has determined that the physical damaged with our customers unit is out of scope of the warranty (out of scope meaning it is not covered under standard limited warranty)The cost of repair is now their responsibility; our customer can contact Toshiba Repair Service directly at ###-###-#### or they can bring the computer to an Authorized Service Provider, at this time we consider this matter closed I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below The company, Toshiba, called me this past week and told me the only way to resolve the situation was for them to remote control my computer again and see if there were any virusesI would not allow this to happen because in the same phone conversation the person that contacted me stated that their wasn't any viruses on my computer and that their support techs don't do thatI asked him if he had listened to the phone conversations or the recordings of the remote controlling of my computer from their techHe stated noI said to call me back after he reviewed themI was tired of them contacting me to tell me that I am lying about the situationIt is on their videoThe person that called me stated he would watch the video then call me backHe has not I still have viruses I am finding on my computer that this company's "trained" tech support person downloaded into my computerI understand that they say they provided me a free service despite my computer being out of warrantyI did not ask them to do thisThe tech support person who did this stated that with simple fixes they would just fix things but with harder more in depth fixes they would require paymentThe fix this company did was delete my current version of adobe, downloaded a fake site online that resulted in viruses, then downloaded an older version of adobe that was first installed on my computerBecause they offered a free service does not give them the right to offer bad service that resulted in the failing of my computerI have not talked to a competent tech support person yet from that company that I would entrust them with being able to make changes again to my computerThey have lied to me saying there were no viruses, they lost the recordings of my phone conversation, the way that viruses act on ones computer, the way to delete the viruses and have told me they wont fix the problem unless I pay them dollars Regards, [redacted]

A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has been in contact with our customerTAIS has apologized for the inconvenience our customer has experiencedTAIS has advised our customer that this case will be forwarded to our Technical support Department and she will be receiving a call from one of our Technical support representatives for them to perform troubleshooting over the phone to diagnose and fix the issue of the unitOur customer agreed to thatIf the customer has any questions or concern they may contact us at ###-###-####, at this time we consider this matter closed

A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has been in contact with our customerTAIS has apologized for the inconvenience our customer has experiencedTAIS has advised our customer that the our website is already updated and she can successfully process ordering the recovery media for her computer and TAIS has advised our customer after she processed ordering the recovery media on our website TAIS will process a full refund for the amount that she paidOur customer agreedIf the customer has any questions or concern they may contact us at ###-###-####, at this time we consider this matter closed I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, Stanley Simpson The Toshiba Admiin has been in contact with me and asked me to wait until Monday to give him time to work out a solution in getting the product operational He said that he has contacted the engineer department to see if they could just replace the multidrive with another one that is operational but has not gotten a response in from them in that regards which doesn't make sense to him or me from a company that makes a product He asked me to give him until Monday to see if the tech support could down load a program to get my multi drive to operate as it should I said okay, and he also stated that if that does not work he will assist in processing my claim for reimbursement on the item but mentioned that I would have to pay to have the drive shipped back to them I wholeheartedly disagree with that and I told him so because the drive never worked and the drama that I have been subjected to in dealing with Toshiba regarding this product that never worked I feel they (Toshiba) should send me a prepaid shipping label to cover the cost of shipping the item back to them as well as reimburse me the cost of the drive Toshiba can simply reimburse me the cost and I just discard the dive since it is not operational anyway Nevertheless, I should not be made to pay to ship the item back to them This has been an ordeal to say the least, however, as stated I will give the administrator until Monday as requested to see if he can work something out to get the multi drive working Thank you I look forward to some amicable solution and regret the steps that Toshiba forced me to make in dealing with them over the last couple of months regarding this issue Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowthey never mailed me the material I needed to mail them the faulty equipment ten months ago their miss communication with in their company and with me when I reached out isn't my fault iv been waiting for these item to mail them their things for repair and their only solution to me now is oh warranty expired in November my initial complaint was done march or April of since then ive had no laptop I paid dollars for this p.c so I could do school work not for it to st on desk as a paper weight I should not have to come out of pocket any more for this company because they screwed up and lost my order informationif they couldn't see that I ordered shipping materials from them then they shouldn't of said oh you will get it by Wednesday after the initial ten days they stated it would take for me to get things passedim very appalled by this company ad will never recommend nor use any of thier products from here on out ill rid my home of any Toshiba items] Regards, [redacted]

A TAIS representative has made multiple attempts to contact our customer by telephone on the following dates 03/27/2014, 03/31/and 04/01/however, the customer has not returned any of correspondence requestsThe customer can contact us directly by phone at [redacted] At this time we consider this matter closed until we hear back from the customer

A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has been in contact with our customerTAIS has apologized for the inconvenience our customer has experiencedTAIS has advised our customer that the refund is not the option, however TAIS has offered to perform troubleshooting over the phoneOur customer agreed and accepted the offerTAIS has performed troubleshooting, diagnosed the issue and downloaded some driver to determine the issue of the unitTAIS has advised our customer that in any case they experience the same issue the unit will be send to our repair facility to check it physically in accordance to the standard limited warranty of the unitIf the customer has any questions or concern they may contact us at ###-###-####At this time we consider this matter closed

A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research Toshiba followed the (Paperless Campaign) for the economical purposesOur customer can logon to our website at [redacted] and just enter the serial number of the TV for them to check the manual & specifications of the unit or they can contact our Toshiba Visual Product Services and Support at ###-###-####At this time we consider this matter closed

A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research TAIS found out that our representative from our software department (***) has made multiple attempts to contact our customer by telephone however our customer has not returned any of correspondence requestsOur customer can always contact our technical and software department at ###-###-#### or ###-###-####At this time we consider this matter closed I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Per the item's warranty, service may be obtained without having to ship the item at any Toshiba Authorized Service ProviderHowever, per both conversations with Toshiba Customer Service and The Toshiba representative, there are NO authorized service providersI would except as a reasonable solution to carry in my item into an authorized service provider as stated in the warranty is available, but no such entity exists Regards, [redacted]

A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research any service made necessary by accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, improper installation/maintenance, modifications, fire, theft, acts of God, Power failures, surges or electric shortages, lightning, or repairs by non-Toshiba authorized service providers, use outside of the environmental or operating parameters, or use with incompatible third party products is not covered by the standard limited warranty of the computer, our customer can contact Toshiba Repair Service directly at ###-###-#### or they can bring the computer to an Authorized Service Provider, at this time we consider this matter closed

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